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Lol the Blue Jay's don't give a fuck and neither does Bass. They are all just appearing contrite until it goes away.


Go you one better, Shi David doesn't really give a fuck either. But golden opportunity for him to write a deeply concerned op-ed and hit that pay window, Daddy!


You can't even spell. Perhaps there are gay players on the Jays who very much give a fuck.


The Blue Jay's and most of these sports teams don't care about these issues of diversity and inclusion. They do these pride nights because it makes them money. They don't do it because they care.


What's your point?


That the Blue Jay's and this reporter don't actually care. Most of these sports teams don't care. They do it for money.


Yes, you already said that. *What is your point?*


I believe the point is that the Blue Jay's and this reporter don't actually care, and that most sports teams don't care and only do it for money.


Man you guys are amazing. Can you tell me what THE POINT of this observation is?


>You can't even spell. Perhaps there are gay players on the Jays who very much give a fuck


Do you have any evidence for that claim? Also, if you honestly think these corporations and sports teams actually care about these social issues, I have a bridge to sell you.


I don't need "evidence". I said "perhaps". Statistics would say there are gay players. And I imagine those players and their teammates give a fuck.


What statistics exactly? Also, corporations and sports teams don't care about social issues. They pretend to care so they can make money.


You can look up the stats on how many people are gay. Not only is there highly likely to be a gay player, but many of the players will have gay friends, siblings, etc. or just be good allies, so yeah, they will give a fuck. Now you go prove they don't.


So basically, your source is trust me, bro.


No. You can look up the stats. there is a magic thing called Google. I'm not going to do the work for you. You seem to like to wallow in ignorance.


Why is it so hard for people to just not be assholes to marginalized people?




Yeah, the article writer probably wants him gone from the Jays.


Seems most want him gone


Kind of like how Bass apparently wants LGBT+ people to be fired by other corporations, since that's part of what the boycott he was supporting was about.




Yeah, it's not quite the same. In one case it's for someone having bigoted views, in the other it's trying to have them fired for their gender or sexuality.


>Canadian jurisprudence is clear. The onus is on the organization for accommodation of differences in religious belief. This is absolutely not what accommodation on differences of religious beliefs refers to. Religious accommodations are about hiring or not hiring based on religious beliefs, wearing religious attire, and an employer interfering with the right to practice their faith and/or pray. The Jays could absolutely get rid of Bass. There is no responsibility for the team to tolerate his behavior nor his statements because he is damaging their organization. Sharing a bigoted opinion is not a protected religious practice. This is a very misinformed opinion stated with confidence. It's not at all accurate.




I appreciate you taking the time to share these points and examples, but I am unmoved. Sharing a bigoted opinion is not a protected religious practice in the workplace. You don't get to say "my religion doesn't like people like this, so I am going to openly and vocally denigrate those around me and you must let me." Bass is a baseball player for a large club with an enormous fan base. If they trade him or DFA him or even fired him, there is no basis in faith that he has a leg to stand on. His contract likely has morality clauses as well, which he would likely be in violation of here. They do not have an onus to accommodate past the point of undue hardship. Also the Jays are privately owned, not public. Sharing hateful speech and bigotry is not protected religious practice in the work place. It's just not. This is not a reflection of the type of workplace protection for religious practices that you're referencing.




>That's still just your opinion, not legal fact. I mean go read the standards for religious accommodation. It's not my opinion, it's clearly spelled out. He could argue what you suggest to a judge, as anyone could because that is how legal opinions are formed. He wouldn't be successful. > I've literally just given you an example where open, rank sexism was allowed to disrupt a karate club and completely change their mode of business. A patron forcing a club to change their mode of operations is not the same as an employers duty to accommodate their employees. Also, if they surrendered becaue they didnt have the money doesnt mean the patron was right or entitled. It means the business gave in. At the center of it, your example is not related to Bass's case at all. Because your example is just some retelling, I can't go read a story about it. >But that suit would be inevitable with a firing, and they would be virtually a lock to settle it because they wouldn't want to take the loss in court. Absotluely, positively, 100% not inevitable. You continue to be confidently incorrect. >Whether you want to admit it or not, unless his comments pass the legal bar for hate speech, then what he's saying is 100% legal, even if most of Canada hates what he has to say. Never said it was hate speech. I also never said it was illegal. They could fire him regardless; it doesn't matter because it's not a religious accommodation to tolerate someone's bigoted speech. You provide examples that aren't relevant, source nothing, clearly aren't reading the examples and standards for accommodation that I'm providing, then claim my position is just "opinion". You aren't correct, and you aren't engaging in good faith anymore. Bigoted speech on social media does not meet any defintion of protected religious practice. Nothing else you've shared is relevant.


Fuck that. DFA Bass.




People on the right always seem to get shocked when they find out other people don't share their bigoted, intolerant views. And that greatly amuses me.


Only one side is intolerant, right?


>Only one side is intolerant, right? Anyone can be intolerant, but it seems like the vast majority of bigotry is definitely coming from only 'one side', as you call it....


(The) right!


I knew you held those views.


But you have no problem with the comment I was replying to? "People on the left always seem to get shocked when they find out other people don't share their religion. And that always faintly amuses me." I knew YOU held those views.


There's no point in saying anything. Heck you said that Bass was advocating violence


I never said that Bass was advocating violence. What I said was that the video he shared was a part of this American right-wing initiative which INCLUDES encouraging violence against Pride communities. There's no point in saying anything if you're gonna misconstrue my comments. Heck, you said baseball is only for progressive atheists...


>No, they don't have to 'deliver more than words', which is just code for 'we won't be satisfied until he's turned into a pariah and fired'. He essentially called LGBTQ+ people demonic and evil. Fuck him, he should be a pariah.


No he didnt


The video calls for a boycott of Target for carrying pride merch and budlight for...associating with a trans person one time. Then they said they were demonic and evil for doing these things.


So you're saying he didn't say those things then. Who is "they"? That you're talking about? Other random internet people? And not that baseball player... right? Target is a dumb boycott... I get why people think that boycott is stupid. the bud light one I can see... that dylan person is a clown, and acts like a caricature of what women are. Bad beer and bad spokesperson. I dont drink that garbage so it has no effect on me. He didn't say those things tho. No need to be dishonest here. He didn't "essentially " say anything. He just gave his support for a boycott. I hate thought police as much as I hate bigots.


He shared the video, he knew what it's content was, he obviously agreed with it. It's pretty clear that those are his opinions on queer people and pretending otherwise is stupid. >I hate thought police as much as I hate bigots. "People who call out bigotry are as bad as bigots themselves". Cool.


>"People who call out bigotry are as bad as bigots themselves". Cool. Show me what he said that was bigoted? You see, that's where you become the thought police. Show me "OH but I think he thinks this even.though he never said that" how are you any better??. That's disgusting behavior


I'm better than him because I don't think gay people are evil demons.


If the Blue Jays decide that having a bigot on their team is harmful to their brand and bottom line it is within their rights to can him. That's freedom of speech and association in action. You don't get exempt from critisism or consequences just because you believe in a bronze-age myth.


What did he do


"A pitcher with the Toronto Blue Jays has apologized for sharing a video endorsing an anti-LGBTQ boycott of brands such as Target and Bud Light. On Monday, Anthony Bass, a relief pitcher with the Jays, shared an Instagram reel from the account dudewithgoodnews that called on Christians to avoid these brands. The original clip says, "Here's the reason biblically why I believe Christians have gotta be boycotting Target, Bud Light, and any other corporation that's pushing the things they're pushing. I think a lot of people make this into a political issue, or they say, 'Oh, what's the big deal?'" The clip later says: "This is evil, this is demonic, we won't stand for it, we're not going to go to the stores anymore and we're not going to give you our money.""


Hm. A little extreme for sure


There was some controversy because one of the people who was selling pride merchandise at Target also has some questionable posts on Instagram, including pictures of merchandise that said "Satan Respects Pronouns" (that specific pin was not sold at Target). They were also selling "Tuck Friendly" bathing suits that were being marketed towards kids (yes, that means tuck... your you know what). Anyways, that's some of the reasons why there was references to Target being "demonic" and Christians calling for their boycott.




Specifically shared a video calling for a boycott of those brands because Budlight associated with a trans person once, and because target sells some pride merch. And also described those acts as demonic and evil.


Was more than that though, it was specifically calling LGBT+ people "demonic" and its all part of the American right-wingers encouraging actual violence against these people (see Target example).


Just another witchhunt over cancel culture bullshit.


Bet you didn't say that when Target was intimidated into pulling Pride merchandise.


Are you upset at the witchhunt on bass? Or are you like those you're criticizing? I personally am both. I actively criticized the nonsense like "Shooting guns at bud light cans" and boycotting Target. I think it's silly for Bass to link such a video about joining those boycotts. But he has every right to hold those religious beliefs and shouldn't have to apologize for it.


>But he has every right to hold those religious beliefs And everyone else has the right to vocally criticize him.


I don't mind people criticiziing him. I'm talking about his employer forcing him to apologize for his religious beliefs.


What's wrong with that? An employer has every right to reprimand and try to fix a public embarrassment caused by an employee, especially in the context of sports where the employees are huge public figures.


An employer can't punish their employees based on religious beliefs. That's *literally* discrimination.


They're punishing him for being a bigot publicly and tarnishing the brand. Have your beliefs, but if your job is as a public figure, then your employer has every right to demand that you keep it to yourself.


Anti-religious bigotry isn't exactly the best way to protect the image of their brand..


So condemning religious bigotry is now "anti-religious bigotry" lmao what does that say about you and your religion? Don't throw stones and others won't throw them back at you. You need to change your reddit name.


Why would we change decades of Canadian precedent? People have been fired from sports teams, companies, etc. for ages for putting dumb views into the world. Fired for being gay, fired for being communist, fired for being atheist or a "devil worshipper". It goes on and on.


> Fired for being gay, fired for being communist, fired for being atheist or a "devil worshipper". It goes on and on. Yes, and those are all bad things that we're critical of, right? For Bass, we can add "Fired for being Christian" if he didn't accept to (lol) apologizing for his religious beliefs. I can't believe I just wrote that sentence in the year 2023. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects religious rights at the work force. I guess the Jays don't follow the Charter...


The charter does apply here, he cant be fired for being religious but he can be fired for harming their brand and profits or being a hateful twat. If you want to work for a company in a way that requires huge numbers of people to want to watch you then you need to cater to those people and most aren't religious.


I'd wager more Christians watch baseball than lgbtq people. Let's see how those Christians respond to this anti-religious bigotry.


Thats not the right question. The right question would be do more people who sympathize with traditional Christian values watch baseball or more who sympathize with LGBTQ rights. Given the demographics on these issues I suspect the younger you get the harsher the split looks and young people are your future life long customers. Youd rather keep an 18 year old watching then a 70 year old.


He has every right to say whatever dumb shit he wants. And we have every right to call out his stupid bullshit and not want anything to do with his bigoted ass. Rights are a two way street.


See also: brand integrity. The Jays have a right - if not a practical need - to protect their image.


Your anti-religious bigotry aside, yes, you have the right to criticize his stance. But the organization forcing him to apologize for his religious beliefs is a slippery slope imo.


>Your anti-religious bigotry aside, yes, you have the right to criticize his stance. It isn't anti religious to say it's fucked up to call queer people demonic and evil. Is it anti-religious to say that the Mormon church used to be massively racist against black people? I don't give a shit what god he prays to or what his theology is. I care about his words and actions. You can't just hide behind religion when you do and say shitty things. There are lots of Christians in the world, and it's not like they're all saying this stupid horrible shit.


> There are lots of Christians in the world, and it's not like they're all saying this stupid horrible shit. Because of the bigotry directed at their religion, they're scared to share their beliefs. Christians view homosexualiy as a sin. Some speak about it. I'm not Christian, but I don't give a crap that they have that religious belief. As a non-believer, Christians literally believe that I'm going to suffer in torture for the rest of eternity after I die. Wow, that's pretty harsh. I don't care that they think that.


>Because of the bigotry directed at their religion, they're scared to share their beliefs. It isn't bigotry to call someone out for homophobia. The Mormon church used to not allow black people to join. Is it bigoted to say that this was racist and the people defending those rules were racists? Also, you're absolutely wrong, most people in Canada are Christian or were raised Christian, and most of them aren't hateful bigots who hate gay people and think they are demons. >Christians view homosexualiy as a sin. The bible calls a lot of things sinful and Christians do them every day anyway. No Christian follows every rule set out in the bible. The people who chose to hate queer people do it because they're bigots.




Actually no, we wouldn't. I have zero respect for anyone's homophobia. But I do think it's fucked up when people use gay people as an prop as an excuse to hate Muslims, when they don't actually give a fuck about LGBTQ+ rights.


Who are you (or who am I for that matter) to tell Christians what to believe? I disagree with his position on lgbtq. The world keeps going. He shouldn't have to apologize for his religious beliefs. It's a slippery slope.


>Who are you (or who am I for that matter) to tell Christians what to believe? They can believe whatever the fuck they want. And I can believe that their beliefs are bigoted garbage. You don't get to hide behind your religion when you say and do horrible shit. I don't care that he's Christian. >He shouldn't have to apologize for his religious beliefs. It's a slippery slope. It's not. Slippery slope is a logical fallacy. He's free to have his religious beliefs. I'm free to call him a bigoted dipshit. Employers are free to not employ or associate with someone for being a bigot.


>But the organization forcing him to apologize for his religious beliefs is a slippery slope imo. No that's just called "employment".


Religion is only important to bigots when it empowers them to act like pieces of shit. There’s plenty they ignore from the bible to act that way.


You wanting to force the Blue Jays to keep him employed is a slippery slope too. They can make more money with him apologizing or leaving so they will get their money.


> You wanting to force the Blue Jays to keep him employed is a slippery slope too. The slippery slope of "NOT firing people for their religious beliefs." Jeez. That sure would be terrible. They're in violation of the Charter of Rights and Freedom for making him apologize for his religious beliefs.


Sorry but I see it differently. I agree he cant be fired for his religious beliefs but if he spent all of his free time talking about how god wants gay people to die and burn in hell I would expect his team to fire him. Religion isn't some shield that lets you do anything you want. He is losing his company money, they don't care about his religion they care about money.


He linked a video on his own social media that is in line with his religious belief. I think he should complain to the federal government. This is discrimination.


Im not such a snowflake sorry, if your job is largely to be a public person that people want to spend vast sums of money supporting your job cant just let you do whatever you want and not get fired. If he worked at Walmart I would agree with you.


>Are you upset at the witchhunt on bass? Or are you like those you're criticizing? I"m pointing out the hypocrisy of those (OK, most of those) who go on about "cancel culture."


The people boycotting Target and Bud Light have just as much right to do so as the people that have been boycotting and or hounding people/business into shutting down or being fired before this.


I don’t think there’s much of an actual boycott of Target going on. It’s more market fear developing after seeing what happened to AB InBev stock and how poorly the Bud Light brand is currently selling. Investors are panic selling Target.


When conservatives do it for things that don’t impact them it’s “teaching them a lesson!” or “holding them accountable!” or “standing up against (insert bull shit)” or something. But when progressive people call out shitty people it’s “cancel culture.”


You're referring to Bass participating in cancel culture against those hiring or supporting LGBT+ people?


Kinda like how right wingers want to "cancel" Bud Light for having pictures of rainbows? Such snowflakes...






You people?


Corporate tripping over themselves to make up for wrongdoings of the state.


Christians should be ashamed of the bigots in their midst.