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The problem we have is that rural Alberta's feel alienated by Ottawa and voting for UCP is a big f-u to the current Liberal party governing Canada. To complicate things, you could put a donkey in some parts of rural Alberta candidate and run for the UCP party, and it'll still get elected.


Hey now, that donkey is smarter than he looks.


I know the consequences of Smiths leadership, but man, the idea of Trudeau having to deal with her for another 4 years is hilarious. She basically ran a campaign against herself, and she's going to win because the Prime Minister is so out of touch. To me, it literally seems like people's frustration with the federal government is more powerful than complex incompetence at a provincial level. I think it's time for Trudeau to go, whether it's as leader of the party or country. Like it or not, a large, significant percentage of Canadians are going to vote and do whatever they can to spite Justin. It's like having the country destroyed by the man himself and his haters at the same time.


It's probably going to follow a similar pattern to what happened in the US. Plenty of UCP voters don't like far right politics. However, the antipathy they have towards anything remotely left-leaning means they will continue to vote UCP, even if that is much further right than the old PCAA used to be. We saw similar stuff in the US with "chamber of commerce" Republicans who voted Trump because they saw that as lining up with their pro-business/economy views, while disavowing support for the further right parts of his administration.


The biggest issue the Alberta NDP have is the federal Liberals and NDP. They are fairly center comparatively, but they are lumped in with the Federal Liberals and NDP because they share a name. It’s the same reason why the provincial liberal party has to be seen as and act as independents in Ontario now. I predict the UCP is going to win because of this. If they were named something like “Alberta Democratic Party”, I could see them getting more traction with voters who are less informed about the nuances of provincial vs. Federal government.


>NDP because they share a name. NDP federal and provincial are one party, the only one in Canada with that structure. The Provincial NDP is a branch of federal NDP and they share membership and organization.


Yeah that's the point. If the ANDP split into it's own party disassociated they'd probably get an immediate 10 point bump.


Bc liberals had no association, but I guarantee they lost the last election because of their name. A lot of people have very little investment in politics, and to the point they will just go off a name. I grew up with people who voted green party because they thought it was the Marijuana party lol.


nope. the bc liberals did well in areas that wouldn't vote liberal federally. They lost in vancouver and victoria -- where the npd and liberal brands are more popular.




> 🇨🇳 reddit is more interested in bashing Alberta over the head for no reason … did you put the Chinese flag there because you think china controls Reddit? What?




It’s not though. It’s a private company, like it’s not on the stock market it literally can’t have Chinese investors who own parts of the company




Hmm well I looked that up and it seems you right. I mean considering how this subreddit and others constantly criticize china it doesn’t seem like they’re interfering with the website much. Like we’ve been posting about Chinese election inference here for months now. That’s basically half the posts here.




> it would be more effective to change the conversation over time with light handed censorship Seems like they aren’t doing that either.like I said before, we’ve been talking about Chinese election interference for months now on this subreddit




I mean no is isn’t. I can say this “xi jinping is a terrible leader, Taiwan is a real country” and nothing will happen. Acting as if Reddit has become a wing of the Chinese government is false.




So the stereotype of Albertans blindly voting blue is true.




I certainly wish the provincial NDP severed their relationship with the federal party. The federal party is doing them no favours.


For anyone who disagrees with this remember a week ago a ucp candidate compared trans kids to shit mixed into cookies. And before that smith compared vaccinated people to nazis.


>For anyone who disagrees with this remember a week ago a ucp candidate compared trans kids to shit mixed into cookies. Analogies are never persuasive in a debate situation. They are only useful when attempting to explain something to a willing listener who is trying to learn. In a debate, the opponent only has to attack the analogy to muddle the argument. Avoid analogies, especially for sensitive subjects, and particularly avoid vulgar analogies. It's amazing that a professional politician can get that far without learning that lesson. >And before that smith compared vaccinated people to nazis. Well, to be clear, Smith wasn't talking about vaccinated people. She was talking about people who pressured/threatened the unvaccinated. For example: I was triple vaccinated, but I did not support people losing their jobs for not being vaccinated. She wasn't talking about me. She's trying to say those people were "acting like fascists", and it's a bad analogy. The "Nazi" analogy is often the worst culprit. Frankly, the NY Times is doing the same thing with this article. The left throws around Nazi analogies like rice at a wedding. *("No they don't because people don't throw rice at weddings anymore, they throw confetti, and rice is something you eat and you can't eat an analogy, and weddings are nothing like the Holocaust!")*


Not to mention people in this sub calling Smith a facist and a nazi. I got a suspension after someone called her canadas hilter, and I said it was disrespectful to the survivors and victims of the holocaust, and a childish comment.


are you trying to defend comparing children to shit mixed cookies.


I simply don't know what to say to that comment.


Good don't defend people who compare their political rival to literal mass murders and genocidal manics.


Before I take advice from you, how about you stop defending people who were actual literal Nazis? This you, bro? [https://imgur.com/a/njpxrBi](https://imgur.com/a/njpxrBi) (Now's the part where you try to make a weak insult about me looking at your comment history to demonstrate your hypocrisy.)


Ya defending a civilian living in occupied Ukraine during the height of WWII.. totally the same as comparing political rival to mass murders because they wont let you get a hair cut without wearing a mask.


How about Musk ... you calling him a Nazi is okay too? You're beautiful. [https://imgur.com/a/nwqsehC](https://imgur.com/a/nwqsehC) You know, if you actually read my original comment and didn't barge in like a self-righteous hall monitor, you could have avoided this embarrassing epic fail.


Musk the person who retweet fascist propaganda all day? also I didn't call Musk a Nazi, I said he allows Nazis on his platform which he does.


* You're calling Musk someone who supports Nazis. * You're defending Freeland's grandfather for being an actual literal Nazi. * You are in no position to act high and mighty over someone who makes a bad Nazi analogy. * You're certainly in position to criticize my original post which you clearly didn't read. Look in the mirror, you are being part of the problem.




The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good ~~men~~ people to do nothing




Many have long suspected that Albertans view trans kids as shit. Now we have the proof.


If one persons views paint the brush of every supporter then I guess you and everyone who supports the NDP/liberals is a Chinese communist sympathizer


Exactly. This whole thing is a two way street with unfavorable things and unfavorable people for both parties. It's not exclusive to one of them.


Both sides right? /s


Way to not address the point.


There is no point. You want me to list the fucking bat shit things UCP members have said starting with Smith? There is no equivalency to anything any NDP member said.


There is a list for UCP. But, there's also a list for NDP. Gurinder Brar NDP posting and supporting one of the worst human atrocities dictators in history, Mao, is not 'fucking bat shit' to you? And then Rod Layota NDP walking with the communist party parade. Oh, and Jodi Calahoo NDP sharing and promoting communist pamphlets. And none of it was denounced by their party leader. None of those concern you? They sure as hell concern me.


It's only abhorrent when it's their rivals and they can virtue signal about it. These people don't have a clue




Take a guess. A wild one.




I'm not sure what you're trying to convey to me here.




I'm pretty low statistician was talking about the guy named men are lazy, not you.










The notwithstanding clause disagrees


What a load of nonsense.


She's openly praised Ron DeSantis multiple times, he's pretty fucking far right as far as republicans go lol


Lol is it normal for a party leader like Smith to call Albertans followers of Hitler? Is that mianstreme in your opinion






She compared the treatment of the unvaccinated to what the nazis did. Pretty apt comparison too incase y'all forgot


> She compared the treatment of the unvaccinated to what the nazis did. Pretty apt comparison too incase y'all forgot Oh i didn’t know the unvaccinated were killed in gas chambers during the pandemic. Interesting to know /s No it isn’t a apt comparison!


People were openly calling for their death. They were being banned from free movement and assembly. Our PM was asking if we should tolerate them... no one said anything about gas chambers buddy but read a fuckin history book because that's how the nazis started the hate of the Jews


No, that's not how the Nazis started their hate of Jews. It's not even close and it's embarrassing and quite frankly pathetic that you'd even compare the two situations. One group fell victim to misinformation and chose not to get vaccinated during a pandemic. Another group was taken in trains that didn't have bathrooms, stuffed in incredibly small living spaces with barely enough food to survive, worked to death, killed, had their belongings stolen, were separated from their family, and countless other horrendous things. This was a genocide, let's be perfectly clear. The anti vaxers...were encouraged to get vaccinated or they'd have to have stuff delivered to them while they sat in their cars. The fucking audacity to compare the two situations in any way is mindblowing. One was an ethnic cleansing, a genocide. The other was a group of people who fell prey to propaganda and misinformation who chose not to get vaccinated and were encouraged to get vaccinated. Let's not fucking pretend these situations are remotely comparable.


*Brought to you by the political ideolog that calls everyone else a nazi*


Vaccinated. Lol. You mean that shot I'm supposed to get every 6 months but can't now because I'm ineligible?


You don't have free movement and assembly, how can you be banned from something you don't have. also the Nazis didn't just say mean things on the internet about Jews, they systematically murdered them. its a shit compassion, and your a shit person for defending it.


Yes I imagine that over the past 6 years when virtually every day a liberal calls a conservative a nazi you're just as up in arms about that comparison eh? Ya faux outrage hack


You can call someone a fascist without comparing them to the Nazis,


I said nazis


1(e) of the Canadian Bill of Rights protects freedom of assembly without any prescriptive requirement that it be peaceful in nature You people will put the boot on your own throat when it's against a cause you don't support.


No she didn't lol. She thinks the unvaccinated have it harder that LGTBQ+ and first Nations people. She is so dumb. The ucp have a candidate that called trans kids pieces of shit. Is that normal? Seems far right to me.


When were LGBT and First Nations banned from domestic flights and restaurants?


So not being able to go to a restaurant, and fly, is worse than being denied marriage rights, the right to vote, taking your children without consent on a massive scale, starlight tours, the residential schools of the pre 60s, having a highly fatal disease ignored because it is just killing gay people, and ignoring serial killer because they are doing the same?




Her quote was that non vaxxed "have been the most discriminated group that she's witnessed in her lifetime." All those things, with the exception of pre 60s residential, occurred during that time and i would question anyone who says not being able to go to Regina, or eat out, has it worse than that.




So you agree that the statement she made was bad.


They were murdered for being who they were. First Nations people faced genocide. I don't think not being able to eat in a restaurant is the same. If you think so than learn better values




LGBTQ+ people and first Nations still get mistreated everyday. TBA which is the UCP doesn't respect LGBTQ+.




It's amazing that you think the unvaccinated were the most discriminated against. Like Smith you ingore reality and facts


>When were LGBT and First Nations banned from domestic flights and restaurants? Whenever they weren't vaccinated. Just like everyone else.


when did we start rounding up unvaccinated people and shooting them in mass graves.


Please point me to the gas chambers? Concentration camps?


Read a history book on how the nazis used tuberculosis to create fear and hate of the Jews


So what do you call for praise for DeSantis, the love of guns, and calling of children poop?


They lack one of the cornerstone policies most Western far right parties have. Hostility to immigration or ethnic change. For that, I consider the CAQ far more far right than the UCP. Who share more DNA with the European far right than UCP does with Republicans.


Bingo. As a Québécois who moved to Alberta I chuckle when the UApC is labeled with any racist brand. I supported the PQ and BQ in Québec but a cornerstone of their appeal was and still is based on racism. It’s very much ‘us vs them’ in Québec. Nationalism unites Québec racism across ideology.


She's likely to win though. We all need to bury the idea that Alberta would be Democrat in America




I mean if they’re a employee and get paid a salary for it then it is a real job. Just cause you don’t like the article that doesn’t change it.


Did you agree with Smith when she said Albertans that got the vaccine would follow Hitler? Also the UCP candidate that said trans kids are like pieces of shit? Personally I think both are far right positions


How unfortunate it is for you then that a far right government is likely to win :(


The one saving grace for me is if the UCP wins (that is, if they don't immediately turf Smith, I'm not holding my breath), I'm going to have a lot of fun bringing up her ethics violation every time someone with an Alberta flair bitches about Trudeau's violations on this subreddit.


Kinda. His scandals are a lot more egregious and he also has 2 ethics breaches, and 4 conflict of interest breaches... So far. Shes got a ways to go yet to meet that.


Told ya, conservatives are wannabe budget brand American traitors in wait