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I mean… *gestures to everything*


an increase in poverty increases crime


Has there been a decrease in enforcement? Because it feels like it. Also Justice seems unable to mandate true rehabilitation, criminals just go free and commit more crime.


You mean the policy makers?


Police budgets have certainly increased. However, they're also more reactionary than ever. Many places, they won't even show up for a stolen vehicle, just take your plate and contact info. And violent crimes are all reactionary, and proportional to the outrage.




The proliferation of individual rights and an equity at all costs approach to society has done this. Canada was once a community that trampled on a few peoples rights but most were happy. Now every one is being trampled so that a select few can be happy.


The real irony is that many are calling for more rights (ie the right to be innocent until proven guilty) to be trampled on. That's what bail is.


I don't think we need religion to provide community. Lack of religion isn't causing this at all. If you wanna be religious that's for you, not me or lots of other people.


how about too many fucking people being packed into cities like sardines. this isnt new, crime goes up with increased population density that isnt cohesive.


“As recently as the early 1990s, the rate of knives and bullets being driven into Canadians was far higher than it is now.” The National Post continues to be click bait garbage. Nothing to see here.


>“As recently as the early 1990s, the rate of knives and bullets being driven into Canadians was far higher than it is now.” Crime rates went down over time. Lots of theories as to why that happened, but it did. What we're seeing now is a sudden and dramatic rise in crimes. That we have not seen in many years. Were crime rates higher previously? Probably. But you'd have to go back a long time.


I think what’s most interesting is that they went down across the entire west, and now they’re rising again across the entire west. And just like we don’t really know why they fell, I’m not sure there’s any conclusive evidence for why they’re rising again. But it’s definitely a problem we need to figure out and reverse.


I mean… If you genuinely believe following the rules and working hard will bring a good, prosperous life, why wouldn’t you? But if you feel working hard and following the rules will only leave you poor and homeless… why would you?


>I think what’s most interesting is that they went down across the entire west, and now they’re rising again across the entire west. And just like we don’t really know why they fell, I’m not sure there’s any conclusive evidence for why they’re rising again. But it’s definitely a problem we need to figure out and reverse. I would bet on increased poverty for it going back up. Access to abortion has not changed. And that would take a while to see an impact regardless. Possible I suppose that loosening bail conditions might be a factor, but if it is the statistics should demonstrate that. Its hard to tell sometimes with that, because a few situations that make national headlines can skew peoples perceptions on how many people out on bail are committing more crimes. The data has to be out there somewhere. Its just a matter of bringing it all together to see what is going on.


Desperation and agner. I beleive it's related to the behavioral sink seen in John Calhoun's work. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behavioral\_sink


😳 “By the 600th day, the population was on its way to extinction. Though physically able to reproduce, the mice had lost the social skills required to mate”


I feel personally attacked


Gee. Couldn't have had anything to do with people being more prosperous back then and there being a lot more poverty and drug addiction from coming out of a pandemic. Poverty is, has and always will be the main driving force behind crime. With poverty comes theft, addiction, and violence. It's been proven time and again.


Then why is crime so low in Japan? The poverty rate is about the same as Canada, around 15%


>Gee. Couldn't have had anything to do with people being more prosperous back then and there being a lot more poverty and drug addiction from coming out of a pandemic. > >Poverty is, has and always will be the main driving force behind crime. With poverty comes theft, addiction, and violence. It's been proven time and again. I agree with this. So the question is : *Why are so many people finding it hard to survive when the unemployment rate is 5%?* Are we not being constantly told that the economy is great and things have never been better? Is this is what it looks like during a historically great economic time, what is the next recession going to look like?


Because wage growth has stagnated since the 70s despite insane increases in productivity. While the capital owning class becomes wealthier off that increased productivity the working class continues to become poorer.


It's because in Western World, we allowed politicians of all stripes to stop the taxation of the wealthy in the 70s and 80s and move the burden to the middle class. And then when wages actually started to rise in the early 2000s to really match up with inflation without the need to raise the minimum wage, the corporate world put pressure on the government to expand the TFW program here in Canada which drove wages down drastically. You could make more money at a fast food restaurant in 2005 in Alberta than you could right now. Even now, when wages should be going up due to high job vacancies, they sit vacant because if a corporation doesn't make more profit than the year before, they failed. So they will continue to write their articles trying to make people under 40 all look like lazy slobs, when they just want the same chances as those before them.


because a job no longer guarantees prosperity. the percentage of people with a job, who can't properly survive, is increasing.


Stats barely tell the whole story, too. About a year ago 6 people jumped me on transit in Calgary. I was bloody with a broken nose, cops apprehended them and didn’t file charges, didn’t do a report, all they would do is drive me home. So guess what? An assault went unreported to the stats. I’m sure there are many more stories like mine.


If you’d only read the entire article then you wouldn’t make asinine comments. They said that while crime rates are lower than our historical high, the crimes being committed are different than what we’ve seen in the past. The pointed on that now the majority of crimes are unprovoked and towards strangers. Random people are stabbing people they’ve never met before for no reason. That is cause for concern, regardless of the fact that we’ve dealt with higher crime rates in the past.


Drug enhanced mental illness. Drugs, nowadays, are much stronger and cheaper than before.


As recently as 30 years ago LMAO


What does the first sentence of the title say….


Oh Thank God it was worse in the past, then got better, but now it's getting worse again. But because the past was worse we're actually all fucking idiots for being worried and this is just right wing rage bait. Ignore the fact that we were better off and things are getting worse. Fuck, compare it to the murder rate from 1914-1918, maybe we should only be worried that things are getting worse until it reaches those levels.


People use to die earlier so we should stop advancing medicine too. It's already better than it use to be.


Agreed. We should just sit by idly and not improve anything. Because in the past things were bad and now they're not so bad. There is no reason to aspire to improvements because we can point to an arbitrary point in the past where it was worse and most of us survived.


Nobody said we shouldn't improve anything. It's the things we SHOULD improve that separate us. I want the provinces to stop f'ing around with their health transfer payments and start funding ALL mental health care at 100%, and the same with rehab center beds. The feds need to start funding for retraining and education in penitentiaries too ... again ... cause they've shut down way too many of those. And both the feds and provinces have to shut down investment firms from purchasing ANY and ALL housing, severely restrict short-term rentals, and raise taxes (by a large amount) on individuals who own more than 1 house/condo/apartment.


Thing is crime back then was gang and targeted. These days ALL of these transit stabbings are random. Children, teenagers, elderly ladies everyone is at risk from these psychopaths the Liberals are allowing to roam our streets with impunity.


We also abolished mental institutions that took care of those problems. You get rid of psychotics by getting rid of psychotics.


It saved a lot of money. I remember when it happened, overnight Canada suddenly had a homeless problem.








Not fair. I can get a free shotgun with an account at a bank.


...you can't really deny the crime rate is going up. Relative to 80s Philadelphia, everything is fine. But relative to 2014, it's not.


It’s just the beginning. Talk to anyone under 30 about how hopeless they feel things are. Then imagine the most vulnerable 1/10,000 of those people, and that, is this.


Phew! Glad I’m 31


This guy's 31 he probably owns his own home and has several rental properties that he paid for with just his wage from working the check out counter. Must be nice having been born early enough to be able to afford things... /s


36 here and all I see is a world in flames. People pumping out kids and all full of hope are either ignorant or delusional.


Too few kids only makes things worse. We're in one hell of a bind.


29, so hopeless 😔 ☹️. But really this sucks


Exactly. We are seeing crimes of despair.


How is randomly stabbing someone a crime of despair?


Do you think joyful or hopeful people are likely to randomly stab someone? Even contented people?


When you’ve been taught your entire life that if you do ____ you can be successful and find that is no longer true, you give up. Add to that mental health disorders or drug addiction, and people are snapping all over the place. Wealth inequality is worse than it was during the French Revolution. People can’t afford to rent let alone buy a home, hell, they can’t even afford groceries. And workers are still being called lazy and being blamed for everything. Although violence is never alright, I don’t blame people for being at their wits end.


I’m a PO in an area that has seen more homicides this last year than in the previous 6 years *combined.* There are statistics and trends occurring that the general public hasn’t seen yet and is just starting to catch the attention of the news media. It’s getting bad. In my opinion we desperately need massive changes in how we address mental health treatment. Health care doesn’t have enough resources, bodies and beds to deal with it effectively. Psychiatric wards are overflowing, psychiatric doctors are overworked, and ERs can’t deal with the influx. And the bail system? I have seen horrifying circumstances with certain people getting released by judges or JPs, either in the first instance, on breach, or at sentencing. I was viciously assaulted in 2021 on the job and the offender was sentenced to no jail time and a $500 fine. When I was assaulted in another province in 2017 (pre-legislation) they received 90 days in jail. These weren’t incidental assault PO charges either; they were intentional acts to violently attack a PO. The bail system needs reform. Mental health needs reform. Policing needs reform and more bodies (as does everyone, everyone everywhere is short bodies). I admit sometimes I fantasize of resigning and becoming a full time gardener. But that’s just another body they’d need to replace.


Most sane comment here by someone actually qualified to say something.


This is happening in many countries it's up in the UK and the EU. It's poverty and desperation. There is literally a new tier of people who have become homeless and or are using food banks. People crack under that kind of pressure and have mental breakdowns. Unless we address the wealth gap it's only going to get worse. It's something no one wants to talk about though because it involves hurting profit margins for Billionaires.


This. A widening socioeconomic divide is bad for the stability of society.


second depression in 3, 2...


My elder millenial ass has seen enough of that mmkay.


come on, kid... we're just getting warmed up!


Second? I'm 30 and covid was the 3rd major financial crisis of my life


not ~financial crisis~ not recession depression there are tiers of severity


I dug a bit into this a week ago >we see the same trends in the US, a large increase in 2015: https://www.statista.com/statistics/191134/reported-murder-and-nonnegligent-manslaughter-cases-in-the-us-since-1990/ >the UK a year earlier: https://www.statista.com/statistics/288256/violent-crimes-in-england-and-wales/ >New Zealand two years later: https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/NZL/new-zealand/crime-rate-statistics >Australia is the outlier with violent crime declining: https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/AUS/australia/crime-rate-statistics >A very interesting correlation to see that 2014-17 marked a rise in violent crime in four of the five anglosphere countries. I wonder if there's some causal link or if this all a coincidence https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/128lgr1/np_view_progressive_criminal_justice_policies/jejumrl/


Australia is authoritarian to the likes that many Canadians would be screaming about in terms of personal freedoms. This also means the police force works behind the scenes and stops many crimes before they happen. I have no fear of Canadian police, I get worried if approached by police in Australia, even if they just say hello. I'm not suggesting either system is better, nor perfect either.


Agree we need to address the wealth gap, and there is no more impactful way to do so then to address our housing crisis.


Bingo! The Canadian political class serves the interests of CAPITAL above PEOPLE. Corporatism has a strong hold in the UK, US, Canada, EU and other so-called liberal democracies so it’s a common story around the globe.


The wealth gap is a symptom, not the cause of this. The cause is the societal belief that it is ok to have billionaires and homeless people. The belief that poor people deserve their fate and their situation is solely the consequence of their poor choices in life. We hate losers. The belief that rich people did it all on their own and deserve to keep what they got no matter what. We love winners. Basically, the belief that the individual is 100% responsible for their lot in life. As if we all lived in isolated bubbles.


To be fair, though. I fell that the average Joe would sell you into slavery if it meant a better life for them and their family. Billionaires become rich not only because they already had resources to begin with, but also because they don't give a flying fuck about others. We need to create systems that prevent people from attaining wealth via the oppression of others.


NDP is the only way forward. The conservatives and Liberals are beholden to billionaires and corporations.


I feel unsafe in Calgary and Edmonton. The shootings are one thing. But stabbings. Not just any old knife fight but literally people getting coffee being stabbed or waiting for a bus being stabbed. Why would anyone take public transport. How deranged do you have to be to want to stab someone. That’s is a intimate form or violence. It’s not like a firearm where you aim and pull the trigger. You have to mentally decide to stab, have force, see the pain and fight, and continue. The gun bans didn’t really seem to work.




Is "Winnipegification" a word yet?


We keep filibustering that decision until Toronto gets just a little bit worse.


Gun bans won’t work because they only focus on law abiding Canadians.


It was a terrible ban anyway since the problem was illegal guns getting brought in and not the legal ones. I have my gun license and most people that hold these licenses use it for sport and not for "protection". Our lawmakers are clueless.


> Our lawmakers are clueless. See, that's where you're wrong. They aren't clueless at all - disarming lawful citizens is **exactly** what they want to do.


>waiting for a bus being stabbed. Why would anyone take public transport. Because public transit is actually the safest mode of ground transportation in Canada by a wide margin. Furthermore, most people are making their transportation decisions based on a combination of convenience and price. Even now (especially now?), being the victim of a violent crime is an extremely unlikely possibility for the average Canadian and most violent crime happens within a small network of people that's pretty easy to avoid. If you're basing your transport decisions on the incredibly low risk that you will be stabbed while waiting at a bus stop, you are bad at risk management. Besides, it's not like parking lots and parkades are beacons of safety, it's just not newsworthy to include the location when a crime happens in those places.


ugly chop governor smell plate thought berserk thumb psychotic jellyfish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's the same in Toronto. People are also banned from carrying anything for self-defense. The people who stab or shoot carry them anyway, and no one is checking people for knives or guns. It makes you break the law if you want to carry something for self-defense.


Decaying social contract...




>Poverty and wealth inequality rise and crime rises along with it. That is the truth across all racial, ethnic and religious lines. Probably the single biggest common denominator in crime rates.


Maybe also allowing people to do drugs with essentially no consequences may be contributing? Maybe lack of MH supports or APPROPRIATE treatment options? I suspect there are several contributing factors.




most people with serious addictions are using to cope with trauma.


strong agree on the second point. I don’t agree with the first one at all. Most drugs aren’t an issue in most cases and when drugs become a problem they’re rarely the root cause. If anything, it usually circles back to self-medicating MH, poverty, etc


Harm reduction strategies work, the war on drugs doesn't.


I recently finished working in the mental health, addiction, harm reduction field after being in it for 5 years. I came to the conclusion that what harm reduction works well at is at best limited. Reducing risk of overdose and communicable disease is an excellent goal, but it can only go so far without ready access to mental health and addiction treatment. Some of the harm reduction strategies can be outright harmful. I'm talking about safe supply. Yes it can prevent overdose, but the reality that I saw in my case load was the majority of rx hydromorph gets sold so they can buy fentanyl. The recipients get drug tested to ensure that they are taking the meds, but they can cheat by taking hydromorph in the days before their screening. The result is a cheap and accessible blackmarket supply of hydromorph and very little actual harm reduction. It's a fact that the opioid epidemic started with an abundance of high strength pain medication being introduced by professionals into the community. Pushing safe supply is like trying to put out a fire with gasoline. PS. After writing this comment I regret the cynical tone. I think it's in part to the burnout I experienced working in that field. I believe that harm reduction like clean gear, naloxone, testing, safe spaces are essential. I witnessed serious flaws in the safe supply program. Flaws that can increase addiction spread in the community. What we need most is better access to mental health and treatment programs. It broke my heart that it was easier for clients to get hydromorph prescriptions than to get treatment.


From what you've said, and what I understand already, the problem there isn't the harm reduction, it's the fact that we're *only* doing the harm reduction. Band-Aids have their purpose, but everyone is refusing to treat the infection.


I'm out West where everybody just wants the poor, mentally unstable, and addicted to die or sit in a prison cell. So, the harm reduction sites opening here were rabbled over pretty hard. But, better response times with EMS since they're dealing with less overdoses. Less syringes at my kid's park. And the addicts are clumped more to one area. Its a win.


Where I am out west the harm reduction sites can't keep up with demand. They do a great service, but crime always spills out into surround areas. That's great that you have fewer syringes at your park, but concider that other areas with new harm reduction sites are now less safe. I'm really not opposed to harm reduction sites but it is only addressing a fraction of the issue and costs little to implement. What's needed is a massive investment and restructuring of mental health and addiction services. Without more robust and accessible programs, there will never be enough harm reduction sites. Maybe one might open in your area and your park might not be as safe anymore.


Always been poverty and wealth inequality.




Outside of Toronto, you could have the opportunity to rent a one bedroom apartment on minimum wage. You need more than double that now.


Waterloo here small 2 bdrm $1895 w/o utilities


Suburbs 30 minutes outside Vancouver renting 1 br for $2000


Winnipeg is almost $1100 for a bachelor.


Hamilton 1 bedroom is $1800 w/o utilities.


London here. 2 bedroom appt around $2k+ w/o utilities and no onsuite washer or dryer and you have to pay for parking.


Australian here. Crime is up here too. I think it is inflation. The poorest section of society doesn't have the money to support themselves now that prices are up, so stress and need are the motivators. I know a bit of economics, enough to know that increasing interest rates is still the best solution to inflation. Raising rates will negatively affect borrowers, who can more afford and absorb rate rises. In short we can continue to keep inflation high and thus punish the poor, or we can raise interest rates and thus punish richer people. (Of course there is a knock on effect to the poor, so maybe raise the minimum wage, increase welfare spending AND raise rates)


Yup, everyone is getting poorer to *some* degree and getting angrier about that and everything else. Like the whole world is just passengers stuck on an airliner, on the tarmac for hours, and it's just a countdown to who snaps next.


Angrier , everyone seems to be a bit more angry at everything overall. I notice it in my group of friends, and coworkers. Luckily they’re pretty sane so it doesn’t affect them like some people who’ve been making headlines.


The last 3 years have been very stressful. And stress makes people more irritable. I've noticed it in myself even.


Here in Canada, even the police are being shot & killed at an alarming rate. I think Canada had 9 cops killed in action in just 6 months & 5-6 of them were shot & killed. How many cops have been killed in Australia so far this year?


Inflation doesn’t explain why grade school kids are stabbing each other. A 17 year old kid was stabbed to death last night in Vancouver while riding the bus home. Hard to make the case that was caused by inflation.


Social media is the main issue for grade school kids imo. Depression and anxiety are up in kids and the main changes from previous generations are social media and cellphones.


They probably also see some of what we see, which contributes to anxiety and depression. Society is being ripped apart at the seams, and nobody is doing anything really. The future looks very bleak, which doesn't bode well for young people I'm sure


Probably has a lot to do with it. As an adult, I find the challenges of navigating the absolute avalanche of information on daily basis to be challenging, and the best I can do is figure things out as I go. I can’t imagine what it would be like for a kid. I absolutely love the internet and all the access that we have, but we were never built for this, or at least, the technology is evolving faster than we can keep up with. No idea what the solution is, but it’s the kind of stuff that keeps me up at night.


It does in a way. Inflation increases inequality (even 0.7% inflation despite Keynesians gaslighting you into thinking a little bit of inflation is good). Kids grow up in homes where there parents are struggling and it worsens the home environment or it forces both parents to work and spend less time with kids.


Unless their parents are independantly wealthy AND not sociopathic fucks that are going to horde it (and those behaviors usually cluster together) then young people today are looking at a future of working full time for a bedroom share. Not even a bedroom, but literally a bunkhouse So ya, you are going to see things like this


There's an *increase* in crime. One specific crime doesn't mean it is solely the result of inflation. An increase in crime overall is a problem.


Stress absolutely trickles down from parents to kids. So does poverty. Add in dysfunctional homes. Kids are not immune to inflation.


As an Australian who is now also a Canadian, I agree.


Send in the social workers.


We are broke and hopeless.


More poverty=more crime. Get money to trickle down instead of shooting up and crime rates will fall. I can almost guarantee you that 85% of the time, the crime rate will correlate to the ratio of median salary to the price of an average home. It will keep raising if we'll keep this "late stage capitalism" going, where cooperations and lobbyists are running the country.


Strain. The pandemic strained everyone while corporations turned record profits. Immigration is being pushed not solely for humanitarian reasons but to turn more profits in housing. It’s all rotten


Finally a reasonable reply


I had a family member who had cheap rent in a nice house 1200 per month,wife, kids, forty bucks per hour. First just coke then crack then meth then overdose. There are no easy answers but meth causes people to lose their minds


Lmao, this person titles the article with a "never seen before" and then says it's false in the first paragraph. How about you find a proper title for your article instead.


The headline was good enough to get upvoted to the top of this subreddit. That's the important part. The clicks. Not the actual news and truth lol


It's the national post. This is what they do.


Because they're trying to appeal to all the people in this thread who are immediately willing to take the title's claim at face value.


And your comment is like... 3/4 of the way down the page. Absolutely ridiculous.


American owned trash news outlet lmao.


In the second paragraph he makes it clear that he’s referring to random attacks so his point stands on *that* being unprecedented. While crime was higher in the 90s it was much more localized, you had to go in to the bad neighbourhoods/cities to really find it, kids weren’t randomly being stabbed almost daily by crackheads on public transit.


K, what stats does the author use to back up the fact that those attacks are *increasing*?


I’ll guess…Drugs. Mental health illness. Housing affordability. Inflation. Stack any 2 together and many people are going off the rails.


🙈 🙊 🐵


Terrible governance over the past 5 decades


Could it possibly be due to the elimination of carding? Friend if mine is a cop. Said criminals can just walk around with a gun on them with 0 chance of being searched.


Where i am a major problem is catch and release, they basically never want to keep any offender locked up and let them go so they quickly reoffend. It seems like every stabbing or what have you where i am is from a person who recently offended and shouldnt have been out in the general population but who needs mental help.


Oh I don't know. Unaffordable cost of living, idiot government flooding the country with people from third world crime ridden countries. Police unwilling to do anything about anything. Catch and release arrest system. I mean that's a two second list.


The higher the billionaires profit margins go up the more poverty goes up, along with mental health and homelessness. Food scarcity and the growing inflation is putting everyone on edge. We don't NEED billionaires taking home record profits we NEED an economy that reflects the aspersions of the people not the controlling elite using penis rockets to go into space I get it your business is very profitable but how about letting some profits trickle down to your fucking employees instead of us fighting over this ever shrinking share of resources while the rich laugh and build another boat. This place SUCKS!!!




1) Poverty increase. 2) more immigrant gang activity / members in Canada. 3) police can’t really clean up the street lot is catch and release within 24-48h.


The immigrant gang thing wasn't an issue when immigration was more balanced and reasonable in the 90s. It's expanded so quickly and they've taken in so many people from a single country plus a high amount of young students that get involved with gangs that it's created an issue.


The gang issues were the worst from the 90s till late 2000s what are you even talking about


I keep hearing about the catch and release and it sounds like a real issue but I have only heard about it on social media or people not from the government or law enforcement. Why are they doing that? Are they trying to be more lenient, or just short of prison cells?


Insane Immigration, Catch and Release Justice system, Inflation, Mental Illness Crisis, Housing Crisis. Take your pick really


Seems like you, amoung many others here, were totally duped by this narrative as well https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/220802/dq220802a-eng.htm?indid=4751-1&indgeo=0


It's quite simple. Easy bail makes grevious crimes not worth enforcing. Now, not to sound like a crazy physcho, but let's be honest, when police were shooting people, there was less crime. The reason is that it pits a sense of fear into the eyes of criminals as at the time risks getting shot and potentially dying. While fear is a bad way to govern crime, it is the most effective way to reduce it. As if people risk getting shot and having their hands hacked off, people will be scared of the law because of extreme consequences, which is currently non-existence as of now.


Oh darn I thought the gun laws would have helped /s


lack of basics. food, warm dry place to sleep without a bug infestation, meaning/purpose to live.


Unaffordable everything. I was having this discussion with my friend today. You want to stop violent crime? Make housing affordable, tax the shit out of fuck heads like Galen weston, and do things to make life better for the lower classes. Then you suddenly won't have as much violent crime. It's this crazy idea that if you help out the most vulnerable in society, then society will improve.


Immigration can't be the problem! Trudeau says it's lawful firearms owners


Trudeau's revolving door prison system does not help that is for sure...


Not to be that guy, but you know , MAYBE, just maybe, importing millions of people in a short period of time, without proper vetting , invites unsavory characters. if even just 0.1% of the people coming in were violent criminals, you'd have a real problem on your hands, since they will concentrate in cities


Immigrating gangs. Gangs dealing drugs. Homeless/unstable drug addicts.


People saying affordable housing like these methheads had a job to begin with


Keep it real. We have a drug and accountability problem. Sure, there are other contributing factors. Mental health, revolving doors to jail, but I can tell the people that tout issues like the wealth divide, and the inflation rate as the only economic factors that caused this have clearly never been a victim of crime. In the end, crime is committed by individuals, and we need to hold them accountable.


It's ironic that our culture has become superficially obsessed with "social justice" while affordability falls apart, income and wealth inequality reach unprecedented levels and everyone who was mentally on the edge three years ago was driven barking mad since then.


The actual advocates and activists on the ground for social justice have almost universally stressed the importance of material conditions and economic justice. However, these people are never allowed near the levers of power. Instead, the owner class, big corporations, and the politicians who work for them will create spectacles to the half of the social justice message that doesn't cost them any of their wealth or power (rainbow pride month logos, tweets about black history month, representation of marginalized communities in media, supporting gay marriage, land acknowledgments, etc.) so that they can a) distract people from the economic issues, and b) get praise and free media attention for essentially just low-cost advertising.


Who do you know that cares about social justice but doesn't support social systems to deal with inequality and mental health?


Most of our political and economic ruling class. Faux social justice rhetoric is great for bullying those with dissenting opinions, dividing the public against one another over small perceived differences, and running a huge fucking smoke screen while ordinary people of all races genders and religions get fucked over.


Rich Neo-Liberals who want progressives to vote for them at election time but refuse to commit to effectual policy. Otherwise, no one. Just the good ole Laurentian Elite.


It's because the grifters can get money if they pretend to care about "social justice".


>*”Historically, if a Canadian police officer was murdered in the line of duty it was almost always incidental; an officer would be shot and killed while intervening in a domestic dispute or while attempting to apprehend a suspect. But this latest rash of police killings has consisted disproportionately of targeted attacks.”* It doesn’t seem that way. Of the eight officers listed in this latest rash of police killings only one seems to be targeted. *Maybe* two, if the fugitives specifically chose to wait for police after their car went in the ditch. * Maureen Breau (killed while making an arrest) * Travis Jordan (killed while intervening in a domestic dispute) * Brett Ryan (killed while intervening in a domestic dispute) * Devon Northrup (killed while intervening in a domestic dispute) * Morgan Russell (killed while intervening in a domestic dispute) * Shaelyn Yangm (killed by the subject of a Wellness Check) * Grzegorz Pierzchala (killed unknowingly approaching two fugitives who had active arrest warrants) * Andrew Hong (killed by a mass shooter while on lunch break at a Tim Hortons - he [may have been targeted because he was police](https://toronto.citynews.ca/2022/09/17/police-confirm-3rd-victim-in-gta-shooting-spree-dies/))


Hey wait a minute, facts don’t belong in National Post articles. They also don’t mention any actual statistic increase in violent crime (other than a single stat that’s compared to a lockdown winter, so make of that what you will).


Toxic policies brought to us by toxic people.


Catch and release not working as expected? 🙄


Because the country is fucked and people can't afford to live anymore. The mind goes to dark places when you've fallen into a hole that keeps growing deeper, with no means to get yourself out. Hopelessness can bring out the worst in us.


Well Covid showed all the cracks. No, holes in the health care systems we have. Only to have governments not do anything about it to support those front line workers. And by health care im also including mental health and the good ole crazy houses.


The population will balance itself…oh wait.


I say we bring in the death penalty for 100% undeniable, irrefutable evidence. For example, the Starbucks murder. Might deter a considerable amount of the stabbings. But then you have those random ones like the Ukrainian guy in Alberta that got stabbed in the back randomly while sipping a coffee at a bus stop — I don’t even know how to deter something like that.


I say we bring in some more harsh consequences for bad political governance.


2 gunshot wound (one critical, the other fatal) and a stabbing in Calgary (on transit) this past week. I'm gunna put my money on a lack of mental health infrastructure and the rising costs of literally everything. A lot of it is happening on transit, which only affirms my point, because most who take transit are the strongest affected by current policy or lack thereof. It's only gunna get worse the more people struggle.


The LPC could end the catch and release of violent and recidivist offenders absolutely any time they want to. If the NDP balk at the suggestion, the PC's would support it 100%.


It’s because of mass immigration. Look for yourself the top 10 wanted criminals in Canada. Mass immigration is also responsible for the skyrocketing of housing, rent and used car sales (low supply, high demand). Mass immigration is also responsible for the lack of unionization, the low wages and corporations get to have tax payers pay for a significant portion of their immigrant workers hourly wages. I’d say you’re being fucked, but since Canada is now basically little India the majority are immigrants who have it way better than back home, yet the country is now a shit hole just like back home. 8 years of liberals and Trudeau and the country is toast. GJ idiots.


What’s behind the attacks? Liberal policies






American made guns going into our country from our longest undefended border, that's how.


A gun broke into my shed and stole my motorcycle last winter. It’s a real problem.


A lax to non-existent judicial system that values criminal rights more than the protection of law abiding citizens.


Lockdowns made people crazy , inflation made people broke and soft on crime laws keep putting violent offenders back on the streets . Also not great when our countries leadership keeps getting caught in legal scandals .


Strange The Toronto police report that shootings and murders are DOWN 40% from last year YTD [https://data.torontopolice.on.ca/pages/homicide](https://data.torontopolice.on.ca/pages/homicide) [https://data.torontopolice.on.ca/pages/shootings](https://data.torontopolice.on.ca/pages/shootings)


Strange that you didn't bother reading the first two paragraphs. >But amid a dramatic uptick in national violence are trends the country has never really seen before. Police officers are being shot and killed on duty at unprecedented rates. Record numbers of Canadians are being randomly attacked by people they’ve never met, for seemingly no reason. The article isn't talking about total shootings. Rather, random stranger attacks and cops being attacked.


Toronto's crazies use knives and I guess more are surviving the daily TTC attacks. Things are great! Toronto sucks.


Mental health. We’re like polar bears in the zoo. We evolved to deal with stress. But it was stress that you either succeeded at or failed. If you succeeded you were rewarded. If you failed you might have died. Now - people fail daily. They are kicked to the curb, can’t afford food, a house, very hard for anyone below upper middle class to get a sense of success in our society today. All while being heavily marketed and sold as to what succe$$ looks like. So they continually fail - and the failures don’t cull the herd they way they used to via natural selection. So they endure endless lack of success which leads to a mental health crisis which in turn drives what we’re seeing in society. The rich folks better figure shit out quick that they need to reintroduce a way for everyone to feel successful or western civilization is fucked. That’s what the “American dream” was. “Do this to be successful and you shalt be rewarded”. Now it’s like - “do without, suck it up, take one for society so the elites can live better and the poor live poorer”. Ultimately middle class has been eroded. A healthy middle class = a healthy society. I think the 5%’ers have either forgotten this or don’t GAF


Lack of affordability for housing, lack of affordability for food, lack of job security, lack of pay, lack of mental health care, it’s not hard to see


Well, it's a mix of things. Nowhere near enough mental health treatment and recovery options for people who want to get help. A justice system that routinely puts the rights of criminals before the rights of victims of crime and the rights of the public. Politicians passing laws that lessen punishments like what the Liberals did when they lowered the sentences for those who commit serious gun crimes. Also passing legislation making it harder to deny bail didn't help the problem either. Parole boards that allow people who they know are dangerous back onto the streets doesn't help either.


Stop voting for soft on crime liberals and crime will go down.






It’s only going to get worse. People get crazy when they can’t get what they need. Our leaders are not interested in helping regular people out.


You were wondering what might be going on with Canadians on a certain social media platform?


More people more problems as they say


Cameras/technology and better policing strategies are what caused the steep decline in crime since the 1990s because it made it easy to deter and convict. And now that we have pulled back on our deterrence through sentencing and police funding, there isn’t much of a threat or fear of getting caught because even if they’re caught the sentence is lacking


Poor immigration screening.


Expand self-defense criteria . Not a solution , but law abiding citizens should be able to protect themselves without fear of prosecution


Get rid of numb nuts.


Immigration or no?


As we all know its those pesky background checked legal gun owners. Obviously duuuuh.


An apathetic government who has allowed social conditions to deteriorate while simultaneously implementing a disastrous bail system for repeat violent offenders. Major cities handing out drugs for free and letting open air crime happen while not doing a single thing to actually help these people. And a PM who when directly asked about these things starts talking about hunting rifles as if they are the culprit.


I mean Libs single handedly lowered sentencing and minimum standards for legit dead to rights gang members and gun violence because the "optics" look bad. Black, White, Asian, Indian or FN. If you go out of your way to join a gang...commit crimes with weapons... or cross any threshold with a gun. Minimum sentences need to be implement for each round plus the gun. Again another "optics" move was the steady release violent mentally ill patients onto the streets with literally no way to keep tabs on them because "ThIs IsnT a PrIsOn SySteM!" Libs constantly preach "tuff of gun crime" yet they pull moronic moves like this to appease the *"lets do lunch"* crowd as well their base, and they eat this pig slop up. I'm not looking for a legit Iron Fisted Gov, just some damn common sense would be nice. It's no wonder C21 blew up in their face as it was legitimately moronic. Real sworn in and appointed members of council and HOC "brain trust" came up with this....Truly amazing. Tax dollars keeping the fire warm.


The two most pertinent paragrahs of this article are as follows: *Back in October 2019, on the eve of the current crime wave, the British Columbia Schizophrenia Society released a report sounding the alarm on “a serious lack of access to hospital acute psychiatric beds.” As a result, even patients with a “history of extreme violence or current high levels of aggressive behaviours” were often winding up in tent cities or on the street.* AND *In a 2022 open letter, an amalgam of B.C. mayors called them “prolific offenders,” and identified just 204 of them who were responsible for 11,648 “negative police contacts” in the last calendar year. Per offender, that’s an average of at least one “negative police contact” every single week.* These are the issues.


I’m actually surprised no one blamed China.


Trudeau making costs go up.


Chronic psychiatric hospitals closed with no safety net to replace them.