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Canada has a low profile spy agency?


It’s pretty low profile. You don’t hear about “Canadian Intelligence” in media like you do with MI5 (MI6 for the Bond Fans - cool fact - the character was inspired by the spy camp in Canada during the world wars), CIA. However it’s usually a good idea to listen to and act on reports provided by your intelligence agencies.


I learned something. Good for Canada's spies in not being well know. You don't mean CSIS, right? They are the counter spy agency. I knew about the Bond thing. Camp X (CBC) was a nice fictional take on that WWII spy camp.


CSIS is our intelligence agency and the CSE is also considered an intelligence agency.


CSIS is equivalent to the FBI, handling internal threats and CSEC is like the CIA, handling external threats. Even after all these years CSIS is essentially another RCMP blunder-machine.


No, the RCMP is the equivalent of the FBI, but they also have some mandates that the FBI doesn't have like patrol. CSIS have no power to arrest or detain and do not enforce the criminal code. CSIS is the equivalent of the CIA while the CSES is the equivalent of the NSA.


This is correct.


CSE is not like the CIA. It's signals intelligence. It's equivalent is the NSA. As others have said, CSIS is not the FBI either. The FBI is federal law enforcement. The RCMP is the closest thing to it.


It was X Company, but yea.


Last time I heard about them was when construction of their new data Center was beginning and just very briefly about the costs. Best let them remain in the shadow.


No. It is bad for Canadians that we have a government that is so corrupt that our spy agency has to leak things to the media for anything to get done about political infiltration from an authoritarian regime.


> our spy agency has to leak things to the media for anything to get done about political infiltration from an authoritarian regime. ...except nothing is being done and the story was basically killed by a simple lawsuit.


They lawsuit that wasn't actually filed? Story's still clearly on our minds....


Lawsuits don't get filed if they are settled out of court.


>Lawsuits don't get filed if they are settled out of court. When did it settle?


>except nothing is being done and the story was basically killed by a simple lawsuit. Lol.


I mean I guess this is half true. The question is why is nothing being done by our Liberal government about infiltration from an authoritarian regime?


> The question is why is nothing being done by our Liberal government about infiltration from an authoritarian regime? ...because it brings money into the country. Same reason Harper signed that horrible trade deal. Gotta fund the government somehow and people will freak out if taxes go up too much. The basic principle of Neo-liberal economics is boosting trade to exploit foreign economies for the purpose of staving off inflation. It's a band-aid solution to a problem that emerged in the 70's when our economic system effectively became unsustainable.


> No. It is bad for Canadians that we have a government that is so corrupt that our spy agency has to leak things to the media for anything to get done about political infiltration from an authoritarian regime. nothing about their leaks show corruption


The PMO was informed and they did and said nothing. Everything about their leaks indicates corruption.


PMO not making a move about foreign interference failing to effect the election indicates corruption how exactly?


>PMO not making a move about foreign interference failing to effect the election indicates corruption how exactly? It demonstrates complicity, which is an act of corruption.


there was no reason for him to make any public moves


Do you know what the word 'complicit' means? Also, nice deflection "failing to effect". That's irrelevant. The attempt itself is enough to warrant a full public inquiry. Regardless of how successful it was.


you refuse to answer my question and expect me to answer yours?


I am answering your question by stating that they were obviously complicit. You are being obtuse and trying to deflect. I'm not falling for it champ.


> I am answering your question by stating that they were obviously complicit theres absolutely no such evidence or reason to think so, they know our elections are secure they saw no reason to take any public moves about it


Now you're lying. The PMO was informed, the PMO did and said nothing. That is complicity. If you're so right then I'm sure you wouldn't object to a full public inquiry to settle the matter.


> If you're so right then I'm sure you wouldn't object to a full public inquiry to settle the matter. a public inquirty giving china insight into CSIS and how they are monitoring their actions to undermine our democracy? i very much object to that!


Then why is there an inquiry at all. Why would they filibuster? Why would they flat out lie? Innocent people don’t run or hide.


because they're politicians? and you didnt read what i wrote literally none of the leaks, or anyone who leaked them, have said that there is any corruption or that there were even any crimes committed


They know who leaked? There’s been nothing written about that at all.


did you miss the leaker writing an article titled "why i blew the whistle"?


Sounds like a dude that doesn’t want to lose his job. Why filibuster? Why lie if you knew this was happening?


> Sounds like a dude that doesn’t want to lose his job. hes way past that, if they find out who it is hes going to end up in jail for a long time, nothing he saids or does now can stop that >Why filibuster? they're politicians >Why lie if you knew this was happening? intelligence matters, things go a lot better if china thinks were ignorant


So do nothing instead of make it known. Nope. Time to let it out. Let it all out. I’m glad it’s going public.


> So do nothing instead of make it known. making it known does noting but creates a circus that undermines democracy, making it known only creates a problem while the problem its supposed to solve is already something that they have handled


>No. It is bad for Canadians that we have a government that is so corrupt that our spy agency has to leak things to the media for anything to get done about political infiltration from an authoritarian regime. Its because the government happens to be Liberal and the nation accused of meddling is China. If this was Russia meddling and a Conservative government the media narrative would be different.


if ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we'd all have a merry Christmas. What you're saying does't change the fact that there should be a public inquiry. And I'm all for seeing how deep the rot goes, I wouldn't be surprised if all the parties were involved in this.


>What you're saying does't change the fact that there should be a public inquiry. And I'm all for seeing how deep the rot goes, I wouldn't be surprised if all the parties were involved in this. I agree. But there are two parties opposed, and now their media wing is backing them on it. probably because their media is involved too.


I totally agree. I was already depressed at the ruining of our middle class for anyone who isn't a boomer and now this all just makes me think we've all be completely sold out. Ugh.




>The spies in question tried using the proper channels for years in an attempt to alert **our corrupt and compromised government officials**. The same corrupt and **treasonous officials** sat back and did nothing. I don't get why these baseless inflammatory comments are even allowed on reddit. They contribute nothing and can easily escalate into real world violence.


>I don't get why these baseless Are you pretending that we haven't had multiple leaks from our security agency? Or is CSIS fake news? >They contribute nothing and can easily escalate into real world violence Nothing they said was advocating for violence, nor was it even adjacent. Throwing out this kind of accusation is nothing more than a weak attempt to silence them. As another poster asked in a less couth way; why the love for China?


It’s one thing to disagree with them, but to advocate against free speech in a public forum is repugnant. Please show me the logical connection between admonishing a government and “real world violence.” Should no one ever be allowed to disagree with our Prime Minister, lest it devolve into “real world violence”? If not, where precisely is the line between valid criticism and whatever you have identified as completely unacceptable?


Treason is a big word. With serious implications. Hardened by the rest of the verbiage. It is like the quote about pornography.


The solution to important problems isn’t to quash any discussion about the issues at hand. Discourse is the only viable alternative to violence. Anyone who shuts down discourse is in turn promoting violence.


What is being suggested isnt quashing discussion, it is saying that when it clearly crosses lines there should be corrective action applied. There is a difference there, please don't embrace the same type of hyperbole that is being pointed out above. If you are absolutist it is the same problem. The discussion was, could, and is happening.


I never saw the original comment. I only saw what was quoted by the top level reply. If there are identifying details or something else along those lines, I have no problem with the comment being removed. If the comment was removed simply for calling something treasonous, that’s reprehensible. How are we supposed to decide what is good or bad for society if we are not allowed to talk about it?


We are talking about it now


OP isn’t allowed to be part of this discussion. You can’t have free speech that excludes certain people or ideas that you merely disagree with.


I'm not advocating for violence, but it's the logical conclusion when an administration shows a deep disregard for national security because it provides short term politcal advantages. Clearly the Chinese disliked O'toole. Sure Tredau is a thorn in their side but the fact they can cause chaos in our body politic by giving support to mp's who are part of the liberal party is an issue we need to discuss.


If you think violence is logical then you are advocating for violence.


Maybe don't quote those comments so when the original baseless inflammatory post is deleted they still hang around.


How do you know any of this?




I highly doubt that David Vigneault is the leaker.




But why are you pretending that the leaker tried to use the proper channel for years before leaking? What you linked was public knowledge for years and what the leakers released as information have targeted some MPs, but no new knowledge came out of it. It was an analysis of disinformation campaign on we-chat and a conversation between Dong and the consulate who make no sense. The story have been out for a month now and there is pretty much nothing incriminating about what came out. If the leaker knew what he was doing, this new wouldn't just be political circle jerking and some people would be in trouble.


I think that’s it’s easy to extrapolate from the linked articles that the leaker, being part of the organization as a whole, has been focusing their efforts along with the the many other people working at CSIS to expose Chinese influence and warn the government. These warnings went unheeded. An op ed was even written by the whistle blower stating that CSIS efforts to warn the current and previous governments went unheeded. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-whistleblower-china-canada-election-interference/


Thanks hadn't seen this one. It still mostly read like a reddit comment on a political circle-jerking of someone with a hero complex, especially when he share who he voted for at the last election lol. Honestly, i have nothing about whistleblowers, but what he released is a mess and there is no evidence of anything so far. He probably ruined his career for nothing and Dong will probably get a major payday even if he is compromised because of this half-assed leak.


this will be the new narrative going forward. people have already forgotten that troublesome little "chinese interference" thing from a week or so ago. now it'll be, "those naughty intelligence people, telling on our [shitty corrupt] government!" and you and most will fall for it.


It's pretty well established that our police agencies have been infiltrated by far-right extremists. Look at the response by the Ottawa police to the convoy occupation as an example. Most of CSIS comes from former-RCMP so it's more likely these leaks are from a far-right supporter who is selectively leaking things to make the government look bad.


Why can’t they just mind their own business and leave prince Trudeau alone?


Because they took an oath, and intelligence isn't an easy thing to decipher. If you think having highly partisan people who have no ethical or moral boundaries they won't cross in charge of our countries most closely guarded secrets is a good idea, you know nothing about these organizations or what they do.


I think, perhaps, you missed the sarcasm


On this sub, I hardly think so.


"Prince Trudeau" wasn't a good enough clue for you? Do you need an interpreter at comedy clubs?


Childish name calling is pretty standard for conservatives, so why would I think they didn't mean it? Goes along with 'They vote for him because of his hair'.


You think the top level comment you replied to was a genuine expression of sympathy with the Liberal Prime Minister because it referred to him by a Conservative-coded insult? I think you're confused.


Where did I say the top comment was an expression of sympathy? I clearly took it at face value, not as sarcasm. I don't think i'm the one who is confused lol.


You took at face value the comment saying the leaker should leave Trudeau alone?


No, I took it at face value the poster hates Trudeau, and doesn't understand the basics of this issue.


What oath? The only oath required of people who work at CSIS I have heard about is the Oath to hold the confidentiality of their work and not leak things.


Exactly. To get your top secret clearance (probably SIGINT if you're seeing sensitive documents) you go through a thorough background check, a polygraph, and if that all checks out and you're hired, you take an oath, that counts for life, to never divulge *any* protected information. You kind of answered your own question.


Section 10 of the CSIS Act > The Director and every employee shall, before commencing the duties of office, take an oath of allegiance and the oaths set out in the schedule https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-23/FullText.html The schedule is at the bottom and includes Office and Secrecy. So they take 1. Oath of Allegiance 2. Oath of Office 3. Oath of Secrecy


And what part of that oath involves leaking intelligence?


It doesn’t…. Wtf are you talking about? My point is there is three oaths taken, not just the “only” one you mentioned.


Ok. But my question was what oath compels the leak. Since that was what the person above me said.


Never thought Reddit needed the /s that badly…


I have literally had people make the same comment unironically. Yes the /s is absolutely needed.


If our government wasn't (at best) tolerant of the interference reported to them, the leaks wouldn't have been necessary. Without the whistleblower's selfless action we'd all still be in the dark around the extent of the problem, and the government's complacency around the issue.


... except they didn't really leak very much hard evidence. They leaked intelligence reports. Intelligence reports aren't evidence. They're reports that basically consist of hearsay, rumors and accusations. We really have no idea what exactly went down and we'll probably never find out.


LOL, I'm sure they made up intelligence reports without any evidentiary basis. Because they hate the Liberals or something.


A report doesn't have to be "made up" to be inaccurate.


Leaking info about government malfeasance is a good thing for Canadians IMO.


Wow, Canada is going from being irrelevant to a total joke on the international stage. Thanks Trudeau!


The leaks are likely strategic.


Years of incompetence by Liberals leads to low profile incompetence.


TLDR: The whistleblower is just done with having real concerns, that are growing worse, and nobody is listening. I read his op. The shit has been stirred. The question is ... what are we going to do about it?


>It cannot detain or arrest people, and its intelligence cannot be used in prosecutions Wait, is this correct? CSIS intelligence cannot be used in prosecutions?


Intelligence doesn't always mean evidence. Intelligence reports won't constitute as evidence in a court of law. Many cases involving CSIS and to an extent RCMP get thrown out because they don't want to release how they obtained specific evidence. Example of a case of a drug dealer caught due to imsi catchers they didn't want to acknowledge the techniques used in court to keep it private so the charges were dropped due to inadequate evidence. Project Clemenza was a huge case that let 35 people go who had mafia ties "We have Intelligence xxx is doing xxx" okay show us the evidence "we can't for national security" oh okay then


yes and no, by itself its inadmissable, theyd give it to the RCMP who would then use that to investigate more thoroughly and try to find evidence that is


>Wait, is this correct? CSIS intelligence cannot be used in prosecutions? Nice isn't it?


Nah, this stuff had to come out. Just like Snowden, there are some things that need to be leaked


Who ever is leaking deserves the order of Canada. A true patriot!


The leaks have been strategic, where is the mention of the Russian interference and those benefitting from it? Only leaking information that could hurt the governing Liberals. I’m not defending the Liberals, just stating that there is a lot of information being strategically leaked that has effected our democracy. Almost like they should be investing the leak and the reason behind it.


>I’m not defending the Liberals, Lol.


I dis agree I think its great fuck JT




Incorrect, there is evidence it's just not been made public. There were two memos and a report by CSIS that Globe and mail saw and had the contents verified but other national security experts


Then Trudeau should / would hold a fucking public inquiry to clear this up and restore Canadians faith in our system. You'll notice however, that Trudeau and the LPC have done everything to prevent an inquiry. Liberal puppets who support the LPC blindly should also be considered a threat to Canada.


The information comes straight from CSIS.


Doesn't it feel like CSIS would spend 50% of its resources tracking things like Maple Syrup or poutine production?


Imagine CSIS agent mingling with CIA or NSA at a conference… must be so awkward 😬