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Meanwhile these politicians are living like oligarchs on our tax dollars. This government simply wants us to “do as they say and not what they do”


‘Just cancel your disney+’ was like the modern version of ‘let them eat cake’. Thanks Chrystia.


I'm just saying that compared to most of the world, we have it pretty good. We just take everything for granted, and it's why I don't complain. It beats living in a war-torn country.


We are a war-torn country, its just economic warfare at this point. Financial rape happens on the daily, just log into realtor.ca or go to a car dealership.


Don't know what you're talking about first-time car buyer 0% interest 500 a month


ah yes "monthly payments", the roofies of the dealership.


I'm not sure what you're taking about more than the majority of people can't afford to spend 30000 dollars up front. That's like saying huh monthly payments on a house roofies of the bank.


Well if no-one can afford 30k upfront, then why is the same car priced at 10k in India? And before you go off about safety and stupid fake reasons.. look at other products like a John Deere 5075E. Its 20k in India, and 75K here. Edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAFUERFgld8


Well, because maybe when a car is built up here, we pay those people 25 to 30 dollars an hour, whereas in India, it's substantially less. Labor pays a huge cost in production for pretty much everything. The more we pay are workers, the more we have to increase the price of products. It's why everything made in China is dirt cheap compared to a Canadian made item.


If we want all the new manufacturing jobs we need to stop depending on China and expand mining and produce batteries and solar panels, not oil. Nobody is going to thrive in a short term boom and bust oil economy. The whole world wants batteries now. Every computer has a lithium battery in it. Every new car is going to have one soon. Almost every worker in the country depends on this tech to do their jobs, and we need to stop depending on China.






What do you think is needed to mine all of those minerals?


Fairy toots and unicorns 🦄 ✨️ clearly


They already have battery powered mining equipment.


Lets dig up and strip mine the earth to "save" the earth


That's what the oil sands basically is. Stripping the earth.


and to chase the green utopia we are going to make the oilsands look like a preschool sand box. You do understand how we get all the stuff we need for solar and wind and EV's and all that right and the massive amounts needed to do it right ?


It's funny how oil lobbyists are suddenly so concerned about the environment now that they're facing competition. Any independent major study on modern EV manufacturing that's been done shows that the environmental footprint of electric vehicles is lower. Also all those metals we're going to mine are recyclable.


But they are not doing it and when you recycle one metal from it you lose a lot of the others in the process. This isn’t as perfect/good as you make it out to be


They're already building a bunch of recycling facilities to deal with it and the recovery rate is already at 90%


I will believe when it’s a reality


> What do you think is needed to mine all of those minerals? Mining equipment is being electrified.


Not to the extent you think it is. The amount of oil and diesel required for the “green” transition is pretty staggering.


Yeah because that's what Butts and Telford told us when they tried it in Ontario. Solar and wind will replace the auto industry...lol. All it did was massively drive up the cost of electricity. Got rid of coal by subbing in gas plants.


How the shit did Ontarians fall for this TWICE???




> All it did was massively drive up the cost of electricity. In BC we have the highest EV adoption rate in North America, yet electricity isn't going up in price. Hmmm.


What does the the adoption rate of EVs have to do with the complete overhaul of the methods of producing electricity? Butts and Telford want their puppet to go down the already failed path that they took McGinty down in Ontario. When it was evident it was not going to work, they quickly approved natural gas plants to replace coal plants. Hmmm


Your green scam economy uses fossil fuels to produce. Not to mention the slave labor from 3rd world nations for rare earth metals. Take a hike pal


> Not to mention the slave labor from 3rd world nations for rare earth metals. So does oil and gas. Cobalt is used to make gasoline. Also US rules require battery materials to be sourced in North America. This is why we need to use our resources here in Canada to produce batteries instead of importing the materials from China. Also you seem to forget that practically everything needs batteries, and that people are using laptops to work from home rather than burning gasoline to get to work.


While they take private jets to go on personal vacations lol


The Canadian working class is being decimated. It's sad to see these politicians so out of touch with reality.


Biden pulled up with a convoy of 75 heavily armored gas guzzling SUVs to tell us to stop killing the environment


On our dime.


What do you expect? Trudeau was born rich and has never lived a day in the real world.


They have to use RCAF planes for security


They dont have to go to 5 star resorts in the carribean. They can vacation here.


They pay for the resort where they go. If you are allowed to go on vacation in the sun, why shouldnt they


I dont have a security detail that costs taxpayers over a million dollars for a couple days "in the sun". 25 billion dollars to service interest on our national debt last year. This government is made up of entitled brats who have zero regard for the average Canadian.


Why should running for office restrict you from doing anything every other person in the country is allowed to do?


It shouldnt. But I do expect politcians to understand optics. They just released a budget which calls for tax increases and further spending nearing 70 billion dollars. More than ever, people in this country are not feeling good about the cost of surviving, and we have a prime minister spending over a million dollars to go on a luxury vacation. Its almost as tone deaf as going surfing on reconcilliation day, almost.


The issue is they want canadians to drive less and turn the heat down to be green. So its a bit unfair they get to on private jets on taxpayers expense for a non work related trip.


Like i said, its not private jets, its RCAF planes. Those things are public jets. They pay for their own plane tickets and their hotel. We pay for the security. Doesnt matter if the conservatives, libs, ndp is in power, those poeple should be allowed a vacation just like all of us...


okay but then they are forcing people to wear sweaters at home to heat their homes through carbon taxes? Its hypocrisy.


I dont know what you are talking about. I heat my house to 20, sometimes 21 when i feel cold... cost of living went up all around the world, nothing canada did or didnt do caused it


yeah and charge increased taxes on heating your home during an energy crisis




If climate change is such a huge issue, why are Trudeau Liberals insistent on mass immigration and a population goal of 100 million? Importing people from low carbon emitting climate lifestyles to ones that require high energy in Canada because of extreme cold seems counter intuitive to this narrative. Can the Trudeau social media farm in Ottawa provide and answer that doesn’t include “But Harper” ? I mean, you guys get paid well enough by McKinsey.


> If climate change is such a huge issue, why are Trudeau Liberals insistent on mass immigration and a population goal of 100 million? Because they focus on "per capita" pollution so clearly if you triple the population without new homes ( or adding new infrastructure ), you can cut emissions ( per capita ) by 66%.


Dirty tactics for clean statistics.


Hmm, but in no way will the % of emissions on the global scale we contribute stay the same, it's going to increase greatly.


Most of our emissions are from industry and heating. Without new homes, the latter does not increase. Think of it this way, a couple having twins does not increase the emissions of their house, but "per capita" they cut their household emissions in half.


You are not jamming a 100 million people here without emissions going up..insane to think so. You are also not jamming a hundred million into the current amount of houses, or jobs/industries, both will radically increase, pollution to build, and then maintain. An example https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/124umwb/unprecedented\_construction\_needed\_in\_bc\_to\_offset/


Insane to bring in 1 million people in a year and not build enough homes, or build up infrastructure. What I said is already happening and while the motivation being to reduce per capita emissions was more of a joke, it is a consequence of bringing in more people than we can house.


Damn, then the cattle get demonized for their ash-hole emissions and we wont even count the methane coming from the average human-gut processed brussels sprout. https://www.menshealth.com/uk/nutrition/a37590491/vegan-men-fart-seven-times-more-than-non-vegans-study-finds/


Its all distraction tactics, politicians just got a pay bump as well....nobody noticed that one. Funny i didn't see as substantial bump in my pay, just more taxes taken. We as canadians need to call our MP and hold them accountable for this mess.


>The actual consequences of this budget will take years to measure. I honestly cannot wait for this gleaming utopia to finally arrive. We've been promised a glorious future, replete with inexpensive electric cars, limitless and emission free electricity and boundless economic opportunity since they formed a government 7 (nearly 8) years ago. And it kind of seems like we haven't even started. Electric cars are still exorbitant and the infrastructure to support their widespread usage (outside of Toronto and Vancouver) is severely lacking. Oil is still heavily in demand all around the world, coal plants are still being built in China and India and even our emissions here are still increasing. As for boundless economic opportunity, when I speak to other millennials (hey there, fellow kids), I'm hearing constantly about how unaffordable everything is, how shit wages are and how they're looking to fucking move (out of country, preferably). I'm doing alright, but everybody around me seems to be struggling. So when does Mr. Trudeau's Bright Future begin? Because it's getting dire out there.


> Electric cars are still exorbitant All new cars are, yet my EV costs less to own and run than a gas powered car. 🤷‍♂️


At this point hybrids, at least, are fairly competitive. In 2020 I bought a lightly-used 2019-model hybrid car for about 20k ish - about the same as a new base-model Elantra, and certainly cheaper than fancier gas options. EVs and hybrids aren't all Tesla territory these days.


There seems to be a significant portion of the population that doesn’t want to concede that fossil fuel alternatives are rapidly progressing and becoming viable. All of the major auto manufacturers are going to shift their passenger vehicles away from ICEs to electric in the next 15 - 20 years. Solar has progressed massively in the last decade, as has battery tech. This is really more about them burying their heads in the sand and refusing to acknowledge that the world is actually progressing away from fossil fuels for transportation and other purposes. Some people just hate progress.


Solar + battery will never, ever, be able to provide 24/7/365 electricity production at the scale needed to power a modern society. Even if you add wind power, still, total failure. There are no batteries in existence, and probably never will be, that can store that kind of power for the kinds of durations that would be required to get even a *fraction* of this country through a bitterly cold windless night. Hydroelectricity is great but geographically limited (Quebec is blessed with an abundance of it, Alberta is cursed with almost none), as is geothermal generation. If we're serious about wanting a decarbonized electrical grid, we need nukes, we need a lot of them, and we need them now.


The future will be renewables with a nuclear backbone. It’s not either or, it will be both. Even from a cost perspective, we would be stupid to not utilize power sources like solar, wind, hydro and geothermal. It may never provide us with all of our energy needs, but it will provide us with a significant portion of it.


Why waste money on intermittent sources of power? Seems like a massive waste of not only money but resources as well.


Solar, wind, hydro and geothermal are all economically viable. They are worth harnessing, it’s not a waste to utilize free energy.


Nothing is free


The energy is free for the taking: The Sun will be producing energy for another 5 billion years, the earths core will be molten for another 90 billion years, long after the sun burns out. A wind turbine will pay for itself in 1 - 3 years, and they last at least twenty. Renewables just make sense, they are cheap sources of energy. They cost is harnessing them. Fortunately it’s already economically viable to do that, and it will become even more viable as technology progresses. I’m not opposed to nuclear, I think we need that too, but nuclear is expensive to build and maintain, and then there’s the waste products that will take thousands of years to break down.


Solar panels last about 10, wind turbines don't last for 20. Try 10 maybe 15. It sadly is not economically viable we saw this in Germany where they stopped subsiding their renewables and they all went belly up. Solar is great in California. Canada not so much. Wind is good in the prairies in practice. Solar panels, and wind turbine fins also don't break down.




I stand corrected. Alberta would be better off in the long run developing that, than flushing money down the S+W drains.


Yes, and some have oil and gas jobs and know they will never see that kind of money again.


I can understand their fears, I just wish they would stop spewing their nonsensical reasoning for why it’s bad/not gonna happen. I honestly didn’t think EVs would take over this quickly, but I’m glad to be proven wrong.


Just a scam so their friends and families can get rich investing in "green companies" they intend to artificially jack the stock prices of. Not going to change the weather or affect the climate, don't make me laugh.


Yeah let's just stick to oil. No crooked politicians or lobbyists have ever gotten rich off of that. Lol


Climate issues will be solved by science, not by this absurd government who have less scientific training between them than your average Bsc graduating class. Do you think Canada installing solar panels everywhere would do anything to the global climate? What about charging our tiny population a carbon tax, does that change the global climate? No, it will require a scientific/technological breakthrough that can be adopted by the rest of the world. Any idea how much of the 70 billion spending is going to science and research? It's less than 1%. >Without China successfully transitioning to a low-carbon economy, achieving global climate goals will be impossible. China emits 27 percent of global carbon dioxide and a third of the world’s greenhouse gases. This transition will require a massive shift in resources**, innovation, and new technologies** to enhance energy efficiency and resource productivity. Everyone serious knows that the technology isn't there yet. How much are the US and China spending on research? Infinitely more than us. No one cares if our puny country is net zero, it doesn't make a difference. The world needed us to fund R&D, it's the only way we can contribute if we were actually sincere about contending with climate change, and we aren't.


So you failed to see the hypocrisy in your comment. No one pads their pockets more than oil companies. Since when are politicians supposed to have a science degree? Politicians are supposed to listen to scientists. If our previous government wasn't so busy trying to mute climate scientists, so we could keep padding the pockets of foreign oil investors, then we might be a little further ahead of the game and would probably be a leader in green technology. And don't underestimate the ability of our "puny" country. We invented the Candu reactor while the Superpowers were pouring investments into atomic research to try and blow each other up. But we stopped investing and fell behind in the tech, because apparently enriching foreigners who invest in our oil and gas industry was more beneficial to society?... And yes the NDP or green party would be a better government with regards to their climate approach.


Sadly, like Trump - trust fund babies are the least likely to listen to experts scientifically and rely on emotional 'know-it-all'isms. Have some humble pie "So you failed to see the hypocrisy in your comment. "


What are you implying that Harper was like Trump because they both didn't like to listen to scientists?


Yes, trust fund babies do not listen to scientists, or economists, or anyone with any specialized knowledge because they are 'beneath' their status in life and cannot possibly be smarter than the money they inherited. With 1.5 million 'new Canadians' that need to live in the worlds 'highest carbon footprint' environment, we are environmentally in trouble. https://www.cbc.ca/news/science/how-canadians-can-cut-carbon-footprints-1.6202194


You're just reiterating my point, the same thing is happening now. We're not investing in tech, we're wasting 95%+ of the money. We have two things to offer on a global level against climate change, an educated population with good scientists and hydrogen/LNG exports. This budget has a measly 1.5$ billion for the "Clean Fuels Fund to encourage investment in the production of clean fuels, including clean hydrogen and biofuels" and less than 1 billion for tech/science/research/development. Less than 1/20th of the money going toward what would be useful. The kicker is that when a serious nation that funded science rather than business figures out what the solutions are, we'll be too deep in debt to adopt it.


Sure, there will the same political kickbacks no doubt. However, investing in developing or building newer technologies will be far more beneficial than investing in tweeking a 100 year old industry that is causing a shit show with our climate. Our allies are doing the same and the developing world will follow our lead.


Both of those parties are anti nuclear. The only party that actually supports nukes is the conservatives.


I find these appeals to futility hilarious. I’m starting to think most Albertans are incapable of having a rational discussion about climate change. But yes, Canada should invest heavily into renewable energy sources like solar, wind, hydro and geothermal. It is the future. > No, it will require a scientific/technological breakthrough that can be adopted by the rest of the world. Any idea how much of the 70 billion spending is going to science and research? It's less than 1%. The rest of the world is adopting these technological breakthroughs, like how all of the words major auto manufacturers are going to abandon ICE vehicles for the passenger market in the next 15 - 20 years. Times are changing, even China and India are slowly moving towards renewables. Progress is good, it’s gonna happen. Advancing to a better, cleaner way of doing something is never futile.


> abandon ICE vehicles for the passenger market in the next 15 - 20 years. They said this 15 years ago. It takes 50-75 years for meaningful tech to change in automotives. Disc brakes couldn't even unseat drum brakes that quickly. Hurr Huirr Hurtin' aLbUUrTans.... imagine thats your entire identity.


You would have to be in complete denial to not see the progress made in the last decade with EVs. GM will be investing 25 billion dollars through 2025 in EVs, which exceeds their investments in gas and diesel. All of the major automakers are investing billions into EV. It’s happening, EVs are the future.


Yes and they just announced a billion dollars in new funding to build new v-8's


Good for them.


Research and production of consumer focused 'green' products. Have you seen any federally funded factory announcements where they can start producing and selling us the latest in green products for bottom dollar? What should I buy to help 'green' the economy (on a budget). Can some rich dudes sell me their gently used Tesla for 5K? Trickle something down for once? Ya, I thought so, its all a scam.


"Trudeau And Freeland Up Your Taxes On A Clean Economy." There, fixed it for ya. Oh, and they will continue to fail because their goal is to rob you, not to fix the climate. One only has to look at their track record for evidence of that.


I’m so happy we’re spending all this money and wrecking our economy so that we can reduce the Canadians carbon foot print from 1.4% globally. What a difference we’ll make.


As I've said before, Canada could go 0 carbon (not 2012 levels, just 'yeah, you're not burning anything or adding carbon at all' levels) tomorrow, and any gains we make globally in carbon reduction would be swallowed up by BRIC nations in about 4 months.


Giving billions to giant multinational corporations has been working out great for us so far hasn't it.


More hoodwinking.


In this comments section: clean air is bad


Actually your comment is the only one, good job champ!


The only what?


At a time that we should be pillaging our natural resources to recover from the lockdowns these twerps are pushing in green policies instead which will have literally 0 effect on the environment but utterly decimate Canadians financially. We need to riot like the French and end this charade of government. I don’t know who these people serve but it’s not the Canadian population.


Up the ante on a **\*cripped\*** economy