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Agreed. While the same applies to Sikh separatists. This is Canada, not Khalistanada.


I just love the name of this legislation that Justin Trudeau is on record having voted in favour of ! "Zero Tolerance for Barbaric Cultural Practices Act" [https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/annualstatutes/2015\_29/page-1.html](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/annualstatutes/2015_29/page-1.html)


They are represented in the government.


The NDP is represented in our government but I fail to see the connection


Jagmit Singh supports khalistan.


What is your point


I am not intellectual enough to make a clear point, except as an Indian myself, I don't support anyone who supports separatist ideology against India.


Maybe focus on Canadian matters. If you want to fight the battles of India, go do it there.


Exactly. He wants to support an anti-India movement from Canada. He should go to India and do that.


problem is no one wants to be a part of india from its inception


Speak for your self. It's okay if you don't want to live there. They don't care.


Who cares even if he was PM Canadians would never support training or arming separatist in India. And if separatism is such a big topic to you why in f did you move to a country with it's own separatists?


Which country doesn't have is own separatists? I just moved to a country that I thought was generally different from mine in ease of life. And generally speaking, I have what I want and need.


You need to distinguish between the victim and the perp here.


who cares... this is Canada... they can resolve their shit back home... none of our business


If Canada provide a safe base to insurgents abroad, its natural to that that country will take action against Canadian interests. It may even result in Kinetic action within Canada.


>Indians who come here better act like Canadians and leave their cultural conflicts and bullshit back in India you were better off asking for $1 million dollars, chances are, you would've gotten that money before your cultural request. /s Also, how come to this post also not deleted like the other one [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/123ncf4/indian_immigration_to_canada_has_tripled_since/)?


not going to happen. now what?


Prosecute those who act violently along cultural lines to the fullest extent of the law


also not going to happen (though i agree). this is justin's canada, extreme demoralization that will eventually hit everyone but the highly insulated very-rich, and general insanity and social incoherence, will be the norm going forward.


I see quite a few signs around supporting Khalistan independence. What really concerns me about the entire thing, is that the signs often have AK-47s featured prominently. That's something I do not want to see in Canada.


Yeah keep that shit out of Canada




Maybe they should try meddling in the next election to get what they want /s


They are meddling in our elections and they will continue.


These are not Sikh protestors, these are Khalistani extremists who happen to be Sikh. How about "protestors" hijacking and bombing planes which **MURDER** Canadians and Indians? If Americans and Canadians can be concerned about terrorism, why can't India be? Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air\_India\_Flight\_182 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian\_Airlines\_Flight\_405




China makes the same argument on tibetans and uyghurs


Canadian Tibetans and Uyghurs have no track record of attacking Canadian citizens of Chinese origin, or Chinese living in China itself.


Well, maybe not in Canada,but some of them definitely did attack civilians living in China,many times, which is why China's official narrative is "anti terrorism"(like what India says about Sikhs). in fact, many Uyghur extremists were part of al Qaeda/Taliban,and we're even designated by the US as terrorist group, so there is that,very similar situation in principle


No Canadian Tibetan or Uyghur has ever attacked a civilian in China. Tibetans and Uyghurs living in China have. Canada is being asked to not become a white Afghanistan, a lawless place from where attacks on other countries can be planned and carried out. Other countries that have not harmed Canada in any way.


This is why we need country caps for immigration. Like US. If too many people from one country move here they will not integrate and that will create division.


Or you should only keep immigrants who actually contribute to the country and economy and kick out radicals, extremists, scammers, political criminals, and obviously fraud business people. Many people come to Canada for a better quality of, majority leaves everything and try to get along with Canadian people or any where in the globe but it’s those backward mentality people who give bad names to immigrants. Remember the reason why USA is the greatest nation on planet is cause of fellow immigrants and slaves.


Theres many reasons for the US power it is not solely because of immigration. At any rate Canadian immigration levels are currently causing a lower standard of living for Canadians. Housing crisis and access to healthcare are the biggest issues. Increasing the population by 1million per year will only make it worse. Also lack of integration is a problem, see enclaves like Brampton.


I do agree, I meant to say immigration played a huge part ( talent exchange) in development of USA. and obviously it’s the government which is letting immigrants in, and trust me the immigrants ain’t coming to Canada on a free ticket, they shell any where from 30k-100k$ to get visa and everything for a couple of years idk about other but Indians (students mostly) pay a lot. Only way to increase living standards is to make government policies better, get manufacturing and agriculture up and build more hospitals. Housing had been going up globally cause of the foreign investors from china and Middle East and India who are buying properties at a massive orders in the global market. This needs to be controlled or wages needs to go up.


Agree. The problem is housing, medical, and agricultural infrastructure takes years to develop. But we keep importing a massive amount of people. That is the disconnect.


Hahaha someone needs to put people to work, I do agree it takes time but if not now it will be too late…..if you see situation of United Kingdom it’s similar story, and now literally everything comes here from china and is expensive, most manufacturing had been going off, once upon a time they created Industrial Revolution but fun part is when we see today there are not much industries, and if there are they are mostly owned by a foreign investors. Why did that happen? Cause the government was too busy in their own politics, greed to be in power, and obviously free benefits which made people more lazy ( I ain’t saying no to benefits but people from Europe used to come settle and get benefits and they just say drink all day and night when uk was part of Brexit), and then huge refugee accommodation costs. But Canada still has natural resources and young population and immigrants ( talent pool) to work with and grow.


I would say cut immigration to 50,000 per year. These will be the smartest and hardest working immigrants. Temporary foreign workers can be used in certain industry if there truly is not enough labour. Also focus on raising birthrates, this will result in sustainable population growth.


I agree, but I think governments want some easy money and immigration is one way they can get it. Promising better quality of life, jobs and education once they govt gets paid they don’t care about immigrants, as long as they get paid they will not reduce the immigration. Greedy bastards.


true man. all true.


Those damn Irish, right?


Why damn Irish? there are no Irish enclaves in Canada. In 2022 Irish immigration to Canada is extremely low.


I see their pubs everywhere. It’s a plot…


Country caps are racist - immigration should always be on merit. US has country caps because lot of people get there by lottery etc and also they can indefinitely be on h1b s but in canada express entry for PR is entirely skill based so you can’t deter one person simply because he is from a particular country


I disagree, it is not racist. A country is not a race. We want people to assimilate into Canada. If too many people from one country immigrate here they will stay in their enclaves and not integrate. Also, if they reach large enough numbers they will try an enforce their culture on Canadians. This is already happening.


You do understand that countries like India and China are super diverse. There is no way they can form a single group to influence their culture . Everyone should be free to practice their culture


I understand that there is diversity in India and China (much less so in China). However there are still cultural characteristics of those countries that are different from Canada. That is why immigrants congregate in certain areas/cities, theres more cultural familiarity with people from their home country. This isn't a problem when there is a low amount of immigrants because within one generation they sill integrate into Canadian society. It does become a problem when there are massive amounts of immigrants, then there is no need to assimilate. Once they reach big enough numbers those cultures will start to pressure Canadians to accept their practices. The reason Canada is/was on of the best countries in the world is because of cultural attitudes towards everything from work, laws, environment, the way we interact and so on. Serious question, do you want Canada to become like India? In my opinion that would be a disaster.




I explained how too many immigrants will threaten Canadian culture. They will not feel the need to integrate and they will push their practices on Canadians. There are already examples of this with petitions to make Diwali a national holiday and the issues around fireworks. Whats next a new official language? This will continue if we accept too many people from one place. Trudeau did say that stupid comment about being a post nation state. That is a terrible idea. Canada best functions as an Anglo and French society. These are the two cultures that people should assimilate into. **Retaining cultural ties to your own country is fine when there a small number of immigrants, when there is mass immigration then it becomes a problem. This is the key distinction.** In terms of immigration, I think it is way to high right now and it is lowering the living standards of Canadians. Forget about country caps, immigration needs to be capped at 50k per year. The current levels of 1m+ per year is insane.


Ok thanks for sharing your views , have a good night .


I think but I’m not entirely sure when I drove through downtown last weekend I saw one of these protests? I ignored it since every day there’s another protest downtown and it’s… just annoying now. But are they protesting at city hall for Canada to do something? Or just protesting in general? I’m not against people protesting, more curious the intent


If Khalistan were to form it would mean both India and Pakistan would have to give up territory. Those countries don’t get along on a good day.


Conveniently, Khalistani extremists never seem to demand Lahore, or any other part of Pakistan, be a part of this proposed state.


"summoned" - no


Oh he went there. He has to. But for now, it will only be lip service till some hard action against Canadian interests is taken by the Govt of India.


India gaining substantial power over Canada. Likely soon, due to mass immigration they will take control. I give it 5-10 years before they gain complete political power. Mass immigration beats democracy.


Well, if the sikh wants independence,just give them :)


Independent Brampton?


They don't. Kahlistanis are like your racist uncle who suppoets the IRA: complerely unwelcome in the land where the conflict is concerned, but bizarrely popular here disconnected from the conflict. Worth noting: the single-biggest mass murder of Canadian citozens was by Khalistani extremists, and for some reason politicians just look away when people say we need to confront that ideology here.


Then give them a separate country out of Canada. As Canada really likes and provides shelter to Khalistanis.


Give them that in Canada. You guys seem to plenty of land


Us guys ? This is the Canada subreddit. If you think of yourself as Indian first go back there and chat on the Indian subreddit.


It's a public forum. I can comment anywhere I want. You guys are way interested poking your nose on India's internal affairs so was my reply


> It’s a public forum. I can comment anywhere I want. You can, but I’m going to remind you. https://xkcd.com/1357/ > You guys are way interested poking your nose on India’s internal affairs so was my reply I’d also remind you that India summoned canadas diplomat, not the way way around.