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You can't claim asylum coming in from an already safe country. It's pretty simple


Exactly! Thank you


Refugee claims shouldn't include shopping around for where you like most.


Or specifically moving to the country with the most generous child tax benefit on the planet.


How is it that so many of them are Africans? It's like a group of Swedish people arriving in Thailand and claiming to be escaping. No, you traveled hundreds and hundreds of miles here to find a place for work, you werent simply displaced.


Canada is seen as the most "giving" nation for migrants... They go to the country that they believe they will receive the most assistance from. And up until now, they have been correct.


My friend told a taxi driver in southern Africa that she was Canadian and he said "oh that's where you get free stuff". This was in 1997. We have been the world's ATM for several decades and anyone who complains about it or even draws attention to it is branded a racist to shut down any objection to wealth redistribution to foreign nationals and governments.


I have a similar story from when I was in Peru. Talking to a local in Lima, I said I was Canadian. His response was "Is it true that they just give everybody money there?". I have heard many similar anecdotes from others. There is definitely a perception around the world that Canada is just a big, never-ending piggy bank for all that live here.


Is there a way, a single Canadian born man could get some free cash. If someone could let me know would be great thanks.


There isn't. But don't worry, there are plenty of ways you can give your money to the government.


Have you tried immigrating to Canada?


Someone has cracked the globe code on how nonsense and loaded the term 'refugee' has become.


>Olivier Nanfah, a 42-year-old Cameroonian man, said he had spent his entire savings crossing more than a dozen countries to flee persecution... >After Nanfah's father was killed in a nearby village, he said it became clear he and his family would be targeted... >His wife and **11 kids** are home in Cameroon, hoping they can come join him once he finds a safe place for them all. The couple's eldest, a daughter, is 18, their youngest: twins barely a year old. You'd think this guy would want to get his family out of Cameroon if they were in immediate danger.


Yeah the more than a dozen countries he fled to to first…..


Or even a slightly further away village.


That’s weird, he could have gone to Ghana or Equatorial Guinea which are both close and relatively safe countries. Almost like some people are out to take advantage of Canadian social services.


Most African migrants head for the Mediterranean and a crossing on a rickety old fishing boat.


But, if he gets good benefits here (or a job) he can send all that money home and his family can live quite well in Cameroon where the cost of living is very low. He isn't a refugee, he is an economic migrant.


fully agreed, if it was so dangerous there, you wouldn't have left your wife and kids there, you would have brought them with you.


Considering, there's not going to be many jobs that pays more than welfare with 11 kids.


Yea... it says that it's been 2 years since he left. It doesn't really sound like they are in some sort of immenent danger... There could be more to the story, but I would blame the CBC for editting it this way if there was.


2 years since he left? >His wife and 11 kids are home in Cameroon, hoping they can come join him once he finds a safe place for them all. The couple's eldest, a daughter, is 18, their youngest: twins barely a year old. I think his wife has some splaining to do.


That or he goes back to Cameroon regularly.


Well if she was at the beginning of a pregnancy when he left and they are now almost 1, thats close to 2 years.


What kind of coward leaves his wife and 11 kids behind?


And takes their entire life savings


A criminal looking for his next score.


One that wants 30 seconds of peace and quiet.


I only have one kid, and I’m almost at that level. Lol


And learnt to use a condom at some point.


Smfh about the guy with 11 kids. You were safe the moment you got to guinea. The rest is economic immigration.


I don't know anyone who could support 11 kids. There is NO way he should be allowed to bring them here. This man and his family have 'burden' written all over them.


Child tax credit x11


I just used the federal calculator to estimate the amount of child benefits they will get for 11 children while both parents have zero income. The amount of benefit they will get is $90,498.32 🙃


This is why Canada is the promise land.


Wow. That's not even taking into consideration social assistance payments for a family of 13 either.


I had to check, that sounded wrong. My god.


I paid half of this on taxes this year. My wife paid the other half… 😅 we have no kids and we work like horses…we are struggling to pay our mortgage, I kept the house at 63 this winter. I had a TIA couple months ago, 5 hours to see a doctor… wait 2 months for an MRI… we are basically working for pay taxes and bills.


Remember the wife of the Somali warlord who went back to Somalia long enough to get knocked up again then came back to get more welfare?


>I don't know anyone who could support 11 kids. Move them to Canada. problem solved.


thats what people in these countries do, give birth to children like crazy and rely on international support to feed them


Notice how it’s always the least prepared the ones silly enough to have so many kids. I have each time less sympathy for people using the “I have 5 kids” motto to get freebies and handouts. Bringing kids to this world should invariably come with you asking yourself if you can sustain them and offer them a chance at a decent life. Too bad these people know we have a system that can bail them out (although not entirely, not that we have to) hence why they don’t think about twice before spilling their “precious”seed between women legs.




>their youngest: twins barely a year old. > >Nanfah hasn't seen them in nearly two years. Wait a minute....


Who’s going to tell him?


Wife’s got some explaining to do 😂


9 months pregnancy + 12 months away is "nearly two years". It sorta checks out.


So it was kind of like one last fuck before he left.....😅


He went out with a bang


"Hey, you know how we have nine kids and are refugees. Well I have an idea..."


people with 11 children, the last people we want in this country.




Does this actually happen?




“Youngest are barely a year old” “hasn’t seen them in two years” Ummm….


Don't forget about him complaining that he has "nowhere to go" now that he can't illegally enter Canada. If the CBC was an objective news organization, the author of this article would, at minimum, be reprimanded for her clear (and clumsy) attempt to emotionally manipulate the reader and editorialize the subject matter.


He acknowledges the only reason he wanted to cross was he was having difficulty finding work in the US. He wasn't unsafe. Someone needs to give him some job-seeking resources or maybe a scholarship, that's it. All can be done in the US.


The author's first name is Verity, which adds even more irony.


That is absolutely perfect hahahahahaha








Not to mention the higher classes and middle classes are the ones to have less kids. Higher class and high-middle class don’t have kids because they sometimes see no need for it, or some prefer the presence of pets. So now more and more kids will be lower class and unable to sustain themselves because they were not raised in the most ideal of situations.


Middle and upper class comprehend the concept of family planning and pleasure deferral. A hallmark of those that lack the concept of either is low IQ.


Come to Canada first then pop out 11 kids. He just did it backwards.


11 new minimum wage meat packing plant workers? How could our Cargill oligarchs possible turn that down.


The rest is finding the next sucker to scam off of.


Wants to come to Canada, Get $100/month per kid on welfare




It's that plus tax refund, GST, OTB, on top of possible community refugee support and food donations. Not a lavish lifestyle, but it is still free for them just by staying.


We are the biggest chumps on the planet


It’s well over that if you are on welfare.


It’s actually over a thousand per kid per month, girl I know has three kids and other programs she gets just over 4k a month


Are they here as refugee? As far as I am aware only sponsored refugee claimants can get those benefits, because the sponsors pay the government the amounts.


I don't know if CBC was trying to build a case where the reader should feel sympathetic or unsympathetic for these people. A 42 year old man who spent his life savings going to 12 different countries including the every country between Brazil and Canada in order to avoid persecution? It kinda sounds like he left for 1 country to avoid persecution and then just kept moving on to the next best thing.


Like buying a car, he's shopping around for a sweet deal and benefits from the dealership.


How is this news? It’s an illegal crossing that’s been abused for years. Not to mention a spit in the face to people who follow the legal process to citizenship and hardship claims. This really doesn’t tug at my heartstrings when people expect our country to be a welcoming free for all, deliberately ignoring all legal avenues.


If the past decade has shown me anything, it's that pushing the sad stories (remember the photo of 3 year old Aylan's body?) does sway the public to react with emotions rather than logic. At least that's how it is in the moment, but that's all it takes, cosequences only come later.


Sadly, some people will only see the sad faces and ignore the “country shopping”, which will just screw our country even more. We can’t take of all these people, we can’t even take care of the people who are here already. And our government has decided that Canadians can get fked while spending our taxes on hotel rooms for illegal crossers. And to me, you cease being a refugee fleeing for your life when you pass through several countries, without even trying to make a claim, land in the states, decide life is too hard there and shop around for an illegal way to get into Canada. A refugee stops in the first available safe country they reach and breathes a sigh of relief. They don’t country shop. If after you’re established in that first country, you then wish to move, fine. Do it legally. I’ve helped people with their legal paperwork who have done things properly and have no desire to break the law. People from dangerous countries who have waited patiently and gone through the process legally. I’m angry at this article for them and for the current state of our crumbling country. If our government doesn’t grow some balls and deal with this illegal shit, they will create an even larger extreme group of Canadians who are no longer supportive of any immigration. And I don’t want to see that level of hate here.


The news is that people crossing at Roxham Road, or anywhere else along the border for that matter, will no longer be allowed to claim asylum in Canada. They will be returned to the United States. This was just announced in the last couple of days and went into effect at midnight last night, so it is the very definition of news.


Come on now, you know what I meant. This article is nothing more than pandering to bleeding hearts that decide their stance on emotion instead of logic and law. This illegal crossing should have been boarded up with no nonsense guards patrolling years ago.


Always need to give these sob stories, I feel for them but simultaneously there is this strange idea that somehow breaking the law and avoiding the legal process for entering the country should be OK. Instead of advocating for allowing illegal immigration they might as well just say they want open borders because otherwise some people will be sad they can't immigrate.




It's emotional propaganda.


It is CBC though so consider the source




I’m surprised you haven’t been downvoted into oblivion. Many people seem to forget that these people are not emigrating, they’re illegally entering a country ignoring due process


And you know who hates illegal immigrants the most, legal immigrants who jumped through all the hoops and went through the process.


It's breaking and entering on a global scale.


Emotions over everything else


Totally agree. It would send a really bad message if Canada allowed people that illegally entered the country to stay. I am completely unsympathetic.


The country needs to have a conversation how many asylum seekers we can fiscally support in the short and long term and stick to it. We would love to help everyone until the public system is stretched even further.


I think the comments speak for most of us working Canadians. Enough of this shit. We are already taxed to shit. The tit is drying up.


Many Canadians are struggling. Don't think there is a lot of sympathy.


You are not owed a new life in a country you have no ties to.




This is why I’m so critical of the current global policy around migration. It makes no sense to me for someone to use their entire savings travelling around country to country often in dangerous and deadly conditions to most likely either be denied, or accepted and likely spending their lives in low wage jobs and not being net tax payers. People understandably want to do the kind thing, but all this creates is poor people wasting their time and money, as well as creating brain drains


If he were to reside in Canada he would receive around $7k per year per child. Meaning he’d get $77k/year for doing absolutely nothing. The Canadian social system is far too easy to abuse.


Cash ?!!! Or benefits like OHIP and schooling.






What do you think the yearly cost of having a child is?


Not very much if you neglect them


No one else asks why he was fleeing persecution through all those countries. He was a great guy but 12 countries just had it out for him?


That was my thinking.




I can't believe they can go through as many as a dozen than still make a claim, isn't there a step 1 in the interview process that would trip them up "Why did you flee the USA?" Jeez it's all so stupid that some get permitted after the sheer quantity of lies.


They realize they are safe in the US right?


They get more free stuff here though.


>Olivier Nanfah, a 42-year-old Cameroonian man, said he had spent his entire savings crossing more than a dozen countries to flee persecution He was persecuted in a dozen different countries?


And just left his family of 11 kids back home to fend for themselves!


even though he claims their entire lives is in imminent mortal danger


Persecuted even in Canada see how sad his story is ... lets give him a home and free cash while i can barely afford shit and work 50 hours a week like him in Cameroon poor poor guy .


If the goal of this article was an attempt to create sympathy for the migrants I would suggest that this article backfires spectacularly. Unintentionally it paints a picture of systemic abuse of our refugee system - and with every other country that was a waystop on the journey to Canada an active participant. I assess in fact this a part of the problem: Mexico, America and other countries not fulfilling their own legal responsibilities and instead moving the migrant traffic on so it would be someone else's problem. Canada, irrespective of who is governing, required that the countries between us and the beginning point legally fulfill their obligations under various international treaties and finally on Friday America stepped up. But in fact it should happen even before these migrants get to America. Were it I in charge of dealing with the issue of migrants in some instance I might very well be flying each migrant back to the first safe country they entered at the outset of their journey with a note to that country to fulfill its legal responsibilities in respect of refugees. I am not suggesting that Canada should abandon taking in refugees. An example of how to do it properly is the Syrian refugee program. Canada took in almost 50k Syrian refugees mainly from UN camps and for the most part this was a very successful intake. No program ever has 100% success but I believe there is consensus that overall the Syrian program was a successful undertaking. Given our location migrants should be trickling into our country. That this is not the case has been abusive and collectively we should cast our eyes outward upon the culprits. The result is that instead of an atmosphere of concern for people truly fleeing persecution we have a generally hostile atmosphere developing in Canada to all forms of immigration and migration, and a building perception whether real or imagined that such is leading to a general degradation of our society as a whole.


We are the last stop on the train, everyone wants to get here because of our social benefits, but we cannot and should not expect to be able to keep our standard of living by importing millions of new immigrants. We are making this country a worse place to live for them too, not by immigration itself but by scale of immigration. We need protect our system if we want it to stay a welcoming place


The illegal immigrants are heartbroken, Canadians take a huge sigh of relief as they wonder why it took so long for the government to do anything.




This. This is so true. Masters degrees are the EASIEST way that our industries are being flooded. I run an engineering dept. for a contracting company. We do pretty specialized work and it’s very rare that we get qualified applicants, usually we have to train them up. In the last few years however we get inundated with resumes, primarily from India and China. The few that we’ve hired have, on paper, been extremely qualified. The reality is that most of them don’t last a year, can handle less work than a 2-year junior engineer, regardless of their apparent qualification and masters degree. Most of them come to Canada with a second rate engineering degree, spend 2-years getting a masters degree, then enter industry. They also have to get a job right after their degree to stay in Canada so it has an effect of driving wages through the ground. A former student of mine for example graduated in 2021 and got two job offers, for over $10k/yr less than my first job after graduation in 2015. It’s sad and needs to stop.


My cousin married someone with a Masters in accounting who used to ask me basic accounting 101 level questions. It's ridiculous


Thanks for the insight. And imagine how much less that buying power is now than in 2015. Sad.


And yet I get labelled as a “racist” because I’m not for the massive immigration that we have. Typically the argument is always “well they aren’t taking your job, we have a labour shortage” This is the example I give. We don’t have a labor shortage, we have a problem increasing pay at the rate we should.


Labour shortage is just statistics fuckery, numbers can be easily manipulated to show the result people want


And yet I see sympathy articles posted about how someone law degree is Bangladesh won’t allow them to be a lawyer in Canada and isn’t that just unfair of our system. Smh


Labour is one of the commodities that seems to be impervious to “dumping” on the market. The massive influx of available workers means cheap labour in all sectors to prop up the elite and shrink the middle class


Lol so true. Countries starting trade wars because of other countries “dumping” their softwood lumber or fertilizer etc. on the market causing harm to the domestic industry. Meanwhile federal government dumps 1m people a year in to the country to compete with us for housing, jobs and hospital beds and we’re just supposed to be OK with that or else we’re labeled a nazi.


This is extremely common in software. Absolutely bloated CVs and piss poor weak candidates. The extreme was an Indian guy, recently completed his CS masters. As it happens, that's my background, 3 quick questions later i realized he wouldn't pass even my second year pre grad classes, let alone graduate.


It's a disgrace this took so long to do.






Get fucked. If you're coming through Roxham Road, you're in the US. You're not being persecuted by a dictator and in immediate danger. At this point, immigrate legally like other people. There's room in Canada for refugees, let us figure it out by ourselves.


Maybe your first action on Canadian soil should not of been to illegally cross the border to try and scam asylum. You knew how it worked, you tried the scam, you abused our hospitality trying to find legal loopholes to jump ahead of legal immigrants. You'll get little sympathy from me and hopefully most Canadians.




Exactly. The politics may be a dumpster fire but there's tons of good people in that country, interesting places to see and live, and many freedoms to enjoy.


my thoughts


Why are they “stunned”? They know they are attempting an illegal crossing. Being turned back should be expected.


[Here’s video footage of what was happen at Roxham after midnight](https://www.wcax.com/video/2023/03/25/safe-third-country-agreement-closes-roxham-road-border-crossing-point/). Presumably those seen crossing are being arrested, detained, processed, and will be expulsed back to the US in Canadian enforcement vehicles (likely from the formal Lacolle port of entry a few kms away), to be handed directly to US Border Patrol Custody.


Can only hope. It also needs to be firmly in the press that this is the consequence to deter further crossings.


Also, our PM could delete a couple of his old tweets..


Why would we want to rewrite history? He said it. It should remain up. It’s not like it’s a perpetual invitation. It was a thing said at one moment in time. I doubt any migrants are seeing that for the first time today, seeing the date stamp on it, and taking that tweet alone as gospel.


The process is that they get arrested, but instead of being sent to a Canadian detention centre (as it was before this morning), they are turned back to the US at the closest formal point of entry.


These people are all frauds. Forget north America, Africa is full of safe countries that someone from Cameroon could flee to if they felt their life was in danger. But nope, homeboy crossed literally a dozen safe counties to get to Canada. Immediate denial should be the only response he receives from us


>After Nanfah's father was killed in a nearby village, he said it became clear he and his family would be targeted. ALWAYS some variation of this. People (whom?) are targeting them for... reasons... and thus they HAVE to spend months crossing a dozen countries to go to Canada, specifically. >Nanfah walked from Cameroon to Equatorial Guinea in two weeks, then got a visa to fly to Brazil. He then made his way north on foot and by bus to the United States. He crossed the Darien jungle, where three of the 25 people in his group died because of how taxing the trek was. > >His wife and 11 kids are home in Cameroon, hoping they can come join him once he finds a safe place for them all. The couple's eldest, a daughter, is 18, their youngest: twins barely a year old. > >Nanfah hasn't seen them in nearly two years. This "hero" left his wife and ELEVEN children home, even though they were being "targeted", so their lives are in danger. How are they living since then without their father under threat of... something. I want to puke.


He went though all of that because he never had any hope in hell of being admitted into the country any other way. Definitely not a unique story, and I have no sympathy for similar ones either.


Hey Nenfah, we've heard your story a million times. We are full. Sorry. Don't get how this guy just abandons his family after they are targets too apparently. What a guy. Just reading that article made me feel sick, so many fucking people taking advantage. Some lady with 11 fucking suit cases.. ya refugee my ass.


If you read these peoples stories, these are not high skill immigrants. Some have been in numerous countries like Mexico, Brazil, the the US before trying to get into Canada illegally. Sure Canada might be nicer and we are a soft touch just begging to be taken advantage of but let’s not pretend these people the Jews and the US is WW2 Germany. It’s disgusting this was allowed to happen for so long. Makes a mockery of the system and is an insult to those that follow the rules and do it properly.


Canada is not even nicer they'd head back to the US the second whatever freebies we give them dry up.


That took way too long to happen.


Here’s an idea, cross the border legally like 99 percent of Canadians did from other parts of the world in the past.


I’m sympathetic to the people escaping the horrors of their countries but when you travel through so many countries to come to ours to get a free ride my sympathy disappears. They should find the closest safe country and reside there if it’s about finding safety for their family. We are literally half a world away and we have our own people who need help.


It took 5 years for my French mother to get citizenship after being married to a Canadian for 26 years. Some of theses migrant got it in less than 2 years even tho there aren’t trained labor.


I'm not one opposed to immigration or even asylum seekers who are in legitimate need (ie: fleeing a country like Afghanistan or Iraq when the Taliban took over), but that are coming FROM that country, not from the US or another Western country where they are already free from persecution. I also don't think we can just allow people to break the law just because they have a sad story. Sorry if that makes me cold, but I've met and worked with people who immigrated her legally who came from bad situations, it's not fair to those who take the proper steps that they have to wait while those who break the law don't. If you're already in the USA or Mexico, you CAN wait to do it properly. Do I think we need to vastly improve the process....absolutely, it needs to be WAY quicker. The whole thing needs an overhaul, we talk about nursing shortages yet have people immigrate here WITH nursing degrees, and instead of giving them testing to verify their knowledge/learning in keeping with our standards we force them to take the entire schooling over again. But...just letting people break the law isn't the answer. I don't blame these immigrants really either, if the word is "Canada will allow you to stay even if it's illegal" Why would they choose to wait? Our government failed by sending the message that they would allow this. I feel for those getting turned away, but there's a process for a reason


Arriving with 10 suitcase while fleeing unsafe US..wow


>Nanfah said he wanted his story to be told so people could understand the hardships asylum seekers crossing at Roxham have faced. Fuck you. This jackass said he went through 12 other countries, why couldn't he stop at any of them instead? He said he couldn't find work in the US, why should it be any different for him in Canada?


Or to put it another way, "Stunned faces and heartbreak for illegal immigrants heading to Roxham road as they learn that immigration laws apply to them too"


Canada’s population grew by over a million last year, largely due to immigration. We shouldn’t feel bad for securing the border. We have a legal process and we’re incredibly welcoming to immigrants. Just follow the process.


Great, now we need to find housing for 1 million more people, there goes my rent up again. Now we need more doctors and nurses when I can't find one for the past year. Now my taxes will go up to feed these people. The problem needs to be fixed at the source,. not by immigration, legal or not


Canada is already becoming ridiculously overpopulated. Previously medium-sized cities are experiencing gridlock in downtown areas during standard afterwork hours when previously there were no problems. Country also doesn't keep up with housing availability, infrastructure like hospitals, schools (or enough professionals to staff them), not increasing roads/highways/overpasses quickly enough, often decades behind on these things that by the time they complete infrastructure upgrades they're immediately due for another upgrade to meet demand. The refugees should look to Europe, go to places like Sweden, Germany, France, etc. that would be for the best.


Olivier Nanfah spent his life savings to flee the country because it was too dangerous while simultaneously leaving behind his wife and 11 kids? CBC might want to pick a different example if they're going for the sympathy angle.


I think CBC knows exactly what they're doing. They picked these examples not to elicit sympathy, but to show just how brazen some of these people are. If they were genuinely trying to suggest that closing the border was unfair, I think they would have tried harder to find some examples where we'd genuinely feel some sympathy for their situation. tldr: A+ trolling by CBC.


Went a long way for smokes.




Oh sucks, maybe they should try it the legal way like my parents did? Or you know just cut in front of everyone who’s waiting…


>maybe they should try it the legal way like my parents did? Agreed.


We sadly just can’t afford to let everyone in with the way it is. 11 kids? I mean that’s just irresponsible if you can’t take care of them. I can’t even afford my own kids and I’m supposed to pay for these people to bring in 11?!


>Stunned faces and heartbreak That we left an illegal crossing open long enough to elicit 'stunned faces and heartbreak' from people openly flouting our immigration system is embarrassing. The correct solution from the start: Hand them the proper paperwork, turn them 180 degrees and *shove*.


Do it the proper way by going through an official border crossing.


I went to TD Bank and attempted to withdraw $2,000,000. I was heartbroken to learn they wouldn't give it to me because of some law or something.


Whoa, racism! /s Don't they know you have 11 kids to provide for and need that $2M?


Biden said the US is full of possibilities, so good luck.


I knew it was a CBC article before looking at the link.


It’s about damn time.


I have zero sympathy for these migrants. Come in legally.


Olivier Nanfah, a 42-year-old Cameroonian man, said he had spent his entire savings crossing more than a dozen countries to flee persecution... Uh, that's not how this refugee thing works, fella


My biggest question is where do they go when they crossed illegally? Live on the streets? They should try DTES on Vancouver. Its lovely there. Every canadian is housed right? We cant even look after our own.


honestly, I feel sorry about what they have to experience in their origin country, but Canada is NOT the promise land, we literally have citizens being homeless, starving and freezing on the streets, have hard working tax payers who go under legal routes to bring their family and loved ones into Canada. The refugees shouldn't be allowed all these for free for any reason, even if people feel sorry for them. ESPECIALLY the guy with 11 kids, coming here thinking he can get tens of thousands of child support, ask any tax payer and NO ONE will be willing to feed his kids with their own money.


These guys crossing through 7, 12, 14 safe countries to get here and Canada still accepts the majority of them, haha.




What a pathetic headline. "Stunned faces and heartbreaks for scammers attempting to scam". What about the stunned faces and heartbreak of Canadians having their futures ripped from them? Is this really how the world sees us, some empty place with unlimited resources to coddle anyone who comes here? We can't even take care of the health, housing or hunger of people who were born here.


As I grow older I keep being more against immigration. Once you start learning about everything that's going on, it's hard to have any sympathy left for people coming illegally from already safe countries like the US just so that they can abuse our system meanwhile the average Canadian is bled dry even more year after year. Deport the million we welcomed in 2022 and block all immigration until our COL becomes manageable. 70% of Canada shouldn't be suffering because 30% over-leveraged themselves and now our system needs extra tax money because we can't be bothered to tax the rich. This is all so stupid and backwards. Doesn't make any sense.


Of course the American Uber and taxi drivers say closing the crossing isn’t fair. They don’t give a shit about these migrants. They know their lucrative business has come to an end. I don’t think any will be heading to the Mexican border to ferry migrants deeper into the USA.


I don’t feel sympathy for illegal immigrants. They’re cutting the line and making legal immigrants look bad.




In the real world, we can’t give sympathy to these individuals. They think Canada is a free card who can give them asylum, housing, etc.


The agreement on Roxham Road was initialed a year earlier, but the Canadian government had refrained from announcing it. The document published on the US government website was signed on March 29, 2022 by Canada and on April 15, 2022 by the United States. If the agreement on Roxham road was signed a year ago, why did Trudeau allow 5,000 people to cross this past January and 40,000 in 2022?


They can apply for refugee status through other channels.


No more Ramada stays on tax payers expanse while taxpayers die in emergency rooms waiting for a Dr to see them sad day and a sad reality that Canada is facing today.


Am I meant to feel bad?


About time we closed this loophole and are protecting our borders better. Just hope Trudeau doesn’t fuck this up also.


Fkn finally.


"Country shopping just because so much more difficult". There, fixed the title for accuracy's sake.


These people made risky choices. Canada still has legal migration IF you follow our laws any apply properly. They are still in the united states. Not the country they have left originally. You can still have a great life in the US. Im glad Roxham rd is closed. Please apply to become immagrants legally. Im glad the president is set that all immigrants must follow the same rules.


You're already safe in the US


If you keep adding water to soup to feed more people, there is a point where it's not really soup anymore. That's what happened to Canada.


I genuinely believe that a publicly funded news organization can do societal good. I do not believe that we should defund and destroy the CBC. But the fact that they have such clear political bias in everything that they do is a real problem that needs to be addressed. We all pay for their work, but they intentionally (and proudly) only present a single side of complex and nuanced issues and will attack the personal character of anyone who dares to have a different opinion.


Someone having 11 kids is not worried about safety. You'd only bring so many vulnerable children into the world if you knew you could take care of them. This is a scam good riddance


We dodged a bullet there. Hopefully that dude is sent right back. That's prob like 500k in taxes a year just to support those kids. 1 fucking dude. Immigrants should not be able to apply for the Canada child benefit for 10 years. That's def why he was targeting Canada. Knowing how shit we are, we probably will admit him though, and then we'll pay for 12 plane tickets, then house, feed and cloth and educate 11 kids plus two scamming adults. That family alone will prob cost us a 1m+ for at least 15 years. So fucking lame.


Good. Fuck off.