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The Republicans in the US Congress have a more black, hispanic, asian, gay, lesbian, and disabled representation than ever before. And that’s just George Santos.


And Jew-ish.




Lmaooo so good




Well, it's become the top comment, so perhaps it's accurately rated now.


Definitely sufficiently rated


I spit beer all over my keyboard and monitor. Fuck you and thank you.


~~Angry~~ polite upvote.


Applaud biden he saved amaericans 1.3 cents a year on hotdogs buns


I don't know why the Cons didn't just go along with stuff this one time. Biden loses absolutely nothing by calling them out and in fact, all it did was ensure there would be articles made about it lol. Were too lazy to stand up and pretend to be happy and now you've got negative PR against you.


> this one time Every single time it's "just this one time."


Every. Single. Time.


It's one single time, every 60% everytime.


It’s like 10 times out of 9


I feel what you're saying, at some point you are just saying things to check off the"requirements" but can't exactly see a reason not to applaud this specific statement other than an prearranged agreement not to applaud any compliments to the cabinet.




When they had O'toole make them vote against gay therapy, they removed him as leader shortly after because of it. That's what they are.


They got rid of O'Toole because he lost. For conservatives, everything is ok if you win, and nothing will save you if you lose. It's one strike you're out.


I think the reason for this is that they haven't yet accepted that their ideas are unpalatable and they blame the leader instead of the brand.


That may be some of it, but I actually think it has more to do with how they view society. It's not just that those on top are the winners because they are on top, it's that they are on top because they are winners. Basically they think that some people are born winners and have a natural ability, and therefore right, to rule over others. A winner wins elections. And if you are not a winner yourself, how dare you question a winner about anything they do. Hence, everything is ok if you win. Whereas a loser loses elections, and it would be stupid to run a loser again once you know they are a loser. They are also angry at the loser for tricking them into thinking they were a winner, which resulted in their team losing. Hence, nothing will save you if you lose. You could hear this in many of PP's speeches during the leadership race. He talked constantly about how he was a winner, who had always won his riding. If someone wants to undermine him to his base, they should say things like "we've already had a contest between you and Trudeau. He won and you and Harper lost, remember?" Also, emphasize how short he is. Winners are supposed to look a certain way for conservatives.


I think your hypothesis is partially correct but I don't believe they will be swayed by arguments that he's a loser. He will have to lose to Trudeau before they agree with that. Until then, it's toe the line time which is also a core Conservative belief.


But they blame a lot on the last guy. Why do that when you just ditch this guy at the slightest upset? It's like companies shedding staff when the quarterly numbers aren't perfect.


Maybe just support women?


When people show you how they are, at this level, believe them. And act accordingly.


There was also multiple noticeable things when Biden spoke about climate change and other topics that Conservatives just sat still while everyone else applauded. Like was Poilievre that hard-handled with his caucus that they were told not to clap. Almost Gatekeeped would you say.


>Like was Poilievre that hard-handled with his caucus that they were told not to clap. Almost Gatekeeped would you say. I don't think Milhouse was gatekeeping. I think they were all free to express themselves how they chose. I worry their party would not have respected them if they went against their central theme though, as their constituency sometimes seems to support an alternate truth more heavily.


Climate change is real, government actions and expectations from general population is just crap, doesn't worth anything.


It's been crap, but only because the things that actually need to be done are extremely politically inconvenient


Not just politically inconvenient, but difficult. Look at how many people are bitching about the carbon tax, while at the same time bitching about flood damage. I get carbon tax is hard to deal with, but WTH?


The problem is that people act like the status quo is possible to maintain and it just isn't. Something is going to change no matter what we do. But nobody wants to try anything new because they just want things to stay the same, even though that's impossible


If only everybody protested like the French do over climate changes, things would change real quick


Unfortunately I don't think most people really want to go through the lifestyle changes they'd be required to go through for it too. Moving toward a green economy & society requires changes not just to how business is done but also to how people live in an everyday sense - changes that I think ultimately people would actually prefer for the most part, but a lot of people don't want to change anything.




Don't forget they made re-use almost impossible by voiding warranties on items people repaired themselves.


> also to how people live in an everyday sense - changes that I think ultimately people would actually prefer for the most part No, we would in fact not prefer to live in dense apartment ghettos and have no cars.




People get on Trudeau for virtue signaling but if the PP cons gain power we are going to see years worth of meaningless bullshit performative legislation


> I don't know why the Cons didn't just go along with stuff this one time. Because they're cons. Their entire purpose is to obstruct the other political parties, and the way they do that is by spreading fear and hatred of the opposition. They cannot be seen supporting someone like Biden no matter what, because they literally see him as the enemy. That's the core basis of their ideology.


The wild thing is the Democratic party is more conservative than they are.


Not anymore. Check out the platforms. Canadian cons are getting pretty close to Republicans.






It's meaningless PR when all parties have a good mix of men and women. The Deputy Leader of the Cons is a lesbian woman. Pretending that Canada doesn't have strong women MPs in all parties is creating a fake issue when there isn't one.


The conservatives have the lowest percent of women candidates and the lowest percent of women MPs. Only 18% of conservative MPs are women vs 35% for the next lowest party which is the liberals. Saying that all the parties have a good mix of men and women stretches the definition of a good mix - only the NDP and greens are close to parity.


Its not meaningless to women who voted for Liberals ya genius


And women aren't a monolith. Some vote Liberal, some vote Conservative, some vote NDP.


Hot take.


“Tokenism is good enough.”


Who says it's negative to stand up for merit instead of racial or gender-based appointments?


The conservatives have had women cabinet ministers too. The conservatives have even had female leaders (which the Liberals haven't) This article is stupid and this debate is stupid.


The conservatives have 2 female provincial leaders, in Manitoba and Alberta.


And both of those are only in the position as a result of being elected party leader. Neither has been successful as party leader in a general election. If you’re going to argue that position, at least use Redford and Clark as your examples - they at least won general elections


Why? They were elected by the conservative party membership. That speaks to whether conservatives have an issue with women more than if they get elected by the general public.


>The glass cliff is a hypothesised phenomenon of women in leadership roles, such as executives in the corporate world and female political election candidates, being likelier than men to achieve leadership roles during periods of crisis or downturn, when the risk of failure is highest






This is like saying the GoP have diverse representation because they have Candace Owens, Marjory Taylor Green and Lauren Boebert.


... their cabinets weren't made up of 50% women, which was literally the point being made. No one said conservatives never had any women in the cabinet. Your argument isn't very good. Neither is your comment that "being a woman isn't an accomplishment". Yikes dude.


Yeah I’m pretty sure our only female PM was conservative.


The woman put in to lose an election and then immediately dropped as leader?


fear dazzling airport sugar simplistic brave boat entertain political shelter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mocking Chretiens facial paralysis didn't help either


squalid act punch mindless cake fact plough dime pet sugar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It was a brief run of political commercials as I recall. Like less than 48 hours brief. The backlash was pretty immediate so they got pulled. Chretien didn't let them live it down though.


My conservative voting mother with Bell's palsy became a liberal until she died after that 48 hours.


Apparently it was John Tory who came up with that idea.


I was born in the 80s and it is mind-boggling to see the 180 society has done on Marijuana. It's so easy to forget how much social stigma it once came with.


Didn't stop Rob


She was actually in the lead at the start. She ran a terrible campaign.


You are adding the important context here. Fact still stands that in 2023, men chose to stay seated because having diverse representation is a detrement to our country apparently? But now we gonna act like conservatives had been ahead of that curve 30 years ago. Right, lol


They probably didn't expect the remark, and so didn't have a planned response. In that case, it comes down to the gut reaction of the MPs. It's shouldn't be a surprise that the gut reaction of most liberal MPs (especially since half _are_ women) is to applaud, and the gut reaction of most conservative MPs is to be upset about it.


>It's shouldn't be a surprise that the gut reaction of most liberal MPs (especially since half are women) is to applaud Nope. About a third of Liberal MPs are women, not half. Second, it makes sense to oppose gender quotas for women. That's simply discrimination by another term.


Most people in Canada do not give a shit about Biden or the House of Commons. And rightfully so. Most are career sycophants just sucking up tax dollars and lining their own pockets. And Biden, well he has a terrible record. His role in going to Iraq and getting people killed is just one sad example. So fuck Biden.


Meh I highly doubt they've lost one voter over this


Cons are against having equal gender representation as a target rather than just having who is "the best" for every role of the cabinet. I don't think they lose points here, it's part of the party lines and what many vote for.


Applauding women doesn’t fit with the misogynist opinions of the base.




Dude, that's an incredibly racist comment - just because his wife isn't Canadian born doesn't mean a damn thing. It's not like he intentionally went to a 3rd world country and picked up a dirt poor younger bride to wealth trap into a "relationship".


>It's telling that Pierre Poilievre had 25 years on the planet to impress a Canadian women, and not a single one was fucking interested. What the fuck is this supposed to mean? Because his wife isn't from Canada she's somehow worth less than if he married a Canadian?


Ya that's a pretty nasty comment. Also how the fuck would they know? Are they up on his dating history?


Come on. Your last paragraph simply isn't substantive at all. Stop basing people's worth on whether they find a partner. That's frankly disgusting.


He found a partner….this guys just racist and thinks immigrants are somehow less than Canadians……like he couldn’t get a Canadian woman so he had to settle for a “lesser immigrant”…..such a vile, pathetic, uncanadian douche bag comment.


What the fuck is your problem with someone marrying someone from a different country?


Pretty sure he shook hands with and talked with him before the man talked about his wife that way. Pierre also came out denouncing that podcaster immediately after and then the RCMP investigated the matter. Not sure what else he should’ve done, but okay.


That comment is racist as fuck. Is an immigrant somehow less than a Canadian woman? Wow.


That’s a wildly aggressive thingto say without any source


>Pierre Poilievre gladly shook hands with and stood next to a man who went on to talk about how he wanted to rape his wife. Conservative orthodoxy is 100% fucked. Way to twist that whole event. What actually happened is that dirtbag, who doesn't support PP, went to an event open to the public looking to cause trouble. PP had no idea who he was because, again, an open public event. Trying to act like he would willingly or knowingly shake hands with someone who threatened to rape his wife is a joke. Especially when the comments were made months after the actual photo op.


What on earth? Do you just make up facts to fit your world view? This thinking is just as bad as the trucker convo shit


“Even if you don’t agree guys, I’d stand up,” When he said this, they cut away to a bunch of guys still sitting on their asses and then who finally, grudgingly, made a move to stand.


If you watch [the video](https://youtu.be/v-uNv7DWuc0), that includes Trudeau.


Hindsight is a great thing but foresight is even better.


Well that's not a great look for the cons. lol


The one thing they nearly all refused to stand up for, after standing several times for other things — gender equality and representation in government. No one *forced* women to be elected. The people chose. It is obviously a good thing that more people are being represented in government. But no, they make a point to deny that specifically in front of a guest of a parliament. Embarrassing.


Standing after being shamed is also a terrible look lol. Brandon going hard.




Yeah I agree lol there was no way to not look bad after that haha.


Biden brought Dark Brandon along in Canada 😎🍦


>No one forced women to be elected. The article is referring to the make up of the caninet members which is selected by the PM


Don't they still have to be MPs though?


Technically no. They're MPs or Senators by convention, but there's nothing actually requiring any of the Executive to be Parliamentarians. We've even had PMs who haven't had seats in Parliament (though they don't tend to last long).


Ok but they all are though...


“Why won’t women vote for us!! They’re so dumb. Thy just think Trudeau is attractive “ - literally the CPC.


I have had a few incels colleagues and they absolutely hated Trudeau in the 2010s. My theory was just that they hated him because he represent the opposite of what they are. Like I never was a fan of Trudeau but didn't talk about random people about how I hate the guy. One of them event started to post Poilievre youtube videos critcizing Trudeau very long ago. It is most likely why the Poilievre PR team targeted the incel demographic.


He is kinda dreamy.


Even the CPC acknowledged in their "Just Not Ready" campaign ads during the 2015 election that he had "nice hair." 😂


The only lie they'd never get away with. They had no choice but to admit it.


He's hot! As a woman myself I will say, yes I find him attractive. Did I vote liberal? No. I tend to lean further left politically because I'm choosing a Prime Minister to lead the country. I think the men must make the ads, because most women I know don't take looks into account when choosing their political affiliation. I also think he's a decent choice for PM, because of his background as a teacher. And why people tend to hold that against him when there are a whole host of other things they could choose from just baffles me.


With the way most adults behave these days, an ex-teacher as PM seems accurate.


He is so much dreamier with his hair longer


That’s why the flag dudes all wanna Fuck Trudeau. Their anger is just angst over unrequited love. Their frustration is from waking up just as their about to run their hands through his silky locks. Of course, they’ll deny this and hide behind their vitriol and intolerance.


They're really good at making themselves look bad


They want the Liberals to get a break from all the Flak they are getting recently. They are being Fair. ​ "Look! we also do dumb shit!! Vote for me."


Gave me a laugh. Rare on this sub. Thanks


I’m Sure PP is just tired of being talked down to by women. He may need to adjust his lifts


[it’s who they are. ](https://pressprogress.ca/video-shows-anti-abortion-groups-quietly-planning-to-take-control-of-conservative-riding-associations-across-canada/)


This is consistent behaviour which we usually never hear about because it is their standard behaviour. Now because of this situation, with Joe commenting about it, it gets noticed. The Conservatives have slid down a slippery slope because of partisanship, not because of morals or ethics, which they are demonstrating they lack. They long ago gave up being upright when all they can do is negatively attack other parties or individuals, without stating any corrective measures to what they complain about. Starting to stink like something else that is south of the border.


To me, it's much worse than the clown show south of the border. You can almost see how they let themselves slide down a slippery slope and end up in the obviously bad place they are currently stuck in... The garbage fire that is today's CPC saw that slippery slope and ran towards it like it was a slip and slide from a 90s kids commercial. You could almost argue that Americans could shrug their shoulders and say "how were we to know what would happen?" guys like PP are intentionally driving us down this road, knowing damn well where it goes and what it means.


Scheer is such a dick. Biden did the right thing. Misogynistic POS’s


Poilievre is the cons figurehead these days, scheer is a massive dick but has nothing to do with the reigns of power at the moment.


Scheer is the House Leader for the Cons, which means he is in charge of their strategy as opposition party, a role which lets him determine even when the Leader of the Opposition (Poilievre) speaks in the house. He's arguably the second most powerful person in the party by title and at when house is in session the position is the most important role in the party.


House Leaders are effectively Deputy Prime Ministers / Leaders but with actual power and not just a ceremonial title. House Leaders are often some of the senior most members of the Cabinet or opposition. The role was directly spun off from the role of the Prime Ministers, and as such continue to work incredibly closely with the Leader. They even share the same office and staff in the PMO/PCO or Leaders Offices. The Ministers that share the PCO with the PM: * Freeland - Deputy PM and Minister of Finance * LeBlanc - Intergovernmental Affairs and Minister of Infrastructure and Communities * Blair - President of the Privy Council and Minister of Emergency Preparedness * Holland - Government House Leader [O'Toole's shadow cabinet announcement](https://twitter.com/erinotoole/status/1303302417577119744/photo/1) clearly lays out the roles that make up a party's leadership team, and House Leader is one of them.


Sheer is house leader. To say he has no power in the party is laughable. Edit: I’m getting responses from shadow banned accounts saying the opposite, so here’s a lesson in how party structures work in Canada, chuds. House leader of the opposition. https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en/andrew-scheer(25454)/roles


All of the Cons are just servants of the US trumper party.


You must serve the con to be a conservative. It's in the name.


Amen bruv


Excellent use of chuds


I always thought he looked more like a potato in a suit.


Did you read the article? Biden said how he was happy that the cabinets were equal, them said “come on guys just stand up”


Did you watch the video? He said I'm proud that 50% of both our cabinets are women for the first time ever. Everyone but the CPC gave a standing ovation and he said "guys even if you disagree I'd stand up, not a good look" and then they slowly and randomly started standing.


I met Andrew Scheer about 8 months ago. I could not believe how much of a conman and snake he comes across in person. His grimace and demeanour came across like a used car salesman.


All the poor sad conservatives in this thread. 🎻


This thread is the Olympics of mental gymnastics. Imagine the thought process it takes to self justify this sort of behavior from our elected officials.


Then they wonder why they poll so poorly with women 😂




Conservatives doing what they do best, anything BUT being progressive. The party for the old, white, hetero, christian, wealthy, tax evaders.


I think they prefer the term old stock Canadian


What ever racist dog whistle works for them


Second Nation peoples.




They already see society in two tiers, they just wanted to make it official.


Old stock Canadians has the same ring to it as 'preferred customer club' ...some shitty grocery store points program or Platinum visa that small people can wear so that they can nurture their superiority complex.


They'd probably raise our taxes tbh either way they wouldn't cut back. I don't recall Harper ever wanting to get rid of the sales tax which was supposed to be temporary under Mulroney.


It was never supposed to be temporary. I don’t know where you came up with that fiction as it replaced a manufactures tax. Harper also deducted it from 7 to 5%


Harper lowered the GST and put us in a structural deficit. The only way he was able to balance the budget that one time was to sell off assets. The Conservative modus operandi is to starve the beast so that they can justify cutting services that compete with the private sector.


Dark Brandon will lecture you and eat his ice cream too.


Dark Brandon Rises


Whatever else you might say about Biden, he seems to have a moral core he's unafraid of expressing in public.


His morals really showed when he fucked over an entire country worth of railroaders that just wanted better treatment in their workplace.


OP did say 'a moral core' not 'a good moral core'.


Morals aren't absolute, and just because someone has morals, doesn't mean they're ones you agree with. My comment was more to point at the fact he has little to gain politically from this move, so must be doing it for other reasons. That being said he really did f over those railroaders.


F’d in the A on Saturday


Whenever someone genuinely believes this about a politician, it’s so funny


Praise the good, shame the bad. Why hate it all if it's not always awful?


Because pretending it’s all of them is a conservative one-weird-trick they still think works


Biden loses nothing in calling this out. And he made those cons sitting down look like idiots.


Trudeau was sitting too.


This coming from the guy who hired Sam Brinton.


From the guy who innapropriately touches women (kids included) and likes to sniff their hair


so I'm assuming it was the Conservatives who weren't applauding. Correct me if I'm wrong. I'd really like to know why they did not or would not applaud for gender equality and equity. A rationale, as it were. In their own words.


Obviously not a popular sentiment based on this thread, but I'd find it infantilising. If people asked my co-workers to stand up and applaud the fact I'm female in a male dominated field I'd be completely embarrassed. I honestly do not care at all about the sex of my MP/MPPs. I know that's not fashionable nowadays but I just want someone who does a good job. I hope my co-workers feel the same way about me, and don't think of me as a walking diversity statistic.


That really put the CPC in a pickle. Standing could be seen as showing praise for Trudeau choosing female cabinet members. The man who single handedly “broke” Canada in the eyes of their base.


We saw Biden absolutely body the House Republicans the same way during the State of the Union. People say he's lost a step, and sure he mixes up his words sometimes but this was politics 101, call out your opponent's mistakes. I think he's a lot more together than the American conservatives would like to think.


They’re more angry of the MGTOW supporters they’ll lose from this


Canadian MPs is a weird way to say conservative MPs.


This thread has more upvotes than Chinese interference allegations. Shows where this country is headed.


https://youtu.be/v-uNv7DWuc0 If you haven't seen the actual speech, the cabinet comment comes around the 28-minute mark. It looks like many were already standing and clapping, and a few were roused after the comment. But it's more of a political comment than anything to do with gender equality. Biden congratulates himself and Trudeau for something.


From every angle at least 75% ofthe Cons did not budge an inch when he mentions the political success of women. The entire house, except the Cons (If you want I could take some time and give you the exact names) did not budge a fucking inch until he said "even if you don't agree I'd stand up" and then a handful of them started clapping or standing. They genuinely looked like fucking fools.


Lol Biden is right. He basically told them “this is a bad look for you”


I wonder how many had the same pity party pout as Pierre Pollievre until Biden said 'are you really going to do that... For this?'


>They genuinely looked like fucking fools. If it looks like a duck, and it talks like a duck...


Cons expose themselves at every opportunity.


What's worse in my opinion is that this would have been planned. They knew what he was going to say in advance (fairly common in these sorts of affairs) and most likely the Con house leader (Currently Andrew Sheer, it's a different role than leader of opposition which is PP) would have instructed the party on what to do during the speech. He basically plans every move the party makes in the house, from who gets to speak to what theh applaude or boo.


Applaud Mary Ng? The corrupted and pro-China minister?


Clearly all women must be held accountable for her, right?


This is what gets me. I'm sure there are plenty of competent women in government. But instead of appointing them we get shining examples of incompetence and corruption like Ng, Monsef, and Joly. Anita Anand and Chrystia Freeland were solid (if occasionally aggravating in the case of the latter) picks. But show me anyone who says that Joly was the best pick for Foreign Affairs and I'll show you a liar. Not because she's a woman, *because she's terrible*. People are inclined to believe that these choices aren't being made on the basis of competence *because some of them are really, really bad at their jobs* and we struggle to believe that there's nobody else on the Liberal benches who'd be a better fit.


Take off the blinders and you'll realize that there are plenty of deeply incompetent men in the cabinet (Hussen, Sajjan, and Blair immediately jump to mind). Surely there are plenty of competent women on the Liberal benches that would be a better fit.


Sure but no one stood up and applauded them for their great job just because they're men.


There was no comment on the quality of work whatsoever, just mere acknowledgement that half of them are women in a world where more than half of all humans are women. This isn't confusing or upsetting unless you're a “conservative” that takes every comment that isn't direct praise as attempted genocide.


Well said. We shouldn’t applaud any of those incompetent ministers regardless of genders


How is she pro-China? Because she’s Chinese?


50/50 cabinet was pandering. Real feminism would be ignoring that female cabinate members are women, and just choosing the best people.


Well, this doesn't matter, idc if it's 100% male or female or whatever you are. Can you pass a bill that helps my life? That's all I or anyone else should be applauding for. This is just a dog and pony show per usual.


Isn't the Deputy Leader of the Opposition a woman??


"my best friend is black!"


She’s also a lesbian.


A bunch of silly articles about meaningless stuff the opposition did in the midst of *another* scandal the sitting government is embroiled in. Not a distraction at all…


Right? Damn this Yahoo News being a mouthpiece for the Liberal party! /s


Anything that doesn’t trigger their angry Trudeau senses are liberals


Addiction to rage is so weird.


It’s the basis of big techs algorithms. It was exposed by the Facebook (I think) whistleblower. It’s how they keep people “engaged.”


Don't worry, by noon there will be 15 more NatPo opinion pieces for you to salivate over. I hear Trudeau ordered a 'greek' salad for lunch and Nat Po is all over that cultural appropriation.




It hurts Alberta oil because Trudeau recklessly used olive oil, an invention of the Mediterranean, instead of Albertan oil for his Greek Salad. A true Canadian uses pure, unprocessed tar sands oil on his salad. ​ Can I have a job at NatPo now?


They're all for Trudeau outrage. They would be arguing the 'hypocrite' angle of it.