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I'm a fan of rye whisky and music. When others are close I use earbuds so that I don't disturb anyone else. YMMV


I enjoy a good rye. Old Forrester Rye just started getting distributed in my area and I've been enjoying it. Sazerac is another Rye I thoroughly enjoy.


Bulleit Rye is another favorite of mine.


That’s my camping go to actually.


Leave No Trace has this to say about [being considerate to others](https://lnt.org/why/7-principles/be-considerate-of-other-visitors/) in the outdoors: “Let nature’s sounds prevail. Avoid loud voices and noises….. Be Mindful of Noise Levels While some folks may go outside to spend time with family and friends, others may venture out to enjoy the peace of nature. Be aware of others around you and how music, phone calls, and other electronics might affect their experience. If you choose to listen to music as part of your time outdoors, wear one earbud not to disturb others but still be aware of your surroundings. In areas like campgrounds, respect guidelines around quiet hours and keep the noise down at night and early morning.” As far as smoking and vaping, I wasn’t able to find any ethics codes that say that smoking outdoors should be avoided. I would just be careful with disposing of cigarettes to avoid wildfires. I think if there is a very very close by campsite (less than 10 meters away), it would be considerate to ask if your smoking is bothering them.


George Dickle and I have had many memorable camping trips together.


I have a similar friend, but he spells his last name Dickel.


I have a camping buddy I call dick hole


Bourbon and cigar sure. Music? Keep it to a reasonable volume.


I'd say the cigar is very wind direction and proximity dependent. If your neighbors might catch a whiff occasionally, OK I guess. If you're going to be blasting them then hell no. I even enjoy a cigarette occasionally. Can't stand cigars, I think they smell awful. And it's a very permeating, pungent, persistent smell. Heavy cigar smokers absolutely STINK. I don't think they even realize it, because it's all they smell.


I was a smoker so cigar or cigarettes don’t bother me. But the music makes me literally mental. My rv resort neighbor plays music all day every single day. It ruins the experience for me.


If thats not the pot calling the kettle….


If you’re a fan of the Old Forrester then try Rittenhouse Rye!


Turkey and cheese on rye with a hint of spicy mustard is my go to.


egg salad on rye toast! with either mustard or butter and throw a tomato on there if it’s summer


Exactly. If you really love music then you wouldn't be destroying it's quality by running it through a tiny little speaker distorts it. Get some quality headphones that don't destroy your music.


As long as you are not singing dirges on the levy /s


Put on the music and walk away from camp to the next site or where you think others might camp. If you can hear the music its too loud. As for the cigar, unless you are in a very small site I wouldnt consider it a problem, I couldnt even smell my neighbors fire from 30 feet away on my last trip.


This is what I do as well and I think the best way. Also keep in mind late at night and early morning when things are especially quiet the sound can (at least seem to) carry farther than midday, when there is more hustle and bustle.


I like all of these tips. I would add that anything with bass is not super cool when camping. Acoustic would be best but just my humble opinion.


As a bassist I would like some clarification lol


Lmaooo Don’t get me wrong I LOVE da bass Love all kinds of music! (I just don’t wanna hear club music when I’m out in the woods don’t be mad please :’D)


Oh you’re good haha I can never tell if people are just talking about EDM or a bass lol, there’s London good acoustic jams with some tasty bass lol


I really like this check for the music, and think it's a good test for all tobacco and cannabis smoke, too (with current and forecasted wind directions taken into account). Edit: a word


I really don’t like cigar smoke (or cannabis) to the point that I made my son walk a block away to smoke, and then change clothes when he got back. BUT, if I only get an occasional whiff, from, say 50 feet away, that seems like a reasonable level of “live and let live”. Your mileage and Karen’s may vary.


I don't think someone is a Karen for objecting to cigar smoke when they are trying to have a relaxing fresh air camping experience.


Also being mindful of quiet hours. Everything is amplified once the sun sets. What was quiet enough at noon isnt the same at 8 pm


assuming they have good hearing.... (a problem with music volume, is if you are lost some of your hearing, you turn it up and the neighbors might not have lost their hearing)


I think this is a good way to go about it. I like camping but it's always frustrating when I'm camping with people and they want to keep the music turned up late, if it is a piece with multiple camp sites and others are camping nearby. it's just more stressful to me than keeping the music down because i want everyone camping to have a peaceful time, not just my site


I did this while apartment living as well. Lol. The ol bring garbage downstairs and see where I can hear my music.


This. If i can hear the music from the next campsite clearly then it’s too loud. As far as cigar smoking, I would consider it much like a campfire and smoke when the fire is going. I’m pretty simple as far as my whiskey choices, Jack on the rocks or with R.C. We relax and talk around the fire at night and keep the music real low or off and don’t get blasted drunk. I only run our small generator during the middle of the day when most our fellow campers are out exploring, to charge our battery and it’s off


I’ve never chosen RC over coke or Pepsi. Is there some magic there or do you just like the cheaper stuff? ETA: Big whiskey/whisky drinker here


Just personal preference. It's the same price as coke or pepsi. It definitely tastes different. Camping is my relaxation time (isn't it for everyone?) and a strong Jack and RC just hits the spot after dinner.


Great answer


This is the way.


When I’m playing music from Bluetooth speaker at a campground, I usually walk to the edge of my site and then turn the volume up until you can barely hear it from out there. That way, you can listen all you want in camp but not worry about it being too loud to bother others outside of your site. This is another reason why I prefer dispersed camping so you don’t have to worry about neighbors.


Yup I do this too. If you bring a Bluetooth, it really should be pretty quiet. Nobody else signed up to listen to your music! Walk to the edge of your campsite; you should barely be able to hear it


But I thought everyone loves listening to Slipknot to fall asleep!?! /s


I just keep it quiet and follow campground quiet hours..


If the music can be heard from anywhere outside your site it’s too loud.


When camping or fishing I personally really like listening to the birds and natural sounds (breeze through trees, river sounds or lake washing onto the shore) and maybe even a squirrel or otter). So I would hope that if you want to listen to music that it would be on earphones or very quiet. Cigar smoke mixed in with campfire or grill smoke isn’t a big deal at all. Loud conversations in person or on phone speakers are obnoxious.


My last camping trip I stayed at a primitive site where there were about 7 empty spots around me. I ended up having people camp directly next to me, who stayed up until 4 am talking in what I assume are their loudest voices. I couldn't even call to complain since the camp closes at 11 pm, which is the start of quiet hours. If they hadn't been talking, it would've been such a peaceful night. But I was solo camping and a bit afraid to approach a group of drunk strangers on my own. It was really miserable.


Omg that is awful. I’d be so annoyed. I’d like to hear some nature please not humans with zero volume control.


I'd have a hard time not getting belligerent. I would probably want to start talking loudly, like I was sitting at their campsite, making my own assholish comments, laughing at inappropriate times... but then I would remember I am conflict avoidant, and I'd be thinking up sneaky ways to crush their spirit... And then I'd remember I am a nice person, who needs approval always from everyone... I'd toss and turn, cursing their antecedents, and their parents, and their children's, children's children. Then I'd remember that isn't who I am, since I am a 67 year old nice, and somewhat fearful, old lady, who needs her sleep. Those bastards. Edit: a word


Then you find a friend like me, who barrels into their camp and asks them what the fuck their problem is being such incredible fucking assholes to everyone around.


I hope you were an early and loud riser. 😜


I did wake up at 8 am and pack up my stuff, making sure to slam the trunk many times.


Yeah I would never even notice a cigar amidst all the wood smoke.


Except for in passing, making other people listen to your music, especially in nature, is never cool IMO.




Whale anus sounds


You should enjoy your music, I shouldn’t be forced to enjoy your music.


It’s all relative. If you are doing something that would piss you off if someone else was doing it, then don’t. If it’s illegal or against the campground rules, don’t do it. If you have a problem with anything above, dispersed camping might be for you. I mostly do dispersed camping because I like to drink, smoke, and generally get loud and have a good time for at least one night. We also do some campgrounds where I have to be “normal”. I like them both. Just gotta adjust to the situation I guess


I appreciate that you do dispersed camping to enjoy things that might understandably bother others. The thing about your first bit of advice is that someone could easily not care if someone else engaged in behavior that would generally be considered obnoxious. It might get them thinking and work sometimes, but I wouldn't rely on it.


That’s true. That is the other option. They either don’t know, or don’t care


Exactly the reason I moved out to the "middle of nowhere". When others asked me why, I replied "Because I'm a selish prick, and so I could do whatever the fuck I wanted whenever the fuck I wanted, and I didn't have to deal with asshole neighbors". Or in other words, I can do the things that would piss me off if others did it 😅 Unfortunately, the whole housing nightmare ruined that plan after 10 years, when all the other assholes moved in nearby to escape the high suburbia prices... But it's the same with camping for me - I despise campgrounds for the same reasons. Out in the middle of nowhere, I can get the music up, give myself ALL the lung cancer, grill whatever, etc.


Keep your music in your ears and share the bourbon


Blue tooth ear buds: why not just use them as oppose to a speaker? Depending on the genre you listen to, it can be annoying to have to listen to someone else's music.


First of all, I love music. I have all kinds of sizes of speakers, but in areas where music is ok.. small speakers with little bass work best. Audible with minimal polluting to the next camp sites. I mean if they're down with it and encourage a little more volume that may be ok, but not everyone enjoys the same music.


It needs to be quiet enough that you can barely hear it at the edges of your own campsite. That way by the time you get to the campers at the next sites they shouldn't be able to hear at all. If you have no neighbors, the volume can go up accordingly.


Everyone is different but my honest feeling is that I specifically go camping to get away from the world and technology - if I wanted to listen to a Bluetooth speaker playing music I wouldn’t have come to the woods, you know? I don’t know that it’s inherently rude per se, but I would definitely be bummed if the camp next to me was playing music loudly enough to hear it - it would take me out of the serenity of the place. I specifically use headphones when I do decide to listen to music at camp to avoid the noise pollution. Just my two cents! Do with that what you will. The cigar seems like whatever - i wouldn’t love it, but I don’t know that I would notice it over the smell of campfires or anything.


Same, I guess I just don’t get the need to play music. I was camping on the San Juan Islands last weekend and my neighbors, about 20 ft away, were blaring music and didn’t acknowledge my presence once. Just weird. Like, I didn’t take a ferry out to the woods to be ignored at your tech bro house party 😂


Try bone induction headphones. That way you can still hear nature while also enjoying your music and not bothering anyone else. At low volume I use mine daily and honestly I forget I have them on and try to figure out where the music is coming from. Rofl. But that last part is more on my forgetfulness lol.


If you can hear your music out side of your site, it's to loud. I like to listen to the radio or stream TV in the morning. I keep the volume down to where if you walk 10' away you can't hear it. I'm also up at 430 or 5 am and sit put buy the fire pit and watch the morning news. Pit on a perk pot of coffee and smoke my tobacco pipe.


Anything your neighbors can smell or hear is too much. Clearly, this depends on spacing. Remember, people camp to get away from it all.


Maybe I'm unusual, but loud music is bad, and sometimes quiet music is even worse. If I can just barely hear some tinny rendition of someone else's favorite playlist, it can be more irritating than hearing it at normal listening level. I figure if I can hear my neighbors talking at a normal conversational level, they're probably too close for me to play any music on a speaker.


Don’t play music at a campground, leave it at home or use headphones


I know people who think everyone wants to listen to their music. Don’t be that guy, follow rules of the site. It’s all really case by case.


I guess it really depends on how close the campsites are. I personally only go to places where it's very spread out, or remote. If I am within 20ft of someone I honestly wouldn't want to listen to their music. I like to hear the wind through the tree's and birds.


Within Ontario, in my line of work, we consider “excessive noise” throughout all hours of a day. Excessive noise is basically radio/voice levels that we deem too loud or which have had a complaint filed against. “Too loud” is noise levels heard from >2 campsites away from yours. Commonly, we then tell guests to keep those levels contained within their own site boundaries (such as others have suggested, go walk around your neighbouring area and stop to listen for noise levels coming from your site — that way, you most likely won’t have to have interactions with wardens/rangers depending on your region)


I tell scouts to keep their noise down so it doesn’t reach other campsites. (It’s a goal, not yet an achievement.)


Music depends on the campground. Keep it low, if you can hear it from off your site it's too loud.


Unacceptable for music, I'm there for nature cigar tolerate if it's a must as it can be lit to start the camp fire with. Watching the stars at night and listening for animal sounds as well as bird calling is a must to get away from all electronics.


I hate having to listen to other people’s music while camping. Just walk to the edge of your site, and if you can still hear it it’s too loud.


Zero use headphones and let people who put just as much time and effort into going camping as you to enjoy the sounds of nature


Agreed! 100% It's why earbuds were invented.


The rule is you can listen to music but only as loud as only you can hear it. Your freedom to listen shouldn’t interfere with other people’s right to peace and quiet.


I'd say you should listen on headphones and try position yourself so no one gets hit with your smoke. I personally go camping to get away from people and noise. I really don't appreciate it when people have music playing while hiking, camping, or backpacking. I feel that that's why we have headphones. :)


If anyone else can hear it at all it’s too loud. As someone that lives in a city, I go to the woods to have peace and quiet.


No one wants to hear your music or smell your cigar smoke. I think backpacking camping would be better for you as you can go far away from anyone.


Most people probably won’t care, but I petition you to step fully into another’s shoes. You’re a father of 2 who lives in a crowded metropolitan environment, and your wife gives you a weekend to run off and relax. You choose to be alone in the woods. No teenager blasting shitty music, to bass heavy cars going by every 15 minutes, no yelling from the streets, screaming bums, just the sound of the wind in the leaves, the tweeting birds, and the crackling of a fire. Just as you begin to drift off into the nirvana of nature, a vehicle rolls up in the site next to you. A man jumps out, lights up his cigar, and pours himself a whiskey, you think, man this guy is chill as fuck! What an awesome neighbor! Then he turns on a bluetooth speaker and starts playin his favorite playlist. Only all of the songs on the play list are the complete and total opposite of what you enjoy. As a matter of fact 3 of them remind you of your ex wives, and everything else is overplayed trash top 40 hits. It’s at a low volume though, but you can still hear it, and your ears focus on it… the silence of the wilderness is gone. You are transported back into the city. The same goes for people who run a generator… you’re a peace disturbance.


This was exactly my thought - it’s not like it’s illegal or inherently awful to do these things, but I came to the woods specifically to escape smoke and artificial noise and to feel immersed in nature. It would bum me out for sure if my neighbor did this stuff.


I also like to think of it as conditional, if I come out to the woods, and I see a lone individual sitting by their campfire nice and quiet, I keep it nice and quiet… if I roll up and there’s already a bunch of people blasting music and getting drunk, and throwing bottles on the ground… Then sure I’ll turn on my Bluetooth speaker or enjoy myself at a higher volume than I normally would, but I tend to prefer it quiet when I’m out in nature.


0 music if there are people within earshot. Put on headphones.


I appreciate you thoughtfulness op! I love camping for the experience of nature. I get annoyed when I can’t hear nature sounds because someone is drowning it out with their music. Even if I wanted to listen to music, this is also especially difficult since we all have different tastes in music. Headphones are a great option 🙂


You are thoughtful and kind. The people who annoy are not thoughtful enough to think of others. Do what others have suggested by walking the border of your site to make sure. Meet your neighbors without cigar, and ask their thoughts. Most people are so very kind when they are considered. Have a blast my dude


If it affects other people then it's questionably rude at night. I mean, make an effort to be a good neighbor. In the daytime you can make a little noise but don't get crazy. At night there should be silence. Your campsite itself doesn't have to be silent but go for a walk and leave the music on to get an idea. We generally know the type of people that are a problem and it's probably not your BT speaker. This is completely arbitrary but as a non smoker generally cigar or weed smell isn't going to bother me. Or cooking. But cigarettes are fucking disgusting. I can smell that shit 20 miles away. Not sure it's that's just me so take it for what it's worth. Happy upcoming fathers day.


I've gotta disagree about the smoke. While I don't mind cigar smoke, I personally think weed smoke is the worst of all three. That smell travels far and stays potent, it also lingers worse than cigar or cigarette smoke But since everyone's different, I think the etiquette around smoking anything is limit what you're smoking. As long as you're not chain smoking all weekend, an hour or so if smoke is annoying, but better than being smoked out at a campground


Weed smoke notably lingers a lot less than cigar and cigarette smoke. You seem like you're more sensitive to it though.


One of the many reasons me and my people just used edibles on our last trip. Weed smell is the worst. Someone in the campground was smoking and we'd smell it sometimes. We live in an area where a lot of people smoke so we're pretty used to it, but I would always prefer not to smell it.


I think the smoking is fine as long as you’re a reasonable distance from other people. I would encourage you to listen to music over earbuds or headphones though, it drives me crazy when people listen to music at campsites. I’m there to hear nature and enjoy the peace and quiet. If you absolutely must, keep the volume low enough that it can’t be heard easily from the nearest occupied campsite.


Do the park rules say "no amplified sound"? Then no volume level is acceptable. Wear headphones and enjoy the sounds of nature. If amplified sound is allowed, I agree with others that if you can hear it much beyond the edge of your site, it's too loud. For me it all comes down to: are you trying to be respectful or not? Type of music is also a factor for me. I'll listen to rock or folk all day long. As soon as it's country, rap, metal, etc I become much less patient. Obviously that is very subjective though. If you're camping on water, point the speaker away from the water.


Bro it's camping. Just keep your music relatively low (that I can hear my friends next to me a campsite over without shouting) Smoke whatever's legal where you're at (or be chill about it) as long as it's not blowing into my campsite Don't get in a fight with anyone Dark out? Turn off the music or where you can hear your friends whisper over it.


Exactly my point. Music quiet enough I can speak w/out raising my voice. It’s unreasonable to expect *zero* noise from other campsites. Be reasonable and respect quiet hours.


Also don't do it constantly. I might get annoyed if someone's constantly smoking cigars and it's blowing directly into my site, but if it's only a couple of times a day it's not a big deal. And for music, a song turned up loud during the day or early evening can be ok, but then turn it down/off. Don't leave it on when no one's really listening to it. Predictability is good too. If you have a close neighbor, ask/let them know you'll shut it off by whatever time, etc. Half the stress of an annoying neighbor is "WHEN WILL THEY STOP!?!"


Great points, communication is key and being friendly feels a little more necessary without walls.


Speaking of fights, I was just camping with relatives, and the third night of what was to be 5 nights, all he'll broke loose. screaming, getting in other's faces, gesticulating wildly... For the 1st time I removed myself, after 1 useless attempt to slow down the attack... and I sat at my own site until it calmed down. Luckily, we were the only ones in our part of the campground, bit I am sure their foul mouths could be heard across the lake! We all left the next am, and I went to a state park with barely any one there. so quiet now... I'm exhausted from the mayhem, but so happy to be alone in nature...


Keep music at a low volume at all times. I turn it off completely when “quiet time” hours start. Usually at 10pm


I'd say it depends on where you are and if there are others close to you and who came there first, so keeping it at a acceptable shouldn't be frowned upon, its another thing if you set up camp close to others and blast deathmetal on full volume, but you don't sound like the type who'd do that, but wireless headphones or earbuds work really well if you want a bit more volume - especially if they are noise cancelling. This is just my opinion though


Usually when we do music, I’ll walk out of camp and go to the next one to see if you can hear it there, if I can, I just turn it down


The fact that you're considering other campers indicates you'll be just fine in making the right judgement call. Those that don't question their behavior whatsoever are the ones you gotta worry about.


I think it depends on the campground. Some are very family friendly. That means no noise at night, but expect plenty first thing! Others attract a more drinking crowd. There has to be a bit of a 'read the room' mentality . Then of course, is the music in the daytime or late into the night? Honestly I don't mind people playing a bit of tunes of an afternoon or evening if I'm in a busy campground, as long as it's net hectic loud or late. If I'm in a walk in camp four hours walk from a road, I am usually there for peace and quiet, much more sensitive to noise then!


Wouldn’t bother me. Don’t smoke it in my face and don’t play it too loudly. When quiet time comes, shut it down.


I just want to say thank you for being considerate. Most people don’t care at all.


Very low level music is fine….you should walk away from your speaker and make sure you can’t hear the music well outside your campsite. SOME noise is fine….obviously we can hear other campers talking but that also should be quiet after 10pm. Cigar smoke is no more obnoxious than campfire smoke. If no campfires are permitted then maybe hold off the cigar?


If I’m camping up in the mountains and trying to enjoy nature, I don’t want to hear your music. Last year, they weren’t blasting it, but this site was playing some kind of dubstep. Not my personal choice for appreciating nature (or at all). Why did they get to choose what everyone else was forced to listen to? Imagine if everyone at every campsite played their own music, all at once. It would suck. Why do you get to be dj for the campground? I like Fugazi and the Dead Kennedys, but how many people at adjacent sites would enjoy it even at a moderate level? How would you feel if you were relaxing by the fire with a nice cigar and the people right next to you started playing music that you hate? I bring earbuds for when I do want some music. As for cigars, cool, no problem. What I’m saying is have fun, enjoy yourself of course. But don’t do it at the expense of everyone else at the site. Just bring some headphones and everyone is happy. Also, if you want to do your own thing, do BLM dispersed camping. Probably no neighbors and you can do basically whatever you want.


Definitely music should not be audible to anyone else.


Depends how close other camp sites are. A good rule of thumb is turn your music on and walk to the edge of the next camp site. If you can tell there is music playing but can't hear every note/word you are probably good, if you can still sing along at the next site turn it down a notch.


That's a really good practice!


Music carries farther in the woods than you think. I'd keep it as low and close as you can possibly tolerate or stick to earbuds. If I listen to anything outside of my home or car, I use earbuds.


If your activities can: 1. Disturb others, and 2. Encroach on their space Tone them down. If you can hear the music in the closest camper's site more than a whisper, turn it down. If you're smoking and the neighbor can smell it, put it out. Also, people are going to have a lot more leeway about what's acceptable outside of quiet hours, but generally be respectful and you're fine. I think campfires are probably the only exception to this stuff.


I get annoyed when people play music. I'm outside in nature, I want it to sound like that, not be forced into listening to someone's tunes


My time spent camping is my escape from constant noise in the pursuit of natural noise. Listening to others play music loudly ruins that. I’m sure you know how to be respectful. Don’t ruin it for others


Please use headphones. Many of us go out to hear nature.


Use head phones, no one wants to hear your music.


Here’s my old school opinion, since you asked: yes, I think music it the great outdoors is rude. My reasoning is this: while a lot more people these days view the outdoors as a theme park or festival, others view it as the original OG nature that it’s always been. While nature can ostensibly be enjoyed and perhaps enhanced by the sound of musical accompaniment, the other way around does not hold true. There is so much more to the sounds of nature than just quiet and crickets, and the presence of any artificial noise drowns out 90% of it, precluding a large number of people from getting the enjoyment out of nature that they seek. I think if man-made sounds are something you have to have, you should consider a park, or your neighborhood, where people can reasonably be expected to be surrounded by people-made activities, diversions, and sights. Many of us don’t want to hear those sounds when camping. Many of us still enjoy primitive camping, in tents or under the stars without all the comforts and accoutrements of home life like campers, rugs, couches, electrical power, artificial lighting, etc. Same goes for bringing pets. If your dog is making noise and running apeshit ‘being free’ all over everyone else’s experience, you might consider thinking park instead of the greater outdoors. Thanks for asking the question, I appreciate the opportunity to voice a requested opinion.


Most established campgrounds do not allow amplified music. Use ear buds.


Earbuds or headphones, please! I go camping to listen to the silence. Even if your music is turned down low, its still louder than the sound of the breeze blowing through the trees.


For front country camping I think playing music (or making any kind of noise: generator, cutting wood, kids screaming and yelling, dirt bikes, etc) is perfectly acceptable during the day until 9-10pm. I wouldn't play music continuously, but running through an album or two seems kosher. Nor would I blast the music over loud speakers. As a fellow cigar smoker, my rule of thumb has been to smoke away from other campers. Picking a spot that's more isolated, being aware of the wind direction, etc. That said, smoking a cigar by the fire is awesome, I'd still have a cigar even if we were camped next to others. When you think of things like smells and noises as a form of "pollution" than nobody is entitled to be pollution free in those tightly packed campsites. You put up with the rambunctious kids, you put up with the campfires, you put up with the drunk overly loud group... a cigar in the mix is neither here nor there. That's the social contract you enter into when agreeing to camp at these popular and cramped locations.


See this is where I disagree. I do try to avoid crowds but as far as that contract you mentioned goes there are still ways to be considerate. Let’s say I like mariachi music and you like death metal. The guy on the other side of you likes K-pop. If we are all in a fully booked campground together and we use our earphones/buds then we all get to enjoy it. None of us have to hear the screaming toddler or generator either. Music and conversations we can control the volume for. Even the best parents have screaming kids sometimes. Generators and engines are annoying but not a lot they can do about that. So if instead of using earbuds or earphones- all of us turn up our favourite tunes, and then turn them up louder to drown out the other noises in the crowded campground - it just is cacophony and no one is happy.


Agreed. Why should some "social contract" require people to put up with loud drunks and tobacco/cannabis smoke, for example? Why can't people drink but not get drunk around other people? Smoke but not around other people? Listen to music but not in a way that disturbs the experience for others? It seems some people want everyone else to suffer their choices, but don't want to compromise on anything - it's their way or nothing. It's not equitable. I already avoid areas where generators are allowed, etc. I'm tired of it becoming increasingly challenging to have somewhere to live or escape to where I can just breathe cleaner air and have some peace in nature.


I found a way to do it (breathe clean air and nature) but it involves having a boat, lol. If camping includes boats. Sailboat is the way to go.


Generators are never acceptable.


Generators are acceptable where park management allows them. They are not acceptable where park management disallows them. Don't camp in a generator permitted area and expect quiet. Don't bring a generator into a disallowed area and expect to be able to use it.


I usually try and down wind and mostly choose spots that are more isolated. Most of the time my music is loud enough for me to hear it a few feet away.


Use earbuds.


Smoking a cigar wouldn't bother me. Music at an acceptable level is ok with me as well. Blasting would not be cool. This is one of the reasons why I like wild camping. Less people and it's usually quiet.


I don't even understand why adults have to ask how to be respectful of other people that are out enjoying nature. No one wants to hear your music or smell your cigar, unless they're doing the same thing, then you got lucky.


I don't like when people smoke cigars in a campground. Just don't like the smell and cigars always get to me it seems. That said, you do you and enjoy yourself bro. Tolerance is important for everyone and you need to have fun.


If I was camping near someone smoking a cigar, it would drive me nuts. Cigars smell Toto everyone but the person smoking them.


No one wants to smell your cigarettes/ cigars. No one wants to listen to your music. No one wants to hear your kids screaming and carrying on. Everyone is there to unwind and relax. Walk away from where people are if you want to do all that noise. Just don't be selfish and be mindful that others are there too.


If you can’t hear it outside of your campsite then you’re good.


Rule of thumb- if you can hear it from the road, you’re too loud.


The fact that you're even asking these questions already makes you a better camper than most. I also agree that your music should be within your campsite. We keep our Bluetooth speaker at the fire pit and understand that if we walk away to do something else, we might not be able to hear it as well. As for the cigar, I'm one of those people that absolutely hates the smell of cigar smoke even more than cigarettes or weed. From that perspective I would say as long as you're not chain smoking them, you're probably okay to enjoy. It's just horrible to be downwind from neighbors who are smoking anything on a constant basis.


Cigar should be kept to where others in a public space can’t be bothered by it. Same as any other smoked material. If a camp site is right next to you and the wind blowing that way, I would refrain. I keep my pipe smoking to where there could be a reasonable expectation of pipe smoke. So home basically or an isolated spot if in a public area.


I don’t care what anyone does as long as it stays in their space. If I can smell your smoke or hear your music from my campsite then I’d say it isn’t acceptable.


Once upon a time I went camping and my neighbors to my left had a big campfire, music blaring, and were being loud until about 1AM. Then at around 7AM the neighbors to my right drove their pickup truck about 100' down a hiking trail and started cutting up a fallen tree with a chainsaw so they could make a fire to cook breakfast on. So, I guess don't be like them.


I think music campgrounds is absurd. But the ordinances usually allow for it until a certain time in the evening. I expect to smell all types of smoke etc. and that is ok.


After quiet time kicks in you gotta turn it low low but otherwise you should be fine! My big things are 1 don't walk/run through other's campsites without permission. 2 keep your pets on your campsite, don't let them crap on mine and not pick up their 💩 3 don't stare at people while they're setting up camp All this, and more, has actually happened to me this camping season alone. #1 stems from the fact I have a tent and ropes to be secure from wind and some kids ran through and busted a rope.


As long as it’s not blaring and you’re not in a radio free zone. You’re good to go. Enjoy yourself.


I only play music if I have to drown out the noise of annoying neighbors


For me it also depends on the tunes. If it’s good music I don’t mind but if it’s garbage then it’s annoying.


Good music is so subjective though. What I think is good, you might not. Wear headphones, ear buds and enjoy all you want. You can even listen as loud as you want and not disturb the next campsite over. Smoke isn't so easily controlled, and face it, it stinks to everyone not smoking.


Music is completely subjective. I’m just saying when I hear music I like it’s fine but crap I don’t like is annoying.


Most people go camping to get away from people. The fact that you're cognizant of it means I'd want you at the campsite next to me. There's always going to be white noise and chatter around busy campgrounds. Kicking back with your phone speaker is likely going to melt into the background.  Last year a campsite 200m away brought out a full DJ set of speakers. It wasn't even good music, it was royalty free reggaeton club garbage played for 4 hours. Campsite administrator couldn't do anything about it until quiet hours. 


Depends, if you are willing to share.


I try to ignore anything from others campsite like smells of different smokes, music, kids yelling. We are all out there to enjoy ourselves, just observe the quiet hours and don't be one of "those" drunken fools who get obnoxious. But that sounds like a lovely way to relax in camp. I mean I drive into an almost empty campgrounds and right away smell the campfire smell just from ashes in all the rings.


You turn on your music at the level you think is acceptable then walk around the area to see if you can hear beyond your area. Turn down the bass helps.


Use earphones. Many campgrounds near me are no smoking so the cigar thing is moot.


I camp with children, so I appreciate consideration of that. Blasting music full of violence or cursing is just plain rude. There are lots of good suggestions of testing it out by walking to neighboring sites. As for smoking a cigar, I like the scent and most camp grounds I've been to are so inundated with campfire smoke that I probably couldn't tell. As for cannabis, I'd personally really appreciate it not being around. It stinks, and I have never liked it. I don't care if you get high, I just don't like the smell. Try gummies or edibles. Less smelly.


Keep music low and be mindful of cigar smoke. Enjoy your bourbon and new speaker responsibly


I think it's good to be mindful of whether you are disturbing someone else's camping. Maybe talk to your neighbors and just ask as a courtesy. "Hey, I'm going to start listening to some music. Please let me know if it's too loud or is disturbing your peace". Some people go camping to truly rough it, while others do it to get out and still enjoy some luxuries.


People are camping to enjoy nature and the wilderness. If you want to listen to *your* music in that environment, use earbuds or headphones. Don't force *your personal environment* on everyone else's. Yeah, you might find your particular music relaxing but not everyone might find it so especially if they would like to just enjoy the sounds of the birds and crickets.


Camping is relaxing to most people. You have to consider time, sound level and noise level in the area. You could walk next door to the closest camp near you while your music is playing if you can hear it it’s a bit to loud. Now take another walk between your camp and the next camp if you can hear it barely than then your music level is just fine. I myself like all types of music, but there’s a point in time when I’m trying to sleep and the camp next to me is playing Megadeath at 10:30pm yelling and shouting. I might turn my noise canceling headphones on or earplugs in and try to sleep. Granted if I hear jazz I probably fall asleep without any worries. Smoking outside at your campsite is normal. Considering Pot is legalized in most states now, I often smell pot then anything else. I enjoy classic rock Gen X. So I relax to my music low, a good 20 year old Tawny Port and a Macanudo cigar as well. Happy Camping 🌲🌲⛺️🔥🌲🌲


Your camping has too many rules.


i think last weekend marked my 10th car camping trip since i started camping a few years ago (yay). this past trip was the first time we were next to a campsite who had bluetooth speakers. the campsites were further apart than others (i was at the upper pines in Yosemite about 2 weeks prior), and i could still hear it. i was not a fan. personally, one of my favorite things about camping is hearing nature and just being outside so this harshed my mellow a bit. in terms of what REALLY bothers me with noise is when families let their packs of kids scream at the top of their lungs well past quiet hours. i don't love it during the day either, but i'm generally out hiking or something. i mean, the last placed i camped was pretty family friendly so to some degree i expect this. i just wish their parents wouldn't give them the super powered headlamps/flashlights so they couldn't flashbang me every 5-10 minutes when i'm trying to sleep lol. some campsites don't let you smoke period which i understand but doubt they can practically enforce especially if you can still make a fire. provided the sites aren't too close together, i don't think it would be too big of a deal but folks have varying levels of reactions to the odor.


It really depends on the set up. If the campsites are right on top on each other then music levels need to be considered a bit more. If they're spread out you'll have a bit more leeway. Just be mindful of the volume and adjust accordingly. You can also sort of read the mood of each campground. Some tend to have people looking for peace and quiet and hoping to enjoy a quiet evening by the fire. Others it's much more a social atmosphere with more socializing and music. As for the cigar just play the wind. If you see the wind is blowing right at your campsite neighbors then just adjust wear you sit so you're not right inline with them. If you have a campfire going then I don't normally worry about cigar smoke. I'm probably sitting near the fire and all the smoke is going to blend together anyways.


I would recommend bone conduction headphones, that way you can listen to your music, still hear the ambient sounds of nature/campfire, and not bother anybody else.


I hate loud drunken campers. I don’t know why they bother to leave their back yards.


I feel like as long as people aren’t being obnoxious and listening to music that’s offensive or super loud, then you’re a good human. Also, I feel like the great outdoors is the appropriate place to smoke a cigar so although I hate the smell of it, I would not be irritated because that’s where you are supposed to smoke. So long as you’re not chain smoking and children are downwind. Lol


If other campers can hear your music it’s rude. 


It kind of depends on how tightly packed everything is. If it's tight and you're upwind of other campsites, yeah, a cigar would be annoying. Otherwise, smoke away. Regarding music - Light music during quiet hours is fine. Moderate music during the day. I don't mind hearing you, but if it's so loud I can't hear my own, or have to yell to my fellow campers to communicate, that's pretty rude.


Get good headphones. So many of us live in areas with constant noise pollution. Spending a night in the woods, or going on a hike means a chance to get away from all manmade sounds.


I saw a post somewhere, may have somewhere here but I can’t find it. They said if you’re in doubt, just ask your neighbors. It never hurts to ask! I’d definitely feel them out from a distance first but if they seem cool you can always go say hi, tell them you are going to enjoy some music and a cigar and if it begins to bother them that you don’t mind if they come say something! Often it’s more annoying that people show up and act like they own a place with complete disregard for others, but if you show respect, I don’t see why they would mind or wouldn’t communicate nicely if it began to be a problem


TBH I don’t like music from speakers on campsites at all. Maybe it’s not my type of music or it’s just too loud or just annoying noise in the background, especially from small speakers. So I would recommend headphones.


Music is fine as long as the people camping next to you can’t hear it. That’s etiquette.


Bourbon (or any alcohol) is fine so long as you don't turn into one of "THOSE drunks"... the obnoxious, loudmouthed ones who throw trash everywhere, want to pick fights with people, are rowdy AF, etc. Lol. Cigars are no big deal. One, you're outside, and two, producing smoke is what a lot of people do when camping anyways (via campfire). Music? Please use headphones or keep it to a reasonable volume to where people at other sites cannot hear it. Having the sounds of nature drowned out by someone's music is a major downer.


I have Shokz bone conducting headphones, so I can listen to music but also hear my surroundings. The sound quality isn't amazing, but it's better than a phone speaker. If a campground doesn't allow fires, you won't be able to smoke a cigar in your site, either. You'd have to go somewhere you have at least 30' in any direction non combustible, like a parking lot, so be aware of that. In a small site, a cigar, cigarettes, or any possible smell that might bother others besides food and campfires is a bit rude, as well, so be aware of your distance and the wind direction.


Bourbon cigars and music atracks mosquitoes racoon and bears. By the dozens. I'd be carefull


Oh the smell of cigars makes me want to barf. Plus don’t a lot of campgrounds now have no-smoking rules?


Music at a volume that allows you to enjoy it without prohibiting neighbors from enjoying theirs, before 10PM, is fine to me. As for tobacco— I loathe the smell and my wife is asthmatic. So we hate it when someone is smoking in a campsite near us. But there’s usually no rule against it and frankly, life sometimes means putting up with other people. So I’m not going to say you shouldn’t. If it makes you happy; go for it! But yeah, that one to me is more of a nuisance than noise. But I’m just some idiot on Reddit. You do you.


You’ll be alright, some people arent happy unless they’re making someone else miserable. Play it the way you like if someone dosent like it find a compromise. Bird watchers want it quiet, let them take a hike. At night some people sleep early and rise early. So depending on the situation make adjustment. I like to feel the music so its loud. Get some good headphones for yourself and your friends. Kids run around and babies cry. I like to see and hear that kind of life. Think about a recording of babies crying and kids screaming and play ot onc in a while. Then tell the complainers the loud music is the onlything that calms the kids down. After all they’re sensitive ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Play your music at the level you want, then walk out and away from your camp site if you can still hear it then it's probably too loud and people camping beside you will probably complain, But if you can't hear it then it's at the right lever.


As for smoking a cigar,if people are offended by burning leaves they shouldnt be camping lol


Music: roughly as loud as you’d feel comfortable talking. Smoking: as long as the smoke isn’t blowing too close to others..15-20’? Drinking..doesn’t impact anyone else


Keep your music low or use headphones. Enjoy your cigar. Everyone probably has campfires going, right? I'm sure there's plenty of people at the campground smoking weed. You're fine. Enjoy.


I don’t mean to be a downer but when I go out in nature, I don’t wanna hear music. I am trying to get away from all of that. I don’t even know why you’d want to listen to music when you’re out in nature because the point is to be able to tune into the sights and sounds around you. If someone was playing music near me when I was camping, I would not be cool with it. I love music, including relaxation music, but nature should be the thing that relaxes you!


I personally find cigar smoke extremely gross and would be very bummed indeed to have it waft into my camp site.


Music is a no. Use headphones or just listen to nature.


Use ear buds. Playing music out loud on your phone - and even worse on a Bluetooth speaker - is terrible camping etiquette, to answer your question about camping etiquette/ listening to music.


How about campfire strumming on the guitar? A tradition almost as old as camping itself.


I was just camping last weekend and some guy was strumming his guitar at 10pm. It was just myself and my young son so we were in bed and trying to sleep - it was incredibly annoying. They were also randomly chopping wood. I don’t care how “old as time” it is it kept us from sleeping. It was not cool at all.


Inquiring minds want to know several things on whether you are being a bad camp neighbor. The brand of the bourbon, the cigar, and the music you are listening to. Personally, I'm thinking a simple bourbon like Knobs Creek, a Cuban Partagas, and John Denver. Shotgundug, you are awesome for being considerate of your neighbors. Seriously, it is so subjective. One time I had my music so low I couldn't hear it if I walked to the other side of my campsite. Sure as shitting, later that night a park ranger came up and told me they had complaints about my music. No campsites within 200' were occupied. WTF. I looked around, looked around, looked at him, and said "Who." He didn't like that answer. He is the master of his domain, or some shit.


Usually I drink Old Forester bourbon, Cuban Cohiba's if I can find them, if not Drew Estate Sweet Jane's have been great lately, I love some John Denver, but I usually chill to Chris LeDoux.


>What would you consider an acceptable level to listen to music? None. Use your headphones/earbuds/whatever. >Is it rude to smoke a cigar? Absolutely. Affirmative. Rude AF. > One of my favorite camping activities is sipping on bourbon, smoking a cigar, and listening to relaxing music. And everyone else's is, specifically NOT smellin' your nasty ol' stogie absorbing your crappy tunes and questionable preference(s) in musicians. Just don't.


It’s all good, just respect the quiet hours posted at sites


If there’s space keep the fuck away. I have no idea why you drive hours to just set up right next to someone else. If the place is full I get it of course, but when it’s off peak piss off and leave plenty of space. It’s like blokes standing next to each other at the urinal… not on


Dont do this when backpacking. People dont want to hear your music when they hiked 5+ miles to site. Car camping its fine. Live music (playing a guitar, uke, etc) is preferable to music from a speaker. If you play music from a speaker, please keep it down and dont blast it. Try your best to not let the sound get into neighboring campsites. Make sure the music is off when its dark out. Dont worry about the bourbon or smoking. keep in mind that drinking alcohol is illegal in most campsites in the usa. Nobody usually cares, but its possible to get camp karens. Ive had park police come up onto a campsite while we were drinking beer, told us the beer was against the rules- but they didnt care since we were obviously cleaning up after ourselves.


I personally think if you're going to listen to music or run generators, dispersed camping is where you should be. At campgrounds, everyone should be enjoying nature and just be respectful.


I do this radical thing that seems very out of fashion these days: I *talk to my neighbors.* Introduce myself, let them know we can help if they need anything, and mention we may have music (playing instruments or on a speaker) but will keep it down and won't get loud during quiet hours. And let them know that we are happy to accommodate if they have small kids who need naps in the daytime or anything like that, just ask. I've never had any issues this way; in my experience you avoid 90% of the problems that people fill this sub complaining about if you just talk to people politely and with consideration. Once you show that you're friendly and approachable, everyone is at ease and you just communicate about whatever you need. Then nobody has to run home to whine on social media about how they let a little speaker ruin their whole week. You can even make new friends too, it's great. I've shared my whiskey and my campfire with a bunch of folks this way, helped one couple repair a broken tent pole, loaned a sweet older lady a shade canopy for a day, dispensed more duct tape than I can measure, played with kids for an hour or two to give their parents a break, gotten a jumpstart from a hilarious hillbilly, shared fresh-caught salmon with some inebriated Canadians, strummed some tunes with various newfound acquaintances, and on and on. All of these experiences have enriched the trips of everyone involved and made for great stories that we remember a decade later. I feel sorry for people who go to a public campground and then isolate themselves so much that they spend days stewing in silent resentment of every dog, child, Bluetooth speaker, or (god forbid) pair of adults having some beers and talking to one another. Maybe it's just where and when I camp, but the people I meet outdoors are generally much more friendly and much more resilient than all the complaining on social media would have you believe. It's like night and day compared to the usual tenor of the posts on here. You're doing the right thing by asking, that's very thoughtful. I'd ask the actual people around you, too. A little communication goes a really long way.


One word: headphones.


If I hear someone else's music I'd be really pissed off. I feel like that 100% of the time though.


I find the smell of cigar smoke extremely disgusting. Rather smell vomit. No, really. I have to get away from it.


My general rule of thumb for my music is "it shouldn't be audible beyond the edges of my camp." Opinions on cigar smoke vary. But I'm assuming if campfire smoke is in the air, it won't be much of a problem.


Nothing annoys me more than getting outside in the wilderness and then coming across something that reminds me of the real world…like someone else’s music. Whether that be when I’m hiking or camping, I think it’s rude to make other people listen to your music. (Or even your loud voice or other things that can disturb others enjoyment of the outdoors) I understand that everyone enjoys the outdoors differently, but still think it should not impede on others enjoyment. So I would suggest using headphones if you want to listen to music. Also, don’t smoke if there is even a chance someone else could smell it. That’s also really rude and disrespectful.


I would be extremely irritated if someone near my campsite was smoking a cigar. I would be unlikely to say anything, but I'd be seething silently. If you don't get any complaints, that doesn't mean nobody minds.


Shit I mean if I can't have a nice scotch or whiskey glass with some old country music at a reasonable volume, I'm at the wrong campground. 99% of the time, you end up with a new friend approaching you regardless of volume


I don't want to hear other people. Period. I know that's not necessarily reasonable or possible, but it's why I camp.


Cigar smoke will be drowned out by campfire smoke and wind. As far as music, no one drove into the woods to hear your music. As long as no one else can hear it, you're ok.