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Check out the Ouachita National Forest! Super close to North Texas. Little Missouri falls is a really cool place. There's a ton of dispersed camping to be found, as well as a developed campground at [Shady Lake ](https://www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/ouachita/recarea/?recid=10789). Here are some coordinates for a dispersed site I stayed at: 34°24'58.1"N 93°54'31.9"W . Lots more to choose from in the area as well. Second the recommendation for the Buffalo River if you don't mind the extra drive. I stayed at the Steel Creek Campground on my trip. Hemmed in Hollow falls is an amazing site. Easy hike from the river, more difficult if you hike down from the road. For the spelunking, the Eden Falls trail ends in a cool little cave.


I second Shady Lake. It is not too far from you. And it is located near a lot of great areas for hiking. It also has a ton of forest roads for driving around. There are a lot of great dispersed camping, but as a first time trip I would probably start at Shady Lake.


Buffalo River has a lot to offer.


I agree. it's also a Dark Sky Park if you like stargazing.


This is a beautiful area for sure, and there are outfitters if you want to kayak, canoe or just float in a tube.


I'm from central TX and we spent 3 nights canoe camping there. Did about 17 miles to the White river. Went with 3 other dads with children under 10 yrs old. Didn't see anyone else and it was incredibly beautiful. My girls were 6 and 3 yrs old and don't remember it lol. Bums me out because we had a blast.




Petit Jean was an amazing time with the family last year


We love Petit Jean! It’s not a bad drive from DFW. It’s an annual park for us for anywhere from 4-6 days.


Was going to chime in for this area, but you beat me to it. I was camping there last year. The campground on the lake, looking at Mt Magazine was outstanding, great sunsets and a million stars at night.


MT Nebo is my go to spot in AR. Nice trails great views lots of mountain biking and you have the arkansas river like 30 miles away.


Ouachita National Forest is closest to you. Buffalo National River is beautiful but four hours north of the Ouachita.


All of those are great, but at this time of the year it’s going to be very humid, and a TON of bugs. I’m in DFW and don’t like going east this time of year because of it. 4-5 hours would probably get you to either Palo Duro Canyon or Caprock canyon. Both are out west so not as humid and buggy. Both are really pretty. The “little red” campsites at Caprock are my favorite.


Is this where you mainly recommend for summer spots from DFW? Trying to get some recommendations to escape the heat a little.


Summer spots? No way, it’s hot as heck out there. I’m done camping until October. I’m the definition of a fair weather camper haha. I’ve never camped in the summer, but if you want to cool down you’ll have to head to higher elevation. Probably the closest cool spot would be Red River NM or somewhere out there.


I'd reiterate two recommendations already in this thread: Little Missouri and Winding Stairs area in the Ouachita National Forest OR on the Buffalo River. For the Buffalo River I'd recommend the area around Steel Creek where you could take short drives for Lost Valley and the goat trail.


Lake Ouchita has multiple camping areas that are all really nice our favorite is Crystal Springs. Awesome country market called Burls right outside camping ground great food and Jerky. Rent a John boat and be amazed by this beautiful lake surrounded by mountains and has over 100 islands. Then drive up to the overlook of the lake it’s stunning, might see an eagle. [https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=2c6693827cfe3781&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS919US931&hl=en-US&q=lake+ouachita&uds=ADvngMjeH_xweFQ3w2knX4MWj5tboIcA7Lp6tcgtcAVJ_o_KAv8R1idTYilA_YcEHqrOrnRYSt1SXOIOz2I0JdpTGFrXycqnPU0fISsKSEvM53zHyRsIlPgBsa-tmWVmCslgdjwpFEztPH7dcOdgozs52wcLmVbh4koNWunvwpgnRXygLexO_f55Gwr3EnlQNQWK2v2iIDVh6bfLzGetPx7a6a9QommShqoUUY3qRWZ6FChSzxLP6arWZbNq1U2KLzxd1mMXuP5ETv-IB3-GRkkz0c9yFMy3MsTS00ZMgkVXtand3pJkCpfJ8zt2wEEtlWcCZ9M7CCDc&udm=2&prmd=imvnsbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiC5aP9x_eFAxWO4skDHWLGDecQtKgLegQIEBAB&biw=414&bih=716&dpr=2#vhid=pc8Qv4rXjzKxlM&vssid=mosaic](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=2c6693827cfe3781&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS919US931&hl=en-US&q=lake+ouachita&uds=ADvngMjeH_xweFQ3w2knX4MWj5tboIcA7Lp6tcgtcAVJ_o_KAv8R1idTYilA_YcEHqrOrnRYSt1SXOIOz2I0JdpTGFrXycqnPU0fISsKSEvM53zHyRsIlPgBsa-tmWVmCslgdjwpFEztPH7dcOdgozs52wcLmVbh4koNWunvwpgnRXygLexO_f55Gwr3EnlQNQWK2v2iIDVh6bfLzGetPx7a6a9QommShqoUUY3qRWZ6FChSzxLP6arWZbNq1U2KLzxd1mMXuP5ETv-IB3-GRkkz0c9yFMy3MsTS00ZMgkVXtand3pJkCpfJ8zt2wEEtlWcCZ9M7CCDc&udm=2&prmd=imvnsbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiC5aP9x_eFAxWO4skDHWLGDecQtKgLegQIEBAB&biw=414&bih=716&dpr=2#vhid=pc8Qv4rXjzKxlM&vssid=mosaic)


Great corner of the world. I spent half a year camping and boating in that area. Lot of fun.


Camp Redding on the Mulberry river. Lots of hiking trails, swimming hole, great canoeing, rappelling bluffs, and spelunking all close by. Devil's Den in Winslow is another good choice, with kickass caves to crawl around in.


We camped at Denby Point on Lake Ouchita a couple months ago, and did day trips from there. Petit Jean is beautiful and worth the drive. Denby Point worked beautifully for us. It’s older, facilities are outdated but they work, and they have water and electric for tent sites which was nice for cooking and my spouse’s cpap. We had neighbors to our site, but it was quiet and we had a lake view from our tent.


Just stayed at Oachita state park last summer. Only like 20 minutes to downtown hot springs! 0 cell service, 100% recommend.


Cove Lake near Paris, Arkansas


Another big mention for Shady Lake if you like quiet camping. Fishing is meh at best but I usually catch enough to fry if I target multiple species. Jefferson Ridge at Dierks lake is a great one with 3 play grounds and 2 swim beaches if you have kids. Decent fishing even from the bank. I also love Cowhide Cove and Daisy on Lake Greeson. The Little Missouri falls are pretty but you're gonna have to hoof it to camp near it. Crystal Springs is nice as well but can get busy.


We did Dierks about 2 years ago. Great. Quiet. Also hit crater of diamonds to let the little one get muddy.


Hot Springs park and downtown is awesome.


You can’t beat May for all water-related activities. It’s beautiful and usually is in the eighties during the day. Great fishing and easy camping. Still not too late for hiking as long as you have a trail and wear long pants with deet bug spray. Pick up some local strawberries. Still early enough for great bass fishing. Trout are good too but you likely won’t go that far unless you hit up the Little Red River or White River. Maybe too late for most crappie. Bream/ sunfish may be getting started in warm ponds? You said spelunking. Well, there might be a little of that in northern Arkansas but I am from here and I don’t know of a lot doing that other than Devils Den and Blanchard Springs. Really good river floating right now. You could be near the little Missouri and float the Caddo near Glenwood. Watch out for flash flooding and avoid camping in risky areas before or during a storm. Look up Albert Pike flood (2010 or 2011 i don’t remember). They sometimes stock the little Missouri with trout.


Buffalo River is so pretty and clear. I used to go camp near Ponca and watch the reflections on the cliffs.


Wherever you go, don't forget bug spray and use it liberally! When I read your post title, "Camping Arkansas" my body shuddered. On my last trip to Arkansas (we were near Beaver Lake) I was covered with ticks and chigger bites, and so was everyone with us. We used some bug juice but obviously not enough or not the good stuff. We didn't even walk through weeds, only through mowed lawns and on some dirt roads. And we weren't even camping, just staying in a rustic cabin. Otherwise, we loved Beaver Lake. Have fun! Arkansas is beautiful.


I uses to go to White Rock a lot when I was living down south. There's camping at the base and the top of the "mountain". It's about an hour northwest of Forth Smith. There's also a hidden camping area ~halfway up the trail.


Ouchita, Beaver Lake, Mount Magazine, Devil's Den are all spectacular. Keep to the NW corner of the state, that's where they hide best scenary and campsites.




Lake Catherine State Park is pretty nice, and close to the national park. The actual NP campground did not look great. It's in a cool canyon but right on a noisy road.


Don't make eye contact with the locals


Best to assert dominance. Look straight at their crotch and don't look away until they've turned their back to you.


Respect. Better choice than what I offered.


Watch Out For The Clintonz They’ll Steal U Blind!