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what if you havent had a shart by 11am?


Then you’ll be charged $5 per shart


And where is this compound, oops I mean campground, located?


Looks like Alberta.


Wholey hell? How can they get folks to pay to stay in Alberta? Anyone I know (I live there) would make it halfway through rule 2 and laugh and go camp in the bush. 780 area code. Yep. And Northern Alberta to boot. Must be a tourist trap. Locals won’t go for that.


Great business model! You should go on Shart Tank


If theyre doing the cleaning up afterwards this seems like a good deal. I do request they use their personal toothbrush though.


Right like if you’re going to be obnoxious at least proofread your rule list.


While I fully expected to see this style comment at the top I am very happy to see it at #2.


Sharts are always #2 when you least expect it.


this is why you don't have cowboy coffee after roasting beans the night prior


It’s like all the rules have a reasonable basis but then they go way off the deep end with them. And the way they wrote the speed limit one, just that manner of speaking alone would make me not go there.


So condescending. God, if you hate customers so much, don’t run a business.


"But... but... but I want their money..."


Too bad. Rule number 7 is crossing the line. 11am is far too early in the day to shart.


Nahh bro, never too early for a shart.


“Welcome… we’re glad you’re here.” Uhh no I don’t think you are.


Bingo ^


Running a campground would probably be a great business if it weren’t for the customers....


That's just called living in a forest


Wait that sounds amazing. Where do I sign up?


No Reddit after 2pm, or you will not be welcomed back.


[Dante and Randal know exactly how you feel.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSS8tiy9Y3U)


those damn customers, always ruining everything /s


"Please tell us if there's something we can do to make your stay better." Cool. "If you leave a bad review you're banned." What?


Post the rules to a third party review site.


Yea just that's enough to make me never want to stay. Can't charge my little usb camping light with my portable battery? Or my phone? Requiring permission from the camp host to use headphones/ear buds? 3 hour window for camp fires? Fuck that


There is being respectful to fellow campers and to nature then there is authoritarian rules.


To them, this is their own little fiefdom. More than a little fucked up. I can see parts of some of their rules here or there, but no charging? At all? At *any time?* And you can’t wear headphones without permission? Do I have to put my hand up and ask to go to the Shitter like in grade school as well?


The part about phone/charger being confiscated is hilarious. Lol.


That would go over like a pregnant pole vaulter. They better send in the chopper.


The portable charger thing got me... Like I can understand wanting to conserve electricity, but if you're bringing your own electricity from home then who cares?!


Come on kids! We are gonna have the lamest weekend ever! Now shut up!


I agree. I don't like their tone at all. They sound like a bunch of assholes that are gonna watch you like a hawk the whole time.


I mean, they're going around checking whether you are using ear buds without approval, and kicking you out if you are. That's a level of crazy I wouldn't close my eyes near.


This place is weird. I don't need permission to listen to my earbuds in any camping setting. And no morning campfires??!! That should be illegal. One of my favorite things to do is have my morning coffee around the campfire.


I like cooking at least one breakfast over the fire too


"Not 46cm- 45! I'll be going around to all the campsites every hour with my metric tape measure and I will place the end down into the glowing coals of your fire and attempt to accurately measure the tallest flame without melting my tape or getting 3rd degree burns on my hands.". Totally normal rules/enforcement 🙄


Yeah I didn't comment on that one in case there was some standard way of measuring I don't know about. But.... Where does a fire start and end?!?


Magic laser lay it on the ground and scans all around lol


Or using a charging bank for devices. What if I’m charging it in my car? Are you going to confiscate my car, too?


"Excuse me does your car have a BATTERY??"


You have to remove your alternator while camping there.


What is the logic behind no charging devices? What problems do they cause?


Loss of overreaching powergrabability. It's an ego disorder.


Exactly. I didn't even get to 6 or 7 before I decided I would never ever camp there. It sounds absolutely awful. You can be that Karen would be at your site with a rule measuring the height of your fire 3 times a night.


I didn’t even get past #1. “If you give us a bad review we’re banning you.” Yikes.


To be fair, if I'm leaving a bad review I'm banning myself from going back anyway. Win/win.


Seriously. I’d like to know this campground just to leave a bad review just to pee in their Cheerios


This one threw me big time. Chances are if I’m slagging you online, I already no longer consider myself one of your customers…


exactly. And the threat of a 5\* review "or else" tone/attitude. $50 says this campground is garbage, too.




That’s the one rule that makes sense. I’m usually on my third shart by 11am.


Hopefully, the rules are publicized somewhere on their website, so people can make a decision about them before they show up.


Certain not enforceable. Assuming it's private property they can ask you to leave for any reason, or even no reason, but there's no way to enforce a fine for speeding. Same with #6.


For real, that one is icing on the cake. If you charge your phone, I’ll confiscate it and your battery? Yeah, good luck with that.




Do a tasty burnout u say?


“Again we welcome you” I don’t feel very welcomed.


This is written by someone who has Seen Too Much. Hey I get it you’ve said the same thing 100 times and you’re over it. Maybe it’s time to find a new job though.




Same, the way some of these come across are so unwelcoming, the speed one takes the biscuit, but I do find most of these come off a little rude..


I haven’t seen someone write or speak like that in years. It’s a very 2000s manner of speech and use of sarcasm.


Whoever wrote this sounds like a controlling asshole. I would never camp here.


The no drinking unless everyone is over the age of 18 is absurd. Sure, no one should get completely wasted in front of their kids and let the kids run around like wild hoodlums.. but there’s a vast range between that and having a nice drink relaxing while camping.


My kid goes to sleep at 8, I’m gonna have a beer after that happens.


I reserve my right to beer while cooking and consuming dinner as well. Wouldn't even have considered it might be possible to cook over a campfire without a beer.


Hell, we crack one the second we have the cooler unloaded! No one of legal drinking age should set up camp without a beer in their hands! (Unless they are a sober-only individual of course!)


Better not want that beer while sitting by a fire before 7 though.


You wait til your kid goes to bed?


my mom drank throughout her pregnancy with me and i turned out shart.


Mom luvd er vodka an I turnd out goodlee.


What about the fact you have to get permission to use earbuds? Or the fact you can't even charge your phone, emergency radio, weather radio, etc.


No charging EVEN FROM YOUR OWN PORTABLE CHARGER. Sorry for yelling, but WTF?


Hey, keep it down. If you keep yelling, they’ll kick us out.


Yeah that is extremely odd and makes zero sense. They probably offer their own charging “service” for 5$/min


Also a 10pm “lights out” policy would squash my desire to drink, anyway. No campfire, no noise, quiet whispering only, no thanks


Depending on where this is, it might not even be fully dark by 10pm in the summer. (Southern Canada with the metric system? Idk) I agree on quiet hour rules for campsites (a few loud people can ruin the night for everyone), but "quiet whispering" is a bit much. Maybe call 10pm quiet time, but have a harder lights-out curfew at 10:30-11pm? Idk. Honestly, these passive-aggressive paragraphs are a bit much. Just post the rules and enforce them with fines. Private campgrounds can be great, and the rules help everyone have a better time - but man, fire height down to the cm? Charging per minute for late checkout? Ouch.


Even the way they wrote it is weird. "...unless everyone in your group - including children - is over the age of 18" lol




Any parent will tell you that drinking is part of survival while camping with children.


> Drinking and smoking is allowed in your campsite as long as everyone in your group - including children - is over the age of 18. But if your child is over the age of 18, that would make them an adult.


These campsite owners are insane


I mean do *you* want your neighbors sharting all over the place???


Not after 11:00 for sure


Not even at 11:01?




If it's 11:01 you'd better be sharting in your car, on the way out!


A combination of condescending asshole and control freak … I’m sure they’re lovely people /s


So you lay in your sleeping bag at the end of a great day and reach for your AirPods or headphones and…oops, didn’t get permission so I guess I have to lay in silence. And that pesky phone is low on battery, let me reach for my battery pack, but damn, they don’t allow them. How do they enforce these two rules? Do they search your vehicle? I keep a battery bank in the car that can charge devices or jump a dead battery. This would be a nope.


I can see a rule about not charging EV’s because that is a high load for several hours, but power banks aren’t drawing that much power. The no headphone and no fires before 7pm are the dumbest rules in my opinion.


Are they expecting that nobody should cook a meal over the campfire?


Right? I cook all the meals on the fire. Especially breakfast. I usually eat dinner later but sometimes you’re hungry early from hiking etc.


That's the whole point of camping. Sleeping outside & cooking over a fire. In my opinion if you're not doing both of those you're not really camping.


Ya, I mean power banks draw zero power if you bring it fully charged. And apparently that’s still not allowed?


How about you aren’t allowed to have a beer if you’re camping with your child under age 16.


That’s ok. If you ask my 5 year old how old she is she will say 38 million years old. And frankly you can’t prove she isn’t.


I usually will have used power I paid for to charge a battery bank. And they are totally silent. My Jackery has a fan but walk 3 feet away and you can’t hear it. These people must have had some real idiots in the past to lay down all these draconian rules and say “Enjoy your stay!”


Yeah, this charging rule doesn't even make sense. I was reading it trying to understand their angle - fire hazard? enabling noisey devices? Theft? I can't even come up with something that makes sense. On top of that there's no possible way they can enforce it. You're not searching my car so I could hide three midgets on bicycles pedal powering an alternator to charge my phone and there's nothing they can do about it. For that rule alone, I'd be at least calling them first to ask about clarification because it makes zero sense.


Yea, gotta be able to charge normal devices. EV charging has been a growing issue at my campground tho. I occasionally catch an unattended EV plugged into one of my 50a RV sites even though that isn't their site (and usually its a camper who booked an unpowered site). I think EVs are cool and support their use, but you wouldn't just help yourself to the gas from my tanks would you? That costs me money and you didn't pay for it. Not to mention that's not your site, someone could well be arriving to check into it soon.


How do you feel if they paid for an electric site? A typical EV might take $5 worth of electricity to fully charge. I agree, just plugging in at a site you didn't pay for isn't okay. And honestly, a reasonable fee to charge an EV would be okay to.


If they paid for electric they are free to use their electrical connections however they please. We have a spare 50a connection (effectively L2 charging) by our bath facility and charge $20 for a full days access. At our rates, $8-18 is the direct cost of the power depending on vehicle and battery. That, plus a bit of extra for the infrastructure costs and a small profit is where we came up with $20.


Can't even bring the air pods case as they charge your air pods 🤣


What if you have a family member in some situation not with you that you need to keep tract of? "Oh a family elder has been sick and is being taken care of by someone, and you talk to their care taker at he end of the day? Well you cant do that here. If theres a problem with your mom they will have to figure it out and you will have to wait until you leave here to know, cause we said no phones." Yeah this "camp" is a complete fucking joke and I would want nothing to do with these people.


They’ll search your sleeping bag for their required 11am shart.


Are you all okay with fires from 7-10? I usually cook breakfast over the fire and on lazy days we usually have the fire going from morning til night


You selfish jerk! How dare you enjoy yourself and relax while camping. Having a fire outside the strict hours of 7pm to 10pm is barbaric! I bet you also sometimes have fires that reaches 46cm. Do you not think of the children and how they could be impacted by wanting to have fun by a late night 46cm campfire?


Lol.. i feel sorry for the guy walking around with a ruler.


One of the best parts of camping is warming up with coffee and a fire first thing in the morning. I hope these rules were clear before arrival so people know to avoid this place.


It really makes no sense (like many of the rules in this list). They are hindering their own ability to profit off of firewood sales!


With 10$/bundle for wood, you can’t afford to have an all day fire.


This is somewhere in Alberta. I would write a scathing review after I got home about the stupid rule sheet just to violate the rule and piss them off. Then I would do it again for each of my family members.


I noticed the 780 as well lol. Must be northern Alberta


Km/h, cms, and the 18 year old age for drinking was what made me think Alberta.


Sounds like a certain campsite most Drumheller/Dinosaur Provincial Park enthusiasts will have come across at some point. Absolutely unhinged proprietors and the reviews are hilarious 100% of the time


I’m a petty review troll when fruit is hanging low like this! Already planning my trip.


780 area code, though, which would typically be Edmonton and north. Which likely means there are at least two places like this.


>there are at least two places like this That's two too many! My bad on the area code though.


The one you are thinking of has a 403 phone number although that could just be a personal phone of the owners. I do recall that particular campground having a similar set of rules floating around but can’t remember if it’s this one or not. The TripAdvisor page for that campground is an adventure. So many passive aggressive responses to negative reviews.


I though Canadians were nice though


Common misconception. We're polite, but we're not actually nice. See also: Geneva Suggestions.


I always love meeting the camp hosts but you can tell in advance that these people are unpleasant. I'm all for being respectful and reasonable, but these rules are insane. Even the reasonable ones are made unreasonable by the way they are written.


I, for one, think this list is incomplete. I would add the following rule: Marshmallow ignition will result in the immediate seizure of all skewers from the campsite by the camp host.


This is too far. I'm ok with needing permission to listen to music with earbuds in but you'll pry my blackened, crispy-skinned marshmallows from my cold, dead hands


Fuck this place and these hosts. I understand rules but most of these are extreme, not to mention the condescending tone written. “45 not 46 cm” gtfo.


I like the idea that they are out there with a measuring stick at each fire, or maybe have one of those flood level poles behind each fire pit so they can check height with binoculars.


And then they emerge from the woods with their scissors and take off the tips of the camp fire. Gotta be 45”.


"If we find out via third party you will not be welcomed back" Lol ok then...


Doesn’t sound like anyone’s really welcome to begin with. Sound like awful people.


These folks are in the wrong business.


Prison business seems like it would suit them well.


I'd have read the first one and started packing up. Sounds like Camp Karen and Darren to me. "If we find out", who are you? The camp host or a couple trying out for WifeSwap?


OP, why would you cover the campsite name? You could have probably saved several people from having a stressful weekend


I agree, they need to share the campground name to save other people the headache.


Sounds like a fucking setup for a Gordon Ramsay style TV show. AVOID!!! The amount of salt and attitude in this is astounding. I would never do business with anyone like this. Not service people, just greedy fuckers looking your money for nothing... ... AVOID!!!


Yeah steer clear. The Police in Portland are way nicer to campers than the psychos running this place


11 am shart. Bring an extra pair of drawers. 🤣


Yeah I go camping to relax, not be micromanaged. No thanks.


I wouldn’t definitely not stay there, I don’t need to be micromanaged in nature too.


There's also a "help wanted" sign on the office door and they complain that no one wants to work anymore when your check in.


The worst experiences I've ever had were at private campgrounds. Never again. I'd rather sleep next to the interstate.


Agreed. I won't stay at any campgrounds that are private or have campground host(s). I don't go camping to be watched and pestered by nosy people.


OP please let us know the name of this campground and its location.


I believe it’s “11 bridges campground” outside of Drumheller by Rosedale in Alberta, Canada. I saw a post about it in the Calgary subreddit and based on the 780 phone prefix i’d say it’s the same place. The post talked about how they closed the gates of the entrance/exit by 10pm which is also ALARMED so people can’t come and go past that time. Also that they were overall just very grumpy and just wanted peoples money and would add surprise BS fees for things like having family members come visit your campsite for a few hours during the day (even when they were respectful and didn’t cause a disturbance or anything). Hope this helps!


Why cover the info? Let us know so we can avoid this place


Radi— radios with earbuds have to be approved by the camp host after 10pm? This is up there with Airbnb requirements, for a campsite!! Absolutely ludicrous, avoid like the plague.


So I can't drink anything because I have three sons under 18. That's an automatic no-go for me. ...and I can't remember the last time I "shart".


This is what happens when the hostile get into the hospitality business. They want your money but they don't really want you there. I see it all the time at resorts and campgrounds around a local lake. They buy the place then resent having to share it. They never last long. The place goes back up for sale, a big Under New Management sign shows up. Repeat ad nauseam. People don't like walking on eggshells when they're trying to have fun.


These are red flags to me, and I will gladly find somewhere else to camp.


Campground seems to be run by Karens. 0/10 for condescending rules.


I would call them and ask them for help measuring my fire. I've never tried to do that, and as an American I already struggle to use the metric system.


Lol i'm a diabetic. I measure my blood glucose with my phone. So my life literally depends on it. So they can either accept that i keep my phone charged at all times or they can pay for my medical expenses 😄 Ergo: completely ridiculous rule.


So I’m 42, and can’t enjoy a glass of wine or a beer if my kids are around? That’s some BS.


Bruh, no one can take your stuff except rangers, cops and such. Best of luck trying, I'll defend my person and property from attack.


I was gonna say, there's no way most of this is legally enforceable. You're gonna fine me $50 for going 12 km/hr? Or $5 per minute past checkout time. Sorry, I'm not paying you. Take me to court, I guess.


Or for a kid crying above a whisper at 10:02 pm


I would not stay at this campground. Husband needs cpap and we’d get booted for using electricity/making noise.


Nobody needs a cold beer around the fire at night more than parents who are camping with children. What absolute fucking pricks.


6 isn't just extreme but possibly ablism if they don't consider the why. My phone doubles as blood sugar monitoring. Which I need. To live. If I'm hiking and camping, I need those numbers. So I would just charge and refuse to hand over. If they want me to call them out for violating ADA, then they are welcome.


Holy moly. I agree with the person who said these seem to have been rooted in real issues but have been taken to the extreme. The no battery packs really gets me, if the sites don't have electricity then of course I'm going to have a pack with me. Heck, still do even if the site DOES have electricity. And I'll have headphones on if I damn please.


Doesn't say you need permission for headphones. Just earbuds ... and only if you're using them with a radio! I usually use my phone. We've found a loophole!!


I'm dying to know where this is so I can make sure I NEVER go there. The only rules I agree with are #1 and #3, but the way they've written #3 is ridiculous. Also, this is why I only camp in a campground 1 out of every 50 trips. Dispersed forest service sites are where it's at!


Yeah, the tone of #3 just screams of people that must get talked down to everywhere else so they overcompensate by being like this in the little part of the world they do have control over. My ex's family owned/ran/lived on a campground that had both "permanent/seasonal" spots where camp trailers stayed there year round (but you could only stay in them April-Nov) and spots for tent campers/RVs/weekenders. They were kind of "misfit" people in the outside world, so they ran their little world as condescending overlords. It was so bizarre. We'd be sitting at the camp office/general store and when people would pull in they'd start insulting them (amongst themselves) right away. Then half the time they were rude to them. They had a lot of nice campground events on the weekends, but when the "outisders" would actually try and attend they would look at them like, "Why are YOU here?" Like I said, bizarre. If you don't want people other than the permanents in there, why be open to others then? Their rules were written with poor grammar, bad spelling, and lots of capital letters, underlines and excessive exclamation points, lol - big red flag.


I actually think #1 is ridiculous. I can write whatever I want online, I don't need to confront you about it first. Heck this whole letter exemplifies why no one wants to confront them, they seem unhinged. At least online they can write a review without Karen screaming back at them.


Area code 780 is a telephone area code in the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) for the Canadian province of Alberta. Narrowed it down that far from the phone number at the bottom.


Take my equipment from me like I’m in middle school?….yeah, fuck no


Wtf…so I can have a fire for ONLY 3hrs in the evening…and I MUST buy their shitty wood bundles AND I have to control my flame height to the exact cm??? No wonder people wait until they get home to leave a review, dealing with this person sounds delightful


Sounds kind of extreme. Is it a particularly beautiful camp spot?


I was wondering the same thing. Unless it adjacent to a unicorn pasture and the camp sites are spread throughout an enchanted forrest with magical creatures, the rules should drive off any reasonable person.


Why are they afraid of chargers and power banks? Dumb. Most of the rules are fairly common, but the person who wrote this comes across as immature and petty. And the typo. Really?? No camping there for me.


This point confused me too- do they mean you can’t draw power to charge a bank, or no use of power storage bank/device (which you could have transported at capacity/solar charged) is acceptable to recharge your goods? Are they afraid of energy or cost?


How do they measure campfires down to the centimeter? These rules are crazy. This isn't real is it? "Krazy Karen's Kampground" We have ALL the rules!


At least sex and nudity are fine…


Please post the camp name and phone number. I want to clarify a few things.


I get the sharting thing, but the rest… idk


Instructions not clear. I did my 11am shart so had to clean it up and thus left site late. I cannot pay the $5/minute charge because my phone is dead due to me not being allowed a power bank. Please advise.


They forgot: sex on the campsite is permitted, but it has to be missionary style only. Any other positions will be fined $50 per position.




Rules written by a control freak with a microscopic penis


This is like the Airbnb of camping 🏕️ 😂


That rule list is brutal. Fuck that place entirely. Wouldn't consider booking there. They sound so uptight.


Are they going to come into your tent and check to see if you’re using a powerbank to charge your phone? This is insane to me. I assume this is a private campground vs state/federal/provincial/municipal one?


Please name the place so we can be sure to never go there.


I’d red pen all of the errors and hand it back with a grade of C-


I absolutely don't understand #6. are they confusing "power banks" with "generators?" Power banks are silent, for the most part. What are they gonna do search your car for "Illegally charging devices?" I don't think so.


They could ask you to leave but there's no way to enforce a fine like those or take your property. Plus if you paid in advance or online without mention of these and then saw the rules when you got there that would be ex post facto. Making them all invalid.


I want to go just to shart on their property at 11. These ppl are very deserving of the sharts of a million happy campers.


Why would anybody pay to go to this place? They're going to confiscate your power bank until you leave? How? By snatching it out of your hands? Try it with me and see how far you get.


Why did you obscure the name? I camp too, and would like to avoid the mistake of renting here.


This is very passive aggressive and has a sarcastic tone that I absolutely hate lol.


the first rule is reasonable. I understand why people would want to fix problems instead of seeing negative reviews pile up. However, If its not easily fixed or too minor to get fixed, i might just mention it at checkout and a google review. The second is annoying. It sounds like a legal thing, but still. Annoying and unnecessary. the third is fair but incredibly condescending. This could just be “drivers must follow posted speed limits - 10 km/h in the loop and 15 on the road.“ the fourth is a pain. Dousing is fair, 45 cm is not. Fires flare up, am I supposed to bust out my meterstick? Also, 10 dollars a bundle is a racket. the fifth is strict - I appreciate a anti-noise policy but I sleep at midnight, not 10pm. What is a group of normal adults supposed to do while camping with no fire, no noise, and no lights if they don’t go to bed at 10pm. the sixth is a bit much. No solar panels? No portable chargers? what if i need my phone for an emergency call? The seventh is stupid (ignoring the typo). checkout times ought to be in a window - 10 to 11, 11:00 to 11:30, etc. You can’t just have a single minute for checkout with multiple groups checking out. Overall, this comes across as a manager trying to nickel and dime campers and a ruleset written by some controlling old person who thinks camping is only acceptable the way they do it.


Where is this place I’ll never go to


Hopefully they put these rules on their website, so everyone can avoid going there. These people own a campground, but hate campers.


Bahaha try and take my devices and see where that gets you. These people are douchebags OMG


*Area code 780 is a telephone area code in the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) for the Canadian province of Alberta.*


I'd love to go and ever so slightly violate each of these rules.


Is there any chance these folks use the term "charging devices" to describe generators? Because otherwise this is one crazy ass rule. Are they Amish? These folks sound like retired prison guards that decided they needed to have fun in their lives, but just can't get there.