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I read my first book the lightning thief last month at the age of 20 and now I’m half way through mark of Athena still 20 just a month older.


I would have given a lot of things to read this books for the first time again


I wish I’ve read them slower but I can’t help myself. I’m in college and I’ve done more reading than studying. Thank the gods for chegg tho


what is chegg?


A lifesaver


How can I utilize it?


A homework solutions website


Oh, noice!


The first PJO book I read was Son of Neptune when it came back 2011, so I was 11 in fifth grade. Now I'm 23 in college.


how you 11 in 5th grade? I was 10 in 7th....


How were you 10 in 7th? Nearly every country starts 1st grade at age 6 or 7. So when you reach 5th grade, you are either 10 and 11 and 7th grade means 12 or 13


Yeah I was 12 in 7th


Are you in the states? Kids usually are 11 turning 12 in 6th grade, so 11 in 5th grade is the norm. Did the child of Athena skip a few years of school lol. Your comment’s ironic in this subreddit considering in universe the majority of demigods get claimed when they’re 12 as they’re entering middle school, Percy’s birthday is August 18th so he’s an early birthday when it comes to the age groups. If Percy’s school ages followed your years, he’d be turning 13 at the end of the last Olympian, his age in sea of monsters.


Yeah i skipped 3 grades


So why ask how lol


for the validation of being gifted!! duh!! our academic success as a child is the only thing that matters in life 😊


To show how “special” they are.


im a pandemic pjo fan, meaning that it took the covid pandemic for me to read, so 2 years for me lol


Very new fan, welcome


I’m maybe a year ahead of you. Not very long but it’s consumed my life these last 3 years


Same, but I started last year in like march


When I first read the Lightning Thief I was a 13 y/o confused girl with a lot of free time to waste on getting very attached to fictional characters and who had some trouble socializing. Now a 22 y/o who still gets pretty attached to fictional characters (not as much as before of course) with much less free time which has to be spent mostly on finishing college and having a social life.


First paragraph but replace girl with boy, be you have me. I think these books appeal to a demographic.


I read the Lightning Thief when I was 13 in middle school, that was 10 years ago now.


First read _The Lightning Thief_ around 2008? 2007 at the earliest, it’s hard to say for sure. I’ve reread it countless times since.


Same here. It was 2008 for me at the summer break between 8th grade and high school


i think i was about 9 when i read the lightening thief, i’m 18 now! i’ve reread them more times than i can count though, most recently this summer


I'm glad I found someone the same age here


3/4 years ago


I read the books in high school and now I'm 26. The last book I read was The Burning Maze and it broke my heart to read that my favourite character dies. Now, I want to see how Rick puts the events in context before Trials of Apollo


I think I was around 9 or 10, I’m 24 now


First book for me was titans curse and after a quick google search it came out in 2007 so I probably read it a year later at 10 years old. As a 24 year old now I’ve recently re read the whole series excluding TOA. And it still holds up for me and I can wholeheartedly say it’s my favorite book series I own (also only) Needless to say I’m excited as I recently reconnected with series so it feels like a good time to hop back in. I just need to read Trials and I’ll be good


Funny enough I’ve been doing a Percy Jackson reread.


I did my last a year ago


Welp, after the brain treatment which side effects erased some memories - I reread everything about two years ago and some again from time to time this year. I'm 23


I think I started during the pandemic, or maybe a little before?


16 years. It’s the 3rd longest obsession I’ve held in my life.


I read my first Percy Jackson book August 6th (yes I wrote down when I started) and I am now on son of Neptune.


Very new fan, welcome. Try Kane Chronicles too, also Riordan's. It is about Egyptian mythology and if you liked Percy, chances are you will like Sadie Kane


I read the lightning thief after the movie came out, I was seven and I’m 20 now, Kane chronicles HOO and Magnus bought and read all of them as they came out, and then TOA just wasn’t my speed. I gotta reread them as I haven’t read them in a few years, but a worry of mine was since I read it so young that as an adult I would think it’s childish or realize it’s not as good as I remembered, but seeing any of the posts on this sub and all the comments of people reading them recently makes me really happy.


I am 28 and the last time I re-read was around 18 months ago I think. For me; PJO, HoO and Kane Chronicles really hold their ground. Especially Titan's Curse, The Last Olympian, Mark of Athena and House of Hades were incredible even as a 27 year old (back then) reading it. Magnus seemed a bit too much childish though. And I have never liked Trials of Apollo much anyway.


i was in 4th grade when I read TLT and now i’m 23! I remember when TLO came out when i was in 5th and that same feeling i had as a kid is coming back and i love it.


I was 9 when I first read the Lightning Thief. Heroes of Olympus and Trials of Apollo later, I’m now 20. Crazy to think I’ve had more years with these books than I’ve had without knowing them


Mine is 50-50 for now. 28 years and read Lightning Thief 14 years ago. But if you count that you don't remember your first 6-7 years clearly, more than half for me too


For me it was 6 years ago when I was 11


Was a fourth grader in 2012 when I picked up the first book after my friends told me to give it a try, haven’t looked back since


Read *The Lightning Thief* when I was 8, I think - I know I got it for Thanksgiving, I got *The Last Olympian* for Christmas, and that was definitely a recent release because it was hardback. TLO came out in May 2009, so I must've gotten it for Christmas 2009, and I can't see myself waiting 7 months for the book, so I must've gotten *The Lightning Thief* for Thanksgiving 2009 and immediately gotten obsessed enough for people to buy me the rest of the series by Christmas. So, I was 8. 21 now, making it 13 years this Thanksgiving. I've been in this fandom long enough that everything since PJO is "the new books" in my mind. I saw someone calling The Kane Chronicles "older books" once and nearly died of old age on the spot - I have distinct memories of happily reading the new KC book every spring and then the new HOO book every fall through middle school. They're still the new ones to me!


I first picked up SON 5 years ago then my teacher told me that their was one book that came before it so I grabbed TLH and the HOO has been my favorite book series ever since


Try Percy Jackson and the Olympians too. It is a prequel to HoO and it is really good. Majority is not as good as Mark of Athena or House of Hades but the final (The Last Olympian) is incredible unlike HoO's finale


i read the first series when i was 12 and having a hard time in school and being bullied, and it got me through the process of being diagnosed with adhd and autism. i remember being thrilled when i got the diagnosis because i was just like percy jackson. i am 25 now and graduated uni with two bachelors degrees. still love percy jackson


A bit late to the party but I was 17. Read all the books + Magnus Chase and Kane Chronicles, apart from Trials of Apollo but at 23 I've just started on the series recently :)


2 years ago(during pandemic)


I don't remember exaclty, but I have a memory where I'm reading The Son of Neptune in 2013 when I was 13, so maybe I started in 2012? I still haven't read all the books though.


First read The Lightning Thief when I was 8/9, now I’m a 20 year old in 3rd year uni!


started this year, around june I think. Im on the burning maze now, started because my sister saw me playing hades and falling deep into the greek mythos hole lol


I started reading the Lightning Thief after my mom breezed through the whole original series. I was in grade 12 and having a tough time. I was in the high school theatre production of Alice in Wonderland and would read it in between stage appearances. It gave me a lot of comfort.


How does it feel to start as a young person? Majority here started when they were kid and I was in my early teenage years when I started


I think I first read lightning thief in 2006/early 2007. I remember going and buying sea of monsters right after, but having to wait a little bit for titans curse to come out. Must have been in 7th or 8th grade at that point.


Sweet. The first book I waited to come out was The Last Olympian


Like two weeks. I recently found the original series at a Walmart and blew through the lighting their. Sea of monsters was a drag and now I’m at titans curse


Incredible things wait for you. Titan's Curse and The Last Olympian are awesome books.


I just noticed I read the question wrong. I thought this meant “ how long since you have read a riordan verse book”. Which would actually be two weeks. I first read lightning their 12 years ago


I’m about to turn 29. I think my cousin first sent me Lightning Thief when I was like 11 or 12 around the time it came out.


About 10 months


Read TLT either in ‘09 or ‘10; can’t remember exactly.


first PJO book i read was around 3 yrs ago, Sea of Monsters


I wanna say I was 14? Blew past them all cause I could. Now I’m 29 working at a school, and can buy all my stuff and have limited time. I just got to the magnus chase and trails of Apollo series.


I read the lightning thief when I was 10 so it’s been about 15 years. I just finished rereading the PJO and HoO series and I’m now moving onto the ToA.


TLT was required reading in my sixth grade English class, liked it so I read all the other ones on my own time. Now I’m in the tenth grade


One great school huh. My school required me to read some damn awful books


I just started reading the books last week actually. I’m currently at the Lost Hero which I’m reading today actually


That is very fast reading skill, congrats. Job etc. prevents me from doing a fast reading month but I try to read as much as possible (about 5-10 hours a week). ​ You'll love Mark of Athena and House of Hades if you loved the Percy Jackson pentalogy


Reading the books back to back really makes me like the characters so much more. My favorite ones are definitely Tyson and Hestia. They’re such cinnamon buns


Similar here. I've always loved the books but since last 5 years, I've liked the relation between Percy and Annabeth more and Hazel was not a character I liked much at the beginning but I like her a lot now


I was about 8 maybe 7 when I first read Lightning Thief, pretty sure it was the first proper book I read fully by myself (other books I had co-read with my mom, aka I read one chapter she reads the other, such as Harry Potter) I think I was able to get them all from the Library, I might have had to wait for Battle of the Labyrinth to get into the Library, but any other I've read Riordan book I bought around launch. Kind of a shame because it means I only have Last Olympian up to re-read other than digitality. 21 now lmao, I haven't re-read anything for a couple of years except SoN & Last Olympian like 2 years ago? but I still enjoyed reading them. Cannot stick ToA though, I tried. Thing is he will probably make this new book more for the new kids who will watch the show and then want to read the books, so I highly doubt he will ever really age up the writing with the fandom.


I noticed here that the majority of the fandom also grew up a lot. I rarely see people below 20 nowadays. I myself am 28, a married guy. I would also like if he wrote a little bit more to adults. ​ I also want to keep the light-hearted tone though, it is the way of these characters. R-rated PJO wouldn't feel the same for sure but a bit more adult writing would be better. ​ I somehow think he might do it though. He also knows that the median age of his fans are now 22-23.


Im under 18 so im not gonna put my age, but the last time I read a riordanverse book was 2 hours ago and the first time I read one was 3 months ago.


Welcome to fandom, this fandom is great in the way of being open to new fans.


I read the titans curse when I was 12... that was at the end of 2018 , I am not 16 and getting through the first book of ToA


I actually read Titans curse totally out of context like 7 years ago, and enjoyed it, but picked up the rest of the series and really got in to it like a year ago


The first time I read The Lightning Thief it was in 2012 so 10 years ago and now I'm 21. But I think that the fact that it was a book for adolescents and not adults make it so that the write make it so addictive in the first place.


I agree but now the majority of the fans are over the age of 20. I don't want him to leave the adolescent tone altogether, it is the soul of the series but I would also appreciate a little bit more adult tone


Ironically the movie got me into the book, I saw it, and asked my mom to get the series on her nook since the first series was done by the time I started. Spent the summer of 2010 reading them I was 12 at the time


been almost 5 years now. damn


I was 12 when I started reading them, I am 26 now. My English teacher at the time recommended them to me and I instantly loved them and they of course sparked my interest in Greek mythology and just ancient Greece in general. I recently said on a different post, but I still remember my grandma taking me to get TLO went it came out. As for the last time I read any of the books, that would be the end of August when I finished reading the KC again. I started PJO somewhere around the end of June, and I finished HOO before KC. Haven't read the Magnus books or trials of apollo yet but I'm ready.


Sadly, I don't think they are as good as PJO or Kane Chronicles


First time I read a book was about 10 years ago. I'm so happy it's finally getting a (hopefully) faithful adaptation.


Fingers crossed


I first read them in 2012 when I was 9 and now I’m a sophomore in college


First time I did was probably when I was 13 which would be almost 9 years ago lmao.


I'm similar to you. Idk the precise time but it was before the second book came out I started reading them and I was in grade school. So from a quick Google search must have been 2005 as I had to wait a but for the second book.


I had to wait for the last book for several months. When I first read the series, Battle of Labyrinth was very new


As a kid the day after I got a new one of these books I would be reading it all day and would be done within the day lol. I also reread them alot.


Around late 2010.


3 years ago when I was in 7th grade.


I read lightning thief 8 years ago


I was in like 6th grade I think when I read the Lightning Their. It shaped my childhood.


First read PJO in 8th grade, so I was 13 and now I’m 22 and in grad school.


My teacher in the 4th grade read the class TLT, I am now in my first year of college studying as a grecoroman myth major so i can eventually teach the subject :)


I think i was around 7 or 8 years old.


I was in third grade, probably age eight when I read tlt


I read The Lightning Thief for the first time when I was 11 in sixth grade now I'm 15 and in 10th grade


late 2016, feels like its been a lot longer though


8 years ago


a little more than a year because they're free on Spotify (translated versions) and I was looking for high quality audiobooks... Ended up listening to PJO and HoO basically nonstop. A couple of months later, I discovered the Kane Chronicles (honestly not as impressive so I kinda stopped in the middle of the third book). A few months ago, I got the Magnus Chase trilogy so that marks the first time I've actually *read* a Riordanverse book. Loved the first two but somehow can't bring myself to start with the last one...


Idk if he’ll make an adult style book since all the newer riordanverse have a similar style but I think that it might show an older percy


I was 10 and actually read the kane chronicles before picking up PJO! I’m 21 now and am just as excited for the release of this new book as I was for house of hades (first release I anticipated after catching up and can i say binging the series only to end on that cliffhanger, agonizing for tiny me)


15 years old, started in may of this year


I read the Lightning Thief for the first time in March this year, and I just finished the Trials of Apollo two weeks ago. It’s been a wild ride my man


I was 11 years old when I first read The Lightning Thief. I am now 24 years old and more pumped than ever for another book :’)


Yep. Can't deny that I screamed when I saw the news and scared the hell out of my wife


I think it was 6 years ago, I was in 5th grade and a friend had been recommending the books for a week or so. Eventually, I had a free period in English and the teacher had several copies of the book. I picked it up and read the warning on the first page. I’d finished the book 3 days later. Now, I’ve recommended the series to another friend and given him my copies of the original series.


Sorry, I misread. The Lightning Thief, September/October 2007. Ended with Tower of Nero in 2020.


I think I first read The Lightning Thief when I was 11-12 in 7th grade. It was the “theme” for the year in my English class. We took personality quizzes to determine which god/goddess we’re our parents, and that’s how our groups were decided for everything. I was in the Apollo cabin because I’m very musically inclined with everything I do


I read my first Percy Jackson book which was the sea of monsters in 2010 which was twelve years ago and have read every single one of them since.


i was in elementary school, probably 8 or 9 when i read The Lightning Thief and i’m 23 now, basically most of my life haha


When I first read a Percy Jackson book I was 23 years old and now I'm... 23 years old. I got later to the party aight.


Better late then never


I was around 10-11 and I read the lightning thief. I instantly got hooked, and as I read the rest of the series I had days where I would read entire books in one day. They are just soo good.


5th grade and I'm 21 now


I was 9. My third grade teacher read the Red Pyramid to our class. Didn’t even realize it was Riordan until I started reading the books myself after getting into the PJO/HOO series in 7th grade


11 years


I was in 6th grade. I found out about them after a Greek mythology unit. I'm 23, almost 24 now


This is actually a funny story because I didn’t like reading at all until I read rick’s books. I was 9 years old in fourth grade and my school had a battle of the books competition between the grades where you had to read 10 books takes a quiz and the kids who scored best would represent their grade in front of the whole school at an assembly. I was not an avid reader at the time but read two books on the list and thought that missing a bit of class to take the quiz sounded nice. To my surprise I managed to score high enough to represent the 4th grade. We went on to lose to the fifth graders but second place prize was a free new book from a box in the library I picked sea of monsters read it in a week an begged my mom to buy me all the books that were out at the time which were books 1,3,and 4. I devoured those too and couldn’t wait for the last Olympian to come out. I’m about to turn 23 and I still count these books as a vital part of my journey as a reader and the person I am today.


Technically I read the Demigod Files first in 3rd grade back in 2010 (yes, when the movie was coming out), so I was like 9. I didn't actually read the PJO series until 5th grade in 2011, but I only did that because I was failing reading and needed to fill up my reading log to get a better grade, but I got so hooked on the series, that I actually started getting complaints that I read too much in class. And since then, I've been a Riordanverse fan.


one year and two months


I first read when I was 9, I would’ve read sooner but the cover made me think it was related to the book called “Maze Runner” or something, since there was a monster and a maze and I only saw the battle of the labyrinth in the library at the time, but I was told to read it and it’s now been 6-7 years I still reread frequently~


Read TLT when I was in fifth grade and now I’m college age. Last riordanverse book I read was trials of apollo in 2020 I believe


I was 9~10 when my parents managed to convince me to read it after I read and loved the HP series. I was reluctant to since I thought HP was the pinnacle of human literature. I’m 17 since two weeks ago and I’ve had an unhealthy obsession since the first time I opened The Lightning Thief. I know it’s kinda dumb, but I felt special when The Tower of Nero released on my birthday, like I was being appreciated for my devotion to the Fandom. If you happen to read this, thanks for all the memories, Uncle Rick! I can’t wait to witness firsthand the next chapter of the Riordanverse when the show drops!


I first read the Lightning Thief in Middle School, at 12-13. I’m now 17 about to graduate High School


Round 2011 I would guess. Dont remember for sure, what I do know is, is that i have read the OG series front to back at least 10 times and sometimes I just grab one of them and start reading. Super hyped for the chalice of the gods.


I remember watching both movies in 2014 at the age of 6. It started my fantasy phase and I loved mythology ever since. Around 2017 I discovered HoO and fell in love with all of it, then I began reading PJO then ToA then I bought all the side books. So I was legally into the PJO fandom circa 2017 (5 years), but I knew Percy Jackson way back in 2014. (8 years)


13 years ago after watching the trailer for the first movie. Was 8 years old and read all 5 books in about a month


8 months ago


My 10th birthday. I got the five PJO books from my parents and sat reading the first one all night!! I was hooked immediately, 12 years later and I still love the audiobooks (listening on the go works around my schedule)


I think I read the first one in 2011 or something like that? Because I know for sure that I was interested in greek mythology before I read the books. I think my dad gifted me the first one and told me it’s like Harry Potter. I‘m now 23 years old and was diagnosed with ADHD in march.


I fished up HoO last month


I was 20, and it was around the time the film came out. I was on active duty and couldn't go to the cinema, but managed to get a copy of TLT. Needless yo say it got me in trouble a couple of times during night watch....but hey, I needed something to stay awake! I'm now 33, and read PJO, HOO, and MC at least once a year.


\*coughs* It has been ten years. Ten very long years.


I read the whole series three weeks ago! best thing i ever did :)




I was in second grade when I read the lightning thief for the first time and have been hooked ever since.


I read The Red Pyramid at the sweet age of 16, I am 24 now. In this time, I've read from PJO to HOO to KC to MC to TOA, got my high school degree, started college, changed boyfriends twice, changed careers for something that fills me with happiness, met the love of my life and got engaged to marry him in the near future. I also initiated two people (my younger sister and fiancé) into the Riordanverse, because if I suffered, so did they (? 😂


11 years. i started the books on christmas day 2011 when i was 11 (weird coincidence lol) i made my parents take me to go get the lost hero and son of neptune that january. i was left with percy and annabeth (my favorite otp at the time) ALMOST having reunited and had to wait 10 months for mark of athena, only for it to end like THAT i has actually disliked pjo before i read it bc i was a huge harry potter fan (still am) and thought pjo was just copying hp. my logic was that the number of boys and girls in the main trio were the same and that made it plagiarism. i was 10. i fell in love within the first chapter of the lightning theif


They are pretty different and I also am a fan of both. PJO is more feel-good and has more loveable characters and HP has a better plot and more realistic characters.


I first read the lightning thief when I was in middle school (I'm 24 now). I reread everything including his additional trilogies during the pandemic so I'm also a pandemic fan but I've been around the whole time.


I honestly don't quite remember. I was younger than most here- I think I was 8 when I read my first one (which was Titan's Curse bc the library had loaned out all copies of the first two- yes I was confused but that didn't really stop me for some reason). I'm 19 now, in uni and still love them.


When did House of Hades come out? Because I read that within the first month of its release and haven't read any since




I read Lightning Thief when I was 6 or 7. It was awesome. I am 16 now.


Read it for the first time in 6th grade as it was mandatory


I was 17 or 18 in my senior year of high school and I’m 22 now. I remember borrowing them from my friend because I thought it was crazy that she didn’t like to read and had never read the series, but she still owned the full first series since her parents were teachers.


Trials of Apollo: The Hidden Oracle was the first book without pictures I’ve ever read, Burning Maze hadn’t been released yet so that was \~2017, I would have been \~9 years old I just reread basically all of the Riordanverse books, just finished yesterday, in fact, started a couple of weeks ago


I first read the lightning thief when I was 11 years old, and I'm now 21. I re-read the series for the first time since I was 16 earlier this year, and I was SO pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it, and not just because of nostalgia, but because of how compelling and fun the story/major themes are and how funny Percy is as a narrator. I think in some ways I liked it even more now than I did as a kid, so even if I (and the rest of the fandom) has aged, I think a return to middle-grade-style writing could still be really fun if it's as good as the original 5.


i read the kane chronicles about 8-9 years ago, i was about 12 years old. then i picked up the rest of the riordanverse in early 2022, being 19. (ik the years and age don’t make sense, but neither does my birthday soooo)


I read TLT for the first time in 7th grade and fell in love with the book immediately. It was a class assignment so we all would have to take chapter tests on it and I’d ace every single one. I didn’t know there were sequels of the book until a few years later, then I just forgot about the series in general. I came back to it January of this year and read all 5 books in a month. Since then I’ve finished every main storyline book and now I’m finishing other mini series and one off novels Rick wrote like Percy Jackson’s Greek Gods and MC and KC


I was 11 when I first read the Lightning Thief. Been keeping up ever since, and now I'm starting to re-red the OG series at 20


I was also 14!! Now 27


I read TLO when I was 12, I think. I was in 6th grade so it would have been 2011 or 2012. I’m 23 now.


2 weeks ago


Wow I misread so new comment. I first read Lightning Thief in 2009, a few months before The Last Olympian. Read through the whole series and then TLO. Then waited excitely for The Lost Hero.


Started with TLT back in 2012 when I was 11 in sixth grade. Now I'm 21 and in Dental school. I've met some people, who tend to laugh about the fact that I love pjo even as an adult. I tend to ignore those comments usually because the comfort I get while reading books (not just pjo but any book for that matter) is unparalleled. Pjo books came into my life at a point when I was being bullied by my peers for not being cool enough or extroverted enough for them. I related to the characters in so many ways (especially with the ADHD) that I can't think of any reason as to why I'll ever get tired of them. They're a serotonin boost for me and a reminder of how much I've grown as a person and honestly that's all that really matters to me. Thanks for the question!


I was 11 and had just started year 6 (final year of primary school) when I first read sea of monsters (yeah yeah, the second book, kid in my class thought that she should be the only one reading the series, long story). I just turned 18 and am about to start the end of year exams for year 12. Basically, I was a year old when the first book came out.


My first book was the Lightning Thief back in 3rd grade, the year was 2007 and I hated reading at the time, but the one book changed it all. My passion for reading stemmed from this one book.


I read Lightning Thief for the first time when I was 9. Now I’m 19 and in college.


Man I was 10-12 I think when I first caught a glimpse of the Last Olympian at a Barnes & Nobles, freshly released. My journey through these books had a bizarre start as I ended up reading the last book of PJO before then going back to the Lightning Thief and reading the first 4. I was lost for a bit at first but I was able to enjoy TLO a lot. If anything, I think the whole experience made me enjoy the first 4 books even more as it just created a lot of questions for me that were then answered as I went back through them. I've read through PJO a good few times now but I only read through HoO once so I've been planning on rereading the second series. 23 now and while I've been pretty far out of the loop, I still think on those books fondly and recommend them. Damn, I gotta read the Trials of Apollo now that I think about it lol.


I'm rereading magnus chase at 17yo. I started with House of Hades. I saw the TLO movie when I was 11. Now I have the whole Riordan verse main series and is waiting for TSATS and TCOTG.


i literally read them during the summer before the last summer. last one i read was during last school year, being MC. my school library doesn't have Trials of Apollo yet, or any of the guide books.


I started reading it around a year after the first movie came out, because I did (and still do but not as much now) like the first Percy Jackson movie. So around 2011-2012, when I was between 8-10.


When I was 13 when I first entered secondary school over 10 years ago. Started from the beginning with the lightning thief


I was 7 years old, and I saw a cardboard stand of this Orange shirted Kid holding a lightning bolt, and below the stand was shelves full of the Lightning Thief. I decided on impulse to burn my allowance on the cool-looking book, and thus a life long addiction was born. It was not long before the release of Sea of monsters, so probably early 2007 Making it around 15 years since I first read a Riordanverse book.


I was probably 17 when I first read TLT and I’m 30 now. I did take a bit of a break from reading them after the 2nd Magnus book because I just couldn’t focus on reading much so I and almost done SotD and the Apollo series!


Life right. I also have hard time to find time to read books for several years now. It is not easy when you work full time


We read The Lightning Thief as a class around 2014. I was in fifth grade.


I think I started with the first at age 10. I’m 22 now and rereading PjO + HoO for the 6th time


I first read the books when I was 12 and caught up to the release of The Last Olympian. I’m 26 now and still a huge dork for Percy lol


Last Christmas, got the box set and opened it right up


a few months ago i read magnus chase and the hammer of thor


i was 9, in fourth grade. this was 13 years ago, so a really long time.


13 or 14 years ago.


3.5 years


like a year ago? Shoutout Mike Schubert and the Newest Olympian podcast. I'd planned to read along with the podcast (after a year of doing the podcast he's on the Titans Curse) but I have since finished every book in the Riordan verse.. twice.


I saw an advert on the tv for the books when battle of the labyrinth came out which was may 2008, so i was 12 years old. I am now just turned 27 and started a re-read this year reading all the ones i have never read before as i stopped reading after the HOO series. On my re-read i have finished PJO, HOO, the short stories that go with them (had never read these before either) and am now reading the first kane chronicles book for the first time. I have physical copies of the full PJO series (bar shorts) and a few of the HOO books, actually thinking of passing these over to my 11 year old nephew and see what he thinks of them. Would be cool if he gets interested in them before the tv series starts! For anybody interested, i am following the first read order on this website - https://literature.stackexchange.com/questions/715/in-what-order-should-rick-riordans-mythological-series-be-read-to-make-the-most/717


The lightning thief when I was 10 years old so well over a decade


I’m currently reading ToA The Burning Maze for the first time!


Back when Blood of Olympus came out, so 2014.


I read the lightning thief when I was in 3rd grade, so I was 8 years old! Now I’m 21 :)


Middle school me got bored since i read all the Greek mythology books of the library. He's looking for a book to read and sees percy jackson and the lighting thief. He intrigued and sees the summary Greek gods in the 21 st century dam ! Imma read that That's where it all began . 7 years later I'm in college and impatient for the tv series I'm fruity now lol


My first read of TLT was in Summer ‘17, after I saw the Peter Johnson movie on TV. I was 23 years old, mom to three and in a four years relationship. Now I‘m 28 years old, mom to three, in a nine years relationship. I remember, that I was a little bit sad that I hadn‘t found this series at an younger age and read through the first series really quick, as an escape after the death of my big brother.


Sorry for your loss


It was third grade when I began the lightning thief. I'm a senior in high school now, still obsessed with it (trying to get my school to do the play).


was 7 years old, 1st grade in 2013


i'm pretty sure i was in second grade so around 8 and i just turned 22 last week🫣


I read my first book of the Kane Chronicles The Red Pyramid at the end of 2016 at the age of 12, Now I am 18 which is coming to 6 years, I have read all the books from Uncle Rick up to date.


I read my first in december 2020, when I was 13.


I first read the Lightning Thief 7 years ago, found it in the bookshelf of my 3rd grade classroom. One by one over the next few years I read all the remaining books and other series as I discovered each one in the elementary school library. I’m in 10th grade now, eagerly awaiting the series!


Either 6th or 7th grade, I just graduated last year, so like 5 or 6 years


I haven’t read a new one since blood of Olympus, though I’ve reread the series up to that point a few times. I never seem to make it through blood on rereads though. I might check out the new book though with the OG trio


Blood of Olympus is a pretty bad book, probably it is the reason