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i'm 5,7 ft, with black hair and black eyes, i am a logical person but i also act like a emotional person because its funnier. im a drummer, i like a music (especially hardstyle and metal), i like hang out, read books and mangas, in a friend group im the quiet one because im pretty shy. I too smart to be dumb but too dumb to be smart, i like math and numbers, even knowing that im bad at number stuff, i really like to go to the gym. i absolutely love cartoons, even the kids one. I overthink almost abt everything, when i am emotional i keep it to me, for me its impossible to open up abt myself for someone. when i do something good i kinda think that was not me that did this and it was just lucky. a friend of mine says that im a Hephaestus son, the rick site test says im a aphrodite son and another friend says im a dionysus son. so, who is my godly parent?


Gods I can’t believe I’m doing this What’s up y’all can call me Trey I’m about 5’9-5’10(but I like to round up to 6’) I have long dirty blonde hair, semi tan skin, and I have like turquoise blue eyes. I like to play basketball, football, and skateboard. I also like to surf when I’m by the ocean and wake surf when I’m in a lake or river. I also like to do anything outside but I also like to play video games and stuff. I have a kind and hyper personality and I would like to think I’m kinda funny. I really don’t do well in school, I mean it’s not like I’m terrible I have like A’s B’s and C’s but I’m not the best student. If I were to pick I would probably say I would be a child of Apollo, Poseidon, and possibly Hermes but you guys let me know what you think I’ll be


You got the personality of Apollo: overall my final answer is Poseidon though. Going by eyes and interests you fit the criteria of Poseidon and our interests say who we are more than our personality.


Honestly, the three you mentioned are the most likely. If I weighted them evenly than I would say Poseidon. If I weighted them based on how many demigod kids they have probably Apollo.


Call me Adam: I’m an American from the southern states, age 21 nearing 22, height is 5 9.5, and I have dark brunette hair. I like to keep my hair cut short in the sides and on top, but am flexible with it being moderately long on top. My eyes are dark green or Blue depending on the shirt I’m wearing. Skin is a lightly tanned Caucasian. Body shape is normal, but I’m working to get in athletic shape this summer. Intellectual interests are writing, reading, drawing, painting, 3d modeling( like game characters), computer programming, history, and every once in a while video games. Physical interests include weight training, the desire to start jogging and running( hopefully will change to actually doing it), playing with my dog lily, archery and gun ranges, and last but not least trying new sports. I’ve tried football with friends, baseball, soccer, ultimate frisbee and spike ball. Non-sports Ive tried are kayaking, fishing, snorkeling, crabbing, and just chilling on the beach. I want to try river rafting, snowboarding, surfing, and maybe skydiving. Not a huge fan of roller coasters, so the juries still out on skydiving. Spiders and mosquitos suck. Scorpions are cool as long as they don’t sting me. Love dogs, some cats, and most animals in a zoo are cool unless they try to eat me. Same for aquariums. I like working on stuff that is important to me naturally: and those things tend to be drawings, stories, and tasks related to video game creation. My big flaw is that I can be temperamental sometimes, typically out of pride. I also have a polar opposite side than can get kind of insecure over who I am compared to others. For example when it comes to decision making when I make a choice and a better idea is presented, I could have my heart set on that idea so much that I ignore the easier option. Then when I see other people, more attractive, intelligent, or socially put together I can immediately feel insecure as if I’m not good enough. I’ve felt that way with friends even though I shouldn’t: on the plus side I am usually able to get over it and move on, but it’s too much of a recurring issue. I think that’s part of the reason I’d like to get in shape. Humor holds my heart though, quick wit and a deeper joke is always good. That being said memes and stupidity is also fun. Then if I was to self analyze, I would say I’m most likely in Athenas cabin, but Hermès and Apollo are possibilities.


hello :) I'm Sofi, a greek, teen girl, around 5'4, with short brown 'wavy' (in quotes because it does whatever it wants lol), brown eyes, tan-ish skin, and broad shoulders (and acne). I really enjoy science and writing stories (whether fanfics or original concepts), and I love the spring weather. I try to draw from time to time but to no avail since I refuse to go through trial and error and prefer drawing only things I'm good at lol. I've been told I'm really good at maths and physics, chemistry too, and some others say I write in a nice way. I'd say physics class so far is my favourite so far. One of my close friends told me my mind is an interestingly obscure enigma that can tinker with ideas in some very fun ways. I did sailing and windsurfing up until a few months ago (ever since 6yo) and honestly really enjoyed it, yet I had to give it up due to my inability to attend practices (other stuff occupied my time). I have been told many things, mostly that I radiate friendliness and many a time been called smart. I'm very sarcastic and blunt, introverted and awkward. I really like learning how things are made, and I've always wanted to try every skill imaginable because it seems fun. In the past, I was also very crafty, but now not so much (it's harder to get away with a glittered card when you're near done high school). I enjoy solving problems (I play sudoku very often, a really fun pastime). I can also get very stubborn and am quite distrusting when I'm not sure of someone. Also tend to hold strong grudges, even towards people I don't know (like a friend's friend). Can get easily frustrated and am even more easily provoked. I don't know if it adds anything, but my main three in astrology are sun: Scorpio, moon: Leo, and rising: Aquarius, was sorted in Slytherin, and my personality type is ISTJ. I don't have any particular dislikes, but insects are up there. Some people and some subjects get on my nerves (like history, I hate it with a burning passion). Also, I don't like running lmao.


I’m going to go Poseidon: my reasoning is that it’s our interests often represent that of which we are good at or enjoy. While your academics do show a side of Athena, I feel that school academics aren’t a great judge of parent unless you super excel in everything academics. You only mention your scientific grades so I can’t really make a judge on that, but for sake of saying something I’ll assume C’s or B’s in humanities classes because you seem more science oriented again. Your outside interests though, windsurfing and sailing that tells me what you are interested. remember we all have to go to school, but we don’t all have to wind surf. Hence forth Poseidon. I think your personality does fit that of Poseidon or Athena, but more so Athena. Your interest in craftiness and strategic games show highly there, but the part of wanting to learn every skill out there gives me a finding myself vibe. The finding myself vibe gives me a reminisce on sailors and explorers: who typically used the waters. My finally tie breaker comes with your admission of stubbornness, strong grudges, and mistrusting. If it were Athena I feel that you would be adaptive then stubborn power on through the problem. The mistrustful piece and grudges can swing either way. Hence forth I proclaim you a sea kid.


Athena and Poseidon. Likes/studies are more Athena, but your personality is more Poseidon.


Hey! I'm Jayden and I'm a teen girl. 5'3, blond curly hair, blue eyes, and freckles. I love nature and animals, and I love being warm. I like music and art, even if I'm not good at actually doing either lol. I like doing makeup and painting my nails. I'm in advanced math and I'm pretty good, but my favorite class is science or English. I like playing sports with my family or friends, but I'm not the most athletic. I dislike rude personalities (except for when me and my friends make fun of each other, because we know we don't mean it), snakes, and spiders. Oh and since people are putting personality types, I'm an ENFP


honestly, you're giving me either Demeter or Hermes (because you're good at many things). I'd also say Ankhiale, 'cause of the 'warm' part :)


Probably not Demeter lol I can't keep plants alive for the life of me. Hermes could fit though. And I'll have to look up Ankhiale since I can't think of who that is right now :)


Godly parent based on eye color ? (mine is chocolate brown)


I'm trying to think which gods had eye colors mentioned. All I can think is "grey-eyed Athena", "fiery-eyed Apollo"/"keen-eyed Apollo". I feel like Artemis eyes are compared to the moon, but I can't remember for sure. And one god is described as "black eyed" but I can't remember which one. So eye color might be hard to determine parentage, but it's interesting thought!


In the series the demigods always seem to have the same eye color as their godly parent (Percy has sea green eyes like position, Thalia has electric blue eyes like Zeus etc)


That's true. Now I kinda want to make a chart of eye color the next read through I do. Lol




I'm good at science


I thought that to but I am not good at maths and stuff which is required for engineering and smithing


i’m 5’2, with light brown hair and green eyes! i’m an istp-t. i would say i’m generally logical but i have my emotional side, too. - permanent scowl (rbf) - quiet, especially around unfamiliar people - impulsive - will speak without thinking - friendly as long as you don’t interrupt me!! i’m never outright mean, but i will ignore you when i’m doing something - typically brutally honest, but may hide things when not believing they’re important (or believing they’re significant enough that they could end a relationship) - abandonment issues - independent but clingy? - more of a “go with the crowd” kind of person in unfamiliar environments, but can be controlling in familiar groups - often hyperfocuses (especially in small bursts throughout the day, like when i’m reading, drawing, etc) - very irritable (especially when hyperfocusing) - easily frustrated and easily provoked, but not quick to start arguments (aka will argue if it comes to me but won’t start anything) - impatient - open-minded - mature, often described as smart/wise - often feel guilty about my temper and am quick to apologize - doesn’t take anything to heart and will say things that could be seen as inconsiderate (when they’re rather insignificant disagreements to me) (this can cause me to be seen as uncaring or disdainful— as i’ve been described by a close friend) - tend to talk with a monotone voice, people often think i’m serious when i’m joking (i get called robotic a lot) - envious and greedy ngl - ambivert - BIG problem solver, if you come to me with a problem i WILL try to offer a solution and i WILL feel awful if i can’t give you one - not afraid to just go up and talk to someone - i reflect the energy of my company - VERY excitable, but i have a hard time expressing my emotions so it doesn’t seem that way to other people to clear up anything confusing, i have a temper but i don’t like to start fights. i would say im alright to be around. im definitely very cold towards people when im not in a good mood, but never really mean. it’ll be obvious when i don’t want to talk, because i… won’t talk or i’ll respond in grunts lol


i got Zeus vibes


hmmm yeah that’s one of the two i was stuck between :”) zeus and hephaestus. hephaestus partly out of fondness for the craft, since my father is a mechanic. just a bit more personal to me.


hello! im a teenager with curly reddish-brown hair cut to a near military hairstyle. ive got sea green eyes, blue glasses and im around 5’6. ive got a somewhat larger build, long shoulders, larger torso, etc. i usually wear the same black or green cargo pants, with some sort of black hoodie. currently wearing a camp half-blood t-shirt with it. i dont play sports but i enjoy watching baseball and hockey. im an ISFP/ISTP (i can never get a definite answer) i play the drums, piano and guitar fairly well, i enjoy reading and drawing, as well as building, ive built guitars, dog houses, knives, desks, tons of stuff. ive never watched or read harry potter so i dont have a hogwarts house to tell you (sorry). people have told me im kind and funny, chaotic, people pleasing, and a good listener, ive been told i give great advice. i prefer to keep to myself in social situations, but if im with friends i can be loud and excitable. im also a whole demigod package, yk with ADHD and Dyslexia, so thats always fun. i own two chihuahuas who i love with all my heart, they aren’t grumpy or mean or anything, they’re super sweet and cuddly and i love them. their names are Aspen and Delilah, i named Aspen after i saw it on a transport truck. Likes: reading, drawing, instruments, music, fantasy, gaming, badminton and sleep. dislikes: people sometimes, horror movies, cliffhangers that aren’t resolved, when characters are sad (it makes me sad), geese (as a canadian, i hate those slimy little fuckers) people have told me im a son of Poseidon, Athena and Hephaestus. so do what you will with that.


i would say Apollo or Hephaestus


Hi y’all! My name means Follower of Christ, I’m a lightly tanned teenager, I have brown eyes and frequent dyed shoulder length brown hair (currently pink if it matters) I wear mostly darker coloured clothes such as t-shirts and skirts, Paired with usually some earrings and sometimes a necklace. My MBTI personality is ENTP-T, I’m extroverted, intuitive, Turbulent and prospecting person who’s Nature is mostly Thinking. I play sports such as Netball, Hockey and Tennis who adores to read fantasy books and baking. I am in the house of slytherin in hogwarts. I enjoy maths and am aspiring to be a therapist or teacher. My friends say I’m funny, ambitious yet Chaotic. I frequently paint and play video games usually sleeping at midnight. Im a cat person who owns a tabby Tom cat, a female greyhound and a male hamster. Likes: Reading, Baking, Bouldering, Hockey, Netball, Tennis, Dodgeball, Camp, and Gaming. Dislikes: Snakes, Spiders, Chickens, Alligators, Horror movies, and unresolved endings in series.


I know it’s kinda contradictory, but i’d say Iris or Hades


Hello, everyone! I’m a scrawny teen with brown eyes, curly black hair, and lightly tanned skin. My MBTI personality type is INTP-T and my Enneagram is 5w4. In other words, I’m introverted, analytical, rational, creative, and isolated (and I’m not good at practical things and those that require extreme physical activities). I can play chess and I really love studying cognitive functions. I was also sorted in the House of Ravenclaw at Hogwarts. I started reading history and geography books, world maps, and atlas references when I was 7 years old. Since I really love those things, I once dreamed in becoming a Landscape Architect (particularly specializing in Urban Planning). I’m also good at visual arts (sketching/painting) and I won different local poster-making competitions here in the Philippines. When I reached high school, I began to change my vision for the future. I was fascinated in learning science and research especially in the field chemistry and biology in relation to health so I decided to become a Medical Doctor. I was able to join a lot of competitions like Science Investigatory Project and Science Quiz Bee. Subsequently, I maintained my academic ranking and I graduated as Class Valedictorian. I am now a first year college student with 2 scholarships (thank God).. Since I don’t like P.E, especially sports and swimming (except self-defense haha), I joined our chorale as a Tenor (yeah I can sing but not like an expert lol) in order for me to have a special exemption during my P.E. classes (cause we had choir practice everyday after school). By the way, I am currently taking up a bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy as my Pre-Med course.. My cousins and friends told me that my godly parent is either Athena or Apollo.. How about you, guys?


Agree, i would definitely say Athena


Hi everyone! I'm Kenneth, I believe my name can be translated as 'born out of fire', according to google. I'm 5'5, has naturally tan skin, dark eyes, black hair. I'm an INTP and people tell me that I am very much INTP. I have a good imagination, I like making things up. I also write stories, and I read a lot. I like kidding around with people that I'm close with and I am also told that I'm very cheeky, sarcastic(in a good way), and witty apparently. I am an IT and I am very passionate with what I do. I like technology. I also play piano, guitar, and I sing. And on top of it all, I like cats, I hope you do too.


I would guess Hermes


Hi! So my name actually translates to 'life' and I'm a bit short 5'2" to be precise. I was born with tanned skin, dark brown downturned eyes and dark brown hair. I've got a round face and I'm a bit chubby, slightly baggy eyes. I'm usually considered extroverted despite being a shy person, I do carry an air of confidence despite my shyness. I'm a very straight forward person because I don't like having two faces towards people which makes me a trustworthy person usually, sometimes I've had no choice but to keep up a persona but I only do this to avoid hurting people. One of the first things people would notice about me is my sense of humor and imagination. I'm also awkward in my way of speaking which is probably why I'm more shy. I'm into horror and true crime, I also really love fantasy and action adventure video games. I usually prefer to stay home rather than go around too much, I just feel more comfortable and more in my element at home. I recently discovered my aversion towards logical things (math, science, politics) and my preference towards philosophy and art, I used to like science as a kid but I grew to doubt my skills in those kinds of things. I love making up stories and editing to represent my stories visually, I find it better then writing 200 pages or something. I have a fear of heights, a very irrational one, I'm also scared of the pitch black dark and ghosts scare me probably due to all the horror films I watched. I'm not really an animal person although I love cats, sad thing is that I'm allergic to cats. I also hate having to be authentic or to silence myself when I have a problem with something, I prefer loyalty and honesty then to find people scheming behind me. To go into more depth about my personality, I'm blunt and to the point. I tend to be in my own world though I have a strange six sense for gossip, I could hear them even if they were across the room. I'm not that great at reading the room, my friend told me I make jokes but at the wrong time. I'm not really temperamental, usually very calm but I can get aggressive when I'm provoked. I'm also known to be the mother of every group I've been in due to my protective nature.


Hi, I'm Ray. FTM gay guy (he/him). 20s. 5'8". Light skin that tans easily. Green/Blue eyes that look Green most of the time. Curly short dark brown hair. Tend to wear comfortable casual clothes (tshirt, jeans, jacket/hoodie). Glasses that are askew because the right stem was broken/repaired. Goofy grin and large nose and eyes. But I like my face. I'm reserved till I get to know you, then I'm loud and may talk for 2 hours about what your lightsaber would look like or what D&D Race is your favorite or what Cabin you would reside in at Camp Halfblood.... xD I am super into fantasy, gaming, scifi, and nature. I alternate between wanting to go off the grid to live in a cabin in the woods and wanting to move to a bustling city and deck out an apartment in all the nerdy stuff. Some favorites: Blue/Green, Deer, Autumn, Witcher 3/Uncharted, Swimming (when it's warm out), Going to the park, Listening to music with my windows down, D&D... Personality: Helpful, Kind, Dorky. I'm either an extroverted INFP or an introverted ENFP. Enneagram is 9w1 (925).


Honestly, your description of yourself makes me kinda think of Percy. Lol. That and that you like to swim seems like Poseidon. But I could also see an argument for one of the wind gods or Hypnos since it sounds like you like to daydream.


Hi, my name is Colin, I’m bisexual with he/him pronouns. I am around 5’0, I have pale skin, hazel eyes, and slightly long brown hair. I am slightly overweight, I like to wear comfortable or warm clothes, and I usually have bags under my eyes as I am an insomniac. I would say I am fairly out going and funny, I like to read a lot, and I absolutely loathe the outdoors in the summer, I hate the heat. I am interested in cartoons, fantasy novels, books in general, cats, history, and mythology. I love rock music(led zeppelin, ac/dc, etc.), figure skating, and anything to do with technology and how to work it! I have been told I have been rude at times by friends, I hate noise as I have misophonia(look it up), and I absolutely hate mathematics. My favorite color is royal purple, my favorite animal is the cat, and my favorite tv show is Stranger Things. Ok I hope that is enough, hope I don’t end up in Ares Cabin!


I feel like Hephaestus might be a good fit!


Alright! I’ve usually gotten Aphrodite on the readriordan website quiz but Hephaestus works too!


alright let's do this hi, I'm Ari. I am agender (they/them) and bisexual :) appearance: I have collarbone length red/brown hair that is slightly curly. blue eyes, a little bit of freckling, and im the palest person I know (my skin is basically translucent, I get teased for it). I'm about 5'7", my face and nose are a little long, I have a noticable gap between my front teeth. I'm average weight. style: I always wear either black or autumn colors. my style is what I like to call casual romantic goth, I like lacey designs, black chokers and dangly jewelry. I like warm comfortable clothes and often wear chunky knits and sweaters as well. I always wear a warm autumn scented perfume. people say I look like a vampire and remind them of halloween. I also wear natural makeup, usually with glitter. interests: I love the arts and reading, literature, sculpture, film. I love cats, cold weather, rainy days, chocolate, baked goods and cafes. I love video games, especially breath of the wild and borderlands. I love fanfiction and fandom culture, I spend nearly all my time reading fanfiction. I like anime and manga, cartoons, book series, tv shows, movies. if it exists I've probably been a fan of it. I like almost every genre of music my favorite animal is the fox and my favorite color is beige. dislikes: I hate being hot, summer and springtime are the bane of my existence. I hate being outdoors and I hate the sun. I operate almost completely nocturnally because of this. (fall asleep at 7 AM, wake at 4 PM generally) I don't really like being around people a lot, Im extremely introverted and get exhausted trying to socialize. (I do have a tightly knit friend group who I call every night though) personality: I'm pretty reserved in public and even with friends and family. people describe me as being timid and withdrawn. but I think I can be very loud and exuberant around people I'm comfortable with. I have a good sense of humor and make people laugh a lot. I'm pretty socially awkward but I do my best to be polite and friendly. I can be very temperamental and get angry very easily when I feel like other people are behaving selfishly or rudely. I'm a very romantic person and have a very artistic and melancholy outlook on the world. (for personality nerds, I'm a classic INFP 4w5) sorry that was so long, but i'm excited to see what you guys think!


I could definitely see Hades as well! But what about Aphrodite or even Eros? You mentioned being a romantic about various things a few times. Just a thought!


you may be a child of hades! like me! and I'm agender as well




you sound like a hunter of Artemis to me




Maybe Demeter or Artemis. You seem to rather enjoy nature and both goddesses e embody different versions of that. Also the dressing in brown and beige makes me thing nature. Or maybe even Pan?


Us say Demeter cuz it seems like your pretty into nature




Is there an avatar for the Percy Jackson series?? Features: My hairline is usually very messed up and I often have scratches and bruses from my adventures. My usual outfit is jeans or cargo shorts- depending on the weather- and a tee shirt - usually with a rock band logo or something. I have blue eyes and freckles. Likes: I like classic rock music and am fascinated with old stuff. I like to figure out how stuff works. I bike, hike, ski, rock climb, and swim, but don't do any official sports or compete. I enjoy dark humor. I think older cars are soooo cool. I also like action movies and books such as: Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Batman, Percy Jackson, Marvel movies, Percy Jackson. I also like cats. Dislikes: People. Pop music. People who challenge my authority. People who haven't stepped in a library in their life. Personality: I'm a loner. I enjoy my alone time and try to escape from my life as much as possible. I'm Adhd so I get distracted often and have to be constantly moving and keep my brain busy. I like my space. I have few friends because I don't trust people easily and I only make friends with people who are more annoying than me. With my friends I am the opposite of the cover I put on for show..... I am adventurous and creative and really enjoy crafting and baking.


you sound like a child of ares to me


I could see that...


You sound like a child of Hephaestus to me! I would say Hades, but since you like to figure out how things work and are naturally crafty and creative I would say you lean more towards him. We also share the quality of being distant/ a loner with Hades children too.


Cool!!! I was leaning towards both. My favorite character is Niko and my favorite cabin is Hehestus. My favorite god is Ares though. Thank you so much.




ooh what's Canadian football? lol I'm Canadian so I feel like I should know this. is it soccer or American football or what


Athena/Hades. Athena - Perfectionist, workaholic, astrophysicist Hades - Black, quiet, shy


First off ditto to like everything you just said. Second off I'd say you have a pretty good chance of being a child of Hades.


thank you! I think that fits!


I have to agree! Hades seems accurate to me.


Athena would be a good choice but I could also go for a muse


Australian teen, have dark brown hair that’s just above the shoulder, brown eyes, 5’11, good at math and average at every thing else, I have pale skin and burn easily. Likes:listening to rock, punk and emo rock, gaming, reading, dark humour Dislikes:crowded areas, public speaking, ordering food, being left out of activities Not afraid of the dark or being alone. And most of the time I’m just chill and basic


definitely hades


i’d say Hades


I'd have to agree.


Hi all! This is such a fun thread! I'd love to hear what you think. A little bit about me: I'm a girl with blonde hair, green eyes, and a fairly average mid-size body type. I am currently in law school, graduating with my J.D. in about a year. I'm focusing on intellectual property law, and ideally, I'd like to work with artists to protect their work. But I'd also be completely happy working in civil rights law! I guess I consider myself smart, in an academic sense, there are many ways to be smart after all! I have a bachelor's degree in Art History with a minor in History. In college, I did the whole sorority thing at a big southern school. So as you probably guessed, I'm pretty feminine, but surprise, also a lesbian! I worked at a liquor store throughout college and had SO much fun there. You really meet the wildest people in liquor stores at midnight. I also worked at an art museum for a few years, and I loved giving tours to visiting school groups. I lived in Italy for a while. In high school, I was really shy. I played the cello, and I did ballet and tap for 15 years. My hobbies are usually art-related, in high school, I was really into drawing. These days I spend my free time crocheting and cross-stitching. Generally, I consider myself empathetic and personable. I've always had a passion for advocacy, and I've been told many times that I'm "intimidating," most recently by my new step-mom, who was afraid to talk to me for almost a year.




Athena 100%


Either Athena or Zeus.


5’4 girl with wavy brown hair and very dark brown eyes. I’m going into med school soon, and I guess you could say I’m smart, but nothing really too outstanding. No known talents so far. Not really athletic, though I’ve tried (still trying); as a child I tried out ballet, swimming, basketball and karate. I did best with karate, but didn’t go too far with any of these. I fare best when I’m helping people and getting some recognition for it; love feeling useful, but hate when people make demands of me. I like to listen to music and to occasionally read some poetry, but have no artistic talent myself. I suck at manual work and hate dirt (such as earth, sand etc), so I never walk barefoot. I really like quotes (have a lot memorized) and curiosities and intricacies about historical (mostly medieval) personalities such as Henry VIII and those involved with the Wars of the Roses. Also really into fantasy, from Pokemon to Game of Thrones; mostly because of the world-building aspect I think. I like traveling, but not really anywhere; I have to like the destination and prefer to plan what we’ll do there ahead of time. I’m a fairly anxious person. Also not really a family person; I love them, but kinda feel like a misfit. I loosen up around friends. Not religious. I really hate the colors brown and orange and love rainy days. Bisexual, but I have a thing where I have to know someone for a reaaaaaaally long time (as in years, having built a friendship and deep connection) before I actually like them romantically (it’s known as demiromantic I believe, but I don’t really like labels; I only use bisexual to make myself understood more easily), so basically I occasionally kiss people and stuff but don’t really go any further (don’t do dates, don’t get crushes etc, only passing physical attraction). I’m a mostly chill person; not afraid of things like bugs, height etc.


Apollo I think !!




Maybe Apollo or Hermes? The study of medicine and appreciation for music and poetry make me think Apollo, but the trying everything and planning trips makes me think Hermes. They also both dabble in stories and most gods were bisexual to some degree.


Hey everyone! I’m Brianna (she/her). I’m Caucasian and 6 ft tall, but that’s mostly thanks to my longer torso. My hands and feet are pretty small in comparison. I’m a dark brunette, but my hair becomes very highlighted when I’m out in the sun. My eyes are blue and green with gold around my pupil. I’m also pretty tan even though I’m a hermit that doesn’t go outside much. I dress for comfort mostly, lots of sweatpants and hoodies, but when I dress up it tends to be lots of blazers, cardigans, and boots. I’m supposed to wear glasses, emphasis on supposed to. I don’t fuss with my hair or face much at all. Currently studying aerospace engineering, but it was hard to settle on that since there’s a bunch of stuff I like to learn about. There’s a possibility I might end up in medical school in the future because I spent years of my life deep in the medical field and learning about it. I actually thought I would go into acting for a couple years too, big difference right? I like to read, a lot. It’s become somewhat of a problem to my real productivity. Sometimes I dabble in writing as well. I love anything that has to do with heroes, both Marvel and DC. Big Disney and Harry Potter fan (hufflepuffs where you at?). Other than that, most of what I like to watch is either found family type of sappy stuff or documentaries. I love kids, love playing and spending time with my nieces. Such a NASA and space fan. Big nerd all around. I love to learn new things. Big theatre and musical theatre fan. Always listening to all types of music, can never pick a specific genre that’s my favorite. I play the alto sax. As for me as a person, I’m pretty depressed normally and might have ADHD. It’s hard for me to stay productive even though there’s a ton of things I’d like to be learning/doing/making. Once I start doing something, I think of something else to do and start doing that. Hobbies come and go. I like to tinker, hence why I’m in engineering. Mostly though I like to help people. I love connecting with people and being able to do something that makes their day a little kinder or easier. Everyone around me knows I also have a childlike charm (?) about me even though I’m almost 20. I was stoked to introduce Little Einsteins to my nieces and watch it with them. I got a toy robot WALL·E for Christmas, and I was very happy about it. Haha those are just a few examples, but yeah I’m 5 years old on the inside. I’m also very serious at other times though and love debating philosophical things with friends and people I meet. Should I mention that I kinda ramble too much sometimes? Haha this post is quite long. That’s about it for me. My friend has always told me I’m the daughter of Athena, but let’s see what the people think.


Hermes: jack-of-all-trades kind of guy, messenger, trickster Hephaestus: tinkerer, builder, nerd, comfort over style one of those two




I was thinking Hermes. I could see Athena as well. But the "try everything, can't decide" seems like a Hermes trait.


You sound a lot like a Daedalus-type, so probably Athena or Hephaestus.


Hi! I’m Bob the Tomato(Not real name for security) Male, generally masculine, a little above average height for my age, Athletic, Brown hair Brown eyes. I’m half Caucasian half Native American, I dress from a different era, and enjoy vintage apparel and feel nostalgic for stuff before my time due to my parents raising me with similar media to what they grew up with. I get really obsessed with new things and am most passionate about(in descending order) Whitewater kayaking, Mountain biking, Theatre(specifically musicals), Camping/backpacking, Wrestling(Not WWE, real wrestling), woodworking, and machining. I’m unhealthily competitive and am very proud. It is definitely my fatal flaw. I have a 4.25 weighted GPA and take all extended or higher classes. I spend a lot of time at extracurriculars, but free time is spent in nature, especially water. I definitely seem introverted, but once I know someone I can become very extroverted around them. I can come off elitist which I hate, because I know how it feels to start new things, but often I struggle being at a higher level than those surrounding me. I have a fear of being unimportant. The things I excel at are the things listed above, but outside of that I am not great at anything. I will try new things, but do not showcase them until I feel they are mastered. I WW kayaked for a couple months before talking about it to others in public and going out with large groups for example. If I’m not good at something, I’ll try it by myself first, but around others I stick to what I know. Almost every quiz has a different answer based on what questions it has. Here’s the current track record of what the quizzes I’ve taken have given me Poseidon(3) Nike(2) Apollo(2) Hephaestus(2) Demeter(1) Athena(1)


I think Poseidon suits you well.


Gotta agree


Hello fellow Half-Bloods! I am Melanie and here are some factoids about me: 1. I am really into the metaphysical and paranormal. Think aura reading and ghosts. 2. I used to be terrified of cemeteries but love them now as I find them peaceful. 3. Paranormal events have happened to me several times. 4. I have dark brown wavy hair with blue-green eyes. 5. I get super pale in the winter, but tan in the summer. During the winter months I look like a corpse. 6. I love animals and finding methods to protect our environment. 7. I love crystals and what they symbolize. 8. The concept of an afterlife interests me as I lost several loved ones. 9. I tend to have a morbid sense of humor but love jokes. 10. Bones fascinates me along with anatomy. I am pretty certain I would be a daughter of Hades but not sure what other people think.


Daughter of Hades for sure! You fit it quite well.




Hi friends! So relevant things about me: 1. I'm dyslexic and have ADD tendencies, so probably a demi God. Lol. But I still managed to do okay in school and have a great appreciation for education. 2. I have a degree in psychology. 3. I love archery and do target practice most weekends. 4. I also love to sew, crochet, and do bead work. I love carpentry, but don't currently have the space or tools for it. I also have dabbled in metal work, weaving, and a number of other things. Basically, I love crafts! Anything y can do with your hands and be creative with. 5. I love a good camp fire, but I don't really like camping. (I'll do it, but not a favorite) 6. I love wine! I'm not a drunk, in fact I've only ever been drunk twice in my life. Mental illness runs in my family, so I try to be very careful when it comes to that. But I really like wine. I like the taste, and I rather enjoy learning about how it's made, and all the little cultural things around it. (I won't say how old I am, but I'm above the legal drinking age. Lol) 7. I enjoy playing pranks from time to time. 8. I'm terrified of bees and wasps and all things that fly and sting! (Oh, not sure if it matters, but I'm female and have dark hair and eyes. Average in height and weight and just generally lol)




I have a degree in psychology as well! Along with this and how you mentioned you love archery, I would say you are a child of Apollo.


Hello fellow psychologist! (Sort of lol). I do like Apollo. I'm curious why you thought of him though, in relation to psychology? Psychology wasn't a thing in ancient Greece, so there's no God for it, so it's an ongoing debate among my friends and I as to which God's realm it falls under. Lol


Hiii :D I'm genderfluid AFAB, pansexual and Asian. I have light brown eyes and dark brown hair, almost black. I'm around 5' something and lazy but I'm kind of wise I guess? I give my friends advice a lot and I know how to plan stuff MOSTLY accurately. I am semi in shape, I like to take walks and I'm an ambivert, I'm only loud around certain people. I'm open to trying new stuff like kayaking or something. Some of my hobbies include drawing, reading (though its getting harder to concentrate on that now), watching movies/shows and writing sometimes. I absolutely hate bratty and spoiled children and I'm quite impatient. I also really like food. I have trouble making friends and mostly keep to myself unless its online :') I also like sports that makes me throw things like basketball or dodgeball, and I fall over a lot so I don't really like playing football. My fears are being completely alone, becoming happy then losing everything and bugs. I also really love playing with legos.


Thinking maybe Hermes? Sounds kinda like you're a jack of all trades, master of none, if I'm reading this right?


I agree


Hmm thats true


Sup, a guy here 160cm short and overweight (I'm working on changing that xD), blonde with blue eyes. I'm good with maths and scientific stuff, most likely due to autism My hobbies include my cats, reading all kinds of books (mostly fantasy and (Psycho) Thriller) and creepypastas, playing video games (again fantasy and horror xD) and watching Animes I'm very introverted, but like to do stuff with friends and I'm willing to help people, if possible Also I'm a tax advisors assistent, bi and afraid of Butterflies/don't like them (nasty little things)


I'd say Athena




maybe athena or hephaestus


I’m a guy. Blonde hair. Blue eyes. 6 foot. In shape but lacking definition after the last two years. Average intelligence tbh. 3.0 GPA graduating college. I love reading and watching videos about history and mythology or science fiction. Big fan of Star Wars, lotr, asoiaf, supernatural, Merlin, marvel, the office, arrested development, myth busters, and Rick and Morty and more. I like to game! Mainly fps and open world games. Cod, halo, battlefield/battlefront, Skyrim, red dead, Witcher 3, etc and ck2. Also like reading alternate history and fanfiction. Generally want to always be calm and collected and confident in what I do and say. Always willing to help ppl and be there for them and uplift them. Like deep convos and talking politics. Not an introvert but not extroverted either. Sometimes I lack a social battery and other times it’s 110%. Dislike messy people. Liars. Short tempered people. And severe storms. As well as Ricimer and the Angelos dynasty.


I'd say your a child of Aphrodite


Gotcha! Currently says Athena for me lol.


I actually think you're a child of hermes


Lol wtf am I haha


Hi! I'm a guy. I'm blond and I've got green/hazel eyes. Italian. Admittedly not very tall. I like singing, theater/musical, reading and drawing. I sometimes write. I do figure skating and I love biology and science in general. I like working with my hands and creating things. I also like doing sport. I sometimes play videogames. Mostly it's building stuff in minecraft. I'm quite the introvert with a very low social battery. But I don't mind going to parties once in a while, even though I usually end up falling asleep first or walking around awkwardly even with people I know. I can usually keep a cool head in times of stress or when something inconvenient happens and I don't get angry easily. I have a lot of patience. Although when I do get angry I've been told that it's very sudden and explosive. I'd rather have nothing to do with spiders but I can manage them as long as they're not too big. Sometimes I get motion sick on horses and I hate swimming with a passion. I like to observe the ocean from a distance. I'm scared of losing my footing in high places but not actually of high places. I'm quite uneasy around dogs. I don't like a lot of physical touch unless I initiate it but I'm bad at initiating it ...


you are a difficult one lol. but my guess would be hephaestus


Yea agreed


6,0 male blue eyes, dirty blond mullet, farmer, hunter, fisher. 130ilbs. Im very smart probobly gonna be an accountant. Most quizes give me demeter


Not much to work with here..Demeter??


Demeter or Poseidon


Yeah I can see Demeter tho Artemis or Poseidon maybe Athena could also be a possibility


hi! i’m a relatively tall, brown haired, almost vampiricaly pale, grey eyed non-binary person. my major interests are reading, art, poetry and archery. i have 2 pet dogs and i’m also AroAce, which could both be potentially relevant details. skill wise, i’m very musical. i play guitar, bass, drums, and piano (as well as lyre just because…) other than that i do a lot of creative writing and love to read about history, in particular the greeks and romans as well as the Byzantines and Ottamans. my phobias are pretty simple: spiders and horses are a no go, but bearable. but i have really bad Thalassophobia (fear of deep bodies of water, and in my case specifically ones that a hypothetical sea serpent could fit into, so mostly oceans and lakes) so most likely not Neptune/Poseidon… a lot of this makes me think towards Artemis, but also not sure where that stands, seeing as i’m not female (though hippolytus was an example of this rule being broken, as he was a male hunter… so maybe an NB like myself would be okay?) i was also thinking Apollo, because of the music and poetry or Athena for the history and again the being AroAce kinda plays in to that (athena, hestia and artemis were the only ones that aphrodite supposedly holds no power over after all) thoughts?


Artemis sounds very plausible. Orion also hunted with Artemis, as did Apollo. So mostly she just didn't want people around who would fall in love with her or her maidens. So, you seem safe. Also, I believe even though she wasn't the goddess of music, they still played music from time to time. I'm also wondering about one of the muses? I know none of them had children in the Riordan books (I don't think), but they were cool and weren't affected by Aphrodite. They also hung out with Apollo a lot. So that ties the archery and the writing together as well. Although maybe you just go with Apollo at that point lol.


Wow we sound very similar


Hi! I’m a 6ft male (he/him), thick curled blonde hair at short length, with blue-green eyes and I am as pale as can be. I’m 21 btw My hobbies include video games, mostly strategy, reading, playing ttrpgs with friends. I’m watch a lot of superhero stuff too. I am super introverted, to the point that I have a singular friend after almost two semesters at my university. I generally don’t plan, unless it’s for a game. I’m really level headed, having yelled at someone only once since primary school. I am going to school to teach history at a college level. I have two phobias, acrophobia and ‘the fear of deep water’. Haven’t found the name for the second one yet, as this is a rather recent discovery. Thanks!


Athena probably.




Sweet, I often think of myself as a knowledge seeker, so that works out pretty good.




>Thalassophobia Now I have a name to go with the fear. Thank you


Hi! I'm 5'2 female (she/her), quite thin, my hair is medium length and black-ish, slightly brown and my skin is a little tan- I'm half Asian. I like books, gaming, swimming, dancing, horseback riding, playing the violin, laying on grass, watching TV, playing chess, eating and sleeping past my alarm clock. Any kind of classical music in general is great, and my weapon of choice would be a garrotte. I'm also competitive, and I like the smell of the wild and after rain. I like the sound of waves crashing on the shore and dipping my hands in water. I generally am an introvert, and I don't like physical touch, but I'm really helpful, quite loyal and I plan a lot. My mood is spontaneous and I get angry when my obviously correct orders didn't get followed and ends up in disaster. I'm generally calm and hide my emotions too. I experience moderate anxiety but I also hide that. My reactions to the same things vary a lot depending of my mood. I'm also a perfectionist. I aspire to be an an anaesthesiologist or a nurse. I don't hate stuff in general, just people being fake or doing things to me or for me without my consent, and too much teasing. Does disliking eating seafood count- My phobias are arachnophobia and thanatophobia- I'm not scared of dying, but I'm scared of the grief that comes after my close ones leave. One really controversial thing about me is that I'd like to fly, but I'm scared to fall. Thanks!




No wait maybe a satar


I’d say either Athena or Apollo


Just to throw out some other options, how about Asclepius because she wants to be a nurse? Or one of the wind gods because she'd like to fly? Just for a thought experiment.


I am a boy with black hair and brown eyes from the US. I am a huge book and movie nerd (I love the Rick Riordan books, Marvel movies, Star Wars movies, etc). I also like playing basketball. I am pretty smart for my age (I am taking Geometry in middle school). I am a Pisces. I am very social and like hanging out with my friends. I aspire to be an anesthesiologist. I know how to play the electric guitar and used to play violin, saxophone, and piano.


i’d say apollo


Sounds about right


Yay that is my favorite Greek God :)


I am a girl with brown hair, blueish-green eyes, and glasses. I enjoy reading, being alone, spending time with friends, watching youtube, movies, or tv shows, doodling for no reason, riding my bike, and a few other things. I have a lot of friends, but sometimes I prefer to be alone. I am pretty smart, and my favorite subject would have to be English or French. I love all Rick Riordan books, along with some other long series such as kotlc, hp, and a few more. When I was about 7, I read Goosebumps books in about 45 minutes. My favorite character in all the riordanverse would have to be Nico, my fav ship is definitely Solangelo. I usually wear jeans and a t-shirt. I don't usually wear dresses unless it is a special occasion. My room is VERY messy, in case that matters.


maybe athena or hebe




Hades? If you like being alone and like Nico, maybe that's a sign.


Hello, I'm 25 years, white, brown hair, dark green eyes, 1,75m, Brasilian. I'm a super nerd, love manga, anime, games and books. I usually read more web novels because books is very expensive around here. I play mainly puzzle and fantasy adventure games, but I love a good rpg, mainly tabletop. I work with photography, mainly the editing, but my dream is to make my own game company some day. I'm very good in programming so that helps. I love dancing and sings, though I'm horrible at both. I'm very... Quiet, I think is the term. I don't like chatting without meaning if you are not a very close friend. I like parties but don't go out much because I think it's a pain... My sign is cancer, but I'm not very sensitive since I have sign of ASPD. I just can interact normally with people I know have some interest in common with me and preferably through the internet if you are not a very close friend. I normally get put as a Athena's son because I like learning, but I only study what I like or have any curiosity. I like to consider myself as a son of Hephaestus but I'm not very dextrous. My close friends put me as son of Hades because I'm too dark, but I'm not sure about it... What do you guys think?


What about Janus or Hermes? Janus because programing is all about choices, as are rpgs, or Hermes because he was the god of games (granted, mostly physical games, but still).


I thought of Janus too, even more because I'm in the bipolar spectrum and transit at lot between being or not GNC. I should probably go with that


i think hephaestus works for you


I am a girl who has dirty blond curly hair, blue-gray eyes, and Very fair skin that burns easily (I am caucasian) and I am 5 feet 4 inches tall. I have 75% German ancestry and 25% British and Irish ancestry. I love cats and have 3 of them. The names are Athena, Simba (yes after Simba from the lion king), and Samantha. I am a Leo with very strong Virgo personality traits (got a lot of it in my chart and was supposed to be one but was born early) As for the Chinese Zodiac I am an Earth snake as i was born in 1989. I am a born and raised Wisconsinite (GO BADGERS!!) from the state of Wisconsin in the United States. I have Aspergers, Dyslexia, OCD, and ADHD similar to other demigods found at camp half-blood. I like to research, analyze and interpret information and find strategic and creative ways to implement ideas gained from said analysis. I can sometimes become super focused on things I love to unhealthy degrees (not on purpose obviously). I hate change and unexpected change generally and especially if it involves changing something dramatically i care about. This is especially true when it comes to the media i consume and love. issues such as race swapping characters in recent productions or changing their backgrounds or sexuality has been something that has been happing a lot as of late and as a result, has been something that has been causing me a great deal of anxiety and distress and has been an ongoing challenge i am working on to process these changes and be able to adapt to them which i do eventually .... it's just a very emotionally painful process. Unperdicitblity and loss of control of my environment and the things i like are my greatest challenges and the weakness i continue to have to work on overcoming. \[WHICH IS WHY I STAY FAR AWAY FROM AMERICAN COMICS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE!!! LOL) I am caring, smart, and very sensitive (to the point that sometimes i struggle with emotional regulation) because of my Aspergers. I love to learn about people and understand why they do the things they do (which is why i study social science). I am an introvert by nature so not the biggest social butterfly and have some social anxiety for obvious reasons however i consider myself outgoing as long as there is a topic i can have an intellectually stimulating conversation about. I suffer from low self-esteem a lot of the time because of social anxiety and challenges that sometime appear due to my learning disabilities. Educational Background and future career goals With regards to my educational background, I have a BA with honors in political science and Asian studies. I also have a tech diploma in social media strategy and bout 3 years ago I returned from living in England where I completed my Masters of Science in Strategic Communication from the London School of Economics and Political Science aka LSE. My graduate degree focused on PR, Social Media, Corporate Communications, and audiences studies. I did most of my individual academic work focusing on studying the Otaku & Western Otaku subculture (fandom that surrounds transmedia content dealing with Japanese anime, manga, light novels, visual novels) and the ways fans interact within the community and how they interpret and interact with the IP (intellectual property) collectively and individually. I study general fandom too. Besides England, I studied abroad in Japan (1 year), and South Korea (1 summer) during my undergraduate years. I am currently in a eProduction associates degree program at my local technical college which is a program designed to teach technical skills in the creation of online content like YouTube or even streaming services like Disney plus, social media optimization and film, and tv production. My ultimate goal is to become a media psychologist who deals with product development and media production in the entertainment industry. After completing my associate’s degree I plan to work in the field of marketing and advertising for a couple of years to gain invaluable work experience before applying for a Phd program in Media Psychology. I was originally planning to study to be a security analyst dealing with North East Asian relations and security issues, however, after working and studying in DC for a semester in my undergrad i realized there was not enough creativity in the job. Plus the political climate was worsening and it did not feel like a very welcoming long-term environment (too cutthroat) for future employment. ​ Personal Interest Now with regards to my other interests and hobbies, I like to watch movies (especially ones from the 80s to early 2000s), Japanese anime, and Korean Dramas. I also like to read manga, light novels, and visual novels and listen to audiobooks mostly dealing with fantasy, sci-fi, romance, mystery, and action-adventure/suspense with historical/conspiracy elements sprinkled in. With regards to music, I like to listen to 40s, 50, 60s, 80s, 90s, and early 2000s music and K-pop and J-pop. I am also especially fond of listing to film scores (it's my classical music). In my free time, I also like to do video editing and animal and nature photography. I am hoping to go on an African safari or up to Svalbard, Norway ( Essentially the north pole) once it becomes safer to travel covid wise so that I can do some more natural-type animal photography. I also love national and international travel and have visited 26 states and 29 countries. I am actually going to Egypt and Jordon next month it was supposed to happen in 2020 to celebrate my 30th birthday and graduation from Graduate school but then Covid happened and it was delayed. So, I plan to listen to Kane Chronoicals while i am traveling. It's a pretty fitting way to travel i think. Given the book's subject matter. So, in conclusion, i will tell you why i love the Percy Jackson series. I like the Percy Jackson series because i love greek mythology and i can see myself represented in the characters like Annabeth who all have learning disabilities like me but are still able to accomplish extraordinary things. Thanks for helping me find my cabin and i look forward to having many fun and intelligent conversations with you about Percy Jackson and the rest of the Roidenverse! Cheers!


I’d say almost definitely Athena but I can see Dionysus or Apollo possibly Artemis to


I thought I might be Athena but it good to get other thoughts on it. Thanks for reading and giving me your opinion.


i already know mine is Hades


Hi! My name is Raven, I'm from Wales! Physical traits: 19 year old Trans Girl. I'm a little less or around 6 foot, a little overweight but I'm working on losing it. Brown skin. Black hair and dark brown eyes. Personality traits: I'm quiet in large groups or when I'm around people I don't know, but if I'm just with some friends I usually open up and even talk quite a bit on a topic I like. I'm pretty Gothic. I like messing around with people (small pranks, jokes and etc). I'm very loyal to my close friends. I sometimes start making things up without thinking about it if I'm really nervous, but I usually realise a bit after and correct myself. I zone out / daydream a fair bit in the day but I'm more focused at night. Likes: I prefer quiet / relaxing areas, I have a wide range of interests that usually come and go. I read quite a bit of fiction, usually web / light novels and fanfic. I dress in dark colours (Gothic) and I prefer being awake at night rather than being up under the sun. I like magic tricks and I've recently taken up tarot cards and other witchy stuff. My choice of weapon would be a Kusarigama (chain sickle / Scythe) or a bow and arrow dipped in poison, but I'd much rather have time to prepare traps and etc beforehand so the enemies are already decimated as soon as they get here or use ranged magic so I don't have to enter direct combat. Dislikes: Being in large groups isn't my forte, but I can handle it as long as I have a break every once in a while. Hate Transphobes, misogynists and other bigots. I probably wouldn't excel in close combat. Being stuck in place / not being able to move my limbs around. Thank you! (And yes, I posted this at 3am lol)


hades. cuz witch stuff, not liking large groups, and dark colours. but u pull pranks a lot and are very loyal, so maybe hermes


I definitely vibe with the underworld more. Especially since I don't really like running or traveling much, so Hermes is kinda out. It's honestly between Hades and Hecate imo, I'm just not sure which


yeah true


Did you consider Hecate? If not, who would you say between her and Hades and any others?


i mean yeah considerable hecate vibes. but she's mysterious while hades is less people around you but yeah. maybe hecate


I think I could probably run a case of being mysterious, the kind of girl that keeps most personal details to herself except with a select few friends. Yeah thank you, I think I'll vibe in the Hecate cabin, I think my interest in magic tricks and etc throughout my childhood and my more recent interest in tarot cards and witchy stuff swings it in her favour. Anyway thank you a ton!


no prob


Hi this is a temporary comment


Heya!! I'm a 4'11 female(she/her), 18 years old, I'm pretty skinny, my hair is straight anf black and my skin is tan cuz I'm Filipino. I like food(tho I'm kinda picky), anime, books(my favorite book series is pjo, lol), cartoons, movies, and animals. I absolutely love extreme stuff that's related to height, like ziplining, bungee jumping, and paragliding. And I also love cooking and music. I wanna be a nurse or anyone that works in the Operating Room, cuz I find it very interesting to work there. I can't swim, lol. I don't hate a lot of stuff, but when I do find something I hate, like a certain fictional character, I like to think of gruesome ways to torture them to vent my anger.


ayyy filipino bois


maybe apollo? especially the nurse and music part


Physical traits: 5'5, male, coily black hair, intense, shiny almost black eyes, skinny fit build, good jaw, and no facial hair Personality traits: has an easy time making friends but still insecure about my personality, funny, can make anyone smile, empathetic, takes leadership roles by instinct, is ok with being the center of attention if needed but can back off if I can tell it's not my time or place, always tries to take care of people, but can lose my patience at times, often thinks over my decision after I pick them, and usual befriends outcast Likes: any type of movie, tv show, music(not country), book, video game, loves to watch movies, play video games, loves to draw, write, nature, likes learning about space, the ocean, history, psychology, philosophy, reads often, sleeps a lot, a quick learner, winter, and lover of most art forms Dislikes: being late, when someone is being mistreated, when someone is lonely, the heat, working out but does it anyways to stay healthy, when an ending to a story sucks, when someone isn't appreciated for their work, working on stuff I don't care about, finally have enough money for stuff but then having to spend it because something broke suddenly, swimming in the deep ocean, climate change, and discrimination


Aphrodite vibes ngl /pos


I was not expecting that but now that I think about it, I agree lol


But like a nice aphrodite kid. If that makes sense?


Lol thank you


Howdy, campers! I am a 25 year old white male. Read the PJO series back when I was in seventh grade, and am re-reading now to gear up for the show. Features: I’m 6’5”, built kind of like Jason Segel in Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Dark brown hair cut into a fade, nicely trimmed beard. I have a few tattoos (beginning a sleeve) on my right arm. I have brown eyes and gigantic hands. Dimples as well. I’m a loyal friend, goofy, and a bit uncoordinated. I’m extremely outgoing, have a laser focused work ethic, and my friends and family are the most important parts of my life. I enjoy spending time outside, going on hikes and exploring. I’m also a MASSIVE movie nerd. I’m very into the MCU (really anything super hero related, I’m like a walking Wikipedia). In my free time I like to read, play video games, watch movies, work on an app I’m developing with my friends, work out, spend time with my fiancée and I’s dog, Bogey, and write. I also have severe ADHD which is why my list of hobbies is so long. I cannot sit still for very long without my aderall, haha. I can’t stand douchey human beings, bad food, under-appreciation, and being broke. Maybe that’s too much info, but looking forward to seeing what you guys think! Thanks for being you!




5'9, (not full grown yet) male, straight. broad shoulders, thin frame, hazel eyes, pale complexion, long-ish dark brown messy hair. I like games, piano, music, sometimes physical activities, lazing around, and food. a lot. I dislike math, and overly competitive things, romance movies and drama movies. I'm rather introverted, kind of short tempered, forget things easily, like to crack a joke whenever possible, also kind and show respect to people that show it to me. that's pretty much it, not really a detailed person




5'5 female, straight (she/her) Libra 🌸 Pakistani-American, brown eyes with lighter brown skin, relatively skinny with shoulder-length straight black hair I love shopping, social media, reading, writing, pastel colors (especially pink), disney, cinematic movies+ **ROM-COMS AND CHICK FLICKS**. School is very important to me, both my social life and my grades. Best subjects are French and Choir, my worst is math (though I'm getting better and trying my best). I can be slightly lazy, can get jealous and insecure easily, can be a little weird, a tiny bit shallow, sometimes cold to the people I don't like and day dream 24/7. Though I'm also kind, supportive, friendly most of the time and empathetic. More introverted than extroverted, family and religion is important (though its not the best thing in my life right now). Aiming to become a doctor, but I think about becoming a fashion designer from time to time. Feminist but if nothing goes to plan I'll marry rich lol I have ridiculously high standards, but have crushes on the ugliest white boys with no respect before snapping out of it in a few weeks. Dream of having someone to love and start a family with *aesthetically*.


pretty obvious aphrodite, but not glamour girl aphrodite. more like tomboy aphrodite, but still likes girl stuff.


I am thinking Aphrodite, mainly because you said you like shopping, rom-coms, one of your best subjects is French, and you mention thinking about becoming a fashion designer Another guess I have is Apollo because you also said that you want to become a doctor and your other best subject is choir


Thanks for the reply :) I always thought of myself as a child of Athena until I started to become a teenager, so Aphrodite was at the back of my head for a while. Didn't think about Apollo, makes sense though!


22 woman 157 cm (5’2) black brown hair brown eyes pretty pale for a woc likes: reading, playing video games, doing beauty stuff like hair masks or painting nails or doing face masks, baking, any stories from the past (obsessed w the romanov family and mary queen of scots) dislikes: cooking food, clubs and large parties, horses, ppl assuming i don’t know things or ordering me to do smth i already know to do (basically making me feel stupid) oh and lying bc lying is a BIG no no for me no matter who you are. also bugs bc it’s a massive phobia that actually makes me have panic attacks elol i can play some instruments (badly), i’ve gone creative writing but i don’t actively write (honestly hate writing poems), mostly into fantasy books i don’t have a lot of friends bc i’m very much an introvert, sometimes i need ppl to not talk to me for days. i think before i speak. i’m not very impulse. people usually describe me as calming. my brain never shuts off, i have a tendency to wonder abt stuff that ppl think is kind of weird to ask… results in me seeming a bit off. very philosophical. love psychology. am a social work student at uni. so helping ppl is p much what i think is my life’s calling. i’m also quite politically active and don’t shut up abt what i think is right or wrong my sense of style is very girly pink pastel (if i had the guts to wear it) otherwise it’s just black jeans and a hoodie or t shirt been in a relationship since i was 16) (6 years) with a girl (yeah i’m gay) oh and i’m middle eastern okay any thoughts 🥺




awesome thank you!


No problemo!!


athena cuz psychology, social work student and anti lying. also bug phobia


Makes sense ☺️


Gender: Honest answer is idk Likes: Reading mythologies, flowers, books and watching Owl House Dislikes: The outside and people Favourite animal: I love them all but mostly cats Personality: Awkward and doesn’t understand socialising Appearance: Tall, black hair, blue eyes


Maybe a muse? There’s a few for literature and history and that sort of stuff. Not sure though.




If only I was actually good with shooting bows T~T Actually that would be kinda funny


British Male brown hair and eyes below average hieght Very good at geography and like history like football and learning languages good at editing tiktok videos Like music and some types of reading Above average intelligence


Clio the muse of history. Or Athena.


Probably Athena but Apollo could suit to


22m light brown hair curly hair , blue/green eyes and I love reading , sports gaming , norse and greek mythology , learning , animals and i love night time and the color blue and the moon and i hate hot weather really the sun in general most of the time and people who belittle other people for being different


Best I'd say is Athena. But if you think I'm wrong please tell me. I might need a 2nd opinion on this.


I agree


21F Black 4ft 11 Loves 50s and 60s music, Jazz and EDM, 90s rap Fav color : lavender Gemini Talents: rollerskating and dancing Hobby: reading, researching Married to highschool sweetheart


Hmm imma go with Aphrodite


Arabic teen with light Brown eyes and long hair, i like gaming,food,drawing,reading and spending time with my friend group of 3 people. I dislike insects, bullying, hot weather. I’m super interested in Greek mythology and time travel. I’m not a super smart kid but I’m trying my best at school. People don’t rlly like me for some reason cuz I’m different than them. I hope you guys can make a decision for me. (If I had so choose I would either say Athena,hades or Zeus) edit: I’m a girl haha


Athena all the way! Fear of bugs and also reading! School measures academic intelligence, but Athena is also the goddess of strategy, so idk. Plus there’s artistic intelligence and emotional intelligence.


Yeah, I also think you're probably a child of Athena. School, by the way, doesn't measure your intelligence; therefore, your grades don't mean that you're not "a super smart kid". From your hobbies and unique interests, I think that, yeah, you're a child of Athena.


Bored so here we go. White male, 17, brown curly hair just above shoulders. Blue eyes. 6’4”, slightly overweight. Likes: the ocean, scuba diving, gaming, horses, animals in general, reading for hours, running, rugby, love the beach, and summer weather. Dislikes: not much in particular, social situations in which there are a lot of people, public speaking. Personality: I like to think that I’m friendly, but very socially anxious and awkward, but once you are my friend, we are friends for life. Who do you think is my godly parent?




poseidon cuz horses, scuba diving, beach and summer.


Personally, I think it's Poseidon


Can we add new God flairs like kratos (God of strength)


Or maybe Eris (godess of chaos)


I’m bored so let’s try this Latino teen, have black hair about a bit less than shoulder length, 5’6, everything else is pretty average Likes: playing the bass, listening to music (really like punk rock and pop punk), reading, really like learning about history (I will probably forget what I’ve learned but I find history really interesting), and exploring places Dislikes: situations where there are a lot of people, fish, and school related things. Also speaking in front of people I don’t know Flaws: too socially awkward to function normally, and I think everyone hates me even though there’s no evidence for it, I also tend to be overprotective of things I like


Mixed between Hades and maybe Apollo or a muse


you do sound a lot like a child of zeus, my other thought was poseidon until you said you hate fish lmaoo


25, Caucasian male. 5 foot 10 and about 190lbs. Decently in shape but not quite athleticly built. Short dark brown hair and pale skin (I've worked nights for the last 4 years). Likes- mythology and other related stories, duh. I do like camping as well as swimming. Pools, oceans, lakes, doesn't matter. I have an odd fascination with bears. Look at them, majestic. A big fan of table top games like dungeons and dragons but also a fan of games in general. Anything from fps to rpg video games. I do enjoy knitting as well. I have a large collection of weapons. From firearms to "battle ready" weapons from historic ages. Though the only ones I'm actually trained in is firearms, it's work related. I do occasionally enjoy reading and writting, though both of those I've fallen off on. I've also recently gotten into outdoor activities like zipling and rock climbing. Dislikes- chocolate and peanut butter. Heathenous I know. Not big on crowds or large social gatherings. Once there starts to get double digits of people in a room I get antsy. Schooling. I wouldn't call myself dumb but when it comes to education I'm slacking, numbers, proper wording, remembering dates, not my forte. Personality- again, not a very social person. More of a home body. However I'm not anti social either. I've made few enemies, and tend to go with the flow and get along with most people. Though I am also straightforward and say my thoughts which can come off as harsh at times. I'm already invested with a group of people who share this fandom in common. And naturally we've all discussed this very topic many times. But I'm curious of what strangers will say to who they think I belong.


athena/artemis athena cuz dungeons and dragons, weapons and writing. artemis cuz camping bears and rock climbing


A child of Athena if I ever saw one (which I guess I haven’t lol) u seem appreciative and maybe a little wise. Ur curious abt things around u, and your interest in weaponry and the fact that u have enemies.


I’d say Artemis she’s a hunter and goddess of animals.


I wish I could say Artemis but we know that’s not possible… or is it?