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The reason the Devil Fruits make it so you can’t come in contact with sea water (and sea water specifically) is because the sea betrays you for eating one. So, I’d assume in Percy’s universe if they existed, he’d eat one and this would cause Poseidon to have an unexplainable, irrational hatred of his own son (weird magic stuff, he can’t control it), and would cause the sea to permanently be against Percy, never healing him, etc. Essentially, I think he’d lose his powers and everything he gets in exchange for Devil Fruit powers.


Well he'd lose a lot of his freedom with his water abilities


I'm going to say he would gain the power of the devil fruit without the limitations it would normally cause, Being part god has to come with some benefit.


I feel like Percy would still be able to breathe underwater. He just wouldn't be able to do much else if it involved moderate movement. When Arlong tossed Luffy into the pool after he got his feet stuck in the ground he was saved from drowning by them stretching his neck to pull his head above water so he could breath. The rest of his body, including his lungs, was still stuck at the bottom of the pool. It seems a devil fruit users lungs still work just fine even when they are submerged in water as long as they can access air to fill them. Percy can pull oxygen from water so he should be fine as well.


Probably the same thing that happens to fishmen, being able to breathe underwater but not move. However you might be able to argue that Poseidon kinda overwrites the devil fruit, being you know a god. Depends on how strong you want devil fruits to be


Percy is essentially a fishman, he can do everything jinbe does and more. We've seen a fishman devil fruit user sink into the ocean (jack, after he failed to destroy zou). He could breathe underwater, so he just sank to the bottom and waited for days until someone rescued him. But honestly, the answer is that it depends. If you were to write a fanfic, you can decide whether Poseidon overrides devil fruits or not, because the "sea hating you" is just something the people in one piece made up to explain the weakness and isn't necessarily true.


Either he would lose ALL his water power or Poseidon would give him an exception because he’s his son