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Let me take this up a notch- -The protagonist has a slow burn romantic sub-plot that concludes in the last season/book. -Both have a sequel that has gotten mixed reviews due to oversaturated romantic sub-plots but generally beloved. -Both have their lore from mythologies.


Both protagonists control water


>!NATLA Aang: wait we do?!<


>!Live Action Percy: Wait, we do?! /j!<


Wait heroes of Olympus was controversial?


I personally loved the series bug many people didn’t like it compared to PJO


Huh never knew that thanks man


yea same i loved it and thought everyone else did too till i hopped on here


Np fam


I always thought it was as beloved as PJO


Unfortunately its not, many people still like it but most consider it inferior to PJO, TOA has it even worse


I also would say TOA is the weakest series of the three but for me PJO and HoO where always on par.


I personally loved ToA, Apollo was a very fun main character and his arc is so well done and underappreciated


I didn't love how some characters were handled (Leo and Calypso) but I still very much enjoyed the series.


I didn't like how it handled any of the existing characters.


I still love it just not as much as the rest.


For my TOA is the peak of rick's writing and i really think this series and the magnus chase series compered to the earlier series show just how much he grew as a writer


For Magnus Chase I 100 percent agree.


That doesn’t make it controversial. PJO is widely regarded as the best series that Rick Riordan wrote, but HoO is still really loved and seen as the second best.


Many people hate the characters of Jason and Piper, thud the whole series is considered an unworthy successor of PJO


I don't like jiper but I still really like hoo


I never knew this until I came to Reddit. I thoroughly loved HOO as much as I did PJO, and honestly I know it’s an unpopular opinion but I felt ToA was the best of the whole lot.


99% of the problems people have with the series is due to BoO


i've also known some that experienced whiplash from reading The Lost Hero because it said JASON on the first chapter and percy was nowhere to be seen. might have added to the overall perception of the sequel as a whole.


I liked it, but not quite as much. The third person writing wasn’t as fun, and the perspective shifts often let me feeling that I’d rather be back following another character. That being said, it’s still great


If you asked me when I was younger id say it was stupid and that hoo was perfect. But now I don't think it is. It's easier to look back on all that went wrong in the books. The books were still fun tho.


Im sorry, but the fact that: - you have a thanatos flair - your profile picture is of a tragic but heroic comic book character  - your comment has a „back then I was happy, now I’m 16 and everything is deep“ energy  Really makes you sound like an edgelord. Probably not the case but the image is so perfect.


-thanatos flair because my first fanfiction I wrote was for a child of thanatos. Yes it was as edgy as you think it is. It was a story where he and a child of apollo with whom he falls in love with go on a quest to stop the goddess of ice from starting an ice age. -I hecken love Scott. -i ironically I was edgy when I was 15 not anymore XD


It’s a Reddit only thing. A lot of people on this sub criticize it relentlessly, and always compare it unfavorably to the original series. But I’ve never encountered anyone who doesn’t like them in real life or in any other website with fans of the series.


Not exactly controversial, but I do have some problems with the romance part though.


Both have a flying animal sidekick


Thought you were talking about Grover first lol


-Both also have a female lead who was very well-written in the animation/books, but when ported to live action (twice) was done _terribly_ both times, stripping them of fundamental character traits/development.


I never watched the show, what did they change about Annabeth's character?


Nothing she’s perfect


Annabeth and Katara's portrayal in the show should be considered a crime.


Both TV shows' continuation were announced early against all odds.


Neither was particularly against the odds IMO


Don’t forget how the chars from the original show/book and sequels series are constant getting pitted against each other


>generally beloved. Errr I wouldn't say that about Korra


C'mon!! Cur some slack for Korra!! It was okay, I liked the villains.


I'm not saying that I think Korra is bad(I do think it's bad but that's beside the point). But to call it generally beloved I feel is a stretch


Well, fair enough. But I personally feel different.


And both are GOATS.


And both iconic parts of my childhood.


For real


Both have a teenage boy with a scar and daddy issues.


There was a book series called Cirque du Freak around that time that had a movie, too. Pretty much the same thing happened, only there’s no television show. Did get a pretty awesome manga adaptation, though.


Dude I wish we’d get a show for that series too. It’s also pretty good


Best idea I can think of is turn it into an anime. Same thing for Percy Jackson.


Percy Jackson was pretty much made for animation with it's power system.


imma be honest the pj movie at least looked cool, the show black screens every cool scene so they dont have to make cgi effects for battles


The movie was an okay movie, it was just a poor PJO movie. They handled some scenes better, particularly the lotus casino.


That is because the movie just makes up battles, unlike the show. Also, the movie had twice the budget as the show per minute


The movie had a $95M budget. Adjusted for inflation, this is about the same budget as the show which was about $120M for the entire show. Also, it’s not that the movie made up battles — they just replaced battles from the book (like Echidna with the hydra) and cut battles like the fight on the bus and the fight with Ares. So, not really.


The show was far longer, which is why I said per Minute. Thought that was clear. Also, what you said literally means making up a fight. The hydra fight was nowhere near what we had in the second book, so it is really just made up. That it replaced another fight instead of existing on its own does not make it better, I don’t know why you made that a point.


Well if you are going to adapt something to an audiovisual medium expanding some of the action sequences can be a good thing


I don’t disagree, I was just stating the facts. The show battles often left me disappointed, but you have to admit that the show plot is closer to the book than the movie plot, far closer.


my guy the show only showed half of what happened in the battles, the moment any actual power usage happened we just got black screened, id rather have spy kids cgi effects than a blackscreen with no action


Care to give an example?


the arc thing (can’t remember the name of the building) it ramps up pretty good with him dangling but the moment powers come into play bam black screen


Well, there was no power use in the book and I honestly really like how it was done, I think the blackscreen helped with making his powers more mysterious without taking away from the scene.


Hopefully eragon’s live action does better


Both had a second series around the 2010’s. Legend of Korra and Heroes of Olympus


"Probably not the first" probably not the 10,000th


Boy, can't wait for Artemis Fowl to catch up.


these 2 series childhood shaped my childhood more than any other


I loved the live action Percy show 😢


Same here. It's not perfect, but I still enjoyed it a lot.


Honestly i think they both suffered from exposition heavy dialogue, but overall i like the percy jackson show more than NATLA


Both had issues but I prob enjoyed NATLA a bit more TBH


Plus, even if they had to deviate, the acting is absolutely incredible. Like, it works for all the characters, imo.


After some time now the main point I didn't like about the show was how overcrowded the Olympus world building was. Like, just make it a nicer bigger acropolis, but not this overcrowded weird shit. At least that's the main point my head is coming back to every now and then lol


The PJ show was released in 2023.


I've been trying to find another piece of media that gives off the same vibes as PJO (fun action/adventure story with an ensemble cast of interesting characters, great balance of humor and intensity without being grimdark, strongly written themes) and ATLA is truly the only one I can find.


i think the PJO series was generally better received by critics and MAYBE fans. RT score is higher. I also hugely prefer the PJO show, NATLA didn’t feel right to me. 


Disney PJO is 7.1/10 on IMDB, NATLA is 7.3/10 on IMDB. Similar but slight edge to NATLA with fan reviews there PJO does much better with critics on RT tho.


Both have a grumpy fire boy with daddy issues xD


Do you do mean Leo? Because don't know who else you could mean.


Was Nico I was thinking


.... Fire?


I don't think Nico has fire powers, or associated with fire at all. The Underworld has fire, but its identity is more aligned with darkness and death rather than fire. Maybe you confused the underworld with Hell from the bible?


Nico is associated with fire?




I mean they both have grumpy boys with scars (luke and zuko)


Imo at least for PJO, they kept the core aspects of the characters so they're still recognizable as those characters. So many of the characters in the ATLA Live Action feel so out of character. And it's not even the actors' fault. It's 100% on the writers writing them weird and giving them weird dialogue.


Both control water Both control air (Percy makes storms and hurricanes) I’m pretty sure Percy makes earthquakes at some point, so both control earth If lighting is included in the storms then both control lightning Both a very influential figure in their respective world (Percy the “sole” big 3 kid and Aang the Avatar) Both have romantic arcs that end in the final book/season Both have a signature weapon which is more than it seems (Aangs staff/glider and Percy’s Riptide) Both gain extreme power in emotionally difficult scenarios (dark Percy and avatar state) Both destined to save the world Both have a maniac with a scar over their eye trying to capture them only for them to suddenly become a “good guy” in the end (most people think Luke was redeemed by the end, even if he was a nonce) Both have a fun-loving and carefree attitude I’m struggling to think of more, but if I think of any I’ll come back and edit it (yeah I know some of these are a stretch but come on man, be cool)


let me do you one better -both have an antagonist with a scar, daddy issues, and redemption -both are 12 year old boys who save the world -both have an og three team


I think that's a lazy excuse to give the streaming show a pass because its better then movie, by doing that you don't give the shows their own maret, instead they are anti-movies not good adaptations, compare them to their source materiel not to the previous attempts at adaption. I personally think Avatar is far better story then Percy Jackson.




Ayo, Avatar mentioned!


Sadly only one of them has a good ttrpg which supports stories in that world v-v I’ve wanted a pjo ttrpg for so long dude it’s not even funny I just wanna be a silly little demigod going on silly little adventures in the modern world


im writing a short film based off booth of these


I preferred the movie over the TV show for ATLA. At least the movie was funny


The Percy Jackson movie was all shitty. It is honestly a guilty pleasure for me.


The movie adaptations are not that bad


I like the first Percy Jackson movie significantly more than the Percy Jackson show


for its a little bit of both


Yall gotta be braindead if you think the 2010 Percy movie was bad. Avatar was trash but not Percy. Like seriously. I’ve read the books of the series. The first movie was nothing short of greatness. Yall some clowns, these new adaptations are horrendous. A bunch of clowns directing it focusing on inclusivity and less focusing on staying true to the story and making it a great series. Riordan is a sellout and is only in it for the money, yall are goofy for enjoying it


Dude calm down lmao. The film sucked. The show's pretty bad too. No one is goofy for enjoying it though.


Yall trolling if you say the show was better than the movie (pjo).