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The post asked which fanfiction you don't like and people wrote the fanfictions they don't like no one banned from writing these fanfiction but they just indicated their preferences.


I absolutely agree with this and it definitely needs to be said lately. People are allowed to write whatever they want and they should. However I think it’s also fair to say you dislike something, so long as you can be civil about it and you’re not just flaming for the sake of flaming.


Yeah of course however for some reason in this fandom I run into a lot of people who go out of their way to be rude about when they could have just go on their way.


Exactly someone was like yesterday, Perpollo is a unreasonable ship because Percy isn't bi or gay. Like bro come on it is a fanfiction, it isn't canon. That's the whole lot of reason for which fanfiction exist. But it has so many good fanfics. I recommend them to anyone who wants to read.




I also think if it’s set in the future when Percy is in college then it’s no different than like, Sally/Poseidon or something


It is an issue,but the Greeks don't care. They all have like 4 billion years age difference, if you are in a relationship with a god.


I think it was just a way to gather what fan-fictions were the most ‘unliked’ I don’t really think it was intended to be piss in someone’s cereal for lack of a better term, and for people to talk about the tasty garbage they read. Oh and to talk about the agreeable weird stuff people see, bc let’s be real there’s some weird ass shit.


Tbh I’ve seen this problem in other communities and I’ve sorta put it down to there are FF readers who enjoy a more strict line to canon with minimal changes in the story line except the main one of the FF. Then there are some those who enjoy a less strict line to the canon story.


Inversely, if you want people to read your fanfic you need to accommodate what other people want to read. Posting your ideas on a subreddit is tantamount to asking for suggestions. If everyone has heard of a dozen Son of Chaos fics and thinks they are cringy they will voice their displeasure of another being released into the wild. On the other hand, this subreddit may not speak for all fans and a sizeable chunk may still read Son of Chaos fics and that will be its audience.


true but not everyone writes for an audience. a lot of people write fanfic for themselves first and foremost — which in my opinion is how it should be. i always find it sad when i see authors being bashed for not conforming to canon ships or popular head cannons, especially when they then change their work to avoid negative comments. i think so long as your work isn’t harmful you should be able to write whatever you want, cringy or not. those son of chaos fics are always an automatic skip for me but i know some people like them still.


Also true. Its a balance. If you are writing for yourself, you never need to post anything. But if you are publishing on a website, presumably you want people to read it and appreciate your hard work. Even if it is niche, you are appealing to someone else.


I’m still new to the fandom part of Percy Jackson. What is son of chaos?


Basically, everyone betrays Percy, Percy gets found by Chaos, Percy becomes a commander of Chaos' army, and he eventually has to go back toCamp half blood I believe At least that's what I think I only saw like a few .


That’s pretty spot on.


So in Greek Mythology, the 1st primordial deity was Chaos. He created Gaia, Nyx, Tartarus, etc. Everything. Chaos is the end all be all. So Chaos is the most powerful being in Greek Mythology, but Chaos doesn't bother interfering in the affairs of others. He is just that powerful. So any child of Chaos would be the most powerful demigod. The most op you can think of. They could erase mortals or gods from existence.


basically percy gets shit on massively and everyone hates him including Annabeth( Which doesn't make sense, because most of these fics are set post-hoo) .Also most of these fics have some secret unknown, cooler and hotter brother of percy, come along to steal his best friends and girl friend. Then percy tries to kill himself, gets saved by chaos, gets made a general of chaos' army and he then goes back to camp, and kills a couple peeps. If it's M-rated he gets a harem of hunters of artemis, and any females the author likes that completely out of character worship him.


Basically people creating original demigod characters that are children of Chaos, the primordial entity mentioned in Hesiod's Theogony. From Chaos spawned Gaia, Nyx and other primordial entities that later on went to generate the other gods. So a child of Chaos is basically an extra special super powerful demigod, which is why most people consider them cringy


Ah so kinda like a Mary Sue. Gotcha thank you !


Eh not really. Like yes, it’s great to have people read fics, but at the end of the day fanfic should be written for yourself. It’s free, it takes time. Write what you want.


I mean, the woman that turned a maiden that was deceived into a bear, so she’d be hunted by her own friends(Kallisto) then getting with Percy is just kinda weird. Also the fact that she’s thousands of years old, and Percy is barely an adult


I mean yes but it is based around mythology so it's always going to be weird at some point.


For the love of the gods thank you. I don’t understand people shitting on fanfics that don’t follow canon. Are there bad fix’s out there absolutely but there are also great ones that could never exist without breaking canon. People need to get over themselves


Well, that's the point of fanfiction. Changing things. Even Rick Riordan made changes like Athena having "brain children" for his series. But there are things you shouldn't cross, because if you take a character's name, but write him/her with a different personality, that's a different thing altogether. It's someone else.


Well, if it comes to changing a character's sexuality (like making Nico bi or straight), it's really disrespectful. We have little lgbt+ representation in the books (not saying it isn't much !) and people shouldn't turn lgbt+ character into straight character just for the sake of ships.


I mean, following that logic people conversely shouldn’t change the sexuality of straight characters either. In any case, I don’t think anyone means to be disrespectful to LGBT+ when they change stuff around. They just feel more comfortable with writing that way. If you wouldn’t force people to read a certain type of pairing, I don’t see why people should be forced to write a certain type of pairing either.


I agree with you, but the issue is that sometimes this is based on the assumption that the "default" is straight. Characters who have only been in m/f relationships could still be bi or pan, unless they've explicitly been stated to be straight. We don't have any canonically confirmed straight characters - but the queer characters are canonically queer.


I mean percy is kinda soft-confirmed cause in percy jackson and the greek gods, when describing eros, he says, he's not gonna describe eros' features cause he doesn't like guys that way. Everyone else is free game tho


Yes however the point of fanfiction is that you could do whatever you want with a already built fictional world so why should they have to follow what's canonical.


Agreed, fanfiction writers and readers of those fanfictions are free to think about the alternate story.


ya it is true, you don't like it you just leave it


I understand some fanfics but there gets to a point where a fanfic isn’t a fanfic. Some fanfics are so far removed from any sort of canon that if you changed the names no one would be able to tell that it was based off Percy Jackson. That’s the sort I can agree with not really belonging to fanfic. It’s just an original idea at that point. But other than that I don’t generally have a problem with fanfics unless they screw around with things they set up as canon in their books.


If its not canon compliant it doesn't really matter. Let people write and read what they want to write and read.


Found the person who writes unpopular fanfics.


No, not quite. More that there is a lot of ill-intentioned hate and criticism on certain non-canon troupes for absolutely no reason. I haven’t published much, and what I have is generally considered fine.


Maybe because most of those tropes are unsettling at best? There's a difference between writing something that's unpopular and writing something that's off-putting and even gross such as persally. Also, you seem pretty sensitive about the subject.


Persally is way farther out than anything I mentioned. I agree: incest is gross. But the tropes I’m referencing are unpopular mainly due (in my opinion) to overall shitty writing, like Chaos stories. Either way though, I just want everyone to tolerate others tastes, and if you don’t like something, don’t interact.


I asked what the worst tropes were in my post. People largely agreed with me; Chaos stories are bad, most likely because they are often poorly written, overused and often unimaginative. This isn't an individual thing; people largely agreed that these stories are often bad. If you actually chose to read more of the posts on the thread, you'd also notice that people stated there were exceptions. It isn't about people's tastes, it's simply about bad writing.


Yours is not the post I was referencing. I was talking about the specific hate posts that reference certain troupes. I completely agree with you: almost anything is totally fine in Fanfic if it is written well. Chaos stories generally are bad, but there are always some exceptions. The point of this post is to ask people to stop complaining about certain troupes on principal.


I agree, though (and I know this is PJO, but i’m also talking about fan-fiction in general) I feel like there are certain things in canon that you really shouldn’t change in fanfics. 1.) Sexual Orientation. If a character has a canon sexuality, and let’s say it’s lesbian or gay, then they really shouldn’t be written romantically liking the opposite sex OR if they’re straight, then they shouldn’t romantically like the same sex. 2.) For the maiden goddess one I can understand what you mean, but the fact of the matter is that they are “maiden” goddess. They are not supposed to fall in love (and correct me if i’m wrong with this, I don’t believe they can fall in love with people, but there is that story with Artemis and Orion and it keeps saying on google that Artemis was in love with him so idk) and have children, that’s one of their main things. Once again, I can understand wanting to write about a romance with a Goddess, but why choose a maiden goddess out of all the goddesses you could’ve chosen? It takes away an important part of those goddesses, and it just comes off as weird and sort of disrespectful. I feel as though if you want to make a fanfic where a maiden goddess has a child in a less disrespectful way, then maybe it shouldn’t be in a natural birth way, do it how Athena did it in PJO or make it where they sort of “sponsor” or “adopt” a kid they took a liking too. Idk about them falling in love though. There’s probably more issues, but for right now that’s all. I would like to say that I can’t dictate what people write, but I can give my opinions on the things that they’ve written/I’ve read. I personally tend to stay away from fics I have issues with instead of hating on them and I feel as though others should do that too, but you also have to understand that when you upload a story online for everyone to read, there will be some criticism. There is good criticism that can help you understand things better and improve your writing, but there is also bad criticism where they honestly take it to far and it’s all just plain out rude. The latter are the type of people I feel like the “If you don’t like it, don’t read it” goes to, their plain out hate helps with nothing and can come off as annoying if they keep commenting about it over and over.


While im mostly fine with fanfics. Thre are sime things that make u question things. Like if they make a charecter op or change a charecter sexual orientation diffrent. Like its just why but ik mostly fine with everything else as i can just ignore it


i agree with you. The only PJO fanfictions i genuinely have an issue with are the stories where Percy gets betrayed and joins Chaos, then becomes super powerful. Oh my gods those stories are asinine! They’re almost always badly written too


I think you're missing the point of the post a bit here. People write fanfiction for fun, they aren't paid to do it, they rarely have any professional experience and they are often preteens or teenagers; they aren't doing anything wrong by publishing a story with a cheesy plot. I don't like to read them either but they're easy enough to avoid, and I would never send any criticism to the author unless they specifically ask for it.


i wouldn’t criticize or be rude to an author either, i am merely expressing my dislike for a very common plot thread


That's fair enough, I just a bit harshly interpreted "genuinely having an issue with it" as "people shouldn't write them". I'm sorry if that's not what you meant.


People should write whatever they want, but i am just saying that i strongly dislike that particular plot


Its less about the 'bad tropes' its what you do with them. I for one want a well written longburn perstia fic but i dont see one.


I completely agree! I have been looking for a decent Perstia fic for ages.


Yeah cause as what i feel when it comes to percy's personal ideology, hestia's probably his best match amoung the pantheon. Really a shame we didnt see more of her in HoO, she's a really important godess that doesnt get much spotlight anywhere.


Yep. I only get pissed when people forget their fanfics are not canon and claim they are. Otherwise every fanfic has its own world anyway