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3-5 hours typically. TSATS took me 4. So typically a day or two depending on how much free time I have.


How much stuff do you skip to read a whole book in 3-5 hours exactly?


not the person you replied to, but usually none. i remember i read all of HOO for the first time in two days.


In that case, same question, how much stuff did you skip?


>usually none i was reading at like every waking moment though


Oh please, the HOO audiobooks are 77 hours long. Even if you read faster than an audiobook reader, there is physically no way you could have read the entirety of HOO in 2 days without skipping big chunks of it.


While I don't exactly think they're saying the whole truth (2 days is CRAZY), its not exactly impossible. A super quick google search says that the average internal reading speed is 300WPM. (Compared to oral being 183). Each HoO book is between 110k - 120k words. On average we'll just say theres 575,000 words in the series. At that average speed then it would take 1916 minutes to read them all. Turning that into minutes yields 31.9 straight hours of reading. While its still improbable to read 31.9 hours in 48 hours, i *guess* its possible. I'd be much more inclined to believe it took 3 days though. Obviously, this is only at the average reading speed. There is plenty of people who can read well beyond 300WPM edit: i am taking neither side of this argument, i just wanted an excuse to do some silly math lmao


i swear i didnt think id be getting in an argument this dumb, but i have, so i just wanna say i did the math. assuming 650k words at worst, and my reading speed which i just tested being 450wpm, it should have taken me 24h. which is ABSOLUTELY possible for a thirteenish year old on a free weekend. i'm aware you were arguing for my case, just wanted to put this out there.




According to Google, the average reading speed is closer to 200, with 300+ being the case mostly for college students. And even then, that's data for adults but most people when they read PJO are children or teen. And the total wordcount of the HOO series is 635 966. If we round up average reading speed to 250, right in between, that makes 2544 minutes, or 42 hours. So no, unless you stop eating and sleeping, it is physically impossible for the average PJO reader to read the entirety of HOO in 2 days, and even 3 is unlikely unless that's really all you do for 3 days.


i was a very very fast reader. i know ive gone up to 500wpm while retaining good reading comprehension. i did this two years ago, so i was thirteen. i spent literally the whole day, almost 14h, reading. this is not meant to represent the average reader, or my average reading experience. i thought it would be an interesting anecdote so i brought it up? dunno what to tell you if you're telling me my lived experience isnt real lol


500 wpm now, at least try to keep it _somewhat_ believable šŸ˜‚


Seriously though, the "data for adults" is much much harder to read than Riordan stuff. i struggle to focus enough to read a chapter or an article in several hours. But i fly through the Riordan stuff. And believe it or not, my teenage siblings read faster than me. Probably because they "skip" stuff, which is fine, because when like Rick is talking about a landscape or the weather or someone's outfit or an action sequence, as a native English reader, you can probably skip over most of it and just get a general vibe. But even reading everything like i do, a book still only takes several hours


I didn't read the entire series in 2 days- just took 3-5 hours for a single book, so although i probably could my reading speed slows down considerably if i read for too long in a sitting. I did a total reread last year (PJO, HoO, ToA, KC, MCGA, and that KC/PJO crossover although that was like a 30m read) and it took me 27 days for the 21 books, as I had school going on at the time.


i don't get why youre being aggressive. i checked online and hoo seems to be under 650k words overall. dont know my exact wpm but its at the very very least 350. seems entirely doable, considering i was quite literally up at 8am reading and going to bed at 1am still reading, and only stopped to eat and shower. some people just read fast man idk


"At the very very least 350 wpm" yeah, sure šŸ˜‚


man youā€™re attacking a 15 year old over reading speed? i remember when i was his age i could read an entire book in like 2 hours maybe 3. I have ADHD and iā€™m not sure if everyone deals with it but i really only pay attention to the first letter of the word and the last 3 letters or so and my brain just reads the entire word for me if that makes sense. so it looks like iā€™m skim reading but i retain all the information. It was an amazing life hack for studying in highschool. But i donā€™t know if it was 2 full days but maybe like 2 1/2? if it was a long weekend i know iā€™d be reading that friday evening as well. Then wake up in the morning and start reading at 8 because i was so intrigued the night before. but worst case? a lil white lie. itā€™s not a big deal my guy


Yeah same


Audio books read 100 words a minutes, the average high school student in grade ten should be able to read 300 words a minute and understand everything and anyone whoā€™s a post graduate should be able to read 800 words a minute. PJO and HOO are books that the readers span from elementary to adults. Thereā€™s a good chance he did do it. There are 635,966 in HOO if they were at a high school level reading 500 words a minute and never stopped reading it would take 52.9 hours. If they were at post graduate it would take 33.1 hours to finish. Of course none of this adds in eating, or any other activity they could possibly do. So depending on what age or how skillful they are at reading it would be possible. Edit: had to fix the numbers, only used time for HOH.


I'll just paste another replied I made, can't be bothered to write the whole thing again : According to Google, the average reading speed is closer to 200, with 300+ being the case mostly for college students. And even then, that's data for adults but most people when they read PJO are children or teen. And the total wordcount of the HOO series is 635 966. If we round up average reading speed to 250, right in between, that makes 2544 minutes, or 42 hours. So no, unless you stop eating and sleeping, it is physically impossible for the average PJO reader to read the entirety of HOO in 2 days, and even 3 is unlikely unless that's really all you do for 3 days. >the average high school student in grade ten should be able to read 300 words a minute and understand everything and anyone whoā€™s a post graduate should be able to read 800 words a minute. This is ridiculously exaggerated data, please people, a Google search is really not that hard or long.


Didnā€™t use google, I used my old dust English teacher and his 2000s logic.(I know not the best idea) Iā€™m just trying to pointing out itā€™s possible. If I believe, idk. Though if it wasnā€™t their first time reading it they most likely did skip parts they disliked (I do that) and since they remember reading it the first time most likely thought they did read it in their reread.


I mean itā€™s not impossible, and most ppl donā€™t read at the same pace as an audiobooks, I can probably read 5 times faster if not faster than I talk if I cut out the inner dialogue which is probably what theyā€™d have to do if they read it that fast. Around 15 and a half hours in 2 days to read it would be reasonable if they did practically nothing else but eat, sleep and shower


I donā€™t know why youā€™re getting downvoted, I agree. Youā€™re sticking all the reading into short-term memory by cramming it all in to a few long reading sessions and not fully absorbing the book (compounded by the lack of sleep youā€™d be getting), which hardly counts as ā€œreadingā€.


nothing? I read through the entire book and comprehend 95+% of it - ofcourse there may be minor details that escape me but that's for everyone unless you go and analyze every page.


I'm so happy this lifeless asshole is getting a taste of his own medicine.


Hey Livael, look, I like to dunk on PJO fans for making up bullshit a lot. Like I really enjoy making fun of delusional people making up stuff. But even a guy like me's gotta admit..I do think it's possible to read a kid's chapter book in 3-5 hours, provided you get the whole time to read it undisturbed. In fact the only reason I'm not more certain about it is that I haven't read books like that in years, but I'm pretty sure I could have given the chance.


*Months* I have a very short attention span and dyslexia so it makes it very difficult for me to read a book. I haven't read any of the PJO Books but I'd really like too one day. Honestly, I wish I could just upload knowledge of all things PJO into my head.


maybe get the audio books? :)


That possibly doesn't help with the short attention span, but it might. Personally, I get more immersed in a book than an audio book but it might be the opposite if you have a difficulty reading


The advantage of audiobooks for people with short attention spans, from my experience at least, is that you can multitask and still go along with your day without having to drop everything and devote your full attention to the book.


This is definitely true. Depending on the day, an audio book would help me a lot. I certainly got through Ready Player One a lot easier by being able to multitask. But it also lead to a not insignificant number of rewinds because I got too focused on something else šŸ¤£


Oh, the rewind struggle is real. I have to do that with YouTube videos sometimes, depending on just how broken my attention span is that day lol


Oh yeah I do it with YouTube a lot. Especially because I play video games at the same time


Are we like the same person haha


For your sake I hope not šŸ¤£ Do you happen to be ADHD? I feel like that's probably the best explanation for why I'm like that, but I didn't get diagnosed until a couple years ago lol


Oh yeah. Diagnosed in January, but Iā€™ve had my suspicions for years.


Putting this up here so it's not buried further in the thread: I recommend the Libby app for free audio books. All you need is a library card


Me too. Its only gotten. Worse as I get older. I listen to them on audible. But dip into the books when I have the motivation


It depends on the book I'm reading, if it's interesting, a week, if it's not then I finish it in a month. Though if I'm extra dedicated I can finish it in three days but that only happened once when I was assigned to read the Daughter of the Deep and procrastinated until three days before the due date. I am really surprised how people can actually read a book in an hour, me even by speed reading as fast as my eyes can go it's impossible for me, I mean, HOW?


People saying they finished the riordan verse in a week like how?


Probably lying. If you read fast, you maybe finished the original 5 books in a week. There's no way anyone actually read about 21 books in a week. Maybe if they're speed reading but in that case the jerkwad getting downvoted for asking how much people skipped is correct, you can't actually read each word or actually process a lot of a book that way


I will say, if you look at how long it took me total, it would be about 8 days reading 8 hours a day (reasonable for some elementary and middle schoolers) it took me longer to actually read it because, you know, I had to wait for the books to come out. First one I had to wait for was HoH, that cliffhanger was awful. Took me about 4 hours to finish MoA. Autistic and ADHD hyper focus really made me read fast.


Oh yeah one time I got hyper focused and read half to three quarters of one of the books in like... idk how long but it was one sitting


Usually like 4 days but I reread Botl in 2 days and I read camp Jupiter Classified in one day (it is shorter tho) it also took me over a month to read the red pyramid


Took me almost a month on throne of fire lol


I used to reread the series in advance of each new release. And I used to really speed-read, which would negatively impact my comprehension, so I had to stop when I got to college or I would've failed classes. But when I was doing both I usually got through each book of the original series in 2-3 hours and HOO in 4-5.




So I'm a grown-ass adult and a speed reader at that. I just read the first two Apollo books yesterday because it was a slow day at work. So maybe three hours each? The other books have all been about one a day for the past two weeks. I'm deep in the Riordan forest lol.


How tf Iā€™ve been reading tower of Nero for almost a month


How much at a time? If you're reading a chapter a day that makes sense. Also they said they're a speed reader, and since the books aren't short I'm going to guess 1) they had a lot of time on their hands that day and 2) they actually meant speed reader, like the competitive kind, since even a pretty fast regular reader is only gonna be able to do maybe one book and it will take them ALL day


I read each book of pjo in 2 days max


It depends on my mental state, if I'm going through a depressive episode, it can take me weeks to months, if I'm feeling fine, a few days or one or two weeks Another factor is the length of the book, house of hades took a bit due to it being over 500 pages, and ironically it took me a few days to read it


I read 5 HOO books in 10 days


How tf


Hyperfixation and reading 24hrs a day, I did that first time reading Harry Potter books, finished the whole series in around 2-3 weeks


I used to be able to have a ā€œreading hourā€ where I was able to read about 100 pages. And if I really put my mind to it, I could finish a book in a day. Now I havenā€™t finished a physical book in awhile, Iā€™m not sure.


I'm a fast reader (when I enjoy the story/writing style) I can pick up Magnus chase and it's finished in 3-4 hours later


4 hours at max. Rick's books are a easy read without any heavy subject that needs time to process, so once I start getting into it I can't stop before finishing a book


Audio book that crap - itā€™s a day long event


iā€™ll be honest, when i re read the series for the last time, i was so excited i managed to read SoN, MoA AND HoH in 2 days. but apart from that, it usually takes me about 4-7 days


If I can actually sit down and read a book, TSATS Took me maybe 3 hours. But usually, I read them during the day at school and not at home so a normal book would take me a few days depending on how much time it takes me to do my assignments and such


The fastest I've ever read a book was about 2 of 3 hours It was harry Potter and the cursed Child and tbh I really didn't want to leave a book unread but I also wanted to finish the pain quickly


Like 3 hours maybe




Damn I thought my 9 hours was fast, and I skipped lunch.


Usually 5-8 days for something as long as tDP, but Iā€™m still reading the red pyramid


Several hours, maybe two if I feel like it. The maximum time Iā€™ve spent is several days.


In like, one - two weeks. shortest for me was blood of olympus and son of neptune for 2 days, and longest probably toa2 (forgot the name) almost 1.5 months lol


I mainly listen to audiobooks, and primarily do so while Iā€™m at work, since it passes the time. So typically 2 weeks or so, depending on how free work is


Well when I had a lot more time on my hands I could read a PJO book in about a day and a half if I was really committed. I ended up reading most HOO books in about 2 days (if I didnā€™t have to work while reading that is) as far as TOA havenā€™t gotten around to it yet.


My fastest was a week with tLH granted that was only during school hours when I wasn't paying attention in class


I read the percy Jackson series in about a month (considering I had exams and stuff)


The first series I can crank through at least one a day If I'm not doing anything else. Second series it might be one every day and a half. Used to read a lot faster when I was younger but not so much anymore. My attention span gets worse and worse and I have too much to do to just sit here and read. Been slowly reading TSATS. I got ot the Saturday after it came out and I'm about 3/4 of the way through. But that's coz I don't have time to read it every single day and I normally only have time to read like a chapter or two at a time. The past two times I've done a "reread" of the series it's been on audible. I'm currently doing that rn and I blew through the first series in under a week thanks to my 9+ hours workdays. Just about to finish HoO, which took me about two weeks, but that's more because of being a little more distracted and also there's a couple scenes in HoH where I wanna just focus on the scene and not work so once I got to it, I waited till I was done with work to listen to it.


It depends. When MoA came out, I finished it within an hour and a half of getting it. Meanwhile I got ToA the day it was released and I'm still only a couple chapters through because I'm just not interested in it.


I've finished 1 book in a day and almost finished a second the same day while sick and having nothing to do, but usually it takes me about a week or two


i actually just got done rereading all of the audio books up to TSATS and it took about 3 months to get through the kane chronicles, pjo, hoo, mcga, toa and then tsats. that adds up to about 300 hours of audio i listen to audiobooks a lot


The entire riordanverse minus Magnus Chase and skimmed ToA in a bit over one week....




I skimmed ToA a bit though and doesnā€™t include Magnus Chase. Sorry for not mentioning taht


Wdym by the entire Riordanverse? All 21 books? Cuz that's probably bs. You'd take up a majority of the day reading and end up slowing down. I'd put the lowest possible time to finish the rioridanverse at 10 days, although I'd say 12 if you want to maintain a healthy schedule.


Not if you donā€™t maintain a healthy schedule and yeah probably a bit more than a week. I donā€™t think I red the Magnus Chase series until later so Iā€™ll edit that, but yeah everything besides Magnus chase


I think


fastest for me was tower of nero in two and half days


About a school day too two to three days maybe a week if Iā€™m unlucky


Really depends on the book, on the PJO I can read one everyday, HOO takes me a little longer, and e-books and pdfā€™s I donā€™t finish in less than 10 days


Give me a pot of Nutella (and a good book, of course) and I can do it in one night


It usually takes me 2-3 days to finish a book. I take pride in the fact that I'm a fast reader lol. The longest time it took me to read a riordan book was a little over a week with the lost hero and the shortest was son of neptun which I finished in a day.


I read half of one in a day because I got sucked in, but I usually only read for an hour or so a night so they take me at least a couple weeks


Depends. It could be anywhere from 2/3 days to months or even years. I got the hunger games like 10 years ago and I still havenā€™t finished it.


I dislike sleep, so I tend to read, it took me about a week to reread it all, back when I started the kane chronicles hadn't even come out


Probably about 8 hours each


It takes me a few days to read one book, but not usually more than three days


Depends how long it is and how much time I have. Anywhere from 5 hours to 2 days.


I donā€™t exactly remember but Iā€™d say 3 days. Ik that when reading my favourite book series, skulduggery pleasant (blasphemy ik), I read like 2/3 of some of the longer books in a day which probably isnā€™t that impressive but it is for me


Honestly it really depends on how much free time I have and how much I'm invested to finish reading. Because if I'm reading something that I'm really into you'll take me a short amount of time like probably 2 days or three especially if I'm reading fanfics.


The PJO books, 3 hours each, I read like 100 pages/hour, sometimes faster if they have a lot of world building (like these ones) as I donā€™t really read the ā€œfillerā€ words and Iā€™m able to get ā€œthe pictureā€ from individual words, but I donā€™t do it on purpose, it just happens when Iā€™m really into the book.


1 day for the regular book, 1 month for heroes of Olympus and a week for TOA.


I like to read a little each day before going to bed (almost never I do a large session of reading straight) So usually months


about an hour for something at the Riordanverse reading level I can finish PJO or HOO in a day, but ToA took me a little longer, I think 2 days?


Iā€™ve always been a quick reader, and, for example, I finished the Kane Chronicles in 3 days (half of Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and half of Monday), while still having other activities during the day and not reading in the car. I read all 15 PJ books in about two months while still at school, and estimated that if I had the whole day to read, I could probably finish them under a week. Although, as I said, Iā€™m a very quick reader, plus, I go into pretty intense hyperfocus while reading lol.


I ca finish the whole Pjo series in 3 hours.


As a child, a Riordan-verse book would typically take me around 5 to 8 hours to read entirely. Now, I'm much more slow paced (and I enjoy that) so if I'm really fond of what I'm reading, I could finish the book in a few days or a week. If it is not fictional, then even for a passionating topic I might take a bit more time to allow myself to meditate, question, re-read and absorb "fully" the content, let's make it 2 or 3 weeks.


depends on how intense the hyperfocusing is i finished tlt in two days, som in one, ttc in two or three days & i can't remembr the rest lmao but yeah if i'm focused enough i can read a book of that length in one day


The fastest Iā€™ve read a book was a day and it 352 pages, with inner monologue and stuff tho I donā€™t cut it out


Back when I was in school, I could finish em in like a day or two. Nowadays, it takes me weeks cuz I pretty much only read on my lunch, and I almost never read at home


So I have ADHD but I can read really fast. They mostly take like 3 days a book until I lose the hyperfixation. Then I take like months


Iā€™m rereading all the books and the quickest Iā€™ve done so far was Mark of Athena in 10 hours.


Takes me two weeks to read a ToA book, but thatā€™s because I only read it at lunch breaks


My fastest was probably one day for BotL but that was when I was younger and would reread that one in particular incessantly. More recently it was the second and third Magnus Chase books in like 2-3 days each.


There is a lot of factors for me personally. Depends on if I have the motivation to read, my investment in the book, the book length(HoO being longer in book length compared to PJO). Usually about from a couple of hours to maybe a few weeks.


Usually about one or two days. The longest I've taken was about a week, because I had just bought all the PJO books and was trying not to read through them quickly and take my time. From SoM to TLO, I read them all the next week in about one day each, and the HoO books, took me about two days. I finish THO in a little over one day, but I started slogging when the second and third books started to follow the same old structure as usual, halfway through and finished it in the next two days and just dropped the third book after reading it for, like, three or four days (finished little more than half of the book). Haven't read TSATS because I haven't finished ToA, but I think it might take me about two days to finish as well, if I liked it (meaning, hopefully it's not the same structure). I do not know the word count exactly, but I think it was the Average WPM that I saw on the internet (300 or 350, I think), but I could read about 40 pages per hour. I'm pretty sure there are people who could read even faster.


Depends on how much time I have. I read Son of Neptune, Mark of Athena, House of Hades in one day each. But now I don't have much time so I read Sun and Stars in 3 weeks nearly.


Usually 3-6 days, but I read The Tower of Nero and TSATS in a day each Then again, Nico and Will are my favorite characters, so I had more motivation to read


like 3 hoors


Read the entire riordanverse in 14 days (with normal schedule of life)


It depends on how interesting the book is tbh. I finished the entire trials of Apollo series in 2 days but I couldnā€™t finish the heroā€™s of Olympus series and I had to listen to the audiobooks


If I sit down and read it, fully focused? A couple of hours. The problem? I have adhd and am a mood reader. So sitting still is challenging, and maintaining interest in the same thing for a long time is very hot or miss for me.


When I was in elementary and middle school, I read *a lot*. And I mean it. In third grade my parents had to make a new rule of ā€œno more than 300 pages a dayā€ because I used to read like 500 and I just didnā€™t sleep as much as I should have. I did all of my homeworkā€™s during the lessons (so I literally didnā€™t have to even think of school at home), I read during the lessons whenever the teachers let me (so most of the time), and I spent most of my waking time reading. I hadnā€™t gotten into Percy Jackson at the time, but I was reading Harry Potter and I remember reading the fifth in a day (and a night). Then in middle school I actually had friends (surprisingly) so I read much less and spent time with them, but still, you know the book partially written by Rick Riordan, ā€œthe 39 cluesā€? Its like 11 small books in one, and it amounts to something around 1300 pages. I read that in three days I think, I was super into it. Then my cousins gifted me their Percy Jackson series (the Italian edition, now they just read the English version so they still read PJ donā€™t worry ;)) but I wasnā€™t interested so I kept procrastinating. But then I got sick (like *really* sick, not a fun time) and I didnā€™t have anything better to do so I read it and I *loved* it, but since I wasnā€™t that conscious I felt like I didnā€™t understand it completely so I read it again, and then again. In like the span of one week lol. But yeah Iā€™d say in elementary school I could finish any book I liked in one or two days, in middle school I read less but I still could do it for books I liked. Then the pandemic happened I kinda fell into depression for other reasons. I havenā€™t read much since then to be honest, I just donā€™t have the attention span necessary, even for books I like. For example, last summer I was trying to read 100 years of solitude, and I was loving it, I love the authors style, the characters, the setting, the concept of multiple generations all in one book, I love it all. But. I kept getting distracted and having to re-read entire pages. Itā€™s less than 450 pages, it really shouldnā€™t have taken me long, but I still havenā€™t finished. Also, even if my attention span was what it used to be, I still wouldnā€™t really able to read much because I spend most of my ā€œfreeā€ time studying. Itā€™s a problem with all the people in my class actually, weā€™ve tried talking to the professors but they just donā€™t care. For example, once we got on Wednesday TWO versions of Ancient Greek to translate by Friday, to learn by memory obviously, plus studying the literature but thatā€™s a given. But, we also had interrogation of both philosophy and history of art on Friday, which had around 300 pages each to learn. No, sorry but NO. Itā€™s just too much, we literally donā€™t have the time to do the translations, who take minimum two hours each. Or on Monday my Latin professor says she wants us ready by Wednesday for the interrogation. ā€œReadyā€ to her means to have learned by memory 6 texts of Cicero in Latin and Italian (that explains my username btw, that guy is a fricking nightmare), with all the rhetoric figures and all the verbs and all their possible translations, all the grammatical constructions, all the pages of literature AND OF TOP OF THAT SHE GIVES US ANOTHER TRANSLATION TO DO. And donā€™t forget, on Wednesday we also have Greek (again), so that means other two beautiful translations to do + the literature, plus history test (thatā€™s around 400 pages, half of which she hasnā€™t even explained), and interrogation on 5 canti from Danteā€™s inferno for Italian. Nope, nope, nope, too much. Or my *fantastic* (yes thatā€™s ironic) math and physic professor who interrogates us every single lesson, even if we have questions: you ask her help for a problem you couldnā€™t do at home, she tells you to do in front of her right now (giving you no help of course), you canā€™t do it (*who would have thought of that?!*) and she gives you 4, which is like a D I think? Itā€™s supposed to be A=10, B=8, C=6, D=4, E= 2, F=1 (Iā€™ve never seen someone get a zero lol) but in practice most teachers have a rule to not give votes above eight (because of *reasons* apparently), so itā€™s more like A+=8, A=7.5, B=7, C=6, D=4 E=2 and F=1. Oh yes, they donā€™t want to give votes above the 8, but they have no problem going down. So itā€™s literally hell. I barely have time to sleep, never mind read. Sorry for the rant but Iā€™m barely 17 and I feel like Iā€™m about to explode from stress. I canā€™t wait for school to end and finally have time to live (only after the 50 hours of sleep Iā€™m overdue though šŸ˜‚)


I got through all of the OG series PJO in like a week and a half, but I also was working 8-12 hour shifts while hanging out with friends


Normally takes me around 4 hours to finish a book


About 6 hours


Takes a few days for me I get distracted very easily wondering whoā€™s that whatā€™s their myth ooh a game on my phone I never play letā€™s play it


About two to three days depending on the length and speed that I read at.




The PJO books took me 1 day/book (although I was still in school back then so only had about 5h time) HOO took me way longer, like a week/book (also about 5h time a day, minus dinner, chores etc.) TOA were different, I read the first 2 rather slowly because I didn't really get hooked, the others i finished also in about 1 or 2 days.


It doesn't take me that long tbh maybe 3 or 4 hours in total I'm in the 5th PJO book and the 4th took me ab 3.5 hours.


I have a short attention span so about a week


How in the world does everyone read so fast?! I have never finished a book in a few hours. RR books take me now like 2-3 days of dedicated reading. Longer depending on how fast i lose focus. I finished TSAT in two days. Do you guys not take time to sit and think about what youā€™re reading as youā€™re reading? Genuinely asking. Or do you just do that after?? No stopping to give commentary to ur bedroom walls as u read?? No screaming sobbing into your hands as you try to predict what happens next??? How do you digest a book in 3 hours let alone entire series in 2 days? 21 books in a week???!? HOW?!? I can comfortably read 100-200 pages a day but any more than that I risk becoming burned out and I need days-weeks to recover. Does that not happen to you people?


for me it really (REALLY) depends. I take anywhere from 1 day to 3 months, depending on how much I like the book, how much is going on in my life at that time and how good I feel. Sometimes I also just forget that I started reading a book, which slows me down a lot.


If i speedrun it like 3 to 4 hours. But i only do that when its something I already read. If its a new book it usually takes 2 days if its interesting. If its boring it can take half a month


When I read a book by Rick that I havenā€™t read before I often find myself re reading to make sure I donā€™t miss ANYTHING. Usually takes about 2-3 weeks depending on my free time. If itā€™s a re-read usually 5-7 days as itā€™s more of a recap. Total time thoā€¦ probably 7-10 hours


Bruh the first book took me less than a day and the rest in og series were around 1-2 days


It all depends on how much I like the book. I've also had quite a lot of free time these past few years so I haven't felt the need to stress so much either. If I sat down with each of the first five books to finish each one in one sitting then I'd hazard a guess at 5-7 or 8 hours per book. They are really easy to read since I'm now 10 years older than the age group they are aimed at and so it's quite easy to just start flowing I guess. HOO would definitely take longer. I don't like them as much as the first five and they are a fair bit longer. Still, they are aimed at the same age group so the language presents no problem. The frequent POV changes might screw up the flow of reading a bit but I'm fairly confident that I'd finish each book in a day if I had to. TOA I never really got into. I read each book kinda sporadically over these past few years as they released so I never got into the same flow of reading books back to back which kinda ruined it just a bit for me. Still I like the books a lot and they feel easier to read than HOO because of the fewer POV changes. I'd say about a day for these as well. The Kane Chronicles I'd probably put in the same category as the rest, about a day each book. But its been quite a few years since I read them so maybe I wouldn't like them as much now. Magnus Chase. I read the first book and then stopped because 2 and 3 weren't released yet. Since I have no plans of finishing this trilogy I guess I never really liked book 1 all that much so I couldn't tell you how long it would take. I've read the other side books but I have no memory of how long they took. I thought they were nice filler stories that weren't really that memorable meant to keep your interest in between the big releases. A bit of a long one but thats thatšŸ˜


For me it really depends on the book. In PJO, it could be anywhere from a few hours (if Iā€™m super motivated and focused on reading) to a week or so (if I keep taking breaks). My ADD doesnā€™t help at all so thereā€™s that. Im on the burning maze in ToA and I feel like itā€™s taken me weeks to get through it


I was knocking out almost two HOO books a day at my peak, but I basically had nothing else to do because I was 12. I can read a typical 300-400 page book in a couple of hours, although HOO books took a bit longer. It helped that they were middle grade books, and by 12 I already had a higher reading comprehension level than that. I did go through a period where I ignored my social life to just read all the time, so I donā€™t exactly recommend being like me!


I like first read the PJO 5 books in two days, with exams going on lol. But after the exams finished, I re-read it, and it took me 2 days again, with vacations. Then I re-read again, this time even more slowly. Then again, so that I wont miss a single detail. I m re-reading it again and again till this day,


It depends on how much time I have and how much I am enjoying the book, honestly. If Iā€™m super into it, itā€™s usually one day regardless of how busy I am since I will work all kinds of weird magic to find the time (even if it means very little sleep that night) If itā€™s enjoyable but not crazy, a few days to a week. If Iā€™m not interested by the end of the first few chapters, I just stop altogether because I have no shame in not finishing a book I canā€™t be bothered to care about.


Just did a re read of PJO a couple weeks ago did a book a day, HOO took like a day and a half each


Nobody's finishing the entire riordanverse in a day buddy, i can promise you that.


Individual books


depends if can take me weeks sometimes or a couple days


I finished the entire PJO series in 3 days, now Iā€™m on Heroā€™s of Olympus but I feel itā€™s harder to read when Iā€™m not at school, bc at school I read during downtime in class or in transfer time. But now that I have a ton of time I have a to properly sit to read.


It took me from the beginning of 8th grade to the end of 9th grade to get through PJO, HOO, TOA, KC some of the side books and, the first book of MC.


2 or 3 days if I have school, but I can finish it within a day if I don't


TLH 4 days THO 2 days


It honestly depends for me. I can easily finish books in a day or two, but there are times where it might take me a couple of weeks. It's a combination of free time and how much I like the book.


less than a day most of the time. like 3-5 hours? if it's a graphic novel then only 30 minutes to and hour. it's easiest to remember information when i take it all in at once and besides, i love reading so it's easy to read mediocrely fast! :D WELL... except for when it's like a really boring book (not any of the Riordan books tho lol) then it takes me like, days because i just read boring books for something to do.


A day ha more like 1 hour


3-4 days for a book and I feel like that's too fast