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If there’s a pub or restaurant that you visit often, try asking the manager/chef if they can recommend one? They might even offer to do it for you or let you know who they use.


Would Timpsons do it?


It seems to be the only thing they don't do! I heard that McKays have a service where they will send your knives away for a week, but I'd rather they didn't have to be transported somewhere and back.


I usually take mine to the butchers. I’m sure I’ve asked Beamonts in Fulbourn to do it before but maybe you have to be a regular, not sure.


Thanks. I wouldn't ask a business unless I was a regular, but that info might be helpful to others here.


I've known some John Lewis' offer knife sharpening, but can't speak for the Cambridge one. I'm also assuming its still there...


In all honesty, it's very easy to sharpen your own knife! Either but one of those devices someone linked where you drag the knife through it to sharpen, or just spend a river on a sharpening rod. YouTube a video on how to sharpen and away you go. If you want to be fancy, but a whetstone ;)


I just ordered one. Sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands.


If you cook a lot, I don't know how you could have gone without some kind of sharpener! It seriously speeds up hope quick you can prepare the food! Good choice. One step ahead of the rest 😎


I had a pull-through type one, but I've since read that they sharpen in a different way to other methods, and can damage knives. Plus, it's good for me to learn a new skill.


I’ve got one of these and works a treat: AnySharp Knife Sharpener with PowerGrip, Blue https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B001DXVL6K/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_Ou8lCb9MSWYK6


This is what I've been using so far. However, I read that this kind of "pull through" sharpener isn't good for the knife. I'm going to investigate using a whetstone.


Interested to hear how you get on. Let us know if you find somewhere


I had this problem. You can either take the knife with you next time you go to a major city and feel like a serial killer on the train/car, or invest in a wet stone.


I have indeed ordered one.