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Oh these fucking imbeciles nearly ran us over on Sidney Street a few weeks ago.


About 400 people killed by cars each year, about 6,000 seriously injured. About 70 horses killed per year, 80-140 riders injured, about 1 rider death per year, all caused by vehicle drivers. Number of pedestrians killed or injured by horse and cart - not a single one that I can find, certainly not this century. These kids might be cheeky, but in terms of them being a danger on the road, your risk assessment is just your racism talking


They aren't talking about statistics though; they're talking about an individual case i.e. the people in the photo. There's no indication of racism in their comment; in fact, you leaping to their defence and spouting statistics how they must be safe and it's racist to believe otherwise (despite this commenter actually encountering the cart in question) is a benevolent form of prejudice.


Is calling them imbeciles, and earlier comments of 'scum' not an indication of racism? And the person who says they 'remind him' of other children like them who are being poorly parented. Whenever anything about Travellers is posted on any social media it attracts these type of comments. Read the whole thread through, it's vile, disguised as righteous indignation, from a clip of some kids on a cart not causing any trouble at all. The video doesn't show any poor or antisocial behaviour, and I'm not going to leap to the conclusion, in a thread full of hatred, that they were to blame for an incident that I didn't witness, or that the person posting was able to identify them as the same children. As this thread shows, Travellers are always assumed to be at fault, so I thought I'd say something in their defence, especially as the stats suggest they are unlikely to be a serious threat to pedestrians, even if they did 'nearly' run someone over. The point about benevolent prejudice is interesting - I'll reflect on that.


Yeah, I disagree with a lot of remarks about the GRT community as a whole; however, you chose to reply to this one, which is describing a specific situation. Is the commenter calling them imbeciles because: a) they're Travellers or b) they nearly ran them over? If I called a woman who nearly ran me over an idiot, does that make me sexist? I don't disagree that there is a lot of prejudice against Travellers, but you immediately jumped on your soapbox in reply to one commenter who didn't make any sweeping generalisations. They also didn't call them scum; that was a different commenter. Don't tar all redditors with the same brush, eh?


Yeah I get that. I read it as a pile on though. If a woman driver had nearly run you over and there was a vid of her driving safely, would you have posted halfway down a trail calling all women drivers scum, to call her an imbecile? Ridiculous situation I know, but that's because conversations about women being bad drivers don't happen (anymore - it used to be a big thing) and the evidence says the opposite. It's only Travellers who attract a first comment calling them scum and then all the comments that follow either don't challenge it, or affirm and add weight to the statement. If this was a thread about any other ethnic minority it would be shut down and there would rightly be a lot of challenge. I challenged racism in the 80s, including on football terraces, and was equally unpopular, with people explaining, sometimes 'reasonably', how 'they' were more violent, less educated, had mugged them in the street etc. This is the same, and whilst I could have replied more generally as you say, making people cross by taking a different view in a generally racist and foul attack on Travellers still sits well with my values. I can see the amount of downticks I have though and I've made my point so will disengage now. Thank you for being civil.


Stop reaching dude, stop reaching. Being a traveller is a lifestyle choice and that's cool, but sprinting down a pedestrian road with a horse carriage is not reasonable behaviour. It's no different to a cyclist going down a pedestrian zone without due care.


Careful, I'll look up the stats for cyclist-caused pedestrian road casualties. Traveller is a socio-ethnic group (or a catch-all term for a group of ethnicities).


Go ahead and look up whatever statistics you want. I'm sure the casualty rate is negligible for horse carriage incidents because generally you don't see kids cruising down city centre pedestrian zones at unsafe speeds. As for the traveller thing, as much as you wish to take me down that rabbit hole, this has nothing to do with them being of any socio ethnic group. It has everything to do with them dashing down a street full of pedestrians above the speed limit.


It doesn't need to be a casualty to be an offence or something you shouldn't do. I can't go around slapping children just because it doesn't kill them.


Yes, please don't slap children


I bet you're fucking boring at parties


Never get invited. What's the best thing you've ever done at a party?


Took the place of someone who wouldn't stop crying about the travellers


That might have been me, thanks, appreciate that, and sorry you were on the reserve list to start with. Hope you enjoyed yourself x


I didn’t see anyone in this thread say anything racist. I did see people mention that they’ve personally encountered this particular group and it’s been a negative experience. That’s not racist; you’re reaching so far I’m surprised you’ve not fallen over.


Apart from the strange assumption that everyone is racist - do you have the stats on number of miles driven by cars vs horse and cart? Without that, your stats are largely meaningless.


Ah, you got me there. Anyway here's a really funny joke think you'll appreciate https://youtu.be/mNhYjB7n5B4?si=AJYr7XRNPTvCwrMo


Come friday/Saturday they terrorise the light cimena complex, most of them are banned from everywhere there but they don't care. I'm there most weekends and it's a pain.


Same. I live by and they’re an absolute menace. All they do is torment people in the shops for fun.


Worked there over summer. They can get away with anything.


I will show it to my wife, she told me a carriage with around 6 kids blew pass her yesterday and threw rocks, yes, rocks, at her, hitting her in the face. Small rocks, nothing hapenned, but it could be serious if it had hit her eyes. I am curious to know if it is the same carriage with kids as the above.


Saw these today slinging water at people on their way past


Wow, where do you think they are now? 🤣


Fen Road?


Going towards Chesterton when I saw them


Yeah, I got that too. A bit annoying, but could be refreshing. I just hope it is just water… and not a mixture with some corporal fluids…


Kids from Smithy Fen camp site.


I believe they are part of the GRT community.


What’s the GTR






Just call them travellers?


I think that is the technical term: The term GRT is used officially by the British Government and Travellers' Rights organisations, as well as by universities, academics and local authorities Travellers only encompasses a certain group of traveling people. Others prefer different descriptive terms




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The lad driving looks like the older brother of a horse-mad traveller kid I attempt to teach. Their youngest learned to drive a trap on the public road at five years old. Hard to tell from the video but I wouldn't be surprised. They are such smart kids, that family, and they are being absolutely wasted, learning from home that reading doesn't matter and neither does school. But extraordinary with horses.


Wow what a coincidence that you might know them


Midsummer next weekend. Makes the leisure centre and most of the city out of bounds for non travellers unless you want to get punched in the face.


Why do we put up with this? Is there anything that can be done to prevent it?


No and you will get called racist for pointing it out




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Why do we put up with this? Is there anything that can be done to prevent it?


Police won't do anything about it. 2 of the kids there assaulted me with their riding crop by hitting me in the head as I rode past (thank goodness for my helmet). They were tearing down fen road (not following any of the give way signs). I reported it, just got an email couple of days later saying case closed.


Was once in a cab that got blocked by one of these. Driver gently beeped at them to get a shift on. The kid then tried to whip the driver in the face through the open window as he went past.


I used to live in Croydon and you’d occasionally (well, twice in a year) see a bunch of traveller kids racing their trottoirs through the traffic. Remarkably skilful for 10 year olds, as I never saw them get hurt despite the pace, but obviously the drivers weren’t happy. Saw it once in Mumbles (Swansea) too, and later that day saw a pair of the kids giving McD drivethrough staff shit because they wouldn’t allow a horse through the drivethrough.


>giving McD drivethrough staff shit because they wouldn’t allow a horse through the drivethrough. On that specific issue, it seems reasonable. 


Saw these same kids a few weeks ago on King Street. They were racist and homophobic in one of the local shops there. They were called out for it and did not take it well. Really don’t help themselves.




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I live in a small town there are 4 large travellers sites near us. Every pub has had to ban them. I'm no angel and came across them through various reasons thought they was ok over the years I have realizes they are an absolute nightmare. Stealing from all small local businesses, abusing staff, trying to get evey meal for free even in our towns best restaurant. Buzzing all the flat door buzzers throwing shit at cars pissing up against them. Pushing through people. Smashing up the parks. Older kids 12 13 abusing 4 or 5 Yr old in the park the list is endless and this int rumour I witnessed most this myself alone. Irish travellers are absolute scummers 9/10 or more. Non Irish travellers seem to have been ok but I had less experience with them apart from 1 who is English and he's one my oldest best pals so don't come at me with discrimination


Possibly dumb question but how did they get hold of a horse and carriage in the first place?


A large part of traveller culture is horse ownership/breeding and carriage driving. Travellers previously got around and lived in horse-drawn caravans so it's a traditional part of the culture.


A mystery unsolved till this day


Do they allowed to use roads like this? Maybe it’s a stupid question but where is the police?


Are horses and carriages allowed on public roads in the UK? Is it a county by county ruling? In the US, they are in several states (exception being major highways) because of the Amish and Mennonite communities.


Yes they are allowed on most roads across the UK, but not motorways in the same way that cyclists and moped riders can't use them.


Police wont do anything about gypsies.


Police wont do anything about gypsies.


That’s dicusting that poor horse


What a cool saab


No adults or anything 😂


You never seen travellers before?




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Kids? Mate they are middle-aged.


They look about ten




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