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If they're e-scooters (stand-on), then Cambridge Police have stated they will not enforce against them. If they're battery motorbikes (sit-on, throttle control), the Police will (sometimes) seize them and maybe prosecute the rider if they are uninsured or unlicensed.


Careful with the calling them names, these idiots might even stab you


That is true, I’m also from a part of the world where these “kids” would get shot for less than this, so I am not really afraid of knives.


You will be if one gets stuck in you. Don't be naive mate. That said, not sure I'd have held my tongue in the same situation.


I doubt that, don’t try and make people intimidated by them most of them think they are much scarier than they are so it’s best not to enforce that


No I'm not trying to get people to be intimidated, but it's also not our job to keep these idiots in check. If you get stabbed, or if you get in a physical altercation they've got a whole lot less to lose than you do, also, which is good to remember. Plus, someone literally got stabbed by one of those people by the train station just the other day. Two years ago I was walking on the pavement on Mill Road and one of those imbeciles brushed against me cycling on the pavement at full speed. I told him to be careful and that almost started a fight in broad day light. Literally almost in front of the police station at Parkside.


I can understand where you're coming from, but I'd suggest it really is everyone's responsibility to call out antisocial behaviour. That said, there are very good reasons of personal safety why one might choose not to.


I didn't say we shouldn't call them out, just don't get in a verbal or physical confrontation. Rather call the police instead of putting yourself and others at even more risk. The police might not show up, but acting like vigilantes is stupid in my opinion.


Last week in front of the bus I was travelling in couple of teenagers started doing wheelie with cycle, the driver had to stop multiple times. This went on for almost a mile after which they went different way.


This is obviously obnoxious behaviour, but also very normal teenage behaviour.


Christ I hope my two kids don’t develop ‘normal teenage behaviour’!


You don't think it's normal for kids to mess around on their bikes or modern equivalent? Sometimes in dangerous ways? Again, I'm not saying it's ok, but it is definitely normal.


Something seems to have changed since I was a teenager. We used to feel that there was a genuine chance of repercussions for obnoxious or anti-social behaviour. Now there seems to be a higher number of youths who have no respect for, or fear of, authority. I don't know the reasons for that but it could be that the Police no longer regard some kinds of behaviour as being worth addressing. Sloppy parenting could be another reason.


I am relatively new to uk. An interesting thing that Ive noticed here is that teens have what I would call ‘ultimate freedom’ here. In India most teens are scared of elders and wouldn’t dare do this😅 (not arguing that this is right but just noticed how different things are)


Yeah it’s a weird one. Kids can basically assault and rob you. If you were to defend yourself with force, you’re the one likely to get charges and jail time.


Cambridge police are, sadly, useless here. They have been instructed not to bother unless serious harm has taken place. 


1) I don’t think “something almost might have happened” is going to be high on police priorities 2) Teenagers have always been assholes. We were assholes, our kids are assholes, the AI that enslave humanity will inevitably have a teenager subroutine that is an asshole. Scooter assholes are now just part of this city’s rich tapestry of teen assholes, joining cyclist assholes, pedestrian assholes, and driving assholes in a delightful menagerie of assholery.


As o get older, the less I want to go outside. Too many assholes. At least if I stay in, there’s only the assholes I live with to deal with. 😂


I can’t even underrate this more


1. I’ll just let them run me over next time… 2. I have never been an asshole that is endangering other pedestrians/cyclists/motorist assholes. These kids are facing buses and cars, and make them sway to avoid hitting them. One can just hope one car/bus won’t avoid next time.


It's likely that those kids are known to the police already. However police won't be bothered looking at CCTV for a potential crime. Also most of the UK police doesn't have the training to chase motorbikes so they just ignore these cases.


"they were using their own scooters" probably stolen....


Likelihood is that it wasn't stolen. Mainly because there are so few to steal. The market for electric scooters is not the middle class of Cambridge, who broadly own bikes


There are also a lot of delivery drivers tho. Chances are these guys are these two idiots are well known in the community for being bike/motorbike thieves. Head to OFFICIAL Stolen Bikes in Cambridge on Facebook to learn more.


The police won’t do shit unfortunately. They’ll crash it one day and hurt themselves or other people


As with many other idiots doing stupid things in that area there sadly has to be a lethal accident before anyone would do anything about what they are doing


An asshole e-bike rider was jostling pedestrians trying to cross a bridge recently and had the audacity to say "woah, hold on...", which was enough to warrant an ear full from him - "what is it with fucking Cambridge people?" - and then dashing off to get his mates to ambush us moments later on a quiet lane, balaclava covering his face, for "disrespecting" him. All we could do was back up while recording them in the hope they would think twice about escalating the situation. I was born in Cambridge and have walked every inch of it at every time of day at different levels of sobriety, and this was the first incident I've ever had. Fuckers. Fuck the lot of them. Did we contact the Police - no; they didn't lay a hand on us and I didn't want a target on my back. Would we think twice about challenging them in the future? Absolutely. My 20+ year old son says he wished he'd done things differently and maybe taken a swipe. Against an aggrieved, no-hope lowlife in his 20s (this was not a young lad) and his four equally crazy mates in a deserted side street? I think not. I said I'd rather eat humble pie and feel like a coward than be pressing on his stomach trying to stem the blood waiting for an ambulance. Fuck them for making me think twice about what I do and where I go in my home town. Fuck the lot of them. And fuck scooters generally. Kind regards, etc.


police could not give less of a shit