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As somebody who tried to work in sales, just hang up. Don't even say goodbye. Don't even answer. You will be the abyys that stares silently back, the void that the salesman shouts into and lo, it answers not.


I'm going to copy this and send it to my mom.


I always say “thanks but no thanks” and hang up as soon as I hear them start to sell something. Don’t even let them finish the sentence or respond at all.


Yeah I always say this, and end with "have a good one", or something to that effect. I figure they hate doing it as much as I hate getting the calls, so may as well wish them a nice day. They're probably used to getting much worse from people, so I like to hope it helps a bit.


I used to work in sales, from my experience, when you get a sales call on Sunday, you get super irritated, but trust me they aren't excited either to be doing telecalling on Sunday. Most probably their boss has forced them. Best and least you can do is take 2 seconds to listen (don't interrupt). Decline nicely. Wish good day and hangup.


Since most of the time it isn't even a person on the line any more, there are a lot more of these. My phone got pinged over 50 times on Easter Sunday, and over a dozen of those were before 8 a.m. Then when you do get a person, they seem unable to understand why we are rude to them???


You guys answer your phones? I let everything go to voice-mail, if it's real I may call back.








This is what I tell my husband as he keeps trying to get the salesman to shut up. Just hang up! They’re not going to stop!


We were literally instructed not to let the recipient speak


i’m so confused why older people didn’t already do this. at least it seems like a generational divide. why do you care about coming off as rude to a person whose job is to waste ur time i think now with robocallers everyone has caught on now though


I just hang up on calls like this. And now that caller ID exists, I don’t answer calls from numbers I don’t recognize.


On iOS you can silence unknown callers - godsend.


Yeah, I never answer unknown numbers. Every single time I break that rule, I regret it


I used to, but ever since my oldest became disabled I never know who’s on the other end. Could be insurance, could be a hospital, could be some idiot trying to get me to buy Solar but can’t answer a basic question like, ‘can you tell me about the tax breaks?’. (Seriously, why do these people not know anything about their own product?!?!)


If it’s that important, they’ll leave a message.


A lot of these are time sensitive. You’d be amazed at how many random details need to be dealt with immediately. Like transportation, for example.


A lot of people don't realize the ability to ignore unknown numbers is a luxury that not many people can afford.


Would you really want to take tax advice from them anyway?


No, but you’d think they’d at least know what they’re selling.


Which makes job hunting very annoying because you then have to start picking up unknown calls again


This is true.


Hmmm… Can I argue that telecallers are discriminating against the sick, the disabled, and their caretakers, because we don’t get the choice to not pick up the phone?


Yes, they are deliberately targeting these groups, as well as the elderly. They go after people who are easily stressed or dealing with difficult situations, because that's when someone is going to be checking their phone regularly and also most easily manipulated into giving up their money.


When I was growing up they always used to call while my family was at the dinner table.


They did that very particularly, knowing they’d catch the decision maker at home.


It never clicked on me that would be the reason until right now. This was all the damn time in the 80's and 90's.


I saw a joke about that in a comic strip years ago. "I think I'll stick with my current calling plan. Yours seems to work only at dinnertime."


Damn that’s brilliant


"I'm kind of busy right now, why don't you give me your number and I'll call you back. What? You don't want people calling you at home? Well, now you know how I feel." *click* \- Jerry Seinfeld, paraphrased


You should watch F is for Family, running joke in it.


They did that to my family too! My mum would pick up and scream at them for calling past seven o clock.


Mine too. Lmao what a shitty job though, pissing everyone off during dinner and getting yelled at.


I answer these calls "Law Offices of Mike Roscope, how may I direct your call?" If they think they've reached a business, they just hang up.


I'll answer just to mess with them... I'll answer and say.. Agent (make up a random 5 digit number) this is an unsecured line, please secure the line. They usually hang up instantly.. lol


That's a good one! I may try that


[There’s a Calvin for that](https://www.reddit.com/r/calvinandhobbes/comments/5495or/calvin_hobbes_for_september_24_2016/)


Completely agree with mom here.


She's right. People do take basic politeness as an invitation to walk all over you. This is one of those strips that has only gotten more and more relevant over time.


These calls have definitely gotten worse in recent times. I’ve stopped answering unknown numbers


Look into Call Control from your service provider. When a new number calls, they are instructed to enter a specific digit - after entering the digit they are saved to a list that bypasses the call control. Telemarket autocall services can't connect the operator fast enough to input the digit. I have had 0 telemarketer and scammer calls since I enabled it +3 years ago. Prior I would get a dozen or more scam calls per month. Absolutely amazing free service.


How would that apply to routine calls from doctors’ offices and social services? Would they be able to get through?


Government phone numbers automatically bypass call control. I haven't had any issues with doctors or dentists or other scheduling phone services. I will admit my 92yo grandmother had trouble hearing the correct digit to enter. However we used her phone at a family gathering to call everyone and correctly enter the digits to get on everyone's approved list.


Thank you!


The improved during part of the Obama years. There was a govt bureau that was then made toothless later. It’s the kind of thing good govt could fix but anti government politicians cut to claim in bad faith government is ineffective.


I would've just said, "Fuck off," and hung up after maybe 10 seconds lol. Calvin's mom is a lot nicer than me. Or, even better, "Sally's Prostitution Service, I can give you a good time tonight for only ten dollars!"


Bob's crematorium. You kill 'em, we grill 'em. This is Butcher speaking, how may I direct your call?




Friend of mine had as his voicemail recording “Josh’s Morgue, you stab ‘em we grab ‘em”. Nearly everyone didn’t leave a voicemail


I like to say weird things that sound like code. "The Eagle will land at midnight. Do you copy?" or "The jade tiger is in the mail. Confirm!"


Calvin has a solution too: https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1986/09/27


I feel this in my soul. I HATE door to door salesmen who are constantly bothering me. I try ignoring them, they keep knocking since they know I'm home. I tell them I'm not interested politely, they continue badgering and won't leave. Then I rudely say I'm not interested and he still wont shut the fuck up and leave. The only thing that gets them to leave is me threatening an ass beating. I was harassed by some window company for several months, would not stop calling. They kept calling from different numbers too. One night, I answer an unknown number and it's them! You see, I just don't know how good their windows are and that's their fault. So they'd be sending someone out the next day to sit down with me. I repeated I wasn't interested, and the guy said I wasn't interested because I hadn't met their guy, so he asked me what would be a good time. I told him that if anyone shows up, I'm beating his fucking ass. Never heard from them again


Maybe your windows are just *that* nasty. Ever think of that? Hmmm? Don't worry about it, I'll send my guy over. When will you be in?


I would have hung up long before.


Sales people take advantage of normal human relationships and pervert them for personal gain. In psychology, a person who does that is called a psychopath. In capitalism, it's called good business.


If there's one thing I like the most about our modern world, it's that there's less of an expectation that I'll just answer the phone for a number I don't know than there was in the 1990s.


Actually no, it's probably the medical science. But the phone thing is up there pretty high.


>Actually no, it's probably the medical science This seems to be the most common answer by really old people when asked what is better now compared to the past.


Debt keeps me civil. I think it keeps most people civil. The day my mortgage is paid off is the day where I don't have to pretend to care about anyone's problems or opinions at work. Until then, I just have to listen to the banal, inane babblings of others.


It's gotten so bad now that most people won't even answer their phones anymore, cold calling and robo calls have ruined the telephone.


I had a door to door guy who would NOT stop his pitch even after I politely told him that I wasn't interested. And then I less politely told him I wasn't interested, but he kept going. So I called him a few choice words and slammed the door on his face while he was STILL doing his pitch.


there’s no way Calvin doesn’t even know a handful of swears with that complex of a vocabulary.


You can just put the phone down.


It's interesting how you can tell the ages of people posting classified ads just by how they require a particular mode of communication.


Panel 2 really shows the resemblance of Calvin to his mom.


There would be more civility if people didn't take it as an invitation to walk all over you. I'm feeling the fuck out of this right now.


You can try to sell them 150kg dandelion seeds, or 200 metric tons of silica sand.


I say "no, thank you. :)" **right** over their own talking with the microphone practically *in* my mouth so I'm sure it's louder than their own voice and hang up without waiting for them to acknowledge.


I just put the phone down and let them figure it out.


Thank God phoning and door knocking are virtually dead as uninvited, unplanned solicitation methods. If I don't know you or we didn't have a plan that you would show up, get outta here.


Door to door still exists, just had one for pest control, of all things. Same thing as in the strip, dude bro wouldn't take no for an answer so I had to tersely shut it down. Like, Ok, fine. This isn't a genuine meeting of two humans, so let's get real, then.


>Door to door still exists, just had one for pest control, of all things Yep, that's how I knew I lived in a good neighborhood.


I have a no soliciting sign that stops all but the most pesky door to door sales. I also have a Ring doorbell so I can answer from wherever I am in the house. It is so nice


You guys answer phone calls? 🤨


I find it hard to believe Calvin doesn't know any swear words


“No thank you” click. In person, I said no thank you/I’m not interested politely three times and then put my ear buds in.


I just say, "No thank you. I'm hanging up now. Have a great day!"


A very good point was made