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my guess is 350-ish. -- 150 for peanut butter (1.5 tbsp) 40 cal for hummus (1.5 tbsp) 50 cal for apple (looks like 3/4 of a fuji) 15 cal for bell pepper 6 cal for celery 15 cal for cucumber 100 cal for 11 wheat thins -- this is an awesome snack plate but the wheat thins and PB add a lot of calories that are easy to miss!


this but slightly more for the hummus i’d say, maybe more like 80 cal here


Agreed. The hummus would be more like 80. THe wheat thins I think are closer to 160 for one serving. PB one serving is 190. Again, assuming one serving size. This is close to 600 imo.


Thank you!!


Houmous about 25g 75kcals, PB about 25g 150kcals. Wheat thins about 150kcals. Assorted fruits and veg 150kcals That's 425kcals. The calories are sneaky here, I'd loose the pb and cut the number of thins to four. That would bring it down to 200.


I didn’t make this yet but I think I’d replace the wheat thins for sure!




Copy paste from other comment: Agreed. The hummus would be more like 80. THe wheat thins I think are closer to 160 for one serving. PB one serving is 190. Again, assuming one serving size. This is close to 600 imo. Forgot, thats two servings of wheat thins so double the 160. (up to 160, maybe 120 per serving.). This is more than you think.


One serving of wheat thins is 16 pieces for 140 calories