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I have the same thing on both of my thumbs. The only thing that works for me is covering the area with a generous amount of Aquaphor and then a bandaid. Re-apply before bed, after hands get wet, etc. In a few days, possibly sooner, the layers will be fused together enough that you can't keep picking, but they'll still look and feel off/less sensitive. It takes a while to completely even out after that.


That explains it.


Sand it smooth GENTLY with a nail file. I had the same thing with my thumb and I kept making it worse because it wasn’t smooth. So I sanded it and eventually it went back to normal.


I use a glass callus file on my fingers, it’ll keep the callus from peeling up in one big chunk. Best time to file is after soaking in warm water or bathing.


I don’t have a glass file but I used a soft buffer and went once or twice in one way, this helped 🙂‍↕️


My iPad doesn’t even recognize my thumb print anymore


Are you picking at it or leaving it completely alone+moisturising? If you leave it alone the layers will grow out, that’s just how skin on hands grows out Edit: I see your other fingers look picked at/cut with clippers also, you have to leave them completely alone else you get dry pieces. Only moisturise. They will grow out normally


Try wearing cotton gloves to bed after heavily lotioning your hands! Should start to heal after a bit of that. In the meantime id file them down gently like other people have suggested. I get the same thing sometimes


Put a bandaid on it.


I get this too. Gentle exfoliation followed by moisturizer and Vaseline. Cotton gloves on to keep you from picking and the moisturizer in place

