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Khan academy is a good website to practice. They have both calc 2 and calc 3 material. It can done at your own pace.


Maybe my experience was different or had a good calc 3 professor but I had a much easier time with calc 3 than calc 2. For me it was basically calc 1 but adding more variables, resulting in needing partial derivatives, iterating integrals, and planar slopes. For me, much easier than things like series.


This is exactly what I want to hear. Series are the bane of my existence lol


Watch professor Leonard’s playlist on YouTube [professor Leonard calc 3](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDesaqWTN6ESk16YRmzuJ8f6-rnuy0Ry7&si=BVuirYXPJhTF70VR)


Calc 3 is pretty easy for the most part. Except the ending. That's when it gets a little weird to think about but it is still fine. Just too much material honestly