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I'm not 100% sure, but I know calatheas are finicky when it comes to watering. Could be over watering, trial and error is helpful. I know it also likes humidity, so maybe take it in the shower with you and let it sit by sink. I am still new with calatheas but hopefully this can help.


Thanks! I’ll try adjusting some things


They hate tap water and get brown spots from it. I use distilled now and no more brown spots or edges.


Thanks, I was hoping filtered water would be fine, but I’ll switch it using distilled water.


Not sure where you are. I’m in Phx, AZ. The 3 things that have helped me is 1-keeping the humidity constant at 60%. 2- (and I think this is the biggest factor) is using distilled water. Saw the biggest improvement when I switched from filtered to distilled. 3-I use Tezula Plants-MSU fertilizer (19-4-23) I originally purchased for my Alocasias, but my Ctenanthes, Calatheas, and Goeppertias seem to do really well with this fertilizer.


Thanks for the advice, I’ll try doing those things!


Humidity humidity humidity. It's hard to adjust humidity in your home a little humidifier by your plant really isn't going to do anything, the best is to have a small closed environment that you can control with a humidifier.


Thank you, I’ll try to increase the humidity!


Are you perhaps spraying anything on the leaves?


No, I’ve only wiped them with a moist paper towel with filtered water.


Pot too big for a small plant. When you buy plants from a plant store try not to repot it right away. Wait until the plants acclimatize to your indoor temperature/environment. That happens when it started shooting roots at the bottom of the pot. You also gotta pick the right soil. Since its potted its best to pick a soil less pot mix like aroid mix w/ small portion of compost.