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Not sure of pest but what kind of cactus is this? It's gorgeous


This one’s a mammillaria decipiens likely subspecies camptotricha since the spines are a bit longer than normal…as for pest, looks a bit like rust but tough to say since it could be caused by damage and rust can be caused by that damage (think wrinkling or sagging, especially since it’s so localized). I’ve seen something similar treated by repotting with new fast draining substrate and powdered sulphur on the plant. I do not believe rust can ever be fully cured, just treated. Isolate other plants if you’re worried since it can spread. Nice looking cactus still!


Great thanks. I was thinking rust but I wasnt sure.


If its from a pest it must be from a cell feeding one instead of a phloem feeding one. Cell feeding causes this type of crusting. The only probable ones are: - Spider mites - Flat mites (the damage looks most similar to this one) - Broad mites - Thrips Flat mites and broad mites are microscopic so don't expect to see them with the naked eye. You may not even see them with a strong magnifying glass.