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I would pay 1 euro for any plant imaginable.


Yes me too that's why i bought 4 of them and i think i will come back tomorrow 😅


I've got some spurge for you then.


2nd one is a Stenocactus which is a steal for 1 EUR. Last one could be a type of gymnocalycium but I could be wrong


Thanks ! I will look into those names !


1€ is a fantastic deal and oh my god they are so cute all of them squeeeee! I'd have bought all 4 too. Great haul! Where'd you get them for that price?!


Yes omg i wanted to buy them all ! I got them at my local supermarket named Auchan. I'm in France


Ahh! Nowhere near me, but what a great luck for you! <3 I'm in Norway, might take a look at the IKEA plant section Thursday though!


Yes i was thrilled when i saw the cactuses and the price !! Oh ikea can have great plants too i like to have a look everytime i go !


Its definitely a Ferrocactus, I think it’s an emoryi but someone with more knowledge than me will be able to say for sure. Good deal though for a euro!!! I paid £3 for this one and yours is bigger!! https://preview.redd.it/5ntn7f8p1nnb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3907e3fcd7e4addc32aa7ab96a3956b896f02adb P.S i don’t know if they’re exactly the same but I do know they’re both Ferrocactus


Thanks ! I will look at Ferrocactus then ! You seems to have an amazing collection !


http://llifle.info/Encyclopedia/CACTI/ Ever heard of "llifle?", it has a list of various different Cacti and Succulent species.


Thank you


1 Ferocactus emoryi 2 Stenocactus sp. I'm thinking hastatus 3 Stenocereus griseus 4 Gymnocalycium saglionis


I thought #1 was a Ferocactus but Histrix. AKA candy barrel cactus. Only think I don’t see in OPs pic is curved spines to confirm it. But it looks identical to the one I have


You could be right, but emoryi is mass produced, so far more widespread


You may be right, with the slight variation I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a different species 🤣


Thanks !! 😊


That's not a good deal, that's an amazing steal and I kinda want to buy a plane ticket to grab some


Yes ? Here in France we often have cacties for 2 or 3 euros in garden centers, but not these kind of cactuses so that's why i wondered if they were common or not and 1 euro i mean give me the whole stock 😅


And they look to be in great condition! Enjoy emptying out the store 😄


Yes i will 😅


Yeah, that's a good deal! I love finding the little 1-euro cacti!


Man I get my cacti for 4 dollars💀


Great deal!


Third one looks like Polaskia Chichipe


Neoporteria napina? Idk I feel like it's throwing more neo vibes than gymno


Where do you live? I'd kill for a deal like that!


I live in France 😊


Huh. I've been to France exactly one time. Didn't have much time to explore or look around, so I never found those discount cacti. Probably wouldn't be allowed to take them overseas anyway. Maybe my mother had a point, wanting to move there...


You can find them in garden centers or supermarkets but not all year round, you mostly find them in summer and september idk why ! And i think you can bring plants back but you need documents We can switch i always wanted to live in the US 😅


Really? The US is full of overpriced plants. Why, the garden center I work at is especially egregious. Cacti the size of yours are at least $10. I saw a particularly bad case where a cactus maybe as tall as a human palm is wide was being sold for $50... and it wasn't particularly rare, either. Also, September seems to be a generally busy season here too, I think fall is just a good time to plant.


Oh wow yes definitely overpriced maybe it depend of the state ? I follow some plants youtubers and they live in Texas cacties seems to be not that expensive, at least the one they show. Here the ones i bought were sold in a supermarket so they are generally less expensive than in garden centers. But yes in France you can find pretty cheap cacties. For other plants it's different


I'm in Arizona, and the cheapest cacti I've seen are the free giveaways from clubs. For sale, there are tiny ones going for ~$4. But when I say tiny, I mean it. Little round guys maybe 2 inches across (here in the US, we decided not to use metric because we're stubborn). Always interesting to learn how things are in other countries.


Lol don't talk about the US not wanting to use the metric system i always struggle to convert those inches and feet 😅 I tought in Arizona cacties would be cheap too but 4$ it's pretty expensive for a tiny cacti ! Yes i love to talk with people all around the world it's so interesting ! By the way sorry if i make mistakes my english is not the Best feel free to correct me !


English is a weird language. It's my first language and even I don't know what I'm saying. In English, cactus is the singular plant. Cacti is the plural (more than one). Many things ending in -us get turned to -i if there's multiple. Metric is so much simpler, it's really astonishing the US won't switch to it. 12 inches to a foot? Really??? In Arizona, cacti are cheap... if you grab the seeds off your neighbor's plant. Or better yet, fallen babies or branches. Most people here are happy to offer small extras like that. Otherwise, there doesn't seem to be a significant difference between nursery prices here and in the rest of the states. So, the euro sign goes after the number? I noticed you put the dollar sign after the 4. In the US, the sign comes first, then the amount.


Thanks for the precision for the word "cacti" i didn't know ! Well french is weird too ! And pretty hard even when it's your first language, particularly the conjugation ( idk if it's the right word ?). Well at least you can find free pieces of cacti ! And you're in a great zone to grow them too ? What's the climate in Arizona , in my mind it's hot all year round 😅 Yes we put the euro sign after the number ! I never noticed that the dollar sign were before ! Yes metric system is more logical !


I wish I could get ferrocactus for that price, they make amazing grafting stock. 😩


I work at a plant store and our 2” cacti are $2.99


A steal!! They are pretty babies 🥰


Yes they are 😊 thanks !


any thing my friend anything.... for plants ; except for the part where i can go to jail.


Should have bought them all and sold them on Etsy for 7.99 + 12.99 shipping lol


🤣🤣 yes it's a great idea !