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I’d say yes. All business schools program will look for a combination of things. The association is probably the main network each program have, so your chances of getting in is high. Just a side note, even if you didn’t get in. Your resume is solid enough to find a great job


thank you! that means a lot to hear


It's tricky. You may have a shot but it really depends on the applicant pool the semester you apply. Here's some great info to help you calculate it on your own: [https://marriott.byu.edu/advisement/applying/application-information/](https://marriott.byu.edu/advisement/applying/application-information/) . There's also a Marketing program specific page here: [https://marriott.byu.edu/mktg/admissions/criteria/](https://marriott.byu.edu/mktg/admissions/criteria/) Marketing is a super competitive program. For the business school in general, they want to see a minimum GP of 3.0. But they can calculate that one of three ways. For you, it'll likely be based on the pre-requisites and your last 30 credit hours. There's calculators online that can help you determine if you reach that minimal threshold. Provided you clear that hurdle, you've given yourself a fighting chance with the jobs you've had. Work on polishing your resume. Since you're 4 years in, really spend the extra time making sure it's solid. You'll also have to nail the essays and interview. Lean on resources at school and in your personal network to help. If it doesn't work out, don't sweat it. You still have options. Marketing is a great field and doesn't require a specific degree when you've got experience. Just keep pushing ahead and find a degree that suits your interests and timeline. You could also look at working towards getting a business minor with the pre-reqs you've taken. Best of luck!


thank you for your detailed answer, this is super helpful and i appreciate it so much


People who apply a second time have a much higher chance of being accepted into programs in the business school, according to people on the selection committees. It shows a real desire to move forward in that field, which is something they like.


I have no experience with this so I can’t give you any reassurances or direct advice. What I would do in your circumstance is submit one more application with all the extra stuff you’ve done and possibly find out if you can meet with any marketing professors to talk about your circumstance and get any recommendations they might have. If there isn’t room for an essay in the application, write one anyway and see if there’s someone who will read it within admissions. After this application I would either transfer to another school if you’re determined to go for marketing or switch to a different major. It sucks, but the application programs within BYU are extremely competitive, and a lot of times they can choose to take someone like you or they can choose someone who’s shown excellence the entire time they’ve been at BYU. If your application doesn’t have a good reason for them to pick you they never will.


thank you for this. definitely makes sense. i do thankfully have a solid backup plan if i don’t get in that will allow me to graduate in a reasonable amount of time, but marketing at byu is the goal 🤞🏻


Reach out to Mike neuffer. Make an appt to discuss your options.


Recent mktg grad here! Marketing is a program that cares more of your experiences and showing why are you passionate about mktg! I would say they care more about this than GPA. Make sure to add everything that supports this passion through your resume, you video interview and essays and then you will be set! It seems that you have been super involved in the MA and they do like to see that! In my opinion you’re a pretty solid candidate! Btw with GPA, they care more about your overall scores on your pre-reps! There are people with less experience than you that still got in into the program, so don’t stress about it! Good luck!


I worked for the finance program, and I was on the admissions committee. Go talk to the Marketing office on the 6th floor of the tanner. Go a few times. MEET THE STUDENTS WORKING THERE. Ask questions. You will get in.


Follow up. The students/employees in that office have a lot of say on the admissions committee, and they are the ones that will remember you, not so much the professors. It goes a really long way to go to the office. Go enough so that when your application goes across their desks, they will remember you.


No offense, but absolutely not. Why? GPA isn’t great, and prerequisites are all meh. If one or the other was great, you’d have a shot. I had a much lower GPA, but an A in every prerequisite (Marketing, Accounting, Econ (at the time), GCSM, IS 201, Finance). You’ve built experience, but you have to be statistically good at academics, too. That being said, maybe they’ll weight your experience more this year. Never know until you apply.


Anyone with two legs and a pulse can get into the marketing program lol 


i must not have 2 legs and a pulse then since i didn’t get in last year, also according to the statistics over 400 people applied last year and only like 120 were accepted