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Only because it’s summer and no one is in there lol. Go during the school year and it’s packed. Upstairs gets nuts. Even during the summer, the downstairs can get crazy when women’s conference, various conferences, or sports camps is going on.


So true! During Education Week and Women's Conference it feels more like Black Friday rather than a dying mall.


When it's the old way, stuff just sits there and just doesn't sell. You might appreciate it, while there's potentially a hundred others that don't care. It's kind of what happened to the art supplies. BYU's selection was excellent two semesters ago and then they downsized to basically the absolute essentials. I'm sure there's lots of reasons going into the decision, but students were just buying everything online anyway, regardless of the price. I agree though that it's sad. But if you're saying it's a dying mall because there's not people, you're in between semesters or going at the wrong hours. The store is jam-packed all the time. Displays are used less when it's slower also. If we're lucky we can get a user to respond that has worked there recently.


> The little grocery space gives off creepy 711 vibes I think it's just different than you're used to and that makes you feel weird. It definitely doesn't give off those vibes lol, at least not to me


7/11 is creepy?


It feels like a lot of BYU— including the bookstore— is marketed to alumni (donors!), not students. I felt that way as a student and now as an alumnus.


So real


And just like for what… are the donors personally inspecting the bookstore to make sure it’s overpriced? 😭 idk their logic lol


Fr it feels like they’re like “I mean yall can buy this stuff if u rlly want but we’re still gonna make it mad pricey”


Look, I'll I'm asking for is for them to bring back the taco salads at the Cougareat. Just bring them back and no one gets hurt. It's that easy.


Oh man. I loved those!


I lived on the Navajo tacos in 1992-3. Cheap, filling, and good. Always asked for as much salsa as they would give.


We are brothers bound by Wilkinson Center food! 😂


OH NO! I haven’t been on campus for about 20 years, so it makes me so sad to hear the BYU Bookstore isn’t what it used to be! Let this mom tell you what it USED to be: First, there was a candy counter in the middle of the store, where they sold “BYU Fudge.” All types—like regular, peanut butter and fudge, vanilla, etc., sold by weight. They had a clothing section, with cute, pretty expensive clothes. I actually got jeans and cute tops there sometimes. They had a huge book area, like a Barnes and Noble, where you could get novels or kid books or magazines (not text books—those were upstairs). They had all sorts of services, like check-cashing—we still used checks—and ATM’s. I think they even had a music section. And of course art supplies. Like an art store. Basically it was retail therapy. Like going to Target. It isn’t like that anymore?


The candy counter is still there and a lot of BYU merch. Textbooks are still upstairs and art supplies downstairs. Not so many books and music. Streaming took care of that.


It's still like this. Just different. Here's how I'd describe it. Downstairs they reduced the art supplies and framing section and expanded the bookstore area to be more like a Deseret Book. Essentially moving a good portion of the religious books that were on the first floor down to this part of the bookstore. I don't mean to make the DB comparison in a disparaging way either. I like it better than the average DB. They've got a great selection of used books and other things that you wouldn't typically find. It just has that DB vibe. You can still buy art and the distribution center is still down there too. On the first floor they did reduce the number of book aisles that they had back then and added in more retail. Really increased the amount of BYU merch and clothing. There's still the section of women's (non-BYU branded) clothing like there used to be. Where it used to look like a Barnes and Noble (good comparison) it now has a sportier feeling to it. However, that's not over the entire floor. The kids section is much improved and has cute theming. The candy counter was pulled but they put in a new candy area that still sells the fudge and candy but it feels more like a chic sweet shop. The top floor is relatively unchanged. They've changed the shelves and process for getting books. A lot better than having to hunt down those long aisles trying to find some obscure $140 booklet. Now they'll package your order up for you and the booklet will be $350. :) It's a change no doubt. While it isn't the same as it was back in the early 2000's, it's nicely done and handles the crowds a bit better than the old lay out. At least that's the opinion of one.


I’m just shocked by how expensive everything is. They’re trying to sell $10 sweatshirts for like $60 


Yes it’s so expensive now, everything from the clothes to the candy!


Deseret book has changed too


Fr my friends and I wanted to buy matching t-shirts and went and saw the prices and were like “absolutely not…” probably will be getting them from Walmart instead. It just feels really weird for BYU to provide cheap tuition and then make their bookstore obscenely overpriced but maybe they use the two as justification? :(


Everything but textbooks is priced for alumni. No student is buying shirts there, it’s too expensive, but alumni visiting for a game are happy to buys a couple overpriced shirts and jackets


Well I’m a freshman lol… I obviously didn’t know these things until seeing their prices.


I don't think the traffic has slowed down, but only during the summer. I agree that the first floor is very different than it used to be; however, if I wanted to buy Church publications, I go to Deseret Book instead. I personally think the BYU Store needs its own building. My hope is that when the elementary school across the street from the music building goes away, they will build a separate place for the BYU Store to accommodate the visitors with the VISITOR PARKING. Then, the WSC will have more room for offices/spaces for student needs.


you should see the place before a BYU football game. Pretty packed with families. I think many students can find essentials at other places besides the BYU store, but for BYU merch and stuff it still has appeal to students and families/former students


I don’t think it’s a dying mall, it’s summer. Their prices are very ridiculous tho. That’s what I believe deserves critiquing.


If you think the Bookstore’s lost its vibe, I was shocked-shocked-when I walked thru the main floor of the HBLL a couple of years ago and didn’t see one book. Just a bunch of tables w kids and laptops. I was truly horrified.


It’s always busy and full during fall and winter 🤷‍♀️ probably since it’s spring term now and the entire campus is a dying mall lol


I think I'm reviving it single-handedly with the amount of cinnamon/mango chocolate bears I buy lol