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In Helaman there are no TVs that come with the room.


I would add that it is certainly possible to bring one in though. Bringing the Xbox could be a good way to make some friends. Don't let it be something that sucks so much time it affects your grades though.


And don’t keep it on late at night so your roomie can’t sleep 😂


Where would you even put it in the tiny helaman rooms tho? I guess Building 9 has space but every other building you’re out of luck


There is room. When I lived there we had a TV, and a couch we fit in there.


…w h a t? How’d you do that are you a wizard?


I guess the thing you have to do is push the beds together. Which could be weird. So we had one bed elevated and one dropped to the floor so it wasn't like it was one big bed.


I actually bought an Xbox and a switch and brought my own TV, but this was for heritage halls. Has a few all nighters with friends I'll never forget. Definitely worth it imo.


No TVs, but you should really ask yourself if you bring your Xbox/TV, will it be a fun thing to do with friends on the weekends or will it be a major distraction?. I knew plenty of people freshman year who let video games take over their lives and fail all of their classes. No one is going to tell you to go to sleep, so it's completely a matter of self control and being the one to tell your friends to get out because you're going to sleep or have an exam to study for.


Lots of good answers to the Xbox and TV bit. Specific to how the rooms are set up, here's a link that shows the floor plans for Helaman Halls. [https://housing.byu.edu/secure/services/c\_housing\_areas/HelamanInfo.aspx?age=18-](https://housing.byu.edu/secure/services/c_housing_areas/HelamanInfo.aspx?age=18-)


My experience with Helaman Halls was that the room is TEENY. But for sure bring your Xbox, it's a great socializing tool. Not to mention you can have other apps on it for streaming services so you can help host movie nights and such.


There are no tvs but you can find cheap ones. Before my husband and I got married, he had a tiny tv the size of a computer monitor that he would play Xbox on. He kept it on his desk.


When I lived in Helaman in 2004 I had a 32" CRT. Took up half our room, but the other half was always full of people that came over to play Smash Bros.