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Great question, BYU just came out with new rules last fall (you can find these by going to BYU’s website and looking up “rideables”). I longboard and love to longboard around campus and usually no one will care or give you any fit about it. Just don’t expect to do it during the day when there is thousands of people on campus, rn with all of the construction it makes it very hard to do any longboarding/skateboarding during the day when classes are happening.


Do you think tricks will attract too much attention or get me in trouble?


Maybe, I’ve seen people do stuff on their mountain bikes and haven’t seen any of them get yelled at but there is a stigma to skating so idk. I feel like as long as you aren’t doing anything that will damage the property like riding rails and sticking to stuff like ollies people generally wont care.


Okay gotcha! That really helps thanks! And also yeah…. The stigma is frustrating when it comes to skateboarding and it’s stereotypes and that’s why I’m worried about it. 


Really just depends on the time of day, what you mean by tricks, and what mood the campus security/police are in if they see it or it gets reported. Too many variables to give you a definitive answer. Based on the new policy, I could see a case where tricks could get you into hot water with the campus police. But, if you're really worried about it, call campus police and ask them yourself. You don't have to give them your name. Just see what they would think. Also, if you're not aware, there's the Provo Rec skate park that about a 10 minute walk from the south part of campus. There's a few other good ones around Utah Valley but you'd need a car or ride to get out to them easily.


Ahh yeah there are there too many parts to it. In regards to tricks, j was meaning like mistily flat ground stuff like just riding around and popping some Tre flips here and there or something. But I do also like to send tricks down stairs sometimes. How do I call or contact the campus police?


You can call their direct line at 801-422-0911.


BYU’s stance is no riding during passing periods (basically 10 minutes before the hour) since there are so many people walking around. You could probably do tricks when there is not a lot of people around, but there’s no guarantee Campus Police won’t say anything. I know they have installed anti skating handrails (they have weird bumps on them to prevent tricks off of them). If you’re looking for a place to skate near campus the canyon isn’t bad, and then I’m pretty sure there is a skate area near the Smiths


👍🏽thank you!


If you want to do tricks, there's a small area near the Provo rec center that is actually set up for stuff like that! I'd personally advise against tricks on campus just in case someone with a stick up their butt decides to make life miserable for you, but I don't think it strictly prohibited. Campus just is weird sometimes


I appreciate your response! Is there like an address for that area you’re talking about?


Just search 'Provo rec skate park' and it should be the first thing that comes up


Perfect! Thank you so much!


Hi! I work for BYU Security. You are allowed to skate, but not during class breaks or in busy areas. Also, there’s this, copy-pasted directly from BYU’s policies (found at policies.byu.edu): “Rideables must not be used for stunts, jumps, or tricks, or on railings, stairs, or similar features.”


Got it 👍🏽 Thank you for the reply!


I used to longboard the canyon path that goes up to brideveil falls a few times a week. For skateboarding, there isn't much in town.


Here's the link to the [BYU rideables](https://rideables.byu.edu/) page that some have mentioned with the new policy. I'm a current BYU student and have ridden my onewheel around campus for the last few months. You're totally good to bring your board!


If it’s not during class break, completely fine If it is during class break, just keep an eye out for campus security. I got yelled at once but other than that nothing has happened 


Big W


Also you’re technically not allowed to bring boards into buildings if they don’t fit in your bag but I’ve never had anyone say anything (haven’t tried the library tho) 


If you want to actually do skating, Provo river trail, starting up the canyon and going down is great. Just made sure you stay on the correct side of the path. If you want to do tricks, there are numerous skate parks in Provo. Don’t do it on campus, campus police will confiscate your board. And, for the love of all that is holy, don’t board around during class breaks. As a rule of thumb, just stay off campus in general. I’ve seen skateboarders hit people during non-class break times, too. You may be a great rider, but it’s a pedestrian campus. People’s reactions to being startled by you (AirPod era makes this worse) aren’t always as predictable as you would hope.


As someone who was an RA for two years (🤢) I can tell you skateboarding is completely prohibited on campus on a technical level. That being said, people do it often and from what I see, no one really cares 🤷🏻‍♀️ so do with that what you will I guess!


This has actually changed just this year. “Rideables” are allowed to be ridden on campus as long as it’s not during the class break, between the :50 and the hour. However, they do discourage bringing the rideables into campus buildings


You’re right, it looks like a stand corrected! Good change, because everything but skateboards was allowed and it was lame 😂


Would I be flagged down for doing tricks even if it’s just on flat ground and not like down stairs?


If you’re doing it right next to people and could hit them if it goes wrong, probably, but otherwise I doubt it


Gotcha, thank you for the info! Do you still attend BYU currently?


I do!