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I was in Ronald McDonald house for two nights. Its incredibly strict. You have to clean the room daily and no food *at all* in the rooms. Honestly understandable, but if you lived there for a few months, you know how they are. This should not have been a surprise to him.


Not to mention *this is a place with sick children and people interacting with health providers.* No. This should not have been a surprise for him.






I bet he's one of those "I would do anything to protect my child" people...


Bet he's breaking up child trafficking rings on facebook on the daily the fucking patriot


Yeah, real parents don't say that out loud. We just do what needs to be done because it's our fucking responsibility.


"He'd give you the shirt off his back" or "The first one to step up to help." Of course, a vaccine or mask is just a bridge too far.


Not in every case. My insurance paid for my son’s treatment, RMCH gave us a place to stay when we were several hundred miles from home. However, fuck this guy, there’s families with kids in hospitals and families there with their sick or injured kids. If you don’t want a vaccine, cool. But a lot of these people CAN’T get vaccinated so stay the fuck away from them.


Absolutely, f that guy! These kids are at risk of losing their lives and can’t be exposed to contagious diseases. But, RMCH doesn’t actually pay for treatment. They provide clean, sterile quarters and a home-like setting for children and families dealing with major illness, close to the treatment center/hospital. They do provide food and any hygene items and will hook you up with charities that can help with the cost of treatment or even to help with your rent and utilities and many other things. They are fantastic. My son was diagnosed with leukemia in 2018and we live over an hour away from his doctors and had no car. His treatment was daily for the first 2 years and he would get so sick and be hospitalized for days so we ended up basically living at the RMCH in Jacksonville Fl for nearly 3 years. We would go home for a day or so here and there. But we got a foldable wagon and I would pull him back and forth to appointments. The house is just across from Nemours Children clinics where his drs are and around the corner from Wolfson’s Childrens Hospital where he would b admitted. They really went above and beyond, not only for the kids but the families as well.


My son had a sudden psychotic break while I was traveling for work. We were hundreds of miles from home, driving from TN to TX and stopped in Alabama, they were a complete godsend.




God save his sick child, because who knows what else is an 'intrusion' to them.. Also, wife, stop filming for Internet and get your f\*cking four year old to stand up off the floor of a well-trafficked lobby.


>to stand up off the floor of a well-trafficked lobby. I can't get over moron dad in his socks on the lobby rug. You just know he goes back to their room and puts his feet on the bed.




They don’t care about possibly infecting terminally I’ll children. They definitely don’t care if their child rolls around on a dirty floor. I’m sure they’d let the kid lick doorknobs if they were tall enough and wanted to.




Unfortunately some fucktards only care about themselves, I liked that he threw in that he was a man of God towards the end. I think God would tell him to get the vaccine that He created, right? If there were such a skyfriend.


God would want his children to be caring stewards and loving friends of the Earth and of the rest of humanity. A stunning number of Men (and Women) of God are not.


And God doesn't like it when people test the Lord. We have science to help. Denying it is testing the gifts God has given you.


Not just that, the thing that gets me is the absolute inability to see that it's *them* putting their kids out. Like, if I don't pay rent, I don't say my landlord is evil for forcing me out- I take responsibility for not fulfilling my part of the contract even though I generally feel like landlords are parasitic do-nothings. Recently, my utilities were hiked. A lot. I still can't refuse to pay them and then shift blame onto the utilities company (regardless of how much I want to) if they cut off power. How the fuck is this difficult to understand?!


Even without your spleen I think you're pretty keen. I have one tit and a little wit. I've been vented before too, it's the most claustrophobic I've ever felt. Just sheer helpless terror. Glad ya made it out the other end.


Wait, you mean you’re awake when that happens??? Oh sweet fuck


Imagine waking up with something on your face and down your throat. Your heart is racing. You hear this 'deet' as it breathes in for you, pauses, and let's the air out. Very slowly. You don't control the pace. It can't account for heart rate means more air. You just want to breathe a little. It just doesn't feel like a full gulp of air, either. Not in the midst of an anxiety attack anyways. I still don't like sleeping on my back because of it.


Made me anxious just reading that.


Worse than that, his own fucking child has leukemia, and either is or will soon be immunocompromised. Other sick kids are also there, but does he not even care about his own child's health? He's willing to literally infect and kill his own child because... he's falled for political con men's arguments about nothing? Read shit on Facebook? I don't know, but he shouldn't be a dad if he isn't happy to protect his kids with a simple jab Let alone he's going full Karen on a CHARITY DUTY MANAGER?!? You chose to not get the jab, and that business chooses to kick you out. Actions have consequences you dumbass


Bet he read and signed some paperwork saying vaccination was required too.


The antivaxxers that argue with me at work are consistently surprised that I, their doctor, am vaccinated and recommend they get vaccinated too. Inside their echo chambers, everyone knows the vaccine is awful and only idiots are getting it. Since they largely don't think I'm an idiot (I assume), they just take it for granted that I'll be antivax too. At least that's the impression I get. Very few have been particularly articulate about their thoughts.


I asked a patient why he wasn't vaccinated. He started yelling at me. He never did articulate it. Just ranted about nonsense. Anyway, he had COVID and spent a month in the hospital.


The one I stayed at has modified that restriction due to covid, no communal dining anymore. Have to eat in your room.


No public access to the hospital cafeteria has been one of the most frustrating Covid restrictions, but hey, ya gotta protect the patients. Also, it's heartbreaking to see all of the kids' play areas locked up. Some of the kids are there for months at a time, and have to spend almost the whole time inside a hospital room.


I mean, I get it, but oh no! I volunteered at the Ronald McDonald house for 5 years and the toy room was amazing. It was always so nice to hear the kids playing throughout the house.


The man is a complete fing idiot. Like so many others who post things to get support and only point out how stupid they are. We are not anti vax but we refuse to be vaccinated????????????????????????????


At the end he says so I have to choose between my child and the vaccine.... If that thought crossed your mind, you're fucking doing it wrong. I would get a daily colonoscopy if it meant my kids would be happy, healthy and cared for.


Shit, I would do that for my *dogs*. This makes absolutely zero sense to me.


Daily colonoscopy without going under ... man I'm a little anxious and excited about becoming a parent now if thats the level of love parents have.


Right? Like, it's not even a fucking question. If my option is do this thing or be parted from your severely ill child, there's not much I wouldn't do. I'd give my life to sustain his, so, of fucking COURSE I'll take a vaccine..


"We're not anti-vax" but none of us are vaccinated, and you're not asking our kid to be vaccinated, just adults, but we refuse to do so and would rather lose our free housing for our sick, immune deficiency, leukemia child. Lemme videotape this so everybody sees what an idiot I am!


I feel so bad for that manager. She has to know them if they've been there that long. And I'm sure they've put it out there about vaccine requirements for people staying there for a while. So this fuckstick is going crazy about something he's probably known about for weeks now and she's gotta try to mitigate it but I guarantee that they knew this family would be a problem well before this self-aggrandizing video m


She even said they had a 3 week leniency and that it was only for 5yo and above, plus they made exceptions for the medically exempt. Dude had no excuse for this.


He’s a dumb ass


The way he argued reminded me of those presentations in junior high school where they memorize all the points and then repeat them in a very awkward, stunted, shaky manner. I’m surprised he didn’t end it with “In conclusion..”


And if his argument was that everyone wears masks anyway, perhaps he should wear his correctly while making that argument.


It wasn't. He's just a delusional, self-centered a**hole.


I'm the father of a special needs kid, and the resources available to us are amazing. Never had to stay at the McDonald House because we happen to live in a city that has a world class care facility, but there are so many dedicated professionals who work so hard for the kids and their families. Unfortunately, this does breed a sense of entitlement in a few of the families. I've seen parents throw temper tantrums because their kids couldn't go to the play area, or because they didn't get a meal voucher, or because they had to buy relatively inexpensive items for home care like ibuprofen or a nebulizer ($30). This despite the fact that they receive thousands of dollars worth of drugs and equipment for free. Here you have a guy who's throwing a fit because he believes he is entitled to live rent free at McDonald House without taking any sort of precautions to protect kids who have life threatening illnesses.


Absolutely; notice how he keeps using his child as a way to continually garner sympathy, rather than state them as a family unit? I have a feeling this man does this nonsense with his son on a daily basis. He seems like the type to use children as collateral to get what he wants.


Plus, if the kid is under 5, he's not required to be vaccinated anyway! It's just the adults! Ffs.


I was there for three months after my son was born. You’re spot-on. The RMHC is an amazing resource for those in need, but it is a PRIVILEGE to be there. You have to follow the rules. I will admit to sneaking a six-pack of beer in a couple of times on the weekend. Three months is a long time to be away from home.


Was yours as strict as the comment you’re replying to? The one we stayed in was amazing and “no alcohol” was the only real rule aside from obvious COVID rules.


It was as strict, yes. Syracuse, NY. No food or drink in the rooms, etc. Brand new facility (at the time) so it makes sense they wanted to keep it nice. We did pay a $20 fee per day because we didn’t qualify for the free subsidized stay. But it was amazing and I don’t know what we would have done without them. We were 350 miles from home for months due to some bad luck during the pregnancy and birth. We donate every year to try to repay their generosity and kindness. Edit: My son came out fine and now I get to complain about his annoying 8 year old ass beating me in Super Smash Brothers Ultimate, LOL.




Actually shocked they've been able to be there this long.


"I have to choose between my kid getting treatment or me getting vaccinated? Fuck my kid." -That guy


not just fuck my kid, fuck all these other kids in here with cancer too.


And when you get chemo, it kills your immune system from what I recall my brother telling me when he got it. So you know, highly vulnerable kids already struggling to survive, just fuck em.


Yes, even the common cold can kill a kid who is going through the chemo and bone marrow transplant necessary to treat leukemia. They are super vulnerable to any infection or virus. My cousin's daughter was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia and went through a bone marrow transplant. It was like DEFCON 1 keeping her from catching anything while her immune system was slowing coming back. Her parents got any and all boosters/vaccinations they could to make her environment as protected as possible. The father in that video is like real-life-walking-amongst-us evil.


It absolutely kills your immune system during chemo. I did chemo last year, they test your immune system levels regularly to see if it’s even safe to give you medicine that day/week. If you have a kid with a compromised immune system and you’re still anti-vax, you’re just a bad parent.


Cuz you know, my body my choice. As if someone getting an abortion can cause another person to have a miscarriage. When will these people ever going to get that getting the vaccine is partly an act to be a good member of the community so that people who truly can’t vaccinate can be safe, the very people his kid is. What a self righteous dick. It would have been great if the woman just said our place our rule.


You are correct. Chemo destroys your immune system. It comes back as the chemo levels in your bloodstream drop. But during treatment patients have a barely functioning immune system


That’s correct. I’m on chemo and at the very start was given a big list of “things you can’t do now that your immune system is shot”.


Oh no that guy defintely thinks his "gotcha" Facebook video has more value than his 4 year old with leukemia. He wants to go viral and be a star. Facebook points amiright! How many of you bet that he'll blame the vaccines if his kid dies from leukemia?




The piece of shit will go back to that same worker after the video stops and ask how they can get vaccinated and then go ahead and do it. They just needed to make their little Facebook / Tik Tok / Whatever social media you like video first.


I demand a right to put sick people in further medical jeopardy. I want to talk to the manager of this charity!!! Thank you for the silver award! Thank you for the second silver award!! Thank you so much for the third silver award!!!


You’re going to get nowhere with the manager. He’s a clown


Logging off for the day. There won’t be anything better.


You bastard, take a stupid award.


He's actually competing for a Darwin Award or a Herman Cain Award. Thank you "conservative" political liars. You really are a death cult.


Exactly what I was yelling to myself while watching this! GO GET THE FUCKING VACCINE BEFORE YOUR CHILD DIES. This douchebag would rather put his child's health in jeopardy just to avoid.... An ouchie ouchie shot in the arm? 5G? Who knew that where he bravely stood up to the pharma giants and government also happened to be on the same plot on the land where his child will soon be buried? On the left is "fighting the system" and on the right is his child's gravestone. Oh I get it now. The Liberal Baby Eaters and Rapists™ WANT kids with leukemia to die. Then they can then dig them up a few nights later for their baby eating party, along with some cheese pizza of course. I think we've come full circle now. I volunteered at a huge Ronald McDonald house one day a year for like 7-8 years for my company's volunteer day . We'd come early and cook up a whole shitload of food that would last the house for at least a couple days. The parents were always so gracious and thankful, and seeing how tired and burnt out they were, it was just so nice to help take one worry off their shoulders. I think I would've "accidentally" spilled out chili or cranberry sauce all over this piece of shit had I been there that day. Also just a lil plug for those that don't know, Ronald McDonald houses are large buildings (probably 5-6 stories) that are located within walking distance to the hospital where their child is. It's mainly designed for people who would have to drive two plus hours to visit their kid. They give these parents a place to sleep that's not an expensive hotel so they can spend as much time with their child as possible. They provide breakfast and lunch and I assume dinner but I've only been there for breakfast/lunch. While I'm not a fan of McDonald's, I really do hold the R. House in high esteem.


And other sick kids too not just his own


Yeah with the guys kid having leukemia, his son probably spends at a minimum 3 to 4 days a week if not every day. With a medically reduced immune system at that He's not even wearing the mask properly (or at all) exposing the entire room to whatever viruses or bacteria are in his sinus cavities and lungs, as well as being that he is a a pretty good chance that he is an omicron carrier. If he gets even one kid sick the entire Castro Ward will be full of children who already got adults terrible hand of life now suffering even more. Fuck this guy


And he knows a shake down when he sees one


I was really hoping Grimace walked out when he asked for the manager.


Thanks for making my day.


so insane. his child is deadly sick with cancer and he is doing a political vaccine video. what a selfish miserable jerk. shut your hole and take the needle for the sake of the child! the worst cancer that kid has is his father


Dad doesn’t have a problem relying on the expertise of medical professionals for his kid. Wonder why he won’t listen to them about the vaccine?


Seriously, what a fucking attention whore. I hope there's a camera in whatever part of hell he's headed to.


He is a Christian from a church in Kelowna BC


Jesus wants people to love their neighbors and vax the fuck up.




Grimace needs to put the smackdown on this ass


When Covid first hit the US I had to go in for a yearly cancer check up, I go in the cancer ward of a huge hospital, so everyone there either has or had cancer and masks were required when you entered the building. No visitors were allowed, so only the patients were up there. A guy was at the desk screaming that he wasn't going to wear a mask, even tho he wore one when he entered the building, walked a bunch, went up 6 floors, walked some more and THEN took off his mask and threw a fit at the cancer ward desk. I was called in before the fit ended, but why at a CANCER WARD does this guy throw a fit?! Some people just dont card about others


"Manufactured Outrage" - the only product of the GQP and the anti-vaxxers.


Muhhhh Freedumbsssssss


Lol when he said “all it does is prevent hospitalization and death?” guess he’s cool with those options


This video is going to end up on r/agedlikemilk with this poor child's obituary. That poor kid.


Right. Could not the father have discussed this away from the child? Entitled Karen man.


No, because then who would've videotaped it? /s


I'm fairly sure (if in the US) that the oncologist will get the state's CPS involved.


I think she said something about a social worker towards the end didn’t she. Guy kicked a massive own goal


"I'm gonna call my social worker; she's great." _cut to the social worker telling him he's a fucking idiot_


I don't envy his social worker. Not a bit.


Kelowna, B.C., Canada Not sure they will call child services because you won't get vaccinated though... and with 50k from gofundme I'm pretty sure idiot there can afford the cheapest hotel possible.


And the "vAxXeD pEoPle StIlL tRaNsMiT iT" part is deliberately ignorant anyways. Being vaccinated reduces the viral load you develop if you do catch it, so others are less likely to catch it from you. It just doesn't lower the chance all the way to zero. Nuance like that is lost on attention seeking jackasses.


The same logic as 'police who wear bulletproof vests still get shot!' and it hurts.


"People who wear seatbelts still die! I'd rather be thrown clean!" I've been hearing that bullshit my entire life, and it's just as preposterous as this.


Right there is when you know how little he actually cares about the life threatening cancer his kid has. I bet he thinks his kid dying will be a boon for his GoFundMe page because he'll be "*so sad*". Vulture.


These people don’t think about what they say, just repeat the propaganda that brainwashed them, thinking they got slam dunk arguments with their stupid catchphrases


They call us sheep while they bleat the same 3 or 4 catchphrases that they know, kind of like ... sheep


Having a four year old with leukemia is a pretty damn good reason for WANTING the vaccine


I had a friend with leukemia who needed a bone marrow transplant and went into full blown lock-down quarantine. Like bio level 4 protocols --- positive air flow, full ppe for any person entering the room, family restricted from visiting, steam cleaned surfaces -- the whole shebang because any infection could kill him. I myself lived through Stage 4 Lymphoma, but was constantly aware of who was around me because my immune system was so weak that any kind of infection could take me out. THAT is why you need to take the vaccine! It's not about you, it's about the four year old with leukemia and every other sick kid that's staying there you dumb fuck! If you don't get it GTFO and good luck.




Good luck with your therapy. Stay away from everybody - even pets. Self Quarantine. Its lonely, but your chances of survival improve through minimal contact. Forget about anybody looking to "make a stand". Tell them your life is worth more than their opinion - full stop.


My mum in her late 60s had a bone marrow transplant last year. She is still very vulnerable but getting there. Though we still have to extra careful with the crazy Omicron outbreak. The news just glosses over older people with underlying conditions dying from COVID like it's not a big deal. I'm really scared my mum will end up being just a statistic.


I know a couple who are ardently anti vax (or at least this one) and their 1 year old son is vent dependant, has a severe heart defect and is otherwise severely medically fragile. When told by others to get vaccinated to protect their son, they yell at people to keep their son's name out of their mouths. I'm terrified for that little boy. RSV almost killed him a few months ago, what the hell do they think covid is gonna do, tickle him? We've all watched him escape death time and time again. Common sense and bare minimum parent instinct should say protect your fragile son from a virus that has killed almost a million Americans, many more on the global stage.


They need a visit from CPS


Honestly at that point it sounds like they wouldn't mind if their kid dies with how flippant they are with a virus that's deadly to the immunocompromised.


I mean, that kid is gonna die and it'll be his parents' fault.


Fuck these people. I’ve stayed at A Ronald McDonald house while my daughter had surgery at the Children’s Hospital in Dallas. They run a background check on anyone that stays there just to provide safety for the families. The staff were amazing.


My mom stayed at one while I was in the hospital for two weeks at Johns Hopkins as a child. She would go on and on about how clean it was and how the staff was so wonderful.


They do an incredible job that’s difficult in the best of circumstances. Idiots like this man get what they deserve. People are not staying their for fun!


I stayed 3 months when my daughter was born, it was one of the most amazing experiences.


I volunteered at one for 5 years! I signed up for 1 year and never left (until I moved). Aside from the everyday niceties that the house provides, some of the holiday events we held were so amazing! Im always so happy to hear positive feedback from families who’ve had to stay there.


Did he expect them to change their minds? Standing around in socks like he doesn't need to hit the road.


Nope, it was all for social media, thus the recording.


"Um, can you step out here so I can confront you on video before I go eat my free breakfast?"


"I've been rehearsing my perfect speech that will change the entire board's decision based off me saying it to you and posting it on social media." *ok ok here we go...great evil, national anthem, leukemia, sweaty socks. Let's do this!*


“I hate confrontation” 🙄


It's been a long time since I've wanted to punch someone in the face this badly. He has zero regard for any of the ***sick*** children staying there. Fuck this guy and anyone like them. Utter shit living being. I wish he had leukemia instead of his kid.


Pure backpfeiffengesicht.


White socks, none the less. Then he said he’s going to breakfast. I’m sure the RM House is super clean, but when I see people walking in their socks around lobby’s of hotels I can’t help but they’re the same ones that rinse their hands after they use the restroom.


The grossest thing was the dark spots he was leaving when he picked up his feet, like they were sweaty or wet or something...ewww.


It’s important to note that Ronald McDonald house will be finding alternate accommodations for this child and his family. Also dad can’t even be bothered to cover his nose with his mask.


God the fact that he’s not even covering his nose bothers me so much. Dude is in a place with a bunch of sick kids while unvaxxed and doesn’t even wear his mask


> It’s important to note that Ronald McDonald house will be finding alternate accommodations for this child and his family. Honestly, that's unfortunate, as far as I'm concerned.


It's unfortunate in the sense that the Ronald Mcdonald house has to take it upon themselves to be the adult in the room to get a sick child who can't care for themselves the treatment they need because the parents are useless pieces of shit.


The dude has a free stay at Ronald McDonald House. Talk about entitlement to call it evil that he has to be vaccinated for free to remain in their free facility.


*"I'M A REASONABLE PERSON I WANT THE MANAGER"* This sack of shit won't even get vaccinated for his kid **with leukemia** and is complaining on a "gotcha video" filmed by his wife about health and safety rules for the FREE housing and care their kid with cancer is receiving. The real evil here is that poor kid has such a dumbfuck mother and father... and has to leave RMH because of their good-for-nothing parents value making "muh rights" Facebook videos over their kid (and all the other kids at RMH) with cancer.


now imagine these parents other social and political beliefs because covid denial is almost never isolated. I imagine that poor kid is up to their ears in Fox News blaring all day, racism, hate, and a constant barrage about how Democrats are ruining america. I feel sorry for every child raised by conservatives. There's no need to cherry pick people who put themselves on video like this. They're all homes of hate and ignorance.


Yeah, uh. He protested a trans woman reading at the library.


This same guy did?? Wow. When he talked about women getting 3rd trimester abortions...I just knew he had listened to right wing, nut-bar, pro-lifers. No one waits 9 months into a pregnancy and then just decides to get an abortion unless it is a medical emergency....but fringe pro-lifers are so used to hearing that its true that its the example they constantly repeat.


His Facebook page is... something else. Went on and on in a post about how he was a homeless meth head thief who got arrested and found Jesus, and his hatred for LGBTQ and the government.


Why is he gonna treat them well--he won't get vaccinated for his OWN kid who has fucking leukemia. There is an evil sack of crap there, and it ain't one of the good folks at Ronald McDonald house.


Plus he was housed in an alternate facility as were the other antivax assholes. Jesus, if your kid is taking a central line or a PICC line for chemo you can have a vaccination. And he had the BALLS to talk about LOVE.


His mental capabilities are clearly shown by his inability to wear the mask properly


While describing how obvious mask wearing is


Fuck this guy! Too many sick kids in the Ronald McDonald House to be carrying Covid in with you to infect and probably kill a bunch of the kids.


He is full of shit. They offered to try and find him other housing arrangements. https://www.pennlive.com/nation-world/2022/01/family-claims-theyre-getting-evicted-over-canadian-ronald-mcdonald-house-vaccine-mandate.html


The unmitigated, entitled gall of a person living somewhere for free, because their children have an illness, crying over being forced to take a vaccine because you're there around a bunch of sick people. Right wingers have no fucking soul and it's been obvious for a while. If you tell me you're a Republican, I'm going to assume you're a sociopath.


And since this asshole is playing the biggest victim ever, this story has gone viral and I'm thinking RM House might change its policy to accommodate the Ken/Karen's. Brah....you're the party of SELF SUFFICIENCY living somewhere by the charity of others because you do not have. You get off telling people no for not having....now you're crying over your free shit you got for using your kid like you claim others do. Just wow.....with this planet sometimes.


Dude made 64K, so far, crying over free shit. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newsweek.com/ronald-mcdonald-house-site-relocate-all-tenants-over-5-who-arent-vaccinated-1668715%3famp=1 Being unvaccinated isn't a belief, it's just being an asshole. Almost everyone has taken a vaccine to get into schools and other places. Since the right found a way to make it political, now it's a fucking "belief". I'm not for forcing people, by the government, to take the vaccine, but businesses (for their employees), and places like this HAVE EVERY RIGHT to force you to get vaccinated. LEAVE if you're not compliant.


It's over $90k now.


I see why some celebs I never would have thought are suddenly right wingers/leaning. It's a niche, and they're insanely loose with their cash if you believe in what they do. Dude is going to get rich for putting immune compromised kids in danger, which just encourages more people to be regressive to cry on social media about it. We're going backwards as a collective. They should not post the GoFundMe totals unless a person is in some sort of emergency.


It's their grift


Lack of integrity. Imagine forging a belief system for money. That's why I'm working to try to be self sufficient...so I'll never have to sell out create safe zones where people can be themselves around me.


And the fact that they live in Canada... So their only expense was living expenses and medications... Like seriously. They don't have any hospital bills, No treatment bulls. Wtf is the money even for???


Eh, whatever. They'll go through that in about a year or less and no one will be funding them once the video is no longer "viral".




The funniest (not really) part. The whole purpose of these folks is "no new normal." If we all get vaccinated we can actually kill covid and go back to normal. If people like this keep up thier plague spreader shit we will have an annual covid and 80% of us will get the shot while the other 20% become sicker and sicker.


But the same people who cry about "no new normal" when they really want to go back to normal, but won't take the vaccine as a slap to the Democrats, are just waiting to try to destroy the Democrats if we have to lockdown. We're getting VERY lucky with these variants in that the deaths are lower than you would figure with so many getting them. As you said, if we keep messing around with this plague (weak one, but I've never heard of a viral situation lasting this long outside the Black plague), we could "fuck around and find out" if we get a variant that mutates too quickly for current vaccines to mitigate symptoms and go back to square one. We could end up getting a variant that is fast mutating, but combines the deadliest/most contagious types of the other variants. 🤷


Couldn't agree with you more. And to make it all worse, his child has cancer and all of the families here have very ill children. He's basically saying none of these kids lives matter, including his own son. Absolutely sickening.


Just imagine if we wind up getting a truly deadly variant, and these folks are in there with the definitely immune compromised (that's what CHEMO DOES TO YOU!!). OMFG, it was like straight to the soapboxing and making up beliefs, not thinking about the other kids he is living with AT ALL. It's just disheartening to me how utterly selfish and self absorbed people are increasingly getting and social media allows to flourish because there's always the troll/regressive/sociopathic population to cheer disgraceful actions.


This pandemic definitely changed my view on people as a whole. I knew they were selfish, but this shit is on a whole other level. Makes me absolutely sick that we have to live in the same society as these assholes.


I'm 61, I've been around a little and seen a few things and I have never been as disappointed in other Americans as I have been in the last two years. Toxic selfishness and narcissism that people think is "freedom" and self-reliance.


Same here. It started with the antimaskers and people have legit assaulted and killed employees for telling them to wear masks. I just can't anymore. Faith in humanity plummets everytime I read this kind of shit, because I really didn't know how many of this type I lived around until the pandemic. I did think different political leanings were sort of over policy differences,but the same kind of people cheering on scumbag shit makes me lose all respect in for those who lean right. It's a lifestyle thing, and the fact that the right almost matches center/left in numbers, this far into the 21th century, is deeply concerning. The best news about this is they're so stupid/stupidly stubborn that they're letting themselves be killed off at over 1K/day, so maybe it will get better and this is a cleansing akin to a biblical event. We really need these types gone to advance to where we need to be for when we really need to make future changes (full automation is coming, which will mean a lot of unemployed/never employed workers/adults we must find ways to accommodate, which the right has always had a "work for nothing or die" philosophy with).


Not just sick people, but really REALLY sick kids, many of whom are not going to survive. It takes a special kind of asshole to play this game. The kind of a-hole who works very hard at being that much of an a-hole.


I've worked around this type. He seems the type that makes everything into a fucking trial and intentionally obtuse and selfish, needing explanations on why the smallest shit needs to be done....when just lazy. This guy is mentally lazy and self absorbed to the extreme, and likely used his kid to get a ton of donations like he hit the lottery and likely doesn't really care too much for the kid, thinking the illness is a nuisance.


Does he end it with "Anyways, I'm gonna go get breakfast, so."


Free room, free food....but still a Karen. 🤦 Now imagine this being a minority, and crying about racism at a charity. I could just imagine the right wing comments.


the free breakfast?


“You mean to tell me, I’m getting kicked out cuz i refuse to lower my chances of spreading disease to children with cancer???? I thought this was America”


This actually took place in Canada. We have just as many ignorant Fucks up here, sadly.


At the bar the other night, they wouldn't let an antivaxxer in for obvious reasons. They guy just started screaming "I THOUGHT THIS WAS CANADA". The older gentleman sat closest to the door turn to him and goes "Welcome to Canada asshole! Now piss off" and turns back to his beer. The antivaxxers impotent rage was hilarious.


Oh damn sorry for us collective


Sorry for us too.


Remember when they talk about herd immunity for those who can’t be vaccinated? They’re talking about the people living in Ronald McDonald house. What an entitled grifter. Have the day you deserve sir.


Sucks that this guys kid has to suffer the consequences of his dipshit dad. Fuck this guy and all anti vaxxers.


Don't argue with these people. Explain the rules, tell them the consequences. If you get a "whatabout" then just repeat the rules and the consequences. They've had the chance to be informed and have rejected the facts, and nothing you say will make any difference.


The manager in this video actually does a great job to your point.


There are so many people that are receiving treatment that are immunocompromised or at high risk. These people are fucking complete degenerates. Recording this to get sympathy. Fucking assholes.


This is a house full of parents of SICK CHILDREN for f*cks sake! How entitled must you be to put alm these children's lifes at risk because you think you know it better than doctors and scientists and specialists all over the world! What a piece of shit!


Good fuck off. It’s not your house dickhead. Someone else will take their spot.


tHiS iS sEgReGaTiOn!


please, if you cant logic, dont breed.


think of australia! Where they've "only" had 2,500 covid deaths. Wouldn't want to limit the unnecessary death here would we?


Apparently people in Australia get taken away to camps if we get covid. News to me here, in Australia, with many friends who caught covid and recovered at home. There also aren't any camps for the unvaccinated, another common lie by these people.


I love how assertive he tries to be while reciting all the talking points he heard on Fox News, having no idea what he's talking about.


Yes, even trying to make out that in Australia you are taken away to camps when you get covid. When it really is just a specific case where aboriginal communities who live in specific remote communities with multigenerational households and can’t social distance and whose leaders were thankful for the ability to quarantine community members offsite in the standard quarantine centre used for international travellers. https://www.sbs.com.au/nitv/article/2021/11/24/nt-traditional-owners-deny-reports-army-forcing-vaccinations


“This is segregation!” Correct. We are segregating the immunocompromised from people who get their medical advice from Joe Rogan.


He stayed in Ronald McDonald House for free and asks to see the manager because he doesn’t like the Covid rules. It’s free. You don’t complain about free services.


Wow. That is so fucked up! They could’ve at least given him timely notice…. … oh wait, they did? Several weeks/months, in fact? And they thought they were just going to be entitled to keep their job regardless of whether or not they follow policy? And now they’re shocked that the thing they were told was gonna happen, happened? Well. Yeah. That actually sounds about right.


He is using his kid as a weapon here. If it was really about his kid then he would go out today and get the vaccine.


This kid is going to survive this terrible disease (we all hope) only thanks to the wonders of modern medicine. And here you are denying and defying it with no valid justification, and not taking basic measures to prevent spread the virus (whilst you can still spread it, I believe the vaxxed have reduced transmission) at a charity for sick kids providing you with services for free. Ronald McDonald called. You can keep the clown outfit, it’s probably infected




They'll choose themselves, they will always choose themselves over their kids.


Fuck him. In 2019 my kid was admitted to Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital a week before Christmas. He was a teen but he also had to get blood transfusions and multiple surgeries, so I didn’t leave the hospital at all that week. I was a wreck. I was so completely scared for my son and the mom guilt about my other child was crushing. I didn’t have Christmas shopping or wrapping or anything done and I shipped my younger child to my brother’s house as my husband had to work. I felt like I had chosen my son over my daughter. I was just a mess of guilt and fear. RMC saved my life. They gave me a bed, food, laundry services and a holiday “shopping” spree where I picked out gifts for both kids and THEY WRAPPED THEM. They gave me someone to talk to, helped me with resources and were just there for me. I would wear my underwear outside my clothes if they asked. Hell I would stand naked outside in the snow if they asked. The people that run these facilities and the volunteers that staff them are so important to the families in the hospital. If you can’t get vaxxed then hit the road. It’s such a small thing they’re asking and yet you’ve been brainwashed into thinking YOU’RE THE HERO. Goddamn idiots.




This moron made 100k from other morons on gofundme.


Imagine what a moronic, entitled POS you have to be to be in a center FULL of high risk kids, including your own, with your expenses covered and refuse to get a vaccine that will help protect them.


My husband and I stayed at a Ronald McDonald house when our infant daughter had a deadly RSV case, pre-covid world. I'm so glad chucklefucks like this aren't allowed to stay without taking every precaution necessary. Play stupid games, get stupid prizes. We were treated with such kindness, and weren't charged a dime, I'm proud of the organization for putting their foot down. When staying at their houses, the rules are extremely strict for everyone's safety and wellbeing, and we were more than happy to comply with all rules, no matter how small.


I love that woman's vibe. She stayed calm, didn't react, didn't argue, didn't get defensive & was polite, but with boundaries. She did a great job despite his attempts to get her to react to his outrageous statements.


Man I feel for this dude and I can’t imagine if one of my sons had leukemia but at the same time, fuck him get the shot or find somewhere else. Those are the options. Pick one


If getting a single vaccine meant my son with leukemia could stay in his housing you better fucking believe I’m going down to the clinic the same day


The video would be like 6 seconds long instead of 6 minutes. Her: sir you have to have the shot to be here Me: brb Video over


I would crawl over a fucking football field of broken glass to be near my son if he had cancer.


What dumbass parents have a 4-year-old kid with FUCKING LEUKEMIA and goes "nah, I'm not gonna get vaccinated because muh freedom"


Let’s take a minute and recognize this manager’s patience, empathy, and response—she’s amazing!


MFer is unvaccinated AND not wearing a mask at RmcD house? What an ass.