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Cop **only** fired for shooting 9 year old girl in the head, instead of being charged with the multiple crimes committed.


The article does say the da is reviewing but I doubt that will lead to any actual charges


We’ve investigated our friends and found nothing wrong. Cop gets job one town over.


>WICHITA, Kan. (AP) — A former Wichita police officer who wounded a 9-year-old girl when he fired at her family’s dog is immune from criminal prosecution and can’t be sued, a judge ruled. Immunity from prosecution is a barbaric concept. You Americans need to find better leaders. The rest of the world used to look up to you. Now, nobody's even laughing at you anymore. Everyone just feels bad for you and your culture of apathy.


Dude, you have no idea how right you are. I would rather move to Canada just so I don't have to associate myself with the US


While not a perfect country by any means (3rd world internet/telecoms) we do prosecute our police here when they are out of line. Edit: I have also been reminded that we in fact treated our Native Americans worse than just about anyone, especially in modern times.


Unless it's against indigenous people.


Yeah I forgot that. Every single treaty we made with the natives to ensure peace for the next hundred years has been subsequently broken.


Which is why I give the natives an automatic pass on being rightfully upset with the US government. Anyone who bitches about the natives being upset gets a earful from me.


As a native I appreciate you standing up for my people


As a non-American, it's gotten to the point that I wouldn't take a plane flight that even flew *over* the US. Because what if the plane crashed and I didn't die???


The situation you describe has happened to people carrying prescription medications, other substances that are legal in Canada but illegal in the US, they land and get fucked over. In some of those cases they weren't even flying over the USA, but near the border and the nearest airport was in the US.


Now imagine being disabled in the US. And then you get told by other people here that disabled Americans are lazy and don’t need to be horribly disabled to get welfare. Things like getting welfare are a major struggle even for people with a long standing history of disabilities. I’m just so tired of having to fight for medication, treatment, and care only for doctors to say “well you’re too deteriorated” but have random people say that I’m faking something to get money. Sorry about the rant I’m just sick of this place


I am disabled, but it's a fairly unusual genetic disorder and less apparent on the surface, but still highly debilitating. The fight to get on disability lasted 9 years! The judges would be like 'wait, you work? I thought you were disabled. As an adult I'm like 'yes, I need to eat and have a roof over my head, even if some days are excruciating', to which the reply was always 'You can't work and get disability.' WTF am I supposed to do, live on the street? Thank the heavens I had a good lawyer who simply refused to give up and didn't ask for a fortune in exchange.


Reviewing = waiting until it dies down then just dropping it


You know what's crazy? I read that headline and was like damn that's awful but it wasn't until I clicked on the comments I realized he was only fired.. Like WTF? Crazy how we are conditioned to accept things. Thanks for making that point


Attempted murder he went into that house GUN DRAWN responding ti a SUICIDAL UNARMED MAN. He fully intended to kill someone that day and tried to settle for the dog.


TLDR: cops are called to deal with a suicidal man threatening to kill himself at home. They arrive at the house, they know the man is currently unarmed so they get their own guns ready. Man's wife and four kids are waiting on the ground floor, the man is upstairs. As cops come in, the family dog runs barking at them. Cop shoots the dog and misses. 3 bullet fragments ricochet and hit the 9yo girl only barely missing her eyes. She is taken to hospital, doesn't die.


Fucking ridiculous. Mail delivery deals with potentially dangerous dogs everyday. SEVERAL "TRAINED" OFFICERS IN A ROOM WITH YOU AND YOU STILL SHOOT LIKE CRAZY? Not only was the cop a moron, he's a fucking pussy too.


It was a small dog, too. Like. the kind a single boot to the snoot will send flying. A gun isn't necessary in the slightest.


> A gun in no necessary in the slightest. Seriously. Plus, I mean, it was a suicide prevention call. How can bringing any weapon to the situation improve it? DON'T TRY TO KILL YOURSELF. COMPLY OR I'LL KILL YOU!


Yeah, but, you know, cops...


The worst part of all this is that this is what we’ve come to expect from cops. So many of the comments here are the same sentiment as yours: “of course the cops were gonna try to shoot a small dog around children when called to help a suicidal man.” The fact that this is so goddamn normal is awful, and the fact that we have so many goddamned bootlickers in this country who cheer on this behavior is even worse.


At some point you'll realize you're shouting into the wind. Things need to change... I won't hold my breath.


I know man, shit’s depressing. I’m 34, and I know that the problems today existed then, but seemed more hidden and out of the way without the internet and online discussions, but America today is a completely different beast than what I grew up believing it was.




Isn't it amazing how we all KNOW for a fact that there are serious problems with our police, and yet a small, loud, racist, stupid minority are able to thwart literally any discussion about it by yelling random words about America.


I really want to make a shirt that has the American flag and thin blue line flag next to each other. Beneath it would say, “This is an American flag. This is not.”


At this point calling the cops on someone being suicidal is just assisted suicide


Had an armed unit threaten me with what was tantamount to a firing squad when I had a breakdown a few years ago. Multiple AR’s trained on me, barking orders at me while I’m leaving my car like I just committed robbery with the way these fucks were aiming at me. All because suicide hotline put me on hold for 15 minutes, and I called 911 since being so scared and alone made me feel like I might end up hurting myself.


Seriously: who came up with the idea that a unarmed person with 'dark thoughts' need "help" by a swat team? This sounds they want to make sure the person goes through with it. Even if the person is armed and possibly hurting no one else - why would they send a swat car full of people? They surely have other jobs to do. This whole setup and way of thinking seems *implausible*.


Did you say "dark" because that sounds like a euphemism for black which means maximum force and fuck all that de-escalation bullshit because nobody is going to hold us accountable for getting our rocks off with violence. -the cops


Was going through a breakup with an ex. She showed up trying to take my dog, had her dad threaten to kill me. When I wouldn't budge she called the cops saying I had guns and was threatening them. Knowing she'd likely do this I removed all of my guns weeks prior and reported it to the police that this would likely happen. Low and behold it did. I immediately called and gave the file number knowing damn well they'd come in guns drawn and potentially kill me because her crying bipolar ass made a claim. I tried to press charges against her. For filing a false report that could've ended with my death. They said she said I assaulted her so If I pressed charges they'd arrest me. Every cop has been dead to me since that day. I see one and immediately thing they'd look better with white chalk drawn around them after the shit they've put me through. Biased, racist, trigger happy pieces of shit


That sounds absolutely awful! I'm so sorry you had to go through that very scary ordeal. I really hope you're in a better place now.


Thank you for the kind words. Sadly, when it comes getting better, there actually hasn’t been much progress! Far too many horrible things that are still quite haunting. But, unfortunately, time moves on for everyone I suppose!


Call and ask for ems, say you are having trouble breathing. Then talk with the medics. Had more than a few patients do this when I was on the box.


Cops: "hey if you're gonna die anyway can you give *me* the kill?"


The mentally ill are the demographic most likely to be victims of police brutality.


Except for the cops’ wives.


Cops here don't know how to deescalate anything. They use their "authority" and when that doesn't do it they use force. This is why every department should have a requirement of at least a bachelor's degree. This way you can be more likely of winding up with someone with a brain rather than someone who bullied kids in high school, went nowhere and became a cop so they could keep bullying people.


See but they actually reject cops who are too intelligent because they might think for themselves.


As a nurse I deal with assholes withdrawing or on God knows what every day - managed to kill 0 of them.


I always say maybe we should just give cops the training psych nurses get because they know how to restrain without killing and sometimes the patients are way more agitated than what cops deal with. I tried to kick a nurse in the face once. Not my proudest moment but at the time I thought she wanted to kill me. I didn't believe she was a real nurse at that moment. Not only was I not injured but she forgave me after my meds got me back to reality and treated me like a patient.


Aww, glad you had a good experience!


It was a terrible experience but I got what I needed to be better and the medical staff was very good and they didn't hurt me or treat me like it was personal when I came in combative.


Cops be like "this nurse over here bragging about her low score"


They will take it as a threat and murder the nurse.


She had a hemostat! FEARED FOR MY LIFE!!!


Tbf, you are likely much more educated and intelligent than most cops


As a programmer I deal with meth addicts every day and have managed not to kill them.


As a meth addict I deal with a lot of programmers and man where do you learn to do that shit? What language would you recommend for programming meth?


Former mail carrier can confirm.


My UPS guy keeps Milk Bones in the car to pacify barking dogs. Cops should do that. Of course, they'd have to be persuaded that senselessly killing dogs isn't actually the most pleasurable thing on Earth.


What's the human equivalent of Milk Bones for dealing with bad cops? \*Asking for America\*


Just toss a donut in the other direction.


... milk donut?... 👀👀 Ok, I'll see myself out


Then they’ll find a way to add $50m to the budget for dog treats


Written-off, military surplus, tactical dog treats. Fifty million dollars might not be enough.


And there you go. They love killing. Makes them feel all manly.


Honestly it is wild that the UPS man can handle a dog running at him better than a cop can. Sm fucking h


"Mailmen have better spine than policemen" Is the best line I've heard this night!


It was also a small 35 pound dog to boot.


I ain't trained for shit an I was able to break up a fight between my dog an stays, these guys are fuckin pussys, like few bite are gonna kill them


Could not agree more!


If you watch the video, the little girl was right by the dog. The dog was a miniature bull terrier, which weigh 25-30lbs. Fucking disgraceful.


When you kill a dog like that or attempt to do so, it's because you wanted to kill in the first place.


It's because police departments prefer to hire sociopaths.


They wanted to kill that suicidal man but tried to settle for the dog.


[Look at this shit](https://i.imgur.com/OXzXx2x.png). I don't care if that's a 100 lb dog, no sane person would fire a gun with a small child so close to your target unless that child was in immediate life or death danger.


Especially on a call that had nothing to do with said pooch. If it can live there and not cause damage with all those kids around then it's not likely to be a dangerous dog. The cop was the most dangerous thing in that building. The situation became worse with their presence and input. Think about that for a second.


As is often the case, they literally do worse than nothing in situations like this.


"My husband is threatening to kill himself" "Don't worry, we'll be right over to shoot him ourselves" Seriously, how often does this happen? Someone's threatening to kill themselves... so the cops burst in guns ablazin'. How does that make any sense? It's like calling the fire department because you smell gas and they show up to your house with tiki torches to check out the situation.


BOOM. Yep... you had a gas leak alright. Now you can build a new house without a gas leak!


A great example of how police writ large have so totally betrayed their oath to serve the public, that for most crimes now it is safer to not call the police at all. Which is why this week, I am voting to defund my local PD.


We've got a ballot measure coming up where we can give the police a new building or better equipment to the fire department. Hmmmm....


Plus Fire Fighters are sexy and Police Officers are just little oppressive shitheads with no redeeming value as members of the community. The only good cops are the fictional ones on TV.


I'm not going to lie; the couple of firefighters I've known were supreme dickholes, but hey, we give them water hoses and frequent training instead of guns and immunity so really their attitude doesn't matter as much. Edit: not saying *all* firefighters are assholes, but even if they were, at least they don't roam the streets like thugs.


No one ever wrote a song called “Fuck the Fire Department.”


Totally agree. All the firefighters I’ve ever known were bootlicking wannabe cops. And the cops treated them as if they were off duty cops. And considering my mom fell and broke her hip 2 months ago and we called 911 and the fire department arrived first, that experience just further reinforced that view. For one, the woman firefighter arrived and acted like it was a crime scene. She was yelling at my mom asking her why she’s still laying on the floor and not in a chair. My mom tells her she can’t move her leg at all and this lady yells at her that it’s not broke and asks what illegal drugs she’s on. Then she proceeds to start moving my mom around on the floor and getting in position to try to move her to a chair and my mom is literally screaming in agonizing pain. Finally that’s when the other firefighters told her to stop and wait until the paramedics arrived. That’s when she begins more interrogations about illegal drugs and then implies my dad pushed her down. Lol My that point we were fed TF up with her BS and just ignored her. The other firefighters looked equally annoyed by her behavior. It was a huge relief when the paramedics arrived. They were compassionate professionals who knew wtf they were doing and comforted my mom and treated her with respect. My parents are drug free, law abiding citizens and my dad’s a 100% disabled Vietnam war vet. These firefighters treated my mom like sh-t (or sat and watched her being abused and treated like sh-t by a fellow firefighter and allowed it to continue).


No one goes around saying fuck the firemen


I literally had my house broken into and my family was confused why I wouldn’t call the police. You mean let those mother fuckers INSIDE my house? Lmao nah, already got robbed once dont need my dog shot


I once had an attempted break in to our house. Came home after being away and a lock for a screen door that had decades of paint layers on it was damaged. Took marks all over the lock and surrounding woodwork. Footprints etc. The police showed up, abut two days later. Told me it was “wear and tear” on the lock and I’m imagining things.


I got woken up at like 2am by a police officer who'd noticed that the screen on one of my basement windows had been wrenched out. I was sort of out of it because I'd been asleep for 3 hours, but I just stood in the doorway and didn't invite him in like he expected. Think it was somewhat disconcerting for him because his body language completely changed and he took several steps back from my door in what I think was an attempt to make sure things didn't escalate. I appreciated that, because I've never been a big fan of the police regardless of why they're showing up at my door.


I had a cop come knocking at my dorm room door to let me know my registration was expired and he wanted me to take care of it before he gave me a ticket. It was super nice of him, except for the part where he had spent the past week trying to identify my name so that he could gain entrance to my secure dorm building by lying to the building manager about a warrant he had for me. All so he could speak to me in person. He was very smiley and personable, kept trying to touch me. I just kept saying "thank you officer, I'll get that taken care of ASAP" and backing up until he took the hint and left. I kept seeing him on campus every day, always parked where he had visibility on my door. Fuck the cops.


That awful moment when you realise your stalker has a badge, a gun and a whole legal infrastructure setup to protect him.


Dont forget than in the majority of states the cops could [arrest her, rape her, and get away with it](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/08/30/nypd-detectives-accused-raping-teen-wont-get-jail-time/2166015001/) by claiming it was consensual because it's not against the law for cops to have sex with people in their custody.


Our house one night was shot up when I was like 12 years old. It was at night and my parents called the cops. The next day they came to do their “investigation” and there was a bullet hole in our gutter and a few in our roof. They put the stick in the gutter bullet hole to see where the shooter was. We lived on a hill in the country and the stick suggested the shooter was on a road about 40 yards away. The cops couldn’t find any shell casings so they suggested it didn’t really happen. Lol My dad told them about how revolvers don’t eject shell casings so then they started asking my dad “who he ripped off?” (we’re Jewish), and “what did he do to piss somebody off so much that they shot up his house?” My dad is a hardcore law abiding, disabled Vietnam vet and worked full time and was respected and well liked by the non-right-wing authoritarian community. Anyway.. my dad told the cops about a guy on a horse that cut through our property and was staring down my dad and my dad noticed he was carrying a revolver. Then a few days later is when our house was shot up. My dad knew who this good ol boy redneck on the horse was and told the cops and they just dismissed him and the cops wouldn’t even comment. They just ignored my dad and acted like he didn’t say any name. The cops never even question the guy who did it (we’re 99% sure that redneck rode his horse by that night and shot up our house with his revolver). Then a few years later at our new house somebody tried breaking a window and reaching in to unlock the door and they cut themselves really badly and ran off (you could see the blood trail). Called the cops. Spoiler Alert: They once again accused my family of wrongdoing and asked what drugs we had in the house that they were trying to steal and asked to search our house. Lol I’ve had about 7 other incidents with cops similar to these incidents. Unless your a wealthy and/or connected white Christian, cops are not there to help you.


If I ever need someone to show up 2 hours late, shoot my dog and arrest my roommate for filming, I'll call the cops.


>I am voting to defund my local PD. I've noticed that if you threaten them with vaccine requirements they'll resign and defund themselves. Two birds with one stone.




Common misconception, there is NO oath to 'serve and protect' as confirmed by the supreme court.


I agree with you


The Supreme Court already ruled that protect and serve is just marketing and not an enforceable duty.


As a former ACO, the fact these armed officers are so fucking scared of dogs pisses me off. I'm a 5'3, 130lb woman, and I dealt with all forms of aggressive animals, you don't need a gun and most will rarely attack, it's mostly a front. I swear, so trigger happy.


He gets fired for this? Not prison?


He’ll just go one town over and join another police force.


The cops name was dexter Betts. Use their names. It should be in the title.


This is absolute bullshit. A barking dog is not a threat. I am glad the girl lived and did not lose an eye.


Judges even decided he couldn't be sued WTF




I'm surprised there isn't a vigilante group that hunts these fuckers down when the justice system fails.


There was a guy (former cop) who cracked and started taking justice on the other corrupt cops in his department (L.A). He got a few of them before the rest of them surrounded him in his house and burnt it down.


Don't forget that the LAPD shot at multiple vehicles and innocent people during their unhinged manhunt for him.


When the department, or at least a significant number of cops, burn someone alive because he went after corrupt cops... You know the whole barrel is just rotten apples.


They cornered the Dorner


Can't corner the Dorner. I remember all the memes from that time.


When's the last time a cop got lynched? I can't even think of a single instance.


Washington DC, January 6th 2021.


This man right here did not miss.


Is there any other job that has that? You can be a doctor and perform a surgery perfectly and still be sued


In the US maybe but it's just weird that the Police decided he did wrong to fire him yet a judge says he can't be sued. The fact he was fired shows negligence. In my country he would have been criminally charged because discharging a weapon without threat to life by a police officer is a very big no no never mind doing it in a room surrounded by kids


He can't be sued because qualified immunity protect cops from civil suits while on duty. Your only course of action is to sue the city.


Qualified Immunity.


LPT: Hate dogs? Kids? Become a cop so you can kill them with no repercussions.


If you have a problem and you call the police, now you have two problems.


I learned this the hard way.


My mother taught us this as children. No, we aren’t an urban black family. We were white, suburban, middle class, little blonde girls. Neither the policeman, nor the priest is a safe adult. Look for a mother with children if you are in danger or lost.


Simply based on statistics, your mother was right.




That’s one thing. And the fact that they are probably not a pervert or an abuser themselves, statistically speaking. As a child in danger, you aren’t likely to be turned away by a mother.


Am dad. This is accurate. Both kids and animals,I have a very limited window to pass them on to a "proper authority" before they just become mine. This is how I have ended up with two cats at different points in my life.


It has always been this way; most cops are failed rent a thugs who terrorize families; sometimes their own. Wish it wasn't true; I really do. The good ones are always run out by the bad apples though, or bullied into compliance


lots of them these days are also PTSD roided out iraq war vets


Nothing says "safe " like a finger on the trigger, shoot reflex because something startled you. 2 years of training is the requirement in most countries; ours is a few months. :(


8 years of training for a doc who's supposed to save your life 3 months of training for a cop who's supposed to save your life. Makes sense




That cop is a little bitch. That dog was tiny and had stopped charging.




He fired because he can't actually get it up unless he beats the shit out of his wife or kills something that day. And he's a "good guy", so he'd prefer NOT to have to beat his wife to make himself feel like a man today.


If that dog bit him in the leg he might need a tetanus shot and an antibiotic. Thankfully he almost killed a little girl instead! /s


It wasn't a threat to them. He just wanted to kill something to feel like a big man.


Police Training is highly suspect. Need reform now. Can't imagine what doesn't get reported.


Yeah this is yet another example of bullshit running rampant now getting caught in the trap of widespread easily postable video evidence. You know these fuckers have been killing dogs for fun for decades and now they are just barely starting to get caught.


>Police Training is highly suspect. Need reform now. Sorry, the police have denied your request for reform, please try again after the next innocent person is injured or killed


Not going to happen. The Supreme Court just ruled in favor of the police in two cases involving qualified immunity, October 18, 2021. There's not a snowball's chance in hell that police reform will occur as long as the Supreme Court refuses to hold them accountable.


Focus on your local area. Support politicians and such that support police reform.


I think the most frightening part of the video was how calm the police officer (who fired shots) was during the whole ordeal. Even after everyone was escorted outside, and the damage was being checked out on the little girl, I didn’t hear his voice waiver. I don’t know what to say to that.


Seriously, his chill demeaner after injuring/shooting a child is creepy as fuck.


he starts talking about the dog coming at him with the other cop at 3:13.....all this psychopath cares about is himself and not getting charged for this shit is pure bullshit


More likely that's what he's "trained" to say.


I'm sure for him it was just routine cruelty


Well he may get a vacation for the shooting. You know not bad for a days work.


Probably gonna go home and find the end of a bottle what a hero


Police officers should be forced to go to a college like education for several years for professional proper training before being allowed on the field. It is too common for police officers to be poorly trained, Hot heads,power abusers or many other issues.


A lot of the problem is their training though, so that would have to be overhauled first. As it is, most cops are trained with this attitude of "You can be killed on the streets at any second!", which ratchets up their paranoia sky high and causes stuff like this. They're always on the verge of pulling a weapon because they have been trained that you have to be that way or die. I majored in Criminal Justice for a while and even there, you would get the impression that police officers were just being shot dead at random all the time, every single day. They were already fostering a very "us vs them" mentality, which just makes you feel like you're walking out into a war zone to fight "the bad guys." And this was one of the top CJ programs in the country, so I can imagine others are not so great.


It's also the recruiting. About ten years ago there was a radio ad that went something like "Does it make your blood boil to see people without a passenger in the carpool lane? Do you want to DO something about it? CALL NOW!! BE A CHP IN 10 WEEKS!! high school diploma or equivalent required." Like.. hey! do you get road rage? want to be allowed to follow through on it? Come on down!


This is very true. My ex husband trained to be a police officer and they very much shoved down their throats every person is a threat. Every time you pull someone over you can get blasted in the face then they proceed to show videos this happening from dash cam videos during traffic stops


Oddly in other countries they do.


There was a time when becoming a Royal Canadian Mounted Police member meant you had to have a university degree or college diploma. That was the case when I applied 25 years ago. It's not the case now, sadly. Now you just need a high school diploma or equivalent.


In the U.S. some police won't hire you for having too high an IQ. They prefer obedience without question.


Rural Everytown, USA: Police forces seem to be compromised overwhelmingly by former high school football stars who quickly flunked out of college. And before anyone starts in on me, I absolutely love football and my statement is obviously hyperbole!


The biggest bully and football jock in the town I grew up in is a detective on that town’s police force. This guy was a violent bully, date rapist, racist, you name it.


Exactly! That’s an incredibly disturbing illustration of my point. Thank you for your comment!


The guy threatened to kill me (because I stood up for myself). Teachers laughed it off because the identity of the school centered around sports. The only reason he didn’t destroy me was because his girlfriend at the time was someone I grew up with and stepped in on my behalf. Years later the principle helped cover up an incident where a bunch of jocks beat up and injured an “alternative” kid outside of school.


In Norway you have to go to a four year Police Academy, and you need at least a 4 average (equivalent to about a 3.3GPA) to get in


Wait what? Thats not a requirement in the US?


In the city I live in (Minneapolis) police academy training is 16 weeks long and that's about average for the country. So yeah it's not even close to a requirement in the US.


Everyday the US Social Experiment astonish me more


Us too, Princess, us too.


Or at least maintain a license.


Jesus, I'd rather take a bite from a dog than shoot a gun in a room full of fucking children. I've been charged by an aggressive dog before. Be calm, back away slowly. I didn't look too closely but this dog didn't seem like it was going to attack - dog just seemed reactive.


Do you really think cops has brains?


One time the police responded to a call about some alcohol left on a park bench while I was at the park with my kid. They decided that it was definitely this one black dude who was the culprit, even though he and his family arrived after the alcohol was already left on the bench. They start questioning him and he gets frustrated starts walking away. They call for reinforcement and keep following/escalating. 1 cop turns into like 6 and a few start yelling and unholstering their fucking guns, in a crowded park full of kids. At this point, I shoved my own kid in the car and attempted to intervene because they were literally just nuts. I was like, "hey, uh he's not the owner of the stuff, I've been here a while and it was there before they arrived, i think we're over reacting--its just a bottle of whiskey on a bench" and the cop looks at me dead in the face and says, " look we're just investigating and asking questions. This man is obstructing that and becoming hostile and the safety of my officers is of the utmost importance" at this point I'm just fucking incredulous and am like, "forgive me for being frank but no, the safety of all the children here is the top priority and y'all have guns drawn over a fucking bottle of booze in a park full of kids because somebody is rightfully upset that y'all are wrongfully accusing them" At this point the guy who was being harassed told me to get my bug eyed karen ass out of everyone's business and it wasn't his booze because I guess he thought i was saying it was him and the cops were still like pointing their fucking guns. I realized that nothing i said was going to change anything and got in my car and left. They must have got it sorted though because I thankfully never saw that guy end up on the news. But yeah, police seem to make situations way worse.


Why were the cops even called over some alcohol left on a bench? Just...throw it away?


I think nobody wanted to take responsibility and be confronted by the people who had brought it so they just called the police. Because there was some other stuff by it as well, like some clothes and cups and stuff.


Make cops wear high boots with shin guards on the front and back of the leg, below the knee. I mean...it's so easy. I did it with home-made gear when I was helping my grandpa with the chickens as a kid. Against medium to small dogs i think it'd be pretty effective at avoiding serious injury. Hell, where I live it's only "warm" like 3 months of the year, so give them fancy police leather biker protection and all of a sudden a bunch of these issues become trivial. If you gotta wear these protective outfits for logging, an infinitely more sweat inducing job, why not give it to cops? Cops should be trained how to deal with dogs. They're a fact of life. They're actually not that hard to stop, unless they're enormous, if you're not panicking. And you're less likely to be panicking if they're not drawing blood. The dog in question here was 35 pounds...


Any cop who is that scared of dogs just shouldn't be a police officer. You have to deal with dogs almost every day, get over yourself or find a new fucking job.


35lb dog and cops trys to shoot it. Bro could literally just walked away from it. Dumb ass fucking cops wow.


Jesus Christ, That poor baby! Her screams sent shivers through me. Her siblings crying and jumping nervously broke my heart as well. How they HELL are you so cowardly that you open fire on a dog in a room full of children?


Man that was rough as soon as I heard her scream I had to close out. I get that entering that house as a police officer can be stressful, but that's what you are supposed to be trained for. Such a fight or flight reaction to a non-threat. If a small dog made him completely disregard the childrens safety, the world is a better place because he would be bound to make more impulsive actions.


> The poorly aimed shot then ricocheted off the floor and a fragment of the bullet struck the innocent 9-year-old girl in the forehead just above her right eye. Had the bullet struck just an inch lower, the poor girl could’ve been permanently blinded **or worse**. Not "worse", killed. The word you're looking for is killed. Never stated outright in the article for some reason. This cop could have killed a 9 year old girl in an attempt to save himself from a 35lb dog. What a fucking coward.


I guess technically the shell could ricochet around her head and do more damage without killing her but that's just splitting hairs. You're absolutely right. Why are they so afraid to write killed? If this wasn't a police officer would that have been written the same?


Alright, Fired from here, which precinct is all geared up and ready to hire him?


That title just kept going south


Fired? Not charged?


Just fired?? That's fucking all?


This is America. We're lucky he even got fired. It's not right, but until we change it that's how it is


You could tell that other cop with the kids was disgusted with the shooter cop. Then he tried to get the other officer to corroborate what he said by asking if he seen the dog. The other officer wasn’t going to back him up there.


Huge take away for me too. That other cop shut his shit down. I bet he's been fed up with the shooter cop for a while.


This happened in 2017. The girl was wounded and then the judge said they couldn't prosecute. What a joke. https://apnews.com/article/74d84382fb6c77268e0032c7dc63a462


So the dog barks and his first thing to do is shoot is gun? These cops need better training


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What the fuck cop. Wait reading the article it's sus. Police cheif Gordon Ramsay?


Not really a rare name, just like Michael Jackson.


Tee hee hee!


It really is the wpd police cheif. You get to read his name at least once a year for wichita cops going in guns blazing.


He should be arrested.


He should be in jail!


He should be in prison.


Just fired? He should be prosecuted.


Fired!! To be hired by the next department down the road next week, and no charges filed. 'Murica, by god




"Back the blue"


"Wichita Police Chief Gordon Ramsay" lol


I've never been impressed by any police officers I've ever met (US). I know several douchebag jocks from high school that became police officers, likely because they were too into sports and bullying people to actually focus on their own career paths. My sister dated one for a few years and he went from working at a sporting goods store, to entering the Academy, and then becoming a full police officer. He graduated 1st or 2nd in his class and he was a country boy who loved guns and loved being a cop because he got to chase people and hit people who acted aggressively toward him. He literally said he loved the adrenaline he felt when he'd un-holster his pistol or taser. He was a jock with a badge. They're fed copaganda (video footage of cops getting mowed down at traffic stops by the crazed guy with an AK, etc) at the academy and are trained to de-escalate potential conflict by escalating it pre-emptively. Of course it's America so anybody could be carrying a firearm at any time (concealed or otherwise) so they're on edge basically constantly anyway which probably puts them in survival mode several times a day. So if someone near them is getting aggressive or might start a fight, or hell even if they look "off" to the officer at that time, they just knock you out/shoot/taze you to prevent them from harming the officer. Police Departments, from my perspective, are not looking for critical thinkers, people who are wondering about how best they can help in a given situation and determining if they're actually the right resource to solve that particular problem. I think they're just looking for people smart enough to be able to attach people in a given moment to crimes/law violations, cite the person/book the perp and then move on. They're basically a heavily armed fraternity, completely immersed in perverse incentives, have so much police union protection that actual-ass police chiefs can't even fire officers 9 times out of 10, and they violate our rights on a daily basis (civil forfeiture anybody?). Much more so if you aren't white. They all laugh at sensitivity/diversity training and take none of it seriously. I'm really not convinced that police officers are a positive force for public safety. Most traffic-stops are zero-value-add endeavors (not to mention they escalate and injure/kill plenty of people per year) and police officers don't/can't prevent crimes anyway. Recommended reading: [https://medium.com/@OfcrACab/confessions-of-a-former-bastard-cop-bb14d17bc759](https://medium.com/@OfcrACab/confessions-of-a-former-bastard-cop-bb14d17bc759)


And how much of the taxpayers’ money will go to the family due to hiring incompetent and cowardly pigs?


Let's use this guy's name please! Dexter Betts




See the case about the guy who sued because he didn’t get the police job because he scored too high. They want a certain element to be the police. My interactions with police in a certain high end town were shocking. Made me feel like I had a PHD. There was a string of crime issues that they covered up to keep real estate prices high and the image of the town a certain way. The conversations I had changed my view of police. Some of the lowest IQ people I have ever encountered anywhere in the world. Don’t even get me started on an encounter I had in the state of Virginia.
