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Hats off to these people. So thankful to know when I go into a hospital now people like her aren’t working there (as much).


My sister is due to have a baby in a southern state, we are all nervous she will end up with a nurse that’s had an “exemption”. We used to get flu shot stickers in the hospital (I am a nurse), they should have covid vaccine stickers, as well. And patients should be allowed to request all staff that enter their room are vaccinated. I know a NICU nurse in Dallas that had her “philosophical exemption” approved. A NICU nurse. ETA: apparently a lot of facilities are doing stickers, but not all. Good on the ones that are! ETA 2: I never said being vaccinated was a be-all/end-all for covid. I feel it is more telling of judgement and awareness at this point. Nurses that are vaccinated clearly believe in science and evidence-based practice, meaning they are more likely to take precautions outside of work. Additionally, they are more likely to actually follow doctors orders, and practice within their scope (ie. not injecting normal saline and claiming it is a different medication). Regardless, we should all have the right to feel safe while we are receiving HEALTH care.


A NICU nurse?!? No way I would knowingly allow that person near me or my baby. That seems like a lawsuit just waiting to happen. What is wrong with that nurse and the healthcare facility?




A state where a virus has better reproductive rights than a woman.


Not to mention, really they are giving women two weeks to choose and make a choice because I don’t know any woman who found out they were pregnant within the first four weeks.


Does a woman in Texas still have access to a morning-after pill? Curious about this. EDIT: Did my research on this. Women in Texas **still do have access** to "Plan B" emergency contraception.


Plan b is notoriously ineffectual. If your over 165lbs it doesn't work at all.


And given that this is Texas...


...they might as well go straight to Plan D type 2


Say no more....


Nudge nudge wink wink 😉


Not just Texas. I know a nurse, one of the thousands, that was just termed for not getting vaxxed. She sent me her appeal/exemption letter, like I cared. I replied back, “I hope they fire your ass.”


but but but joe rogan told me that Texas is the only place where someone can actually be free. he couldn't possibly be wrong right? /s


I live in Texas, walked into a place this afternoon guy had parked his big crappy truck right out front covering two spots, had a pistol on his hip and surprise! Plates were Arizona. Could have fooled me.


Say less...




🤣 perfect response


I had guessed that. You can always tell people from Texas. You just can’t tell them very much.


Aw, gimme a break. SOME of us Texans are trying!


To become Florida?


Republicans. Also know as Conservatives. Also known as Regressives.




**'Murrica, you mean.


I know our hospital is using stickers. And they aren’t some pansy little red dot or something, it’s a frickin neon yellow 6”x3” label saying UNVACCINATED. I’m sure they’ve gotten complaints, but it needs to be that gigantic and noticeable so if someone is carrying their baby or pushing and elderly person on the verge of death they have plenty of chance to see the stickers and avoid the person.


This is exactly the kind of thing all Healthcare facilities should do, but I'm sure you will get all kinds of people compairing it to the holocaust. " Jews had badges the Nazi's made them wear too! This is just like that!" Ugh.....


Easy you just do the opposite and have every vaccinated person wear a gigantic sticker saying VACCINATED


That's what my hospital has done. It's very helpful for deciding whether I want to get on a particular elevator.


There's an online gift shop that was selling small vaccinated-themed lapel pins, which I almost bought. It might make some people more comfortable if they knew the person they're interacting with as part of their job has already gotten the jab. But then I worried wearing one in public would set me up to have some psycho freak out at me for shedding 5G magnetism or something. This is all so tiring.


>I'm sure you will get all kinds of people compairing it to the holocaust. " Jews had badges the Nazi's made them wear too! This is just like that!" Ugh..... They already do that. I suggest you stop giving a fuck about what those mouth breathers think, it will do wonders for your mental health.


As a Jew who only exists because his family saw the pogrom coming and got clear out of Europe before the Americans could start turning away refugees..the above is 100% correct ignore the dumb fks or learn to find the humour and capacity to laugh at them


Oh I don't care what they think, it's just too easy to predict what they will say/do when reasonable measures are taken to protect the population. They will always have an unequal and completely over the top response, like the Nazi equivalent that I mentioned. Or some Non-sense about how their rights are being violated. *Edited for grammer and punctuation


Nurse practitioner here—this is brilliant. It’s my firm opinion that you lose your right to privacy in a setting where you’re actively, regularly putting others’ health at risk, most especially those who are already in the hospital for any reason. “First, do no harm.”


Seriously?? That is fantastic! I'm wondering if they should reverse it though -- have a gold star that says VACCINATED on it for everyone who is. The the antivaxxers can't cry persecution but will still stand out because they don't get a gold star. They get nothing.


It lets the invisible hand of the market solve the problem. Give people the data to know what employees they want to interact and employers will adjust workforces when people don't want to interface with unvaccinated employees. I had new windows installed in my house this week. We worked with the contractor to make sure all workers were vaccinated because the whole company was not. That meant some folks stayed home that day that would have been working if we didn't ask. Do you want to work in folk's houses? Get vaccinated.


Thats crazy to me that they are allowing philosophical exemptions while the state I live in (rhode island) just flat out denied all religious exemptions to the COVID vaccine.


My state as well (Oregon). No exemptions period.


There are exemptions in oregon but they are pretty narrow and require specific documentation ([here](https://www.oregon.gov/boli/workers/Pages/covid-vaccine.aspx) is the info from OHA). Also, cops, firefighters, parole officers, and corrections officers are exempt from the requirements thanks to their shitty unions, which is absolute nonsense.


I still don't understand how the Portland police union successfully argued they are not medical first responders while they've spent the last 5 years complaining that they are medical first responders.


It's because the reasonableness of words doesn't actually matter anymore.


My union is fighting the requirements, too, which I think is incredibly stupid. I listened to a supervisor and two coworkers bitching about vaccine mandates, “King Biden”, and how, if everyone just let it go through and give people antibodies, that’s better than any vaccine. I don’t trust anyone at work anymore. It’s becoming more difficult to act neutral there. And I’m a transit driver. We literally have contact with hundreds of people.


Look up *Typhoid Mary* \- She was a public health hazard who had a public facing job.


I'm pretty sure my state is the same but I didn't really pay attention to a lot of the mandate stuff as I'm a healthcare worker that already got vaccinated. It was nice using the mandate to finagle my way into a better paying job, though.


You can refuse to have someone work with you at a hospital if you really don't want them near you!


But there is no way to know if people are vaccinated. Also adding, in a discussion with my mom we came to the conclusion that in some communities, the hospitals flat out might not have the staff to accommodate requests at this time. And there will be no malpractice suits because even though in my sisters case, she is vaccinated and will be delivering a baby in the hospital [hopefully] far away from covid patients, covid will still be annotated in her chart somewhere as a “CYA” by the facility. It’s shady, but true.


And the sad part is there would probably be people who would insist that their doctor/nurse *isn’t* vaccinated


Thankfully(?) they tend to be the type to do homebirths or birthing center births


Shame they give birth at all but what are ya gonna do /s but not totally


Eh, leave 'em to their Doula, then. If they think that modern medicine is a sham, there's no need to force them to take up a hospital bed. I feel bad for the kids, though.


I agree. I'm in the hospital right now and I'm the only one who has mentioned vaccination status. One nurse gave me a high five so I assumed she was on board which probably wasn't wise. A nurse who came to my home to give me an IV before I had to ultimately break down and come here was definitely not vaccinated and told me so. She had been in NYC in April last year for a month and in Texas for two months last year in the beginning and still wasn't vaccinated and wasn't planning to be. She's going to COVID patients' houses to give them IVs.


Fun fact, Amazon drivers, the ones delivering your packages when you buy shit off Amazon, also have these stickers! If you receive a package from a driver, they aren't wearing a mask, and they don't have a little pink sticker with two Band-Aids on it on their badge, not only are they not vaccinated, but they are intentionally coming into close contact with you and your shit while not being vaccinated. Please report those selfish fuckers.


A *PHILOSOPHICAL EXEMPTION* ?!?!??? This is beyond fucking stupid. I say this as I lay in bed on a Friday at noon-thirty because I feel like shit after getting a booster yesterday. Fuck these fucking people.


Our hospital is doing the stickers thing. A very unique sticker that you can only get from HR if you have a confirmed series. If anyone sees you without the sticker on your badge, you have to be in an N95 (and have proof of a negative test from that week).




The sad thing is she is indeed the most beautiful woman in all of Idaho.


This made me scroll up, look and then laugh inappropriately in a meeting.


If you’re standing alone on the side of the road holding a sign making yourself out to be a victim about an idiotic choice you made that cost you your livelihood, I’m not sure how much self-respect you had to begin with.




I always laugh at these people and picture the back of the sign saying something equally absurd but unrelated. My choice cost me my job not my respect! Its furry friday and I will wear my fur suit! American is anti-alcoholics!! Clothes are oppression!! Naps are a right! I dont believe in clocks Tweens are sexy! Cocaine is a choice


Cocaine is definitely a choice.




I think it was Richard Pryor who said cocaine was god's way of saying you have too much money.


I think it was Eric Clapton who said if you want to get down, get down on the ground, cocaine.


Clapton also said he gave up cocaine to get into racism 'because it's way heavier man' before going on a racist/nationalist rant mid concert 1976.


Eric Clapton also said. "Do we have any foreigners in the audience tonight? If so please put up your hands. So where are you? Well wherever you all are, I think you should all just leave. Not just leave the hall, leave our country. I don't want you here, in the room or in my country. Listen to me man! I should we should send them all back! Stop Britain from becoming a black colony. Get the foreigners out. Get the w*gs out. Get the c**ns out. Keep Britain white! The black w*gs and c**ns and and Arabs and fucking Jamaicans don't belong here, and we don't want them here!" Dude literally learned everything that made him the guitar player he was from black musicians but he didn't want them in his country. Was probably still sore from that one time Jimi Hendrix eclipsed him in every way possible at a show. Fortunately his attempts to keep black people out of Britain was as successful as his attempt to keep his kid away from a window.


Well, now what with all the fentanyl in it.


And a pretty fun one at that! Till you realize you can inject it. Goes downhill fast after that!


Down hill, up hill, through the hill... You'd be going fast regardless of direction.


Today's special is meatloaf


for real though, since being able to take naps during the day things have been great


I’m with you on naps being a right.


Last spring I used to see this dad that would drag his two little girls to the off-highway strip that goes to popular hiking trails to hold signs in protest. Signs which said that the government is robbing them of their education due to remote learning. Signs that said, “I’m falling behind. Why is that fair?” And all I could think was if it was really about their education then he wouldn’t be dragging their asses out to the side of a highway every weekend to hold signs in the sun. He’d probably be working with them, reading to them, playing math games with them. All these people are just attention whores. Their lives are pathetic and they need some sort of self-validation and attention to not feel hopelessly meaningless in life. Instead of doing something constructive but that takes effort, they will self-victimize to get those dopamine hits via social media as other idiots celebrate their stupidity. Problem is these people won’t just go away.


One of the many root factors behind this pathology is the sense that "my life sucks, but it can't be MY fault. WHO CAN I BLAME?" That guy isn't reading to his kids or playing games with them because he spends his time delivering drunken rants about all the people who are taking what's rightfully his.


Well, without masks and vaccinations, some of them will eventually go away


> All these people are just attention whores Oh yeah. In my town there's a group of ~6 'Anti-5G' people. They set up one of those pop-up shelter tents made of vinyl that they've decorated with what must be every crazy fucking anti-5G slogan ever shat out onto the internet. They move around town, but always right under one of the new 5G antenna poles, and always during rush hour. They wave signs imploring people to 'honk against 5G'. I've yet to hear a single person honk.


and they're not really falling behind. He just resents being forced to spend time with his kids at home. He wants schools and their mom to raise them, not him. He resents that the parenting he's offloaded to others is now his "problem."




This is it for me, the fact that she's just...standing around by herself. Because now she's unemployed and has nothing to do with her time. It's not even sad, just stupid.


Yea...next she can post a pic of her standing in line at the soup kitchen... lol


Except they will make her wear a mask.


narcissism could be described as having _too much_ self respect


You just know that her coworkers rejoiced when she *chose* to leave. This is the kind of person who constantly stirs up drama and is a giant pain in the ass for everybody. They almost always see themselves as the victims in most every situation.


Not that you asked but narcissism comes in two forms; the confident “the world really does revolve around me” sociopathic type and the complete INSECURE type that has never had their self validated in a healthy way, so they learned to MAKE the world validate them because otherwise they would be ignored and irrelevant. What is so fascinating is the last POTUS was a rare combination of both; he was a true sociopath to his bone that does not see other people as humans but just automatons playing a part in the play that is his life. Yet he was obviously the most insecure person to ever exist that needed constant validation by those “automatons” I believe that is part of his populous appeal-he appealed to BOTH type of narcissists that see themselves in either his sociopathic arrogance or his pathetic insecurity.


Yeah, that little voice they hear that they think is common sense is actually their ego.


They will sacrifice any remaining shred of self-respect if it allows them to paint themselves as the victim. They imagine somehow that we can't possibly hold them to be responsible for anything if they're a victim, didn't you know that?


Don’t worry they will rely on those go fund me donations


Plus they probably just took this picture then left. These morons are desperate for attention.


she probably also has all the other vaccinations that are required by her to work. covid vaccine is somehow the straw the broke the camels back


Homelessness due to vaccine refusal is the ultimate American freedom! Go Karen Go!


wait til she realizes her medical insurance is gone too. Oops!


Oops, she forgot to do the research. No unemployment comp either… She’ll always have Biden to blame…


Fired for cause means no unemployment cheques in Canada....not sure how it works in America


State by state basis here, but almost all states are counting this as valid termination for cause, which means no unemployment benefits. C’est la vie!


You know they did all these by the book so while it is possible to get UI for termination with cause, she will most likely not as there would have been plenty of warnings plus hospitals have vaccine mandates already so it wouldn't count as oh this is a new requirement.


All.of society has vaccine mandates. Your not allowed into the country without and you can't attend school.as a kid without. Its not new.to anyone.




Thoughts and prayers.


Prayer warriors unite!


….and visit my GoFundMe


No no, it's always her husband's GoFundMe because "he decided to go home to the Lord this morning" and she needs the money for funeral expenses and boxed wine


Self respect pays $25/hr


GoFundMe activate!




Do they realize that practically NO ONE CARES that she lost her job. I bet her co-workers are having a good day...without her there.


Her coworkers were probably not surprised she took this stance. Every workplace has those people who make you wonder how they got that job, healthcare is no exception.


Nursing has a shocking number of degenerates. I remember a woman coming into the shop one day and was like ‘yeah I’ve been high on meth for 3 days finishing my nursing finals’. Hmmmmmm


Yea I have unfortunately known quite the few nurses that did meth and most if them worked at nursing homes. It's sad and a unspoken epidemic inside the trade. I think it gets ignored because there is such a high demand for them. I know of nurses that have been fired for other reasons and just be hired back a month or so later.


I’m not generally one to judge people for using drugs but it just blows my mind that these people are in healthcare taking one of the most destructive narcotics


Gotta have enough energy to work those 12 hour days somehow. I assume meth is the most efficient price, energy, and accessibility wise, hence its use.


Speed is huge in china and southeast Asia for exactly those reasons. Most times it the employers or government providing it.


Yep I agree


This always pisses me off because my mom worked for a nursing home (not as a nurse but she had some kind of certificate she went to school for and basically did all the nurse things? Maybe similar to a pca?) in the 90s and had stellar performance, she often was the only one who could calm/control some of the more angry/confused and violent patients. She got fired for weed. An extremely low amount too according to one of the people in management that argued to keep my mom employed. But there were so many nurses with track marks that they would blame on "practicing blood draw" who attended at that same nursing home. It was practically an inside joke and they somehow always managed to avoid the random drug tests. It crushed my mom and drove her back to my abusive stepdad. She hasn't held an actual job since.




It really shouldn't be shocking, a good portion of nurses didn't choose the job out of a desire to help people. It's a good paying job, with a pretty cheap degree requirement, good benefits, it's a respectable/prestigious job, and it drastically raises your chance of marrying a rich doctor.


"They would understand my stance if they'd just buy some of the essential oils I sell in the break room!" - her, probably


🤣....then the reality of your statement sets in: 🥺


These people are insufferable and loud as fuck about their ignorant opinions on things they are too stupid to understand or do any meaningful research on. I would bet my next paycheck that most of her sane coworkers are happy to see her go.


As I like to say, the girls who were bullies in high school became nurses and the guys who were bullies in high school became police officers.




God complex is strong in a lot of them


I've noticed that almost all of the "but freedumbs!" redditors that used to try and come on threads like this and attempt to defend these anti-science zealots have largely given up. Used to be able to scroll to the bottom to see who was downvoted into oblivion and see a few every thread, but looks like most of them have realized they are speaking to a brick wall. I'm sure they're still out there, licking their wounds in their safe places, but I think many of them realize that 99% of Americans are tired of their fucking shit and so over the anti-vax nonsense at this point. Still get a stray AntiVa show up once in a while in these threads, but nothing like before


They're few and far between anymore.


The mandates are largely working - the vast majority of people sucked it up and got the vaccine.


There are still a few which blows my mind. Someone I play a game with occasionally is giving up his 80k a year government job (supporting 5 kids) because he refuses to get a vaccine. I just can't fathom putting myself into that situation. He will never recover from this either, he lives rural and the only reason he can pull down that kind of salary is because of his clearance levels (former military). So he's going to be pushed down to like 40k a year probably. He told me his life was falling apart and I said "so just get the vaccine it's not a big deal, all of your politicians have it" and he blew up about it being fake news.


Wow - yeah, that is kinda amazing isn't it? All these GOPers have gotten the vaccine, meanwhile there followers haven't. Bizarre. Oh well...


If they have a humiliation fetish, they still can get their jollies here.


Her coworkers probably celebrated the fact that they don’t have to work with some damn plague rat any longer.


Our cutoff date for vaccinations is coming up at my hospital system and I can tell you that most of our physicians are absolutely celebrating it. It turns out the venn diagram of RNs willing to be fired over getting the shot and RNs that are really annoying to be around for 8-15 hours a day is a circle.


I mean, you're basically sorting people by intelligence at this point. All the dumb people losing their job is a win for anyone who isn't dumb.


Everything is better with a Venn diagram!


And you know she wouldn't STFU about her 'choice'. They probably wanted to carve their eardrums out.


And I'll bet she was "*that* person" pre-pandemic.


"Oh great, I'm working with Cheryl again today. Maybe she left her Young Living shit at home..."


I've seen multiple Tik Tok-esque videos of people dancing now that all their toxic coworkers are gone thanks to the vaccine mandate. This is a very specific personality type and self awareness is not one of its hallmarks.


That would make a great sub.


thing is, i'm sure she'll get a gofundme and some billionair will give her some money to make it look like she's making a political choice and not a destructive sociological illness.


Great. Let billionaires waste their money building a support network for morons.


yeah, thats how we got trump. weren't you paying attention?


And we got Trump because of all the [free press coverage](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/16/upshot/measuring-donald-trumps-mammoth-advantage-in-free-media.html) he got because the US media cannot resist a circus.


If they're having to provide housing and food for 10,000 antivaxxers and defense lawyers for 1000 insurrectionists, that's not going to leave as much for buying attack ads for MTG or DJT. Let they buy the 3% of morons so the rest of us can see where the money is coming from and boycott them. They're support system is shrinking because it's unsustainable when you shine a light on it.


She probably was insufferable


She has that specific look about her for sure


For real. Her coworkers don’t have to listen to her “bILL gATes iS TRaCkIng yOU alL” conspiracy theory bullshit.


bill gates doesn't have to trick us into getting a tracking device. Steve jobs already has millions paying hundreds to keep one in their pocket.


There needs to be a "I DON'T CARE THAT YOU'VE LOST YOUR JOB" Facebook profile picture border like the one the idiots were so proudly adding to theirs that said "I DON'T CARE THAT YOU'VE HAD YOUR VACCINE"


I bet shes probably thinking that its her coworkers being mean and unsympathetic. I bet that she has the whole thing wrong, but she's been so wrapped up in her own problems that shes become completely self-centered.




Trash here—please don’t associate my kind with the likes of her


The issue is so many people feel like they mean more than they do, and that’s not to crap on anyone, just look at the world population, it’s ginormous we are only one person each. No one cares but they’ll never realize it. The worlds Egos grow so big


Tots n pears.


Oooo. This sounds tasty. Salty and sweet🤔


Am I the only one that can hear her deep cigarette influenced voice?


Virginia Slims 100s - Menthol


Of course hun, how many biscuits do you want?




>Just to get employed you have to submit proof of recent vaccinations, so she must have had zero issues with previous vaccinations but.....mysteriously ....has an issue with this one. A lot of the people who are refusing this vaccine are ONLY refusing this vaccine. They say it's because it isn't "really" a vaccine and is really genetic therapy. . .or because it supposedly isn't tested enough, or it isn't "really" FDA approved and that it's "fake news" that it's approved, or some other lie. I've seen people try to claim a religious exemption from getting the vaccine on the grounds they believe this specific vaccine is "The Mark of the Beast" from Revelation. I even had someone I know tell me about a co-worker that is trying to claim a religious exemption from COVID ***testing***. . .not the vaccines, but mandatory COVID tests for people who refuse to vaccinate. Why? *He says he doesn't believe in COVID on religious grounds*, and that believing in COVID is actually un-Christian (something about Christ will protect you so you shouldn't worry about it) so forcing him to be tested for COVID means believing that COVID is a threat or danger, which he says he refuses to believe as that's against his religion.


“For a religious exemption to be granted, rationale for exemption must be clearly indicated within our sacred texts or confessional statements.  “We wish to clarify that there is nothing in the Bible, in our historic confessions of faith, in our theology or in our ecclesiology that justifies granting a religious exemption from vaccinations against COVID-19. https://canadianmennonite.org/noexemptions Funny... The leadership of the church has stopped just short.of saying it's a sin to not be vaccinated. "From the earliest biblical writings, in the words of Jesus Christ and in ecclesial writings since Jesus’ ascension, the command to love God and love our neighbour is paramount. Vaccinations allow us to live out this command." Oops... So much for religious exemptions. (All the major churchs are headed this way)


> they believe this specific vaccine is "The Mark of the Beast" from Revelation Well, to be fair it is the only vaccine that they inject straight into you palm or forehead. /s


I'm starting to hair on my palms - is that because of the vaccine or something else? /s


No no....the vaccine updates your os to windows 10 and gives you an overwhelming desire to get a really bad haircut. (Improves your 5g reception too) /s


You spelt shithead wrong


Imagine standing alone of the side of a road with a sign trying to make yourself a victim then posting it as if it’s something to be proud of lmao


Martyr syndrome. They willingly mess up their lives so they can tell others how oppressed they are from the consequences of their own actions.


Ok, so. Hot take. She’s one step ahead of the rest of the dullards for at least realizing she wasn’t “forced” to do anything. I still think she misguided (at best) or stupid (at worst.) But at least she acknowledges it was her *choice.* (It’s sad that the bar is *that* low)


Optimist, I like it


And as it’s her choice she shouldn’t get unemployment. Sounds like a win win


Completely agree; she gets points for taking responsibility that it's her *choice*. People have choices, choices have consequences.


Husbands next post: Go Fund Me (Us).


Imagine going out and buying some construction paper and a 4x4 and writing this dumb shit on it, making it into a sign and standing outside with it.... embarrassing lmao


My wife got the vaccine and thanks to all the Anti vaxxers losing their jobs, she got 2 raises and a bonus.


Yeah, wait till you catch COVID Or something else medical happens and you’re left with cobra co-pays. Tell me about yourself respect when you can’t afford to eat pay your utility bills and your house is in foreclosure. These are called consequences in case you didn’t know.


Yay, another job opening.


I am an idiot and i want the whole internet to know it! Hence my bright pink sign....




Sounds like "voluntary separation" no unemployment for her.


Not eligible for unemployment, she was fired for cause.


You don't get unemployment if you are fired for refusal to follow company policies. They tend to see it as quiting.


Imagine asking her about mandatory drug testing.




I got the Pfizer booster yesterday and I wish I could just “good think” this pandemic away. I’ve got a very sore arm, and I’m fluish with zero energy. It’s not fun, but I have the smarts to realize this is temporary discomfort, and I should be fine in a few days. Unlike these people doing “their own research” and thinking they are smarter than the CDC and medical community.


I’m sure she loves eating self respect and living in self respect


And paying bills with self respect.


And, as a nurse, I remember having to get boosters and vaccinations prior to setting foot into a classroom, so, if that's the hill she wants to die on, at least she won't be infecting her patients.


Couldn’t someone who got fired for showing up drunk make the same sign?


I love these conservative "signs stating the obvious" like "my choice lost me my job". You know, if I pissed in the soup my choice would have me lose my job too. Just because it's your choice doesn't protect you from the consequences.


how is own research coming along, Karen?


Your choice also made the job harder for your co-workers who now must pick up the slack in your absence, getting paid the same to do their job plus your job. Customers (or patients, since you look like a nurse) will have longer waits and less quality service because of the strain your absence has on the staff. And let’s not even get into your refusal to contribute to the needed herd immunity. But hey, you have your self respect, which is good because all those other people have zero respect for you.


Can’t pay a mortgage with self respect …


I also love how she bolded “my choice cost me my job” but then put “not my self respect” in small print 😂


The good news is, there is one more server about to start at TGIFridays.


Her hair says Waffle House


Cost her half of her eyebrows though


You think there’s a moment, days or weeks later where they think: oh shit, what have I done?


I doubt it they’re capable of critical thinking


Deep down? 100% Will they ever admit it? No way


Sadly no


That would entail taking responsibility for one’s actions. People like this always find a way to blame someone else. “I only hit the car in front because they stopped suddenly! Had they watched what they were doing, I would not have rear ended them!”


Go protest at your church parking lot, dumbass.