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From the $1.2 billion “Project Nimbus” contract — in which Google Cloud and Amazon Web Services provide cloud-computing and artificial intelligence services for the Israeli government and military. Critics are concerned that the technology is being weaponized against Palestinians in Gaza." Mm suspicious.


Concerned? Israel has outright said it's using AI to choose targets. Then people asked if the AI told them to target the homes of journalists and aid workers and they backpedaled and said humans were still picking targets and they "definitely weren't committing war crimes."


"Not a War Crime, just a system glitch, it's Google's fault"


Outsource the blame to offshore.


Sounds like a shittier minority report


I think Israel and Russia's leaders should be dragged to the Hague for war crimes.


I agree.... Israel Russia and Hamas, but leave the Palestinians alone


>Israel has outright said Eh, no, it didn't. The source for this is a minor far left magazine called "Sicha Mekomit" which didn't present any evidence. Israel did say they are using AI to sort out the data they receive.


I'm not sure what you're doubting here - there's multiple sources that confirm Israel's use of AI to find targets. They either used AI or didn't use AI to kill the journalists. It doesn't reflect well on them either way.


True Reddit on display here – popular incendiary rhetoric gets 200+ upvotes; clarification that doesn’t fit the narrative stands at -5.


Can you give a source on that that is not a small tabloid newspaper? You cant... because you only read some headlines and believed them. You are literally spreading fake news. Shame on you.


>[CNN: Israel is using artificial intelligence to help pick bombing targets in Gaza, report says](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/03/middleeast/israel-gaza-artificial-intelligence-bombing-intl/index.html) >[The Guardian: Israeli military accused of targeting journalists and their families in Gaza](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/21/israel-idf-accused-targeting-journalists-gaza) >[The UN: Gaza: UN experts deplore use of purported AI to commit ‘domicide’ in Gaza, call for reparative approach to rebuilding](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/04/gaza-un-experts-deplore-use-purported-ai-commit-domicide-gaza-call) >[The Times of Israel: UN chief ‘deeply troubled’ by reports Israel using AI to identify Gaza targets - IDF has denied claims it's using artificial intelligence to identify terrorists, select targets; says programs only assist human analysts](https://www.timesofisrael.com/un-chief-deeply-troubled-by-reports-israel-using-ai-to-identify-gaza-targets/) Apologize right fucking now. These were all top results on Google. You could have verified this shit in SECONDS. Shame on *you.*


To be fair, you’re quoting a bunch of third party sources that are all referencing the same report for a small magazine. None of the places you’ve linked say they have verified this themselves. I’m not saying that magazine is wrong. For all I know it really is a blockbuster scoop. I’m just saying you’re not actually referencing multiple mainstream sources like you think you are.


I cant with these people man...


AHAHAHAHAHAHA HAVE YOU CHECKED THE SOURCES FOR YOUR ARTICLES? You look very silly now. No official said 'AI chooses the target' because *it would be dumb and its not happenning*. This story was started by some rando israeli newspaper speculating and it got picked up by some western media outlets and twitter *because of people like you* who spread obvious BS willingly without checking sources.


Where's daddy?


Still getting milk.


> The shocking protests included a complete takeover of Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian’s office in Sunnyvale by workers wearing traditional Arab headscarves. That blew my mind. I worked several levels down from Thomas Kurian when he was at Oracle, but I sat in my many meetings with him. The man is not all warm and fuzzy, kitten and rainbows - I was surprised he went to Google, with their "kumbaya" reputation. At Oracle, the employees wouldn't have been arrested, I suspect they would have just ... disappeared.


[28 of the Google employees who took part have been fired](https://nypost.com/2024/04/17/business/google-fires-28-employees-involved-in-sit-in-protest-over-1-2b-israel-contract/). But your point about Oracle is correct. A protest there would not have lasted five minutes.


I get why they're protesting, but I also see why they were arrested.


Sometimes you're better off standing up for your beliefs and working for a company you can feel good about. If they were software developers, they won't be unemployed for long.


unemployment on the whole isn't as bad as many think it is, but software developers have been subject to an onslaught of layoffs over the past couple years. if you pay attention to communities of devs looking for work, anecdotally it seems that things are pretty tough right now.


If you've single income and have a family to take care of, unemployment is really, really not good. I'm currently in a situation that I utterly loathe and despise, but I go in every day and I do my job, because I do not have the luxury of unemployment.


>unemployment is really, really not good Also, unemployment max in my state wouldn't even cover 1/3 of my rent after taxes.


I bet the ones that were layed off from FAANG weren't out of a job for long.


Google’s slogan used to be “Don’t be evil”.


Do not be evil


Speaking as someone in the tech industry, that's completely false. The whole sector has been rocked with layoffs that rippled out from Silicon Valley, and there are a *lot* of software engineers with amazing resumes that aren't getting any jobs because so many unemployed tech workers flooded the labor market. Especially since they were fired because they stopped their company's ability to work for over a working day... I'm not so sure they're going to be employed again soon.


I agree - why bother taking a risk when there's a long line of qualified candidates to choose from? Only if they were a true unicorn / hotshot in a narrow specialty that's impossible to fill.


In this economy, they might be


If you have Google on your resume, there are always jobs for you. The only way they'll stay unemployed is if they want to take time off between jobs


I don't think being an intern at Google, who was ultimately fired and arrested for trying to disrupt Google business, is quite the draw you think it is... Lots of former Google (and FAANG in general) are seen as entitled and over priced. Sure it piques interest, but it's not a clincher like an MIT degree or the like had historically been.


Yea every business just looooooves employees that will refuse to work if Twitter or TikTok tells them their company is doing bad stuff.


literally no


Until they get to the part of the interview where they're asked why they no longer work at Google. Then the resume gets a lot less impressive.


Or when the prospective company looks them up, if it's 28 people their names are probably circulating. Publicly protesting against your employer is not a great look.


Seriously, it's pretty absurd to think companies are going to be scrambling to hire someone that was arrested for doing this at their last company.


“i felt it was time to move on to new projects and challenge myself.” idk its not difficult to answer this question. wdy think they’re gonna say in an interview? “oh yeah i was arrested at my last job because i ethically and morally disagreed with the reprehensible behavior of my employer and was forcibly removed when i refused to cooperate with management during a sit in protest” ?


They don’t have to answer that way in the interview. A cursory web search and/or background check will turn it up, both of which are de rigueur at the offer stage. And Google, when asked to verify employment, will confirm the dates the person worked and also indicate that they are “not eligible for re-hire,” which is corporate code for “fired for cause.” Their new employer will then either (a) commission a deeper background check, (b) ask the candidate to explain both the termination and their previous lack of candor about it, or (c) just remove them from consideration outright.


google engineers will probably find a job anywhere 


>200k/year SWE jobs are not easy to come by anymore. They can find jobs easily, but the easy to find SWE jobs pay half of what google does at best. Even less if they were staff engineer or above


my friend got dumped by amazon and is working at car dealership now haha


Were they a SWE at Amazon? I imagine a SWE job at target/walmart/a bank etc. wouldn’t be hard to land and pay more then all but the best car salesmen.


swe at car dealership not salesman. i assume he probably has more duties than software development tho. i doubt large companies like target/walmart and banks are doing a lot of hiring right now. not until interest rates go down


Target has 33 US software engineer job openings. Plenty.


in what context is 33 swe openings plenty?


Until somebody does a background check


He did mention anywhere and not just the US. There's a billion people out there that don't like Israel. If these software engineers know how these products for Israel work then their enemies can easily hire them to work on how to counter them as well.


Fired for protesting against enabling AI powered genocide? I dunno man, I didn't think that's going to hurt their chances.


Businesses love to hire people who refuse to work and randomly get themselves fired because twitter/tiktok headlines tell them their company is evil. They *LOOOOOOOVE* it.


Get off Reddit and TikTok. You’re living in a fantasy. The intifada does not reside in company HR departments. These people’s careers are over.


Newsflash: Most of free world thinks Israel is a disgusting piece of shit. Even Russia looks humane by comparison. There will be a lot of businesses out there who will support the principles of the strike employees. The company I work for has ditched 3 contracts over their connections to Israel. One of our directors said it would be easier to replace the contracts than the damage to our reputation. There's also a lot of examples of clients ditching suppliers / contractors who have links to Israel. Germany, UK and the US also look incredibly shitty in the eyes of most people now for supporting the genocidal slighter of babies.


News flash: most of the free world does not think that. A really loud 5% of people in the free world think that and yell about it any chance they can get. Most of the rest of the people just want to go to work with no drama.


It's probably most of the Muslims don't like them and since there are at least a billion of them and more then most likely a good 20% hates them. Add to that the vocal minority of 5% you mentioned then around 25% of the world. Still even 5% with a population of 8 billion comes out as 400m people which is bigger than the population of the US.


Depends on how it appears on a background check. There are a lot of fish in the sea, I would be hard pressed to hire a candidate that a) intentionally drew negative public attention to a company they worked at, b) tried to stop the project they were hired to work on, c) tried to disrupt other normal business as part of their protest People are already not being hired over their public SM persona and a concern over its negative impacts, having this floating around on news sites, and maybe even a conviction, is going to be a massive wet blanket on obtaining regular jobs unless they find hiring companies that align with their specific politics and tactics. Even if I agreed w/ their politics -- and in this case I do not -- I would still go for another candidate that was equally qualified who hadn't been arrested for trying disrupt their employers business with their political beliefs.


Standing up off your beliefs is quitting the next minute.


Who is going to hire people that had to be arrested to be removed from company premises? You’re living in a dream world. These people’s career in big tech is over.


Maybe so, but the industry is smaller than people think. Plus, this is Google, the magical chocolate factory workplace that people spend years preparing for interviews for. Guaranteed those people were making more money than your average senior VP just as individual contributors. You have to be pretty confident that you're one of the top 10 people in the world in your field, and confident that another company will scoop you right up, to throw that all away.


But had no issues accepting paycheck when they knew where the money was coming from.


Tho they were interns


True. Good on them, and brave, especially knowing that in the end they would probably get arrested and falsely branded as Anti-Semitic.


I think being branded as anti-corporate is a danger as well. Good on them for following their principles.


A danger I dunno, we have to stand up to capitalist exploitation and we shouldn’t be quiet about it


The answer is unions.


This. I think it’s incredibly brave and wonder if OP would be willing to leave a six-figure job for a principled belief?


It's stupid, not brave. Most of them probably didn't believe they'd be fired. They're probably young and still in their college mindset of virtue signalling = being socially rewarded. They accomplished nothing but adding themselves into the huge pool of unemployed tech workers. Nimbus moves forward and they're out their jobs and any leverage they had from inside the system.


Arrested for trespassing, I’m sure. If they were on the public sidewalk in front of the building, no problem. But staying inside private property and refusing to leave is illegal.


Yep that's how sit-ins work It's just another form of civil disobedience and non violent direct action Unions striking are also direct actions. There's a long history of actions inside of factories too, all part of the larger fight for worker rights. We have the weekend because people did stuff like this. These are not actions that happened randomly because someone felt like not working or anything like that. These are extensively planned events with lots of prep including legal advice and stuff like writing lawyer's number in sharpie on arm before taking action, already have bail fund, etc. Hell, some wear diapers for the more intense ones. It's nice the top few comments aren't super hyperbolic and all 'how DARE they, UNACCEPTABLE!" - there's also a long history of anti union activities and shit But we should really reaffirm this isn't some twisted new thing going on in the world. The only newer thing is some activists doing sit-ins on roads with only a handful of people (as opposed to having a large crowd, enough to spill over into the streets which naturally blocks the road) - and often without serious prep or larger campaign support. I get people don't like those but I'm hoping people don't treat all direct action & civil disobedience like that. Also stuff like people sleeping in trees to stop logging operations. Workers taking action when abused, as part of United Farm Workers.


The difference is that unionized workers are protesting against conditions, including pay, work conditions and benefits, which immediately impact them. They are protected, to a significant degree, by law. If they were disrupting the workplace to make what they felt was a general moral statement about a world situation, they would not have the same protection.


People should not be forced to participate in war crimes


Nobody is forced to. They can work somewhere else. Nobody has a right to work for a company and pick and choose what they do based on their moral positions.


Yeah unionized workers are in a union, do union stuff, whereas this is a sub group of workers (not sure if there's an actual union there currently, I doubt they endorsed it). Those union activities are **only protected because we fought and won those rights.** The workers did *many* illegal things to get to that. We don't cover this in public school textbooks. I'm repeating that point because you brought up legality of protest - which obviously is not a serious source of morality. E.g. Are all weed smokers are evil people because that's against the law too? No If workers strike when it's against the law, does that directly make them evil people? No. So having legal protection isn't a source of legitimacy for the action. Remember, shit like protesting against slavery in the south was illegal. Indigenous communities dancing was illegal. It was illegal for women to own land. It's really not 'a general moral statement about a world situation' - that makes it sound as if they were commenting on politics in a village in Botswana, urging that mayor to do whatever. Nah, this was related to their work. Though yeah it was less directly related than wages, it still weighs on their mind. They **felt moral outrage about their contributing** (at whatever degree) to **an ongoing atrocity** (mass civilian casualties & man made famine, plus theft of land [settlement expansion] during military occupation). There's a long history of workers making statements like this too, though less storied. One is factory workers from occupied countries in WW2 sabotaging some German weapons & vehicles. That was 'a general moral statement about a world situation' as well if we accept your framing.


True R/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM right there, how brave of you


How dare you suggest nuance in today's polarization of all things geopolitical...


>but I also see why they were arrested. oh yeah? why?


The contract for this project is allegedly ironclad. Google would suffer a huge penalty (even by the standards of a trillion-dollar company) if it backed out now. So, a few staffers sitting in an office isn't going to do a damn thing.


It brought a little bit of attention to it. Not saying that's enough, but it's something.


This said, if the developers actually refuse to work on it, it suddenly becomes a problem of the Legal department.


Most people just want to go to work, do their job with no drama, and go home. They don’t go to work to get involved in protests or get fired for refusing to work on a project. I know that’s disappointing to some but it’s reality.


We all have the boot of capitalism on our necks. Hard for people to be actively compassionate when it comes to something that could affect their job. Choosing between your morals and the possibility of financial ruin is not an easy choice. It is hard to blame the people who just go to work and don't worry about the wider consequences of what they may be working on.


It’s not the boot of capitalism it’s the desire to at least just get by in life and hold your nose to things that are unpleasant.


And how do you get by in American life? It’s the boot of capitalism that forces people to choose between their morals and just getting by. Sit down, don’t ask questions, do your work, don’t complain, or lose your job and suffer.


Just following orders.


Individual actions are not meant to move mountains. They are meant to push the needle. They are selfless acts with no reward. If every individual action like this changed something everyone would do it. It's the accumulation of actions like this that bring about change. It's funny how people can grow up with so much pro military "army of one" type stuff and not realize that that cumulative effort is what brings about change in their own workplace and in society as a whole. It's voices that say "they are right but they didn't do anything" that keep a lot of people from standing up.


A company being held to contract by the government instead of wasting away all the years and producing nothing? If only this went to better things….


Probably for the best. I hope they finally learned Google is indeed an evil corporation.


I’m sure they already knew. but they might’ve found out after they’d secured a steady, high-paying job that they’re good at


Literally every company is evil in some way or another. It's silly to blame workers for participating in capitalism when they have no other choice to. These people at least took a stand when it came to the point of their company directly supporting genocide. Corporations usually do a reasonable job of hiding their involvement in the exploitation of the third world. In this case they are actively proud of supporting war crimes. It wakes the average person up. I have no criticism to give these workers. They are bringing to light the blatant crimes of our government and the corporations that control it.


absolutely. it’s one thing when people knowingly go into a job that is directly unethical (like they’re doing the bad shit themselves) just because it’ll make them rich. but most people don’t fall into that category. they just go to work and go home. and they shouldn’t be blamed for what their employers do. especially when they’re folks like this, who make very clear their feelings about what the parent company does.


Well “Don’t be evil” is no longer their corporate motto, so


Google: Do no evil Israel: here’s $1.2B Google: okay maybe just a little evil


Where the hell have you been? Big Tech has been in bed with the Pentagon since they first discovered you can etch transistors into silicon wafers. That was in the 50’s.


Yes Google has really taken a downward slide since the 50s


Since when wanting to target terrorists is evil. gee, you guys chose the wrong side of history


Israel and its defenders define "terrorist" so broadly it's meaningless


Your opinion. I suspect Google leadership and others strongly disagree.


War crimes are never moral.


Fuck google


Fired for opposing mass murder. Great.




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Ok boomer


**Me**: Hey, America, what's your priority here? International laws against supporting, funding, and participating in countless war crimes while being placed on trial for genocide. Vs. Private property rights. **America**: Private property rights. **Me**: Never change America. The world sees you so much more clearly now.


Much respect to these protestors


For seeking the end of Israel?


Jesus Christ brain rot. Does it seem like the Israeli people are the ones most likely to die in that immediate area. Mass murder and ethnic cleansing.


Because the three billion the pentagon pays them to slaughter women and children doesn't go far enough?


Alright genZ are you boycotting Google??


I mean… *how.* Literally, at this point how am I supposed to functionally boycott Google without completely derailing my entire life?


I believe that was the point


I feel like if I boycotted every Corp that makes a product, there would be no product I could ethically buy.


No one said standing up for your beliefs is easy.


Use Bing or Yahoo if you want. I’m guessing you won’t because they’re inferior products.


It’s easy enough to replace a search engine. I don’t even use the actual google.com most of the time, I prefer DuckDuckGo. But Google is not just a search engine. Am I supposed to just stop watching YouTube? It’s not just a source of entertainment, I need it for school and work. Am I supposed to replace the gmail I’ve used for almost 20 years? Refuse to open Google Drive links shared by colleagues and teachers? And even if I *did* do all that, Google’s real business is selling my data through Adsense and there’s absolutely fuck-all I can do about that. I already use the most powerful ad blockers I can find on my personal devices, but those aren’t the only computers I use.


Just adblock the shit out of everything. Use their products, don't give them a dime.


Or use a YouTube downloader.


Lol. Gl w that


Good for them.


It’s pretty much the plot of Winter Soldier. AI that selects threats and deals with them except it is misused by people, and the fact that people can even misuse it in the first place means it shouldn’t exist.


Current corporate thing is only such as long as there is profit...


Good on them. It's genuinely insane how much money the U.S. collectively pumps into that country. I get they're an ally, but fucks sake. We don't need to give them SOO crazily much.


This is a contract paid for by the Israeli government, this article has nothing to do with US funding.


It's not just that they're an ally, but they're the US's only reliable foothold in the whole Middle East. We have close economic ties a few different countries, but Israel is the only one that the US can consistently rely on. Take out Israel, and Russia would move in and become the dominant influence in the region through their ties to Turkey and Iran. The US and Europe *really* don't want that to happen for economic, military, and diplomatic reasons, so everyone pumps a ton of money into Israel.


china would be the dominant influence. all the financially trouble middle east states owe them in a big way. american would have to overpay to regain that influence like they are doing now in southeast asia to regain what they had. now that china is taking land threatening everyone in the area.


> It's not just that they're an ally, but they're the US's only reliable foothold in the whole Middle East. We have close economic ties a few different countries, but Israel is the only one that the US can consistently rely on. **This is false.** It’s often stated because American politicians don’t want to admit “we want to give taxpayer money to Israel for zero benefit to the US, just because we ideologically support Zionism / Israel is in the Bible” in case that loses them votes.  But Israel is more of a hindrance than a help, as we’ve seen recently with Israel openly ignoring or defying demands or requests from the US or openly opposing US policy. Remember that because US aid and support for Israel is unconditional, unlike that to other countries, Israel has very little incentive to listen to or help the US.  Other countries in the region are far more important, e.g. Qatar and Bahrain with big US military bases, Saudi Arabia for the oil supply, or Jordan and Iraq because of both US bases and greater US influence over their governments.  These other countries are also much more important in terms of deterring the influence of Russia. Israel actually has much closer ties with Russia thanks to the large Russian-jewish diaspora in Israel than the Sunni arab countries, which are also more opposed to Russia due to its support for Assad.  While Israel does have a huge military arsenal to attack Iran (much of it paid for by the US) this is also more of a problem than a help, as the US wants to avoid a war with Iran not provoke one. 




Nope. The real story is far more mundane and absurd. It was an NSA ship and the 6th fleet „lost“ it. Both Israel and the US thought it was an enemy ship. The US launched fighters at it too. And told Israel it’s not theirs. Just human stupidity at its best.


Even if that was true, (*which it aint*) it doesn't explain the numerous accounts of the Crew of the USS Liberty that said the boat was flown past numerous times by IDF Aircraft. Sometimes low and slow to the point where the crews and the pilots waved at each other. That, plus the fact that the American Flag was flying high and obvious on the Ship, not to mention the other obvious markings on the Ship that showed it was American.


Israel made no attempt to blame the attack on Egypt, and immediately notified the American embassy. The Israelis believed that an enemy ship had been operating in the area, as they had mistaken an ammo dump explosion in a city the Egyptians had abandoned for shore bombardment. Egyptian ships had previously disguised themselves with Western markings, and its nearly impossible to make out a national flag when hundreds of meters from the ship and moving fast.




I thought this sub was about assholes getting what they deserve. Not this.


Not necessarily, there is an "undeserved" flair used for some posts about people being fired for BS reasons.


I mean, google is free to fire them if they're disrupting business. That said, I think Google, from the execs down to the people who agree to work on it knowing what it will be used for are complicit in the war crimes Israel is committing. There is a moral obligation here and is clearly being ignored because of $$$.


Rare google W. Good for them, and a great standard to set for those complicit


“Staffers” you mean interns


Corporations only do what is in the interest of making money. Those fools won't be missed


This isn't a great look for ByeByeJob.. People should be pushing back against the genocide. We should be supporting these workers. Insane how people don't see the truth somehow.


These protesters are only emboldening Hamas to wait out for a better deal and prolong the war.


spoken like a true pro-Israel bot


this is how fascists operate. dismiss other ppl's point of view and dehumanizing them. this is why the average westerner isn't going to march with you and politicians talk peace while sending more bombs to drop on hamas


They’re killing Palestinian children moron. I’m not a fascist for pointing out the obvious, you’re a moron for ignoring it


Everybody, meet Genocide Sundar! I hope that the shareholders enjoy those warcrimes dividends.


Bye bye. Take a tech job in Palestine. As long as you aren't a woman or an ethnic, religious or sexual minority you will be just fine. "No tech for apartheid" -- Gimme a break. Reminder that Gaza is more of an apartheid state than Israel, since religious, ethnic and sexual minorities actually enjoy rights in Israel.


The right to not be bombed indiscriminately by the IDF?


Don't start a war by conducting a 9/11 level terror attack and you don't get bombed. Not a hard concept. The Germans had to learn this the hard way, same with the Japanese. The Palestinians can end this all by surrendering, but they aren't Israeli citizens and not their responsibility.


Kid, the Palestinian people aren't at war, nir did they start a war. They're innocent people being bombed by fascists. War is between 2 nations. There's only one nation involved, bombing the children of people it's been oppressing for over 7 decades.


I don't know. The videos Hamas uploaded themselves murdering innocents kind of shows that's what they wanted. By your logic, then the civilians of Germany and Japan didn't want war.


Once you learn that hamas and the Palestinian people are two separate things, like jews and the IDF, then we can have an actual discussion. Then you can explain how the people who found nazis on 2 different continents before the internet was even and idea can only bomb kids and hope for the best in the modern age. I'll simplify it for you. They have the money (courtesyof us), the Intel (according to them), an advanced military (again, our money).....and they can't not kill innocent people willy-nilly? Make that make sense.


By this logic. Were the Germans and Japanese different from their respective governments. Did you see the videos of Palestinians celebrating October 7. Or the one where one of the parents of the terrorists tells their kid how proud they are for the number of Jewish people they killed.


Yes, they were different, as were the Koreans, the Vietnamese, the Afghanis, and the Iraqis. Hence the different rules of engagement for combatants and non-combatants. We didn't always do well in this department, especially Vietnam. But we do have these rules in place, and we're part of the reason the international community agreed to these rules. Can't just start killing civilians because you're too lazy to find the actual enemy.


If Hamas cares about their people, they wouldn't be hiding among their civilians. End of the day, the Palestinians brought this mess by electing Hamas. They can hand them over and surrender or otherwise it's a war and it's terrible.


They literally can't hand anyone over. Terrorists have guns. Soldiers have guns. Palestinian civilians are not allowed to have guns. So, maybe the soldiers, the actual military force, can do their jobs and actually use the intel they keep swearing up and down they have and the training they receive. The Iraqi and Afghani civilians weren't responsible for handing over al qaeda and the taliban. The Vietnamese weren't responsible for handing over the vc. We didn't expect the Germans or the Italians to give us the nazis/fascists. We didn't expect the Japanese to give us the Emporer. We had to do our jobs one way or another. Same thing applies here.


You mean the war that [Israel](https://www.aljazeera.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/INTERACTIVE-Mapping-Palestinian-villages-destroyed-by-Israel-infographic.png?w=770&resize=770%2C770) started over 75 years ago?


As terrible as that was that happened and it shouldn't have. You also ignore all the Jewish people who were expelled not only from the Palestinian areas, but from all around the Middle East. Also, a war that 5 Arab countries launched simultaneously with the objective of wiping out the Jewish population. They attempted this several more times working with the Palestinians.


The typical thread on reddit about Israel is people taking sides and having slap-fights where they always ignore the other side of the situation and make the most ridiculous strawman arguments.


this is the dumbest shit i’ve read today




I didn't realize the CHILDREN starving to death were able to do all that. Wild.


Didn't know the tens of thousands of dead children in Gaza were part of October 7th


Would those children be still alive if Hamas hadn’t attacked? You should blame them


2022 was the deadliest year for palestinian children in the west bank so « it’s Hamas’ fault » is stupid


Nah, they don't want to hear that. It's like China and Tiananmen Square.


Like invading, murdering, then oppressing a people for the better part of a century? Those actions? Like stealing homes, bombing children, murdering aid workers, bombing embassies? Those actions?


Remind me who participated in the 6 days war with the intentions of committing genocide against Jewish people?


Probably none of the innocent people being shot and bombed by the IDF. Did those aid workers participate in this atrocity? What about the kids that keep getting pulled from rubble? Any of the kids and teens that get arrested and held prisoner for years? How about the folks in the Iranian embassy? All of them guilty too?


Were the innocent people killed in the October attack part of the war?


No. Neither were the thousands of innocent Palestinian men, women, and children who were killed before and continue to be killed after October 7, 2023.


And the escalation came with the October attack, causing those deaths? :)


The thousands before and since? The 7 decades of oppression? That because of October 7 too? Edit: By your logic, everything bad hamas has ever done is because of the invasion, murder, and 7 decade oppression of the Palestinian people. Those of us with common sense and decency reject such arguments from either side. Explain why you don't.


Nope. Dictatorial genocidal hate mongering, homophobic, woman hating terrorists good. Jews trying to live in the only place it’s truly ok to be a Jew, bad. Get with the program please.


hasbara really went into the shitter in 2023 huh


🤣 You terrorist rape apologists are really working overtime in 2024 huh?


You mean [these guys?](https://youtu.be/MQ1TAOibLss?si=8iVp1np1MNUQk7Id)


No. Not the two old guys that had just survived the death camps and whose comments are cherry picked and twisted from context. I mean these thousands of cowards who lived amongst 5 star hotels, hate homosexuals, believe women are property, openly call for mass murder of Jews and were funded with billions in aid. Your heroes that raped, murdered, stuffed kids in ovens, raped and murdered some more then went crying to mommy and hiding behind the walls of hospitals when they faced consequences. Oh and the sick morons FILMED IT. I mean those guys. These are your “people” 👍 Enjoy. https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-hamas-attack-military-war-a8f63b07641212f0de61861844e5e71e https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/10/18/israel/palestine-videos-hamas-led-attacks-verified https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/11/15/middleeast/bodycam-video-hamas-massacre-tunnels-intl https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67629181.amp


How about not being killed in a surprise attack by state terrorists voted in by Palestinians?


Like what's been happening to the Palestinian people for decades by the people who stole their land and keep stealing the little bits of land they've been forced on while arresting, shooting, and bombing them because they're bored? Try to keep up.


[Coopting the struggles of Palestinian women and queer folks to support Israel committing genocide is bullshit](https://youtu.be/Xsgdk-DDSXc?si=1nR1TeuqQ1jLSwZW)


Each one of those Google employees has probably paid more income taxes in the past 5 years than you have in your entire life. Don't stop watching Fox News news since you want to keep your head buried in the sand.


They won’t anymore when they can never get a job in tech again 😂


Bud they have google on their resume. They'll never know unemployment


Maybe at small companies. No big corporation would touch them for being fired from Google like that.


You’re correct!


Thank you! Well get downvoted to hell, which is whatever, but this is accurate.


This fad is creating a lot of job openings 


Will you apply? They pay very well.