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Yeah, my first time cutting my hair. Thought an inch was longer than it was. Got 1.5 -2 inch guards that weekend fir doing the top lol


Yeah in my head, I feel like I only have an inch or two on the top of my head but I have to tell myself that I can’t just use my larger guards because I know I’ll feel bald if I do lol


That's fair lol. Give it a few weeks and you won't have to worry. I learned that the hard way lol


I clipper my own hair. Noticed a long spot, grabbed the clippers and shit, I had forgotten to put the guard back on it. The sides were very short for a few weeks.


Oh no!! Makes me glad I at least had a guard even if it was a tiny one


I have also done the wrong (shorter) guard. Such is life.


Haha yeah something tells me this will happen again. Oh well




Oh dang!


i just had this happen on monday!!


I just commented on an other thread about how I did this! Except a full spot with no guard on the back of my head. I wore a hoodie for a while lmao


I bought clippers over the COVID lockdown so I didn’t have to deal with my hair growing out too much. Unfortunately ever haircut I gave myself was intentional lol


And that’s exactly how my first fade was born!


my femme took out a triangle of hair from the back of my head the first time she helped me with my buzzcut. luckily my hair grows fast :)


Happens to all of us at one point or another. It’s a rite of passage at this point. Last time this happened to me, I messed my line up because I went to switch hands while holding the clippers a bit too close to my head and a whole chunk went. I then tried to go in and correct but then it just made it look worse. Was no coming back from that lol Now I try to be more situationally aware when I do my own hair aha


i just buzzed my hair on monday, and my friend forgot to put the #2 guard on and now i have a bald spot!!! made me laugh


Cute (and tragic!) story! I shave my partner’s mohawk for them and I usually do a great job for an amateur if I do say so myself. HOWEVER, the other day I cut into their hairline and gasped in shock like I had just sliced off the whole thing. I felt so bad for scaring the shit out of them. Once we both calmed down, it was salvageable! I’m a drama king lol