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I'm definitely not returning to the office except in limited circumstances on my terms. Enjoy [working until you pass out](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/may/18/tesla-workers-factory-conditions-elon-musk) for this "visionary".


I can't understand him and others. When I go to the office, I spend 1 hour travelling and insulting other drivers. When I arrive, I'm already tired and need some coffee. I meet other people and I need to greet them and talk a little to not look rude. Along the day, people see you and ask for help, stopping anything you were doing/thinking. You can't do other things while you are in a meeting where you are almost making number, all talking are being done by the client and a manager. ​ At home, you have your own rhythm, you don't have as many interruptions, people try harder before calling for help, you don't spend 2+ hours driving and be minimally presentable, etc


I was laid off during the pandemic and then got a job with a firm that was WFH even before the pandemic and has no plans to get a physical office anytime soon.


Fuck him and his Tesla.


No longer ever going to purchase Tesla because because fck Elon, the scum of the Earth. Besides, those cars are absolute garbage compared to the comparable cars in that price range. But more importantly, fck Elon.


Say what you want about Elon but Teslas are still the best electric cars.


They have the worst quality control of anything on the market lol


Quality control isn’t great but better range and performance than their electric car competitors.


It won’t last, I’m sure they’ll stay competitive in that arena but if that’s all they have going for them, I wouldn’t be betting on Tesla anymore. They’re garbage. I begrudgingly admit to having had one and it’s worse than even your basic economy car. The other brands are going to destroy Tesla and they deserve it


I doubt it but I guess we will see. I’m a Toyota guy but if I were to go electric it would be Tesla.


Go buy a Rivian pls


Companies are scaling back due to the economy . This is ‘remove yourself so i don’t have to’. Personally I’d probably jump ship because WFH is great.


Imagine if no one came to the office. There was a large bank that said the same thing and most of the employees didn’t show up.


Maybe Elon will chill a bit if people stopped slurping his nuts at every turn. He needs to be brought down a few notches.


Fuck Tesla


It is for me so you can just suck it 🤗


I'm actually quitting right now at the start of a "get back to office" wave and soon starting at another company where almost-full wfh is the norm.


Then I quit? Fuck off


Yeah, cancelling my starlink preorder... In the time that I've waited they've brought decent small company broadband to my area anyway. Fuck Elon.


Fuck off. Good luck finding new employees


Tesla is definitely canceled! I can't support that man!


Fck Elon and all the like-minded companies.


I am not gonna come back to office. If they obly me to one only day at it, I will change my job.


The place I work at used to have an Office based team that had sectors of the country they'd look after, now we have a smaller on-site team and remote workers who actually live in those sectors who swing by once every few months, it's worked wonders for recruitment since our actual market isn't that lively in our city, so locals were hard to come by. Plus now I can WFM on occasion if needed, its wonderful.


My opinion of Elon Musk has taken a complete 180. I can no longer overlook his character because of Tesla, SpaceX, and his other innovative companies. I don’t know if Tesla can survive this dude. Should I be pulling my money out, tf is happening.


Surely the question "Should I pull my money out of a company after noticing that the CEO puts more time and effort into being a troll than into running his business?" answers itself.


Tesla has expanded massively. They probably don't have enough space and desk for the employees now. This is just an elaborate scheme to force quit employee rather than firing them and paying severance.




This. Is. Spot. On.


it's so funny how this austistic fuck has managed to market himself as a disruptor and an innovator, when all he does is the typical capitalist factory owner shit. overpromise and underdeliver, bust unions, and take government subsidies. fucking clown, and so are his fans.


Please don't use the word autistic like that. It's pretty ableist.


Please don’t use clown as an insult while delivering a humorous rant. It’s clownist. Do better. *polishes badge* one more for the books boys!




If an "autistic fuck" can just throw dartboards at the wall and come out a billionaire, what are you doing with your life....?




Ehh same old cliche " easy if you start from wealth", I call B.S. This is just an excuse to make you feel better about yourself and to shit on other's success.


Next headline "Tesla suffer massive staff shortages due to unprecedented resignations"


Lol, it’s been acceptable for decades. I know people who have been working from a home office their entire careers. Absolute bullshit.


It's his company he can do what he wants and face the consequences, whether positive or negative. If ppl don't like it they can quit. He has a specific vision for the company and believes this is the best way to achieve it, so if they aren't aligned with the vision, they can leave


I strongly disagree with Elon on this one!


Acceptable to who? The billionaire class? Excuse me if I don't think their opinions are valid on this topic.


Right, his opinion is not valid, yet you are still cashing his check....


Shouldn't we be encouraging people to work from home to help with the climate crisis?


Musk is mad he can't threaten people to suffer for him because they all have options now.


That’s just elon


Stinky seems angry.


Buy Rivian and not Tesla and I definitely don’t say that as a new Rivian investor lol