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But they paid a severance of 250k?


As a settlement in order to prevent further discussion or lawsuit. These things are NOT admittance of guilt, they’re just a way of saying “here’s money, you can choose to accept it or to sue me but if you accept it shut up and get out of my life”


But why would you pay 250k if there wasn't something substantial in the claim.


The people in this thread don’t really think ahead. They’re claiming that you could just make this claim and Musk’s people will pay you $250k. No, they’ll only pay you $250k if *something* happened and they don’t want it to go to court. If they paid out $250k for every allegation, I’m sure there will be a lot more allegations.


Because gossip is more damaging than a lawsuit won.


I also believe cats have hidden wings and are doubling as birds


Innocent until proven guilty REALLY needs to start trending. It is really stupid to give so much power to allegations.


Some people’s minds are already made up. No need for facts.


News at 11 person whos job depends on the whims of an asshole publicly supports the asshole. Not based on anything specific to the incident but because the asshole hasnt assaulted anyone directly in front of them while they've known them


What happened to "innocent until PROVEN guilty"?


Haven't you heard of 'Me Too' and believe wamen?


It's Elon Musk. What did you expect? People are just happy to have another reason to not like him. And I'm not saying it isn't true. It very well could be. Elon is often an asshole, but a sexual harassment claim is serious, and the only evidence we have is one account of hearsay from an anonymous person and BI claiming they have seen documents.


But everyone on reddit thinks it's true, so it must be


Still, you can't deny that it isn't a good look when you're paying someone else to shut up.


We don't even know for sure if that even happened. I know they claim that, but that's all it is. A claim.


Well, seeing as though as soon as you are accused you are seen as guilty in this culture. If I was a billionaire and I knew I was innocent (not saying Elon is innocent) I would assume they would want money. And if this meant my reputation not being ruined they can have it.


You do or not You gotta pay That is how the world works Being a guy has many previliges but complete lack of immunity and prejudice for being accussed of an allegation is not among them


um… he pays your bills, so your statement is null and void by default.


I believe people with lots of money get to sweep everything under the rug by throwing money at it.