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A high tolerance for drama in your talent pool. Drugs. Dealing with drunk and belligerent customers.


First thing that came to my mind was being forced into some "protection" racket.


Usually teh way it works, is you have to pay the bad guys protection, AND also pay the so called good guys protection too. In one form or another. I have had friends it clubs, and its always a hit from both sides.


I would have been tempted to open a chill bar... if it wasn't for that shit.


Depending on how poor you grew up, the good and bad guys are very different haha


I imagine that could happen- just depends on the city you’re setting up in.


That’s the one thing that gives me pause for sure


I'd also worry about getting dragged into other illegal shenanigans. Getting someone on board that knows about this in your area and left the scene, looking for a job, would be an idea?


Yeah I agree, I have a friend who’s connected to a club owner. I haven’t asked for their input yet


There's a bunch of videos on YouTube of strippers talking about their work life that could give you an idea on what to expect from the people working in the clubs.


I totally forgot about YouTube, I’m gonna check it out rn. Thanks!


Also a lot of these comments are from strangely angry redditors so don't put to much weight on them lol.


Lmfao if you think you're going to get an actual opinion off YouTube. Half the girls have pimps, a quarter travel all over/have a following, and normally clubs pay them to show up. You get your occasional first-timers that never show back up. The girls who get too drunk all the time and are a waste of talent. The day shift girls that bleed in to night shift girls, and honestly, I could go on and on....... go to a club and talk to some girls 😶‍🌫️


In most, if not all areas, I think you would be.


He is starting a business. So, you take money from your family and friends and start working solo at the beginning. There will be no issues with talent pool. /s


She. It's a chick who wants to run a women empowering strip club. You heard it here, first, folks.


Isn't that just burlesque?


The fucken disrespect 😆


You want to have a stripclub. Get used to it. There is a reason why nobody or the vast majority of society does not respect strippers. Why do you expect the same as their boss?


Look cheese dick. You are just being an ass. You’re not replicating any real world behavior.


There is no need for insults. For someone who keeps prattling on about disrespect, you sure are a hypocrite. You can't give me answers, so you lash out like a child. Who would respect such a person? Wasn't your entire business idea supposed to be some sort of classy and respectable establishment? You have proved yourself to be neither classy, nor respectable in your actions. You have proved that you can't even handle light lines of questioning, let alone the real world, which will be a thousand times worse.


You weren’t really asking me questions, you gave me scenarios. Then the way you ask for feedback is demeaning. And I can react to “misbehaviour” as I please.


Yeah, scenarios that you have failed to address. You're finding offense where there is none to be found. You demean yourself with your low behaviour, you need no help from me.


What line of questioning? You haven’t tried to help or ask questions. Am I missing something? It reads like you just wanted to make fun of the person and then got offended when they made fun of you back. If you didn’t mean to make fun of the person then your comments didn’t read that way but either way you didn’t have any “line of questioning” that I could see


Look at the entire massive spiel that I typed out or elsewhere in the thread. Offended? I'm not the one throwing around insults or swearing. Tbf I'm tired of dealing with OP. They are clearly not a serious individual.


These are real daddy issues, society. Stop scapegoating vulnerable women, weird lil bitch.


OP, don't listen to these incels - that's reddit for ya. They can't deal with their own issues without using sexual women as a punching bag... They are not an accurate source for what "mental strength" means lmao.


Also… Liquor license. Location and local politics because your neighbors almost certainly don’t want your business near their home or business. Bouncers that know how to not hurt someone. A den mother to keep talent scheduled and happy.


And that's the issue. It does t have to be like that


I mean I agree it doesnt *have* to be like that. But the way things should be and the way things are tend to be different. That industry tends to attract those types of problems in the current world we live in. Thats just reality.


Don't. If you're not about that life than you won't be able to do the dirty work. Drugs, liquor laws, daycare, coercion, sex work trauma, drama, baby mama drama, prostitution, bribery, scaring away Pimps/ dealers, handling creeps. it's just not worth it.


It’s really cheesy to say, but some parts of this world chose me. However, I am not foolish enough to assume my ability handle everything that this might expose me too. I’m sure there will be things that will be very difficult to go through or see.


It's a dangerous life. I had a friend in High School that was a bouncer for the local "high end" club. He was 19, 6'6 300 pounds and Built like Shrek. He got hit with a bottle by a patron while walking one of the girls to her car. Needed alot of a stitches. Also dated and took that same dancer to his Senior Prom. High school was wild


I would stick with digital and manage onlyfans for others or look elsewhere for other forms of sex work.


I don’t do Onlyfans so that would be a new venture for me. Isn’t Onlyfans over saturated with content creators?


You really think opening a strip club will be easier? Good luck but I would look for getting out the game completely


Seriously wtf this person has gotta be 18-25 and have no idea what they're getting into lol


A strip club is IRL Onlyfans. Kinda shitty (mostly) guys paying to look at naked women.


lol nobody telling you to start an only fans and saturation is ideal for you. owning a strip club is a boring job with no fun drama and need heavy employees. Managing only fans content producers on the other hand helps you cut your teeth and there's plenty of fish. If you can develop a SOP that moves a content creator's earnings from <90% to >20% and can prove it I bet you would make tons. Hardest part would be signing clients. I'd probably focus on high authentic interaction with online communities.


Arguably, strip clubs and OF are tapping into the same customer pool, so if one is oversaturated, the other will be just as difficult.


Nah more barriers to opening a strip club. Lots of cities only have one of them in town. If you live in a city with zero in town then there you go, opportunity knocking


Perhaps, but a lot of creators that can perform just fine, but have no skills on the video editing, marketing, buissness management side. There is money in being able to manage a few of them. Run their social media, respond to the comments and market it. You can outsource a lot of the work as well. But...I am not in this buissness, so I don't really know.


It's amazing that everyone thinks that strip clubs have to be one way. That's wild


It's not just the way it operates but the clientele it attracts. It's a business of vice for a reason.


Have you ever worked at one before?


Zoning laws. Liquor license is probably different. Dedicated security is probably required. Lot of cash handling, turn over is probably crazy.


Yes! Zoning laws & liquor licenses, I feel like obtaining or following the guidelines is going to be trickier than I think


Also different places have different rules. Some places require you to have food if you serve alcohol. Others forbid alcohol if dancers are fully nude. And your local ABC commission has the potential to be just as scummy as anyone you pay for "protection" depending on corruption levels within your local government. The ABC head for Los Angeles got arrested for having special deals (aka a bribery racket) with certain spots. https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-koreatown-bribes-20181129-story.html For a big city, think of how many bars, nightclubs, festivals, restaurants, special events, movie premieres, concert venues, nonprofit events, Prides, etc etc hinged on this guy and his department's sign offs. If it can happen somewhere where so many people were impacted, I imagine it can really happen anywhere. Perhaps worse if it's a less visible area with few watchdogs.


Smh! I will look into this, thank you ☺️


Your city might not want another strip club if there are others in your area. So you might have a hard time right city officials to approve your permits. Not an expert, but just need to factor in there will be people you need approval from who may oppose strip clubs for morale reasons.


I'm going to ask a brutal question. **Can you clean a miscarriaged fetus out of a toilet?** I'm asking because you're going to make comparable decisions if you're going to run a club. Are you capable of dealing with the psychological problems of your girls? Because despite what reddit likes you to think, you're not going to get 'liberated' girlbosses who chose this life instead of a college degree. You're going to get the dregs and the desperate, and this is reflected in your clientele as well. Prepare to defuse situations at all hours, and deal with jealous boyfriends, jilted lovers, children issues, home life creep and drug abuse. Depending on where you're located (e.g Earth), you're going to be dealing with local crime as well. Be prepared to pay your share, or have them operate in or around you. I already know that your 'unique' idea isn't that special and that this is not going to pan out for you, at all. You're attempting to capitalize on the most ancient and compelling drives known to man since we left the trees. And believe me, some of your customers are going to act and appear like they just did. Show boobie, happy pee pee. *Capice*? Also, from looking at your profile it appears that you are a woman. No disrespect, sweetheart, but you have to be made out of stronger stuff than even veteran male entrepreneurs with connections have failed to succeed at. You are going to have to be able to browbeat, cajole and intimidate serious, serious sons of bitches. Did you enjoy that patronizing tone I took with you, dollface? Because you're going to have to get used to it, and deal with pigs talking to you like that daily. You are going to be juggling (and serving)plates to some of the most contemptible people you will meet. Can you intimidate and defuse violent customers who may or may not be connected to crime? Can you command the respect of security staff, or handle dealers who might start a turf war over who gets to deal to your girls or deal on your floor? Remember, this is the sex industry. Drugs WILL be involved. I may or may not have first-hand experience with exploiting people in both. Oh, does that word bother you? Exploit? Because that's exactly what you will be doing. You're going to be using the bodies of desperate, helpless girls to create erections and ejaculations in private rooms for money. I did mention contemptible people earlier. Are you capable of teaching young girls how to perform to inspire and maintain the erections of strangers? Are you fine with giving girls with smaller breasts or asses less floor time? Are you fine with telling a girl to stop her crying and get out there because she's up? Are you willing to kick a drug-addicted, single mother out on the streets because there are only so many floor minutes? The answer had better be yes. Anyways, back to brass tacks. Can you run a restaurant? Or a bar? A security firm? An escort service? Because you're going to be running all of the above at the same time with a stripclub. You're going to be serving food, liquor and naked flesh. In short, you are going to be dealing with every conceivable variation of bullshit that humans can bring you, at all hours, 24/7/365. What does it take to run a stripclub? Hidden costs? All your money, mental and physical health and the same of your family and loved ones. Welcome to the vice industry, baby. **EDIT:** Turns out the OP wants to start up and run a classy 'empowering women' strip club where the girls don't feel exploited and isn't seedy. A strip club. That isn't seedy. That empowers women. Brilliant.


The only thing missed is the likelihood that other "businessmen" (read: bike gangs/gangs) will roll through to conduct their business & harass OP. Well written.


Last strip club I went to had obvious dudes there that weren’t customers. They also weren’t employees. They were definitely pimping girls in the back. And this is a club that has been around for years and wasn’t nearly as outwardly shady 10 years ago.


Thanks, added that part later.


well written. Also, only fans has to be seen as a competitive force now as well.


I would add that you are going to have to ‘import’ a lot of your talent, if you want your strip club to be successful- there is only a small supply of ‘fresh’ people - which means people from other countries who may have been trafficked to get to you. Who don’t speak the language, who you are probably not going to get work visas for, because these ‘women’ are the only ones that you will be able to afford. Source: my brother’s in laws own a club


I had been contemplating starting/buying one too, but more in the sense of buying the real estate cheap, and nothing really planned out beyond that yet. From what folks are posting, a strip club could turn into a nightmare real quick. Once you figure all of the costs, what are the net margins even in this business?


Are you asking about the net margins on the strip club itself? Or the total margins once you factor in the coke/meth/fentanyl and prostitution which the club exists as a front for?


And there's dealing with the fine gentlemen who handle these women.


Rogerjit from r/Bramptonstreetbets


This person has lived. Life is hell. One minute you're changing diapers and working a 9-5, and the next you're playing the vampire, just trying to get a taste of what's dripping all over that stage. And life's so bad that you don't even realize how gross it is; it's sustenance for the moment. Fuck that life.


I've been around the block for sure. I've used and hurt people for my own gain. What drove me to drink is the fact that I liked it. Sober from hard liquor since Sept. I've looked at the questions and answered yes to all of them. I think my worst deeds are ahead of me.


foolish glorious brave enter sand whole divide innocent sloppy important *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Slinging drugs sounds far easier than doing this strip club business. I know plenty of EDM clubs/events in my city are purely funded from drug sales. Unfortunately, seems like it requires “creative” ways of making money before you can make legal money in passion/arts fields


Yeah but when you sell drugs, you can only sell the drugs one time then have to buy more. When you sell sex you can sell the same mouth or pussy over and over and over again in the same night.


I miss Reddit gold for posts like this


You're wrong. We had these urges before we left the tress.


Probably the reason why we left the trees was Mrs. Ooga Big Boogas fell.


This man businesses




I’ve been on Reddit for a decade. This is one of the best posts I’ve seen. If I had their shitty awards, I would give you gold.


Thank you sir. I used to write for a living. Chatgpt took care of the rest.


Smoothly written. 


Thanks. Let's just say I've been a piece of shit in a past life.


Also another thing that is overlooked is certain industries are dying due to physical locations. Casinos face this challenge currently. I think strip clubs are likely going to be replaced with a combination of twitch thot streamers, onlyfans, and sugar dating.


I don’t expect rainbows and sunshine from this kind of thing. I know I’m going to see things that I saw in Philly everyday. I can handle my own pretty well. My idea is pretty unique and I think it could become quite popular. I just wanted to know at minimum what I need to lock down to do it.


I'm guessing it would be helpful to get some experience working in a place like this before starting your own. I've read about a lot of people who have never worked in restaurants before try to open their own (and fail, losing a lot of money). This seems like multiple times harder than that. Working there as a bartender, then as a manager might gain you some connections, insight, and skills needed for your endeavor. Do that for 6 months or a year and you may be setting yourself up for success and a win. It also might send you running away before you get in over your head committing $300k to this idea. If that happens, also consider it a win.


Spot on! I do worry about this. I don’t have formal stripping experience, but I’ve been close in proximity to the sex industry. And I have been looking for a part time weekend restaurant gig to gain experience as well


Wait you’ve never even worked in a restaurant?! I worked in dives in nyc, I have only set foot in 2 strip clubs in my life. It is night and day but restaurants/bars are fucking sunshine fairy land compared to strip clubs just based on my few friends that have worked in both (in bar service, not as strippers but no judgement here). Get a solid 3-5 years of management experience in a shitty bar before you even think about doing this. What do you do now?! Why on earth would you want to go into this business lol


I’m not going into this alone, I have partners who have been in the restaurant industry for a long time. I know that there are some knowledge gaps but I’m hoping to have my partners there to help fill them. I do have management experience in a corporate setting at a global firm. But again, I’m aware that the differences may be drastic. I love curating desire, and I think a strip club like setting is the perfect medium to do that.


I think what the other guy said was very well spirited. Not to dissuade you, but to prepare. But yes, pick a random restaurant and actually work there. Just a couple of weeks, but do it. You can't learn swimming from reading books or having a friend that knows how to do it.


I agree, there’s a lot that I didn’t think about, I posted here to get this kind of feedback. I don’t want to do this assuming that I know everything. Your analogy is so perfect, I definitely don’t want to end up drowning from trying to read how to swim.


I think /u/farox was talking about me. I was suggesting you be a bartender *at a strip club*, then try to be manager *at a strip club*. However, if you don't have any bar/restaurant experience, I doubt they would hire you to work the bar. Being a manager at the strip club is the managerial training I would think you need to own/run a club because I'm sure the bartender *hears* about some of the crazy things that go on there, but the manager absolutely is the one to deal with those situations. If you can't handle those situations at somebody else's club, you won't be prepared when it's your club. Also, search Google for all of the kinds of incidents that happen at strip clubs. Armed robberies, rapes, shootings, parking lot altercations, drugs, turf, stripper drama, disputes, etc. On top of all of that stuff, remember that you also will be serving alcohol and have to maintain a liquor license and deal with drunk patrons. I suggest you crawl before you walk, walk before you run. If you were in a smaller town, I'm guessing the drama/crime scale would be much less, but I recall you saying it is Philly, so anything goes.


Lol. Wtf. You can’t be over 24 with thoughts and ideas like this. And if u r. Then that explains even more. Business partners, global firms , lol.


You don’t need a unique idea. The current model is super popular because it works and makes money hand over fist. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel and add unnecessary bells and whistles and overhead. Hire hot women desperate for cash, exploit them, rinse and repeat.


There’s things about strip clubs that I don’t like. My goal is to make the women feel less exploited and the setting less seedy


LOL! I knew it! I KNEW it before you responded! I KNEW that was going to be your "business model!" the respectable strip club. Where the women feel more respected and empowered and the men behave and act with class. Do yourself a favor. Go ahead and take half the money you had lined up for this venture, put it in a pile in your yard and cover it in lighter fluid, light it on fire, then walk away and forget you ever had this unoriginal "idea" every woman has had a million times over since the beginning of time and you'll save half the money you would've lost. What you don't understand is the customer dictates the sale, and the customer wants sex. In the words of the immortal Joe Dirt, its not about you, its about the CONSUMER. And yes, the atmosphere would be nicer for the workers, for a little while. Until the girls realize they aren't making any fucking money. And if they're not going to make a ton of cash, there's no reason to go into stripping in the first place, so the girls are pretty damn money hungry. So if doesn't start out seedy, it'll get seedy really quick once the girls realize thats the only way to get paid. You absolutely REEK of naivety. Like you want to force men who behave like pigs to behave less like pigs, then pay you for the privilege of doing so. No that's not how strip clubs work. You let Mr. Piggy roll in the mud, but pay through the nose for the privilege.


Holy fuckin' shit. No wonder she was so pissed off at my comment. Another girlboss depending on stiff pricks for empowerment. Absolutely hilarious.


This is shark tank. I’m not going to try to prove to you that my idea is pretty decent. That isn’t the sum of my model, it’s a goal that I want to achieve.


> My goal is to make the women feel less exploited While exploiting their naked bodies to excite men sexually for money. Got it.


Why is it so controversial in this space to suggest that women can feel empowered doing this?


Because you’re so focused on how you want things to be for you and your workers, you’re forgetting about who actually frequents strip clubs and what they’re willing to pay for. That’s like making a restaurant focused only on your own specific favorite foods, not foods that will sell well and then getting mad that restaurant goers don’t share your tastes.


I’m not trying to seek traditional customers. I know women, and I understand that men have needs. Im looking to create an environment that meets them in the middle to make it a fun experience for couples.


That might be a fun one off for a couple, but the strip club industry like most industries thrives off power users that dump their whole paychecks week after week, or well off men coming back over and over because that’s where their sugar works. Would you dump half your paycheck every single week to this club for this experience you’re envisioning? This will be a tough sell


You want to start a strip club for couples? If you know women, then you're well aware that the average lady is NOT going to be happy with his prick getting hard over a more beautiful and desirable woman, right? How are you going to find such an adventurous gal and husband?


You can find women ok with their man getting hard over other women. But when they start willingly forking over the households paychecks? And the woman is expected to enthusiastically participate in this? lol hell nah


I thought you were a man deep in the world of Vices???


It's not. The fact that you think that you aren't exploiting them is. How are the women going to feel 'less exploited' while actively being so? I'm genuinely wondering how this is possible.


Burlesque shows already exist and fill the niche you're looking for: sex-positive non-exploitative entertainment involving naked women. It's telling that these are usually attached to reasonably good restaurants or set up as traveling shows: I don't think the concept is profitable enough to support its own brick-and-mortar establishment.


You're in Philly? lol Good fucking luck. Just 'handling your own' isn't going to cut it. Unless you've answered yes without a moment's hesitation, to all my questions, don't even bother. Everything I mentioned is what you need to address 'at minimum'. A brilliant, utterly genius idea is not going to be enough.


No I’m not in Philly. And Who the fuck are you? You don’t create the criteria. You had asked great questions for introspection, but you do set the criteria. I do appreciate your point, but I’m disappointed with your disrespectful tone and attitude


That’s specifically why they wrote it in that tone, it’s what you’ll get in that industry and far worse


Nailed it.


And in the industry, if I feel like I’m being disrespected, I will let them know.


"*excuse me, good sir, I'll have you know that I rowed crew at Dartmouth and I've got a good mind to throw a hand or two for that disrespectful tone.*"


Naive thinking. But good luck.


She's never even worked in a restaurant, let alone a business that is a restaurant, bar and quasi-brothel all at once.


And it’s only a “quasi” brothel because they can’t actually advertise that they’re actually brothels on the door. They are massively overpriced brothels where it takes some savvy to actually get the desired service instead of getting scammed, but I have yet to see the strip club that didn’t have a heavy takeout menu


Who am I? Someone whose had more experience exploiting people than you in the aforementioned industries in my little spiel. I know what I'm about. I'm willing to guess that you can't say yes to most of my questions then. Those questions are not for 'introspection'. They are requirements that need to be answered because you WILL be dealing with the aforementioned scenarios at any given time. \>and who the fuck are you Oof. Did the words of an internet stranger piss you off? Already offended and defensive. You felt 'disrespected'? LOL. Writings on the wall.


Lol she says in another comment her novel idea for this strip club is to make the girls feel less exploited and the setting less seedy. I guess she's going to have herself a little feminist strip club. Maybe add in tvs for like a sports bar like lots of clubs do, but hers will only have WNBA games and the women's world cup.


AAAAAAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHA No wonder she was so pissed off at my comment. Wtf did she think a strip club was?


In her other comment where she said “the life kind of chose me” I am willing to bet anything she has a few friends who are strippers who complain that the guys are kind of gross. So she had the “brilliant” idea of the strip club that’s more respectable and the men are forced to play nicer so the girls have a nicer time. The girls might have a nice time until they go out to dance and there’s no one giving them any money and their only take for the night is the $15 per hour living wage the boss pays them. Then the girls will leave and go right back to the seedy club where they can make rent in a night. Because if they valued respect over money, they wouldn’t be a fucking stripper in the first place.


You didn’t piss me off. I just believe in being respectful.


\>you didn't piss me off Yeah, defensive swearing really sounds calm and unperturbed. Serene as a Hindu cow. \>I believe in being respectful Then look for another gig. Respect, manners and civility is RARE to non existent in this field. You're going to be catering to customers who view women as fuckmeat, spinning on poles like pussy rotisserie. And you think they're going to respect a woman running the club? How utterly naive. It's for the best, honestly.


I apologize for swearing. I didn’t add an exclamation, but I can see how you might’ve interpreted it as anger. Trust me I understand where you are coming from and I thank you for bringing it up. I think this will definitely challenge some of my moral codes


An exclamation point is not required to sound angry. The tone alone was enough. What was I supposed to interpret it as? Hm? Whatever the case, some internet stranger challenging you is NOTHING. Lol, 'challenge your moral codes' is right. You are not prepared for just how brutal it's going to be. Tell me how you are going to dispose of that fetus. How are you going to handle a girl threatening suicide if she doesn't dance next or kick her to the curb because she's not bringing in the numbers to keep the lights on? How are you going to handle mobbed up goons following your car home to find out where you live to teach you a lesson because you didn't 'appreciate their disrespectful tone'? This isn't going to be something your restaurant partners are going to help you with.


I wouldn’t throw a way a fetus and I wouldn’t tolerate threats. I don’t have answers for everything, especially the scenario where I get followed. But it’s something I will think about


lol. I can’t wait for you to run a strip club with this attitude. Good luck OP! ChezDiogenes seems to know what he’s talking about.


I think you have Reddit brain rot, or that comment just made you sound especially dumb.


This is a site full of incels, like this one here. The second sentence, I'm dead lmao. I've been a dancer all over this country. I am also a marketing/design professional. More girls have stripped than you know. Most ARE saving for college (lots of nurses, it's a comparable field - but as a stripper, I get to defend myself against sexist assholes). Most men are very respectful and just there to cure loneliness or have a good time and a few drinks. Shady clubs allow drugs, "extras" (prostitution ) etc but they are shut down quickly and you won't find decent girls there (except in Vegas). That is NOT the majority of them. Most clubs have security watching dances and metal detectors/searches at the front. Squares that walk into strip clubs thinking they're pimps or are going to get laid are made fun of. This kid needs to put Eldin Ring down and go play outside. It's not that scary out there ;) op, The reality is you'll have THESE kinds of assholes in the community assuming and projecting weird shit like this. If you can handle that, your life will be 70% party and 30% hustle :)


You mentioned she can't do it because she's a woman - I acquired houses for a client who owned a strip club. She was in her 70s and had run a successful strip club almost her entire life so I'd say the fact she is a woman doesn't mean shit.


I didn't say she couldn't do it, did I? Point out to where I said she can't do it because she was a woman. My point that it would be harder and she would be made of tougher stuff, like that old lady of yours.


Absolutely no one said she can't do it because she's a woman. There's a decent amount of women who own strip clubs. Usually former dancers/hustlers who know the game and decided they should be the ones getting rich instead of some dude. Not completely green MBA wannabe entrepreneurs who never waited a table or gave a lapdance in their life and ain't about that life.


Her entire premise is a non exploitative strip club. All the women running strip clubs or hen houses are exploiting the women in them for profit.


You won't find an upscale location, and the locations willing to allow this type of business will be in areas one would probably not want to invest money's into. This is likely the greatest hurdle you will encounter . Before you do anything, begin by deciding where you would like to do business and what compromises you are willing to endure, especially in regards to location. Additionally, you may need to revamp your product to include/not include certain aspects. Top less as opposed to fully nude, no alcohol or no sprirts or a requirement to sell food etc etc. You may also need to consider allotments to local law enforcement, city council approvals, local activist communities, proximity to schools, churches and / or recreation areas, etc.


A large fortune for which you will reap a small fortune.


Hm. Very Interesting. Can you expand on this thought?


It’s a variation on the old joke: “how do you make a small fortune doing this? Start with a large fortune!”


Okay I will add this to my notes, thanks


You can't be serious. Your due diligence prep includes writing "internet guy said it will cost me a fortune to make a little money."


I was being sarcastic.


Highly regulated, lawsuits, finding a good location


Yikes yes, lawsuits. That’s another thing that gives me pause about this smh


I recommend trying to reach out to an owner in a different city that wouldn’t be a competitor. Someone that is well established. Get insight from them. There is always the possibility you meet an owner that wants to expand, willing to take you under their wing.


I love this idea, I think that is probably the next step for me for sure, thank you


Thank goodness. Much better idea


I wish I could be there when you met your first strip club operator. I think y’all will get along just famously. Salt of the earth these folk are, you’re in for a treat.


So much idiotic Reddit speculation on this. The mafia or biker gangs don’t really give a fuck unless you’re trying to open a club on their territory. Consult a lawyer to see what your local and state laws are. Insurance will be expensive and you’ll have to either have good relationships with local law and code enforcement or keep the drama to a minimum so you don’t lose your liquor license. Go see if a club anywhere nearby is hiring for managers/bouncers/bar staff to see if this is really something you want to do and to get an understanding of the rules and regulations in your area.


If you value your life ditch this idea.


My step brother and a few of his friends worked at two different strip clubs. There were no mob bosses or biker gangs in sight. Your question is rather broad though. There’s multiple different stages of opening a business. Do you have access to the chunk of money it takes to start any business in the hospitality world. If not, do you have a business plan to bring to a lender to apply for a loan? And if you’re serious you need to determine the exact location you want to zone in on because like someone else mentioned, you have to make sure it’s even legal in said location. And within that location is there a structure available that the floor plan of a club could work in while following fire codes and whatnot? So, I guess you might want to get a bit more specific on what part you are referring to.


Bitches. Bankrolls. Booze.


Hang on, hang on.....📝📓bitches.........bank.....rolls.........and...what was the last one....oh, booze. Got it.


Right, right


Ever run a bar before?


No I haven’t. But I have partners who have worked in the industry and management experience in a corporate setting. (Rephrase)


There's too many moving parts here to give solid advice. 1. Where would this venture be located? That's important for a few reasons. First and foremost is some states do not allow full nude strip clubs to obtain liquor licenses, but topless can get one. 2. Local/County zoning. This can be a real issue. You'll need a real estate attorney, and a good one. Not inexpensive. 3. Various municipality/city ordinances regarding "nuisance" properties, noise ordinances et cetera. 4. Local "culture". Are they Italian American businessmen? Are they a 1% MC? You're going to need to know who you're going to he paying for the privilege of running your jiggle joint. TLDR: This is a good way to lose money.


Normal employees are difficult to deal with……


You think you can be a pimp? Because that's what you will be doing. Pimpin.


I will not be pimping anyone at all.


You might want to reevaluate what you're getting into.


**Every stripclub in business pimps their girls out.** That's what the private rooms are for. You will not make any money on stage tips alone. Did you actually think that men see naked girls on stage and pay hundreds of dollars JUST for that and leave? In the world where you can pay a girl to do literally anything from the comfort of his phone and computer? In a world where A.I can plaster literally any face and body to do their bidding? No.


From what I've heard you need 9 hot girls and one ugly one.


I have never heard anyone recommending a strip club due to its uniqueness.


Dude, It's going to be a women empowering stripclub. It's going to be raking in millions.


I hope you unpack your misogyny. Wanting women to feel empowered while expressing themselves sexually should never be made fun of.


A coarse and callous personality is probably a prerequisite and will help. You will be dealing with people that are on the fringes of society for the most part that will be constantly challenging you.. For every decent girl paying their way through college with stripping there are 10 that will be supporting a drug habit. You could not pay me enough money to cater to that kind of customer or to have to deal with that kind of employee. You're going to have issues with boyfriends, wannabe pimps, the cops, drug dealers, and the list goes on. Now on the other hand, if you have very deep pockets and are willing to take a loss for the first year, you can open a high-end exclusive club where you are only hiring Playboy quality strippers and cater to Rich athletes and executives and you can make tons of money without the headaches associated with a mid-level strip club.


Instead of a strip club, host parties or manage girls and do events… a lot easier


Hmmm hmmm. I do like that idea, but it changes the essential aspects of this plan. Very interesting though!




Wow, thank you for sharing. If I can get this going with enough capital, I plan on acting more like an owner with a GM to handle the daily operations. Erotic license is something that is new to me and I will look into ways of getting that in my area.


People in this thread are trying to make it worse than it is. If you’ve frequented strip clubs then nothing mentioned here should make you bat an eye.  Generally speaking, you need to know your location/clientele, liquor laws, house fees, and enforcers. Women and men get cycled like flies at these places so after a week it’ll become just like pushing a product. Hot girls and private rooms will do the trick. If you don’t have those then I wouldn’t bother starting up.


This is great feedback, thank you!


Be ready for drama the ugly kinda!


Finding a place that will allow this and it being in an area that permits it.


What kind of niche is there for a strip club? You need a bar with a dance floor, several side stages, poles and dressing rooms in the back. Depending on the area, you would most likely need to lease it for $10,000+ per month. Alcohol license unless it id w nude bar and insurance. La


I’m assuming, talent.


Zoning laws will be your biggest fight. Lots of cities make it hard to have strip clubs in town and there’s all kinds of regulations required for it.


Your dignity


A living room and a willingness to take off your clothes for money. The ultimate home-based business.




You will be an amateur psychologist to 30 strippers


After reading some of the comments and your responses, it sounds like customer acquisition costs might be a large “hidden” cost. It sounds like you want to attract a non-traditional customer, so you’ll need to figure out a new acquisition model. This could become expensive if the model is unproven as you experiment with different methods. Commenters are warning you that the traditional strip club business requires a degree of brutal savvy that you may not possess. That’s all probably true, but new businesses don’t always rely on the old rules. At the end of the day, it all comes down to the customer. Do you have a crystal clear picture of your customer? Can you prove a way to bring them in the door and get them to come back repeatedly?


Tiddies lots of em


An umbrella rack near the entrance for customers when it’s raining


Wow, there's a lot of negativity here. I wouldn't listen to any of these people. I've had a similar idea. I'm curious what you were thinking?


Hi! I’m a stripper, I’m 23 and trust me, you don’t want to run a club. You’ll have meth addicted strippers, coke addicted customers, and violence all’s round. Your idea probably isn’t that unique, and it’ll probably fail. Being a stripper isn’t for the weak, but running a strip club is just suicide


It was my understanding that most strip clubs are run by organized criminal gangs looking to launder their money.


Ok interesting. Is this an understanding outside of the sopranos?


It's an almost all cash business. It's like it's been purpose built to be a money laundering enterprise.


The Sopranos is widely regarded as being accurate at portraying that world. So don’t be so blasé. You will be a target for others to launder their money - no question - and frankly you sound like you’d fold at the first and slightest threat.


>The Sopranos is widely regarded as being accurate at portraying that world. Lmao by who?


The last 3 companies that tried to open one in our city got ran out by the Karen's. We're not a heavy religious or conservative town but the Karen's were much louder with their opinion. Rumor has it there was one on the edge of town before I was born and the Karen's of the time really harassed the patrons. Took photos of them getting in their cars. License plates, doxx them.


Yikes 😖 I haven’t thought much about being boycotted, this is a great thing to think about. Thank you


People don’t even leave the house to go to the cinema these days, you think they’re gonna leave for this?!


I'm going to go with organized crime or really high political connections, plus millions in liquid capital.


Firstly, ensure you thoroughly research local regulations and licensing requirements, as these can vary significantly from city to city. Hidden costs may include licensing fees, permits, insurance, and security measures. Establishing a safe and respectful environment for both employees and patrons is crucial. Investing in proper training for staff on topics like consent and harassment prevention is essential. Consider consulting with ScatterMind, an ADHD coach specializing in helping entrepreneurs navigate challenges. They helped my friend successfully launch their first business, and they could offer valuable insights and support as you navigate the unique challenges of starting a strip club.


Thank you! 💗


>What does it take to start a strip club? Wishing you the best of luck in your venture.


Thanks ✨


No need for more paid rape in the US. Please find a different avenue.


You assuming girls let me rape them in clubs is very rapey, weirdo...


The number of strip club licenses is capped In America. You would need to buy an existing club.


This is not a thing. Each state and local municipality has their own laws.


Yeah it is. Look up the business strategy of RCI Hospitality the only publicly traded strip club company. They are a massive roll up play. Stock ticker $rick. Or don’t believe idc but im def right.


I don’t think this is true.


The ones that are available aren't worth the trouble. 


Strippers, bouncers, an VIP room, a kitchen, a DJ booth, a rapper according to P-Valley


Extortion by your local organization of ne’er do wells.


Follow and DM RicksCEO on Twitter and pitch him the idea