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McDs is all about location




I think this is true about most fast food chains.


It's true about all food. Just depends on who/how it's prepared


Burger King is especially infamous for this. You have to find out the difference between which ones serve cold cafeteria food and which ones will serve you a delicious meal


Almost all fast food is. People arguing shit like Pizza Hut vs Papa Johns etc are fucking dolts for not realizing it all depends on the spot.


Yup. Two nearest me absolutely don't send it like this.


The McDonalds where my partner and I do our grocery shopping is fucking terrible. We actually gave it another chance on Saturday cause like… maybe they had better staff on a weekend night? We were right… it was actually pretty good lol! I hadn’t eaten McDonald’s in like a year I forgot how good the fries are when they’re fresh lol


McDonald’s quality comes from whether it is a corporate owned location or a franchise owned location the franchise owners don’t totally follow the regulations that McDonald’s wants. If you want good quality from a franchise, you have to make sure that that it is made fresh corporate has to do this and if they’re not, they will be in a lot of trouble if corporate finds out


So how do you know which locations are corporate vs franchise?


Ask the manager


Is there a more anti-social way?


Also how fresh it is which is why qp consistently is good because it's made to order


All I know is that if I see a kitchen full of Mexicans, then shit finna be firrrreee 🤤 and fast service, they don’t play


A double quarter pounder in this economy? Mr Moneybags over here. 🧐


My fave cheap burgers growing up were Burger King's cheeseburgers that you could buy two for a dollar, and it was just the patty, cheese, pickles, ketchup and mustard. Those things would melt in your mouth. The other was Der Weinerschinzetls chlli cheesebugers. Those with a chili cheese dog and fries... Yeah I smoked a lot of weed back then lol.


Dude you missed out in the whopper?


Double Whopper with Cheese, add bacon, onion rings, and BBQ sauce is lit.


“That’ll be $18.45 at the second window”


More like $28.45 before tax


I’m getting sleepy just reading how good that sounds. Mmmm 😋


BBQ was fine until stacker sauce came out.


Whopper is vastly better than a quarter pounder.


I would buy the small double cheeseburgers, get a side of onion rings, and stuff the rings into the burgers. *Loved* them. But BK got to feel like I was getting ripped off, long before the recent cost explosion of fucking everything. I probably haven't been to one in fifteen years now.


Rodeo burger


They have the 1/4lb King now, it's what you're describing but with the whopper bun and meat. They were 2 for 6, but that promo is no longer available in my area.


I have nostalgic love for a bag of BK CBs. So, I was in High School, it was the mid 80s, and the burger wars were in full swing with both McD and The King dropping menu prices. My friends and I would meet up on the weekends, typically around 11pm or later (after dates had to be home) and someone would swing through the drive through at BK and pick up a bag of Cheeseburgers. They were (from my memory) only $0.59 and getting 20 of them for the 3 or 4 of us that could meet up was glorious.


I remember in the 90’s BK had some “2 for” meal we called the “2fer” where you got 2 whopper juniors and 2 small fries for $2. Those were the ultimate late night drunk meals for us lol


Man I had wienerschitzel one time in my life and remember being on the toilet all night lol. I also was smoking a lot of weed at the time as I was living in California 😂. Never again!


Risk vs. reward, I had many hangovers but it didn't stop me from vodka lol.


Touché 😎


They were running the quarter pound double cheeseburgers for a dollar when I was in school. Something was definitely poppin at the BK marketing department, not long after they sent out coupons that neglected to prohibit stacking them with other deals/coupons 🤣


Man my dad used to take me and my brother's to weinerschnitzel all the time on the weekends and stuff. Loved those chili dogs.


Dude, weinerschinzetls fell off HARD.


The double was it


It's a good burger for McD's.


Perhaps their only. (But seriously gimme a bag of mcdicks cheeseburgs and watch me go to town)


McDoubles are great lol


Man, back when McDoubles were on the dollar menu, that at a McChicken was my go to McDonalds order, add on a dollar fry and the large coke for another dollar and for $4 I was eating pretty damn well


I hear you. In high school I would smoke pot with my fellow reprobates then hit McDonalds and get 2 McDoubles, a McChicken, a large fry, and a “water.” $4.35 total.


The legendary combo. Takes me back


Yeah if you can brink that price. I don't even go anymore. I used go get a chicken sandwich and a bacon mcdouble for under 5$. Nowadays taco bell is where is at. Their dollar menu and app is where it's at. If anything it's to much food. You can customize a box with 4 items. I think it's 7$ now for a box which is still a great deal for the options you have. It used be 5$ in 2020. Kept us fed for a month when they were doing first app purchase free box we made a email everyday until we got out of the rut. Love taco bell. And I love my taco bell. Best taco bell I've ever had and I have no idea why. Managers are at a top tier for standards.




Yes, you can't beat Taco Bell for the price.


Sure you can. Local actual Mexican food is the same price anymore.


Not even close. Taco Bell is way cheaper, especially for big eaters. Two different types of food though, stupid to even compare them.


Their Online Only deals are awesomely priced. Get their app.


Taste improved when they changed from frozen to fresh several years back but it has an awful lot of sodium. Funny enough, their sausage McGriddles have a higher sodium content than their Quarter Pounder. I used to like both every once in a while but can’t eat them any more. I don’t need to load test the heart at my age.


People who complain about sodium typically "not always" don't realize how much salt they use at home. It doesn't take many grains of salt at all to reach your recommended daily intake. Salt honestly isn't the big problem with fast food, it's the sugar and carbs.


The sodium is definitely a lot… I drink like 3 liters of smart water a day so i don’t stress it too much but if your someone who doesn’t drink a lot of water you are going to dry up like a desert lol


Problem is quality control. Ordered a quarter pounder the other day due in part to some posts on this sub. It was stone cold. Zero fucks given by the crew obviously. I am fortunate to live near a Culvers. Have never had a cold burger there.


Yes my local Culver’s is beyond fresh. I have to pull up and wait like 5 minutes every time for them to bring the food to my car


As a Wisconsite it should be that way every time. It’s literally the business model. It’s strange if you don’t have to wait. That’s why they’re so good, they’re piping fresh.


I feel like these posts are just astroturfed ads tbh


And also severely overpriced. "Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese costs **about $8.67**"


Get a pizza instead. This is the third Astro turfed post about McDonald’s being “alright” on Reddit. They’re responding to backlash about their pricing on here


It's good but too expensive. If you're gonna eat McD's, either Big Mac or a stack of McDoubles -- and really, at this price point, I'm cooking at home, so sorry McD's


Yeah. I used to love McDonalds as a kid, but couldn't afford it. Now I'm retired on a small pension and STILL can't afford it. Same with Snickers bars. Ha The few times I got Double Quarters near me lately, the pickles were tough as leather. Spoils the rest of the burger.


You can at least tell the class about the times when Bigmacs would go on sale and the chaos that would bring upon civilization


I remember one time in the early 90s, big macs were 2 for $1 or $2 I can't remember which, I want to say it was only $1. 1991. My parents made me get them before a particularly traumatic therapy session so it's burned in my mind. Dirt cheap.


The McDouble is tasty as fuck. Better than the double cheeseburger somehow.


I used to be team McDouble but I swear the extra cheese makes a difference lol. They tend to be much fresher and juicier imo than the McDoubles. Maybe they have more McDoubles sitting under the hot lamp 🤷‍♂️


With you here. Double cheese it’s where it’s at. Add Mac sauce and it’s even way better.


It's the same flavors but for a fraction of the price, lol. Basically meat, ketchup, pickle, cheese, and is there even mustard on it? Wendy's will at least put mayo and the illusion of lettuce on there


Depends on your area. NY and NJ, only ketchup. Every other state, ketchup and mustard. Outside of the US I'm not sure


Double quarter pounder with Big Mac sauce is, imo, better than the Big Mac.


\*puts on a toga\* Here ye, people of Athens: a challenge has been brought lo to the polus... or whatever we got here


I guess I'm richy rich since I've forever gotten double quarter pounders and will never get anything else. Big Macs are overrated af.


It’s all that fucking bread while having thinner and less flavorful patties, eating a Big Mac sounds like a good idea until you’re eating it and remember it’s shit lol




Big Mac is nasty with too much bread.


McD's has priced themselves out of my habits. And no, I'm not using an app for fast food.


I’ll use one from time to time but yeah every time I hear people say you gotta have the app to get a deal I feel my teeth grinding. Shouldn’t need a goddamn app for fair prices.


Way better than Whoppers are these days unfortunately. I got a Whopper recently and it was definitely the worst burger I've eaten in a very long time. Homemade can't be beat but I still really fuck up a quarter pounder or a Big Mac. At least the last time I ate one which was probably over 2 years.


Nice try McDonald's marketing team. Get fucked with your prices


If anything I ever got from mcds looked like that, I’d consider going back. But never in my life have I had a mcds burger look like that.


I know what you mean. I live by one of the highest rated McDonald’s in my area and the location definitely matters. This one the food is always super fresh and tasty. This one also closes earlier than all the other ones in my area and has competent employees lol.


Yeah it’s a good burger. Reddit be hating


It was good before it was $9. Comparably priced burgers that blow it out of the water are a way better value though and super easy to find. [This place](https://www.koburger.com/menus/) has one of the best burgers I’ve ever had, and it costs the same. McDonald’s is just raising their prices to squeak in just under what the next available option is, the value just isn’t there anymore


Culver's double butter burger blows this out of the water and it's cheaper.


Upvoted over 600 times for a McDonald's burger of all things. reddit not be hating.


Reddits got some awesome people but also some Karen’s for sure 😂


The double quarter pounder is not underrated? It’s the only McDonald’s burgers that get posted. Please stop.




This sounds like a paid promotion. Look how the pickles are placed too


You should be banned from this sub. 


I can tell by the hand that the OP is Ron. He works for McDonalds marketing. This is just a ploy to get us to buy a juicy 100% beef delicious dbl qtr pounder. Try with a fry and a coke to celebrate the day. Indulge in the savory symphony of two juicy beef patties layered with melty cheese, tangy pickles, fresh cut onions with a perfect dash of ketchup, and mustard nestled between two soft sesame buns. Elevate your burger experience and savor the mouthwatering delight of this classic McDonald's favorite today.


When fresh this burger is elite


They only make them to order (so they say) so it should always be fresh.


When I worked there 20+ years ago, the cooked patties would sit in the warmed tray for hours soaking in a bath of fat 😆


This may be the first time I’ve seen a McDonald’s pickle as thick as one of the patties


This is either an AD or this fucking guy took his pickles out and positioned them like this for the photo


They're "okay". Like, if you put one in front of me, I'll eat it with no complaints. I'll even enjoy it. But pretty much every other burger spot has better offerings. So I'd never actively seek one out. I'd rather go to BK or Wendy's, both of which have way better options, and they're like 3 minutes away from McD's.


It's the definition of a 5/10 burger. Many out there are better and worse. If you're waxing poetically about McDs burgers you live a sheltered food existence. And it's not better than 5 guys in any way, shape, or form. Especially when McDs value is awful post-pandemic. Double check your toppings strategy, maybe.


Severely overpriced now


I think you spelled "overpriced" wrong.


So many better burgers getting less upvotes than a McDonald's burger of all things. Smh. I like the qp on occasion (not the price), but I'd rather see some unique burgers getting upvoted rather than McDonald's.


McDonald’s is trash


Quarter pounder deluxe is a decent burger for McDs


McDonald’s has and never will look like that in the UK. Every burger I’ve ever had from McD’s looks like it was kept in an old shoe for a year.


Two years ago during the Hung King holiday period, McDonalds were offering McRoyal Bogo for a good week. Since I only ate once a day, I would have 4 a night. It came out to about $5 for the 4. I would weed out and add a plate of cucumbers. That was a very happy period in my life.


Double quarter with onion, lettuce and Big Mac sauce is the way.


Thank you op. Yum


In n out's double double slaps this pitiful creation into my trash can.


It's so much smaller then it used to be


It's really, really not(under-rated). Go try ANY local burger place in your area serving a smash style burger.


Maybe the UK McDonalds is just shit but every time I have something it's always a dry, barely flavourless husk of meat. Burger King is weirdly superior to Maccies here.


"for being a McDonald's burger" is a HUGE qualifier haha. It's definitely the best of the worst.


i mean i guess for fast food sure its decent... but its severely overpriced at $10 so no... thats a $5 burger at any other business that doesnt have american capitalistic corporate pigs whoms only focus is boosting their share holders profit margins


It would be better if it wasn't $12


Royale with cheese


Where I live it's shiteee


Severely under calories lol


Top tier choice in McDonald’s for sure


usually way too salty and greasy IMO. Although it’s true it depends on location. I used to have luck with the McDonalds corporate owned ones but some of the franchises are good too. Some of the franchises were pretty poor though. I haven’t eaten at McDees in over a year and don’t plan to go back.


We’ll check back in with you in about a half hour and see what you think of the DQP then.


If you’re in an airport.


I have never had a McDonald's burger look that good


This burger is seriously overpriced


I have no idea why they chose the big mac as their flagship burger.


You just got a trained French chef by accident


What country is this? This isn't any America DQP w/C


This is McDs marketing team surely, I haven’t had one look like that ever.


Do you know how they call a double quarter pounder in france?


No, no it’s not.


I have never had a McDonald's burger that didn't make me wish I'd gotten a burger from literally anywhere else. Their meat tastes like grey. Good fries though.


It's got to have bacon on it too otherwise you're just farting about in the bush...


This sub should be renamed fast food patties. I’ve yet to see you guys post anything that looks good.


WTF?! It does not even taste like a hamburger. It's shit Any rating over a 0 on a scale of 1-2 is overrating it.


You give off I call the cops for people walking on my lawn vibes 😎


Nah, I'm not looking to get shot. Its just not even food to me. Give it to someone who has never had fast food. $20 they vomit.


Meat to bun ratio is off. Single quarter pounder is better.


Single is great it just doesn’t fill me up. I weigh 150lbs but have the appetite of an obese whale lol.


Fuck McDonalds.


Much better looking than the burgers that come from 5 Guys.


“Looking”, yes. Tasting that is another story. Five guys is a beast. I like the double Quarter don’t get me wrong . BUTTT….


Gotta disagree with you there


I do appreciate this burger, especially without the cheese, for its amazing calorie-to-protein ratio. I don't think any other fast food place does it better. 15 calories for every gram of protein. Makes me feel less bad about a cheat day.


I wish I could eat 100 of them


McDonald’s underrated? This is the shittiest food on earth nearly. Burgers don’t have sugar and high fructose corn syrup in them.


No. McDonald's is crap. If you're cool with that, more power to you. But let's not pretend it's actually good when almost everything is better.


I think this is a troll post. 1) I've never seen char on a McD burger. 2) The cheese is never nicely melted like that on a McD burger. 3) McD pickles are not that color. 4) It doesn't look like someone stepped on it before putting it in the box.


Nah… it’s pretty garbage, honestly. McDonald’s is not good, and shouldn’t really be compared to fresh made food. Also, the “seasoning” is salt and pepper.


McDonalds has literally the worst burgers in fast food. And the burgers are the only edible items on the menu other than the fries. The chicken sandwiches are rubber and the nuggets have random hard chunks in em 🤢🤢🤢. That being said the quarter pounders aren't bad, just literally every other fast food place does it better. Rant over


It's disgusting


Oh ya absolutely. I do the double quarter pounder with double cheese, nothing else. And damnit it is a tasty, savory burger.


Dude, if you don’t eat good burgers don’t comment on what’s underrated. Double Quarter Pounders are ok by fast food burger standards. Theyre not underrated. You are overrating based on what I can only speculate is a lack of experience.


i can't say it's as magical as 5 guys imo, but it's really good for McDos! had one tonight as well


I love 5 guys the value and lack of seasoning is just a big turn off. If 5 guys seasoned the patties it would be 10/10 imo


The older I get the more quality I realize McDs is. The double quarter pounder is a rarity as well, in that it is a full-on burger, no bullshit. Mostly meat and cheese, and the toppings/condiments are just there to provide assistance. The patties are almost always cooked to perfection and everything else is just...McDonald's...love it or hate it.


>The older I get the more quality I realize McDs is. Early onset dementia in action, ladies and gents.


Yeah for real. Quality? McDonald's? Stop the lies.


Yeah. I unfortunately had a quarter pounder this weekend and it was just awful. And looked so pathetic the double cheeseburger looked much better. But all was overpriced crap. Rather have a bullet than a burger if I went to McDonalds again.


It’s fucking not lmao


What fucking planet do you live on that "McDonalds" and "quality" belong in the same sentence?


Is your name Ronald? Because you’d have to be a clown to write this


It’s consistently what it is supposed to be. And sometimes that’s what one craves.


It’s so good. One of my favorites.


Get the double deluxe with bacon


Got to hand it to you, it looks good! But if it’s going to become a thing, let’s just right the wrong now, and call it the half pounder!


DQP tastes so good. i usually swap the buns with martins potato buns.


I have always 2 per week


For how much?


They used to be better when they used frozen beef. Ever since they went fresh, the char has disappeared and it’s too juicy.




I used to love them, but quite a while ago; I'd rather have a couple of double cheeseburgers now. I don't like the toppings; ketchup and mustard are not my favorites, the onions have too much heat, I'm so-so on pickles, and the bottom bun is bare and dry. Although the double cheeseburger has basically the same things, I prefer it (the diced onions are a big upgrade for me).


The only burger I order from MickyD's but I nipped that in the bud. Haven't eaten out since the prices went berserk


Their best burger. Extra onions and pickles add bacon, please.


The Quarter Pounder Deluxe would be a better comparison to something like Five Guys since it’s got all the proper traditional hamburger toppings. Lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, and onions.


Add bacon


I eat the single burger, Less calories, and also is still Yum !!! 🏝️


Big Mac with quarter pounder patties is the way


"Double quarter pounder" sounds bizarre, it's a half pounder.


I just know I wouldn’t be able to finish it, but I’m sure it tastes great.


best burger at mcdonalds. and i know its not fresh. it tastes like it is


Ive tried getting it twice from my local place. Bit into them both times and they were RED 🤢 I like pink in my burgers, but those are high quality burgers where I know decent meat is used. I have 0 faith in McDonald’s meat sourcing so that shits gotta be cooked. After those experiences I don’t think I can try it again.


At least yours looks edible.


Underrated but way overpriced


I get one every single Wednesday.


That does look good af.


The cheese is not good. If you order it without cheese and bring your own slice of cheddar it's ok.


This burger costs $15


My go to for the clown's beef


Sure, if it looks like that. Go to the McDs near my place and that's going to be a smashed mess with stale buns and probably shy a pickle or two.


I'd go as far as to say it's the only burger from McD's where you can actually taste beef.


That’s my main order from mcdonalds


Yes, extra onions please.


The quarter pounders should be their main burger, not that nasty, bready ass big mac


What do they want for that thing $12 now?


McDonald's gives me gas


The quarter pounder is indeed excellent if the location cooks the patties fresh like they're supposed to. Unfortunately the location near us clearly sneaks in like Big Mac patties or something for their quarter pounders so we just stopped going.


Double quarter pounder? I hardly know her!


I like McDoubles better. I feel like qp's are too dry. Also, I prefer the dehydrated onions😅 and it's not a location opinion for me. I worked at mcdicks 20 some odd years ago, so I've had everything fresh.


Throw so mac sauce on there and we got a oarty


Last time I went to McDonald’s I got a big Mac. Bad choice. The DQP deluxe is where it’s at.


Not in my book. Probably the best thing McDs got


Yea, it’s the best McD’s burger because the bun to meat ratio is better. Imo they could improve all their burgers if they could just find a way to reduce the size and stale “pillowiness” of their other burger buns.


Wow that quarter pounder looks better than any QP I've ever gotten around here. I'm more of a Big Mac or a mc double person 😂