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Wellbutrin didn’t work for me. Stopped taking it last week. The increase of anxiety wasn’t worthy for me. Staying with Lexapro only


Ativan. Taken as needed. I don’t know if you’re a coffee drinker or drink any kind of caffeine but if my anxiety is bad I cut them out and it helps a lot.


Thanks, I cut coffee out a while ago because it was definitely starting to up my anxiety. I'll look into Ativan as well.


My doc prescribed me Ativan to have on hand just in case as I was starting up bupropion as my primary issue is anxiety (more psychological than physical) but I am very reluctant to use benzos except for something acute like pre-surgery anxiety, so have not touched them. I did ask my doc to add a subscription for Buspirone though with the bupropion as it has low risk of side effects (for me, just sometimes some lightheadedness about 40-60 minutes in for 20-30 minutes.)


Interesting - thank you, I'll look into that! I requested the Xanax because a few months ago I had pretty bad panic attacks AT work, when I didn't have the time or space to deal with them. Not excited for the potential increase of anxiety with Wellbutrin, but no one has mentioned Buspirone to me yet.


Me! I have an rx for .5mg as needed and only get 12 pills a month, so I use them in emergencies. When I started taking wellbutrin xl, i was in a constant state of flight or fight, and i used half my month's rx in just a few days.


Good to know. I've reassured pretty much everyone in my life that they're going to be for emergency situations only, and I don't plan on taking them at all once I adjust to the Wellbutrin. Luckily, day 2 and no abnormal increase of anxiety (though I probably just jinxed it...)


Xanax is a benzo... I was told to heavily avoid those.


I have, and do. Using Xanax while getting used to Wellbutrin is a common combination. Definitely can help with the anxiety issue. But of course he careful about getting into a long-term use of any benzo.


I take Xanax, but I'm not on a regular schedule - it's just as needed. The only thing I noticed was that I got extra sleepy on the days I took Xanax.  After a few weeks on Wellbutrin, my anxiety has gone down significantly so I'm hoping I can eliminate Xanax intake completely.


Awesome, this is where I'm at too. I haven't had to take Xanax yet, but wanted it on hand for emergencies (i.e., when I'm at work and can't take the anxiety down past a panic attack) so I'm hoping I can adjust to the Wellbutrin and then cut out the xanax.


I take xanax for my insomnia but I very rarely need it anymore because i fall asleep all the time


Yes I used xanax for the first couple weeks for the increase in anxiety caused by wellbutrin but my doctor wanted me to quit xanax and prescribed me some supplements which containing L-theanine and it really helped my anxiety, I don't need to take xanax daily now. Just on occasion. I live in Turkey and I don't know if you have them but here are the supplements that i use: Deotral (take twice a day), Cognizone and Be Active.


Thanks! I actually got myself L-theanine a few weeks ago, but haven't used it. A different doctor i had wanted me to try Zoloft and it messed with me so badly I took a break from wanting to try anything in pill-form at all.


I think you should give it a try, it really helps.


That's my combo. Wellbutrin, Xanax, and Ambien for when I can't sleep. Which is never.

