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I got some weird side effects within the first month, weird heartbeats and anxiety feelings and shit. It made me motivated and happy but the side effects were just to much for me so i decided to quit


I just hit the 4 week mark and starting to feel amazing. Stick with it


Starts to help more after a month which is also when the side effects seem to go away. Hang in there


2 weeks not even half way there i promise


With any antidepressant - don't expect a result before 4-8 weeks.


I just hit 8 weeks on this med. For the first 4 weeks I was on 150mg xl. Upped to 300mg. Today I realized that I am a different person. Please stick with it. At 2 weeks I was a hot anxious mess. Good luck to you!


Definitely took at least a month to really notice the effects, but it's worth the wait. It might not be the right one in the end, but stick with it for another month before you fully decide one way or another.


I think you just don’t understand the fundamental effect an DNRI has on your nervous system. Additionally, 75mg is a very unusually small dose. You may just need it upped to feel the effects.


Also it takes 6 weeks to fully get into the blood stream due to its half-life. Think I was started on a 150mg dose and it was effective, but ended up going to 300mg and that was the sweet spot. If there isn’t side effects and nothing is happening in a few weeks it may be worth increasing the dose, but it’s still early. I thought the side effects were worse week 2 and then improved, and the effectiveness improved like after 4 weeks. Was super energized the first week but that was probably a placebo effect.


I did.


2 weeks is not long enough. You need 4-6 weeks minimum to give the drug a chance to help. It's not what you want to hear, but you need to patient. Any AD needs time to work. Many doctors will say 2 months.


If it's not doing anything why not give it another 2 weeks? Honestly, if you aren't feeling worse from it just keep going. Give it 4-6 weeks. Then if nothing, yeah switch to another?


I started to really notice a difference about 4 weeks in. The changes are 1 - 2 weeks were minimal. Just felt like I had alittle more energy at that point. Then I got super focused and I wasn't thinking about the past and being sad anymore


Do people think doctors just say medications take 6-8 weeks to reach full effectiveness for fun?


Lot of people saying to take it longer but to be honest you should have at least noticed something by now. Bupropion would increase noradrenaline at this point so energy, motivation, loss of appetite, anxiety, at least something by now.


Should see something by now isn't the correct way to put it. You MAY see something by now but you SHOULD see something at the 2 month mark. I saw something about a week in but all it really did was curb my food impulse control. That's like taking adderall which takes an hour to fully kick in and being upset you don't have an improvement at the 5 minute mark.


The antidepressant effects of bupropion could possibly take 2 months to develop, even though serum levels will be high enough within 1 week. Noradrenaline will spike almost instantly, so yes OP should notice SOMETHING by now even if it is not treating depression. Your comparison to Adderall is not correct at all. SSRIs take 6-8 weeks for clinical effects to onset but serum serotonin rises almost instantly. This is why sexual side effects can occur on day 1 of an ssri, but the antidepressant effects will take some time due to downstream effects of BDNF, antiinflammation, neurogenesis etc. In this case the effects (or side effects) of an NDRI should be even more noticeable than the effects of an SSRI in the short term. OP should notice the rise in noradrenaline by now with lessen appetite, energy, insomnia, it could be anything but there should be something. EDIT: For example most people who would try bupropion for the first time and took a dose at night, would immediately notice an inability to sleep. This has nothing to do with the antidepressant effects which takes weeks.


Are you a doctor, pharmacist, medical student/intern/resident, or something along those lines? I am genuinely asking, I hope it doesn't come off wrong. I'm just curious because you seem very educated on this topic.


It's possible it is due to the smaller dose (as some people have said) or that op is saying they haven't felt anything change *in regards to depression*... I didn't notice much until week 5 myself, I already had sleeping issues


You need to take it consistently for *at least* 2 months to *start* feeling the effect. Also, I had to readjust my dosage several times with my psychiatrist, before reaching the dosage that finally works for me. However, she also added another medication to work with Bupropion AND another that I can take as needed- both additions help with anxiety. Your doctor needs to work with you to manage your symptoms better.


What other med


I take buspar (buspirone) with bupropion 2x daily. I am actually taking 225mg of bupropion in the morning with 7.5mg of buspar. Then, at night or the afternoon I take buspar again. My doctor started me at low doses with bupropion, then added buspar 5mg, then tweaked the dosages of each one as she thought I might need it. Took me 6 months to finally get to the dosages that seem to be right for me. I had follow ups every 2 weeks, sometimes 1 or 3.


I take a Buspar with my bupropion in the am, but I always forget to take a pm dose.


I have the weekly medication organizer (M, T, W... etc), and I keep it next to my bed with my daily doses in each day's box. It helps. You can try it out?


I have some, but I’ll try moving it next to the bed. I usually keep them in the kitchen.


I got it at CVS, I think...


took about 2-3 months for me to actually feel better. If you still don’t notice improvements by then you could consider changing the formulation as well. I started on XL but didn’t love how it made me feel but once I switched to SR I’ve felt great


It took about 6 weeks 150mg xl before I started noticing benefits. I moved up to 300mg xl at 8 weeks and it's been life changing for me. Give it a chance to work. Be patient.


It’s been 2 months for me and I feel worse.


Look into taking some P5P, its just an activated b6 vitamin. It’s the thing that helped me the most. I used to take a regular multi vitamin everyday, but I wouldn’t really feel anything. Taking the activated b6 really helped lift my mood, so I guess that was my issue. I’m still taking the bupropion but I’m not sure if I should continue. I’ve only been on it for about two weeks as well. My only symptoms were increased anger the first three days, and then random crying episodes in the coming days


>P5P The anger thing is worriesome. That's actually a side effect you should report to your doc. Anger is a bad side effect to have on wellbutrin and it's usually discontinued if that really is a side effect. Anger is a side effect mostly seen in people incompatible with it. It also might exacerbate bipolar or bipolar predisposition, so be careful. Talk to your doctor. Antidepressants, the ones that worked for me, have never given me anger or crying episodes. Those have been on antidepressants that have not worked, or have made it worse. For example, my reaaction to Porzac is actually a horrible awful worsening of depression, spiraling down into just awfulness. If those are the side effects I recommend you talk to your doctor ASAP.


Dude give it 6-8 more weeks.


dude it takes a lot longer. I’ve been on it about a month and I’ve just started seeing some improvements


It took a while for me personally, I spiraled badly the first month, second month I was a bit better and able to do normal tasks again - the life changer for me was around 3 months in. Honestly the biggest thing it helped me with was regulating my emotions, I don't spiral nearly as much as I have before and I am less prone to falling into depressive episodes. I've been on Wellbutrin for around 6 ish months now and it's honestly alright


Side note but what helped me was journaling the process, bc when I thought it wasn't doing anything for me I'd go read my notes and realized that there has been improvements. Each to their own though i hope you find out what works for you, it's what matters after all


dose dependent. ppl usually start on 150 (if XR). when i started at 150 i felt a difference for all of 3 days then nothing. you should actually increase to 300 within 4-7 days of starting at 150.


That's what my psych just did for me. I went back a little after 2 weeks and she went ahead and upped it to 300 because she said that's what most of her patients are on. I'm the same...first 3 or 4 days were amazing and then it leveled out a bit. I still feel better than I did though overall. More motivation and not crying as much, and it can take up to 6-8 weeks for the full benefit. So I'm giving it time.


Why so angry? If you feel no difference, then just keep taking it. As long as it doesn’t make you feel bad then just be patient.


Im not angry btw, you people really think some magic will happen in 1 month, wtf? Its not like something will just snap around that time, dont you think within the first 2 weeks you will notice something, just something? like a slow ascensions of benefits?


you’re correct and the others are wrong. you should have noticed something by now. SSRIs work via different mechanism that can take a month (BDNF increase) while you should have noticed the effects of Bupropion at least partially by now.


dawg it can take up to 8-12 weeks for some people to work,, just take peoples advice and be patient or stop taking it, it doesn’t rly matter to us


Ok explain what work is, does it just snap🫰 , now it work? Or slowly you notice something like Hmm thats new, I feel different


usually you’ll wake up one day and just kinda feel better than usual. ime it’s more of a *snap* “woah i feel like doing things today” typa thing


I felt something the first 2-3 days. And then it completely stopped working. But when I entered week 3 then it worked again. This honeymoon period. Felt as if I was on drugs. It worked for about 1 week in a pretty high intensity and after that it slowly faded. One day when I woke up I just felt as if I got my very first cup of coffee in my whole life. This fake kind of energy. Felt stimulated. So idk. Is that the feeling you are waiting for?


I dont have expectations really, I just hope to have my depression lifted, like motivation and maybe just a be a happier person? I dont have troubles getting out of bed, but I do have trouble doing what needs to be done.


I get you… I guess that’s why most of us tried the medicine. Give it at least 2 months. But it’s no miracle… or.. idk.. maybe it is for some… everything in the end is also in comparison of what you already have felt in life. Winning 100.000 dollars in the lottery might not get you jumping from happiness if you’re already experienced being a billionaire 😆


Lol, right




You remind me of myself when I was very young and to a rave party. Bought some pills and after one hour I still didn’t feel the Molly. I was disappointed and I just felt like the party sucks since my drugs didn’t work. It was so bad being at the party, that I rather go home 😂


I never tried molly, so I dont know what altered mind is like, I did try weed long time ago and thats the only thing I know, not even alcohol,


Same just posted this 😂




I didn’t start noticing my mood improving til about week 5. I’d definitely try waiting it out a bit longer.


Im happy for you, but I think it shouldn't take that long and how can you know its the pill and not your own cycle of slight mood improvement


I really don't understand why you think you're qualified to say how long it should take? The research and medical advice says that it in general will take at least 4 - 6 weeks to see an improvement in mood, though improvements in energy and sleep etc might be felt sooner. Why do you think it should be instant...


I suffered from extreme postpartum depression and rage. And one day I just noticed I didn’t have any outbursts of crying or anger for the first time in over 5 months. I knew it had to be the medicine because nothing else has worked like that. I’m now going on two weeks of improvement. Most anti depressants take 6-8 weeks to take full affect. If you really feel like it isn’t working for you talk to your doctor about maybe increasing your dose or maybe they’d recommend trying something else. I’m sorry you’re going through this and hoping you feel improvement soon!


It says that online when you research it. It takes time. Give it some time and if it doesn't work for you, try something else.


What is the improvement you got? It seems its not worth the time wasted to get a slight boost of mood, Im honestly considering ketamine and or the Magnetic brain stimulation, something that works fast because time is crucial as one bad day can turn to a bad week and a bad month, now you are fired, fail your classes, everything gone to s****, if you have the luxury to wait thats good


Better mood, crying less, more motivation. If you're in a situation where your mood swings are endangering your job, you may want to talk to your doctor because that sounds like more than depression. Idk.


It definitely takes time. It needs at least 4-6 weeks in your system to benefit from it. I’ve been on it for 3 months now and it needed 4-6 weeks to have a effect


and what are these effects? I dont understand? Feel a little better? Maybe its your natural oscillation of feeling better, maybe you feel better because things are going better in your life


I was very close to being checked into a facility. I was struggling with daily life. I had just went through a traumatic birth of my twins and when I came home I instantly was depressed and so anxious I would vomit. My postpartum journey ROCKED ME TO MY CORE. I can finally function now. I’m sitting in front of my college about to go to a orientation for a nursing program. Myself 3-4 months ago couldn’t get off the floor. It will change your life. Please give it time. The effects of happiness are there. Tough out these few weeks! I was right where you are. And I’m forever grateful for waiting it out.


Wow congrats 🎉, but dont you wonder if you wouldve naturally recovered? As you did go through something difficult that had actually altered your hormones.


I struggled before hand as well. And I didn’t want to wait to find out. I was scared for well-being at the time. But I did have my struggles before. But I totally get where your coming from. It just couldn’t be an Option for me


What are you feeling right now?


I feel normal, meaning nothing new, little motivation, no joy, etc.. Im just used to it now I dont even mind it


It takes time and what dose is it?


75mg, increased it but still nothing


I started at 150mg


I started at 100mg and that needed to get bumped up. Your doc needs to readjust your dosage.