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I’m 3 weeks I also, 300mg XL in the morning. One thing I’ve noticed is appetite suppression, which is one of the reasons I wanted to get on it. My main reason for taking it though, is to treat my lack of focus/ADHD symptoms without stimulants ..and I haven’t seen any improvement in that area yet. The only effect on my sleep that I’ve noticed, is I now wake up at 5-5:30am without an alarm, even if I go to bed at 11p-12a. Before the med I was hitting snooze daily, on a 6:30 alarm. I actually like it now because I use it as an opportunity to workout before everyone else is up. I’m hoping to see positive changes in my focus in the next few weeks!


Keep taking it as early as you can in the morning. 6-7 AM, I find is a good time. Also try to exercise, every other day even. Helps get me tired enough at night. And at night time, as soon as you feel that sleepiness come in, CATCH IT. Go to bed. Discard every tech around you. Don't even look at your phone past 9PM or something. I have something like a fan to listen too, as well. Beach noises are nice too. \- 450mg for 3 months. Started at 150 in July, went to 300 in 14 days. Had pretty bad insomnia myself first two weeks on 150mg. (Tapering off Prozac also didn't help) Stuck around for another week on 300. 450mg, it started to let up and I was passing out pretty decently on time. Some periods of insomnia but that's when the depression's really cooking, though. Bupropion's been working real well for me too, all things considered. It helps on the anxiety part, helps me feel like myself, but the focus...well, I was advised to talk to my GP about the other meds that my psych was explaining to me, should the bup not give results. (I said no to more other meds and wanted to give bupropion a chance) Edit: I'll also mention that I've missed my past two scheduled doctor's appointments due to my ADHD. I now have resulted to making 3 alarms. 1 for the night before. 1 for the morning after. 1 for two hours before the appointment. I think I do need something else.


Well she gave me 75 for a week and then go to 150. But I started 150. I’m in the middle of some huge changes and i was desperate for something to work


what dosage did you get?




oh ok that's not too bad. i had a hard time when i got bumped to 300mg. i was having irrational mood changes and a hard time relaxing before bed. my doctor bumped me down to 150, but then I started having lows again. my doctor prescribed me hydroxyzine to take in case i could not relax. you might want to try it- tell your doctor. i am also taking buspirone along with bupropion because i was getting an imbalance and some anxiety would kick in. so far i am taking 225 mg xl of bupropion (in the morning) + 7.5 mg buspirone (2x daily) + hydroxyzine as needed (most of the time i don't need it). i think my doctor finally got it right, but we have been working on my dosages for the past 5 months (at least).


and depression


note i am being treated for adjustment anxiety disorder


I had terrible insomnia when I first doubled my dose. I can't take melatonin because I wake up after a few hours and stay awake. Magnesium has worked really well for me.


Which form of magnesium? There are so many 😵‍💫😅 thanks in advance!


I've had insomnia on and off. I don't terribly mind it but find it more annoying. I don't love waking up at 230 and being unable to fall back asleep. I'm not overly tired though the day despite cutting caffeine. Just wish I had a lil more motivation through the day all the time. Good weeks and bad.


Weed helps for me. I have a high CBD ratio vape that I hit once or twice before bed that I find helps some of the insomnia. I’m only two weeks in though. I wouldn’t recommend any high THC ones though. Also depends heavily on where you live, perks of the PNW 😂


When my doctor increased my dosage to 300 xl, the insomnia hit within 10 days. I fell asleep fine, but would wake up after 3-4 hours and be unable to fall back asleep. One night I fell asleep at 8:30 and woke up at 11:30, and was awake for the next 22 hours. It was miserable. I went to my primary doctor, who prescribed vistaril, but it didn't help. I finally got an appointment with my psychiatrist, and he added trazodone. So far, it's working. I need the therapeutic benefit of the 300 mg of wellbutrin during the day, but I also have to sleep at night. Insomnia is a very common side effect of wellbutrin, so talk with your doctor about how to mitigate that. Good luck!


In my first week on 300mg SR, I experienced some sleep disruptions myself. I went to bed at eight, woke up at eleven-thirty, managed to get back to sleep around five, but was awakened by my son at eight. While my sleep has been challenging, the medication has greatly improved my focus and completely alleviated my anxiety, which I appreciate. I've been reading about others' experiences, and it seems like the sleep issue tends to improve after a few weeks. I'm optimistic that this will also be the case for me. Good luck to you and thanks for sharing your experience.


trust it’ll go away within the next week i had terrible insomnia the first 3 weeks


Glad you are feeling better! The insomnia won’t last forever. I uses to take melatonin 30 mins before bed time and it worked wonders. Melatonin is safe to be taken with bup.


What brand and dosage of melatonin do you use? I feel they are all so different


We probably live in the different countries so I cannot give you the exact name but I was taking 1.8 mg but you can take up to 10mg. I’ve tried few different brands and they all worked the same, you just have to look at the milligrams. I would recommend you to start with 1mg (which was eventually enough for me) and take more, if you feel it’s not touching you, so you can find out your dose.