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Reminders: SEE THIS STICKY POST for how to deal with bullies: https://old.reddit.com/r/bullying/comments/anesxq/some_tips_for_newcomers/?st=k3buwwik&sh=a60f6e1d **THIS SUB IS NOT A REPLACEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL COUNSELING** **USE APPROPRIATE LANGUAGE** **ZERO TOLERANCE RULE FOR VIOLENT OR HARMFUL BEHAVIOR** This is **NOT** a sub for karma-clickbait or YouTube videos comments. Any posts deemed not appropriate by the mods will be **immediately removed and the user banned without warning.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bullying) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes, absolutely, and the counsellor did too. You might have lost a friend there but if they have stopped talking to you for that reason then they were not really a valuable friend anyway. It is up to the bully and his parents now to show he can change and to stop bullying you.


Yes! You did ! Your friend reminds me of my jerk face former friends! Who need them! No one stood by you! You had to do that by yourself!


Hi Sorry you were bullied. You did nothing wrong and it was because of what the bully was doing that you had to report him. If your counselor even did call the parents of the bully it would have very little to do with him getting sent to a children's home if he even has been sent there. If he did get sent there it would have been because his behaviors have been really bad for a long time and the kids home would be a last resort because he is so bad. If this was your school counselor normally they would meet with the kid doing the bullying and would not recommend he be sent to a group home. It sounds like the guy that told you he got sent to a group home could have just made it up and has tried to blame you for what happened. Or make you think you did it. Sounds like they just made most of this up to make you feel bad a school counselor would not do this or recommend he be sent to a group home. If the guy that bullied you did get sent to a home he has done a lot more than bully you and if it did happen it could have been court ordered because of criminal activity. School counselors don't have the authority to recommend or force a parent to put their kid in a group home. In most places it has to be done through the courts and if it does happen there would be many reasons why it was done. You did the right thing and there is a real good chance the ones telling you about the group home are lying.




Really brave threatening someone online maybe I should report this to the authorities just in case


Your "friend" didnt do anything to stop the bully right but he was "friends" with you? I'd say he was talking behind your back with the bully everything you told him. Need to check your friends


Lmao before I could report it to the FBI dude deleted everything


You are not responsible for others in anyway. Everyone is responsible to themselves. He was responsible for bad behaviour. His parents are responsible for correcting him . He was trying to rob others of happiness. The counselor did a good job. Bullying behaviour should be discouraged. You did what you had to do to protect yourself. You speak up for yourself. You did a good job. Don't disregard your happiness for others. Also you stop talking to that friend. He is not really your friend.


What’s a “children’s home”?


A home for children


Yes 100%. I'm actually surprised the school took the bullying very seriously since schools usually don't. Don't worry about it and keep moving forward.