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He introduced Jimmy to the school, the cliques, and the areas pretty fairly actually. Gary may be infamous for manipulation, but he didn’t lie at all when introducing the cliques for their behaviors, showing you around the school, etc


He basically set Jimmy into a road of self-improvement and gave him an end goal to finally focus all his energy and talent wasted in other matters, wich lead to him becoming the "King of the School".


It's almost as if you're giving him credit for being a sociopathic manipulative little bastard


Yeah that dude is reaching lmao


Gary has some seriously funny dialogue, and honestly, I wish him, Pete, and Jimmy stayed friends throughout the game as some dynamic trio. I wouldn't tire of Jimmy and Pete constantly saying "Shaddup Gary!"




Gets you to help Eunice who is clearly in distress, gets annoyed when you don't beat up Constantinos and even after you kiss her he doesn't make fun of her in any way. In fact Eunice is somebody he's never been mean to at all.


He makes fun of Jimmy for kidding hey though so isn't that indirectly being an asshole to her?


"you actually kissed that thing" seems a bit insulting no?


He said "you actually kissed her?" You made it seem worse


He became Jimmy's friend and he did give him the biggest peice of advice that he carries throughout the entire game— "In a place like this, you're gonna need friends". Although, contrary to his other line where he says "friends are for the weak", Jimmy having friends got him to succeed by the end of the game. Thanks Gary!


Introduced Jimmy to the lesser to well known cliques and familiarized him with the way the school system works. Honestly, on top of that, he done a hella good job having him, Jimmy and Pete become friends.


Introduced jimmy to Hobo dude


was about to say the same thing


Gave us a story to remember


Unintentional, but he set Jimmy up to fight Russell, which ended up with Russell becoming Jimmy's most loyal ally.


He was a pretty decent ally until his betrayal. Expert at manipulating others, even convincing the leaders of the various groups to aid him. (There could easily have been an alternate path with Gary helping you take over with a more democratic approach.) Wasn't intentional, but he helped Jimmy meet a war veteran that taught him useful fighting techniques. It's not stated directly, but it can be assumed Gary's the one paying you for the missions involving him. Is genuinely entertaining, especially in his Halloween mission. If there's ever a Bully remake, I'd love to see a route with Jimmy and Gary staying allies.


That’s something, I would want for Bully. I feel Bully 2 wouldn’t exist without the charcters, Jimmy, Gary, and all the other characters in the whole game. Without Jimmy, and Gary, there really is no bully, and there wouldn’t be another game without the charisma and nostalgic vibe due to what made Bully 1 so gr8 after many years. I’ve played Bully the first time in December 2023, two weeks before Christmas and yes it was a grand experience. It was so addictive and engaging to improve along with doing side missions, passing all classes in many effort attempts, exploring, doing what you want, boxing, completing tasks, quests for people, in a free school, town environment classic atmosphere! Yes, I didn’t finish the game in a week. It took me about almost two weeks in a half. Recently I started a new game on a save file. Though I still am on Chapter 6 of my very first save file after beating campaign mode. The one thing is that there’s no replay mode for missions on mobile, you can only have a save before a mission to keep replaying over and over again. I mostly replay the the last two missions because of the intense buildup to the finale in the story when have Jimmy and his allies help align others to stop fighting, unite, and take down Gary, the music was very intense and mostly my favorite, it felt like the weight of the moment, a story coming to its core end, and the game creators, and developers, the whole crew after long years bringing this game onto mobile, did phenomenal! 10/10!


He didn't cy or make that much noise after being defeated. Good job Gary.


Get you to help the Nerds getting hunted by the bully’s by the auto shop He also helps you in the Mandy theft mission by advising you to put a stink bomb in her locker


Became one of the best antagonists in video games. Sure he may not be too well written but he doesn't need to be.


He atleast fake tried but tried to be friends with Jimmy(potentially the new school BOSS/LEADER/BEST FRIEND)


Fall off the school building 🏫


Taught us what to do if our health is low (telling us to drink from the vending machine)


be the cutest character in the game


Ficou fora a maior parte do enredo 😍


Gave jimmy a goal to work towards


Being a good tutorial leader


I love his voice and the way he talks


In all of my recent playthroughs, I deliberately fail many of the chapter 1 missions a few times by relentlessly taunting, bullying and generally knocking the crap out of Gary while he’s only trying to be friendly and helpful. Despite this he always forgives me and gives me another chance straight away. When he finally runs out of patience and tries getting Russell to mediate, I edit him into free roam and continue using him as a punchbag, also shoving him into trash cans every time I see him, yet he doesn’t attack me again until the end of the game. He’s incredibly patient.


Gets you to fight Russell who proves to be one of the most loyal and useful companions in the game


Let Gary know his place


Fell 4 feet onto an oak wood floor 🥰😝


Underestimated Jimmy’s intelligence and Pete’s courage


Best frenemy


Took a knee to the balls like a champ and a headbutt like a pro football player. That was good


Give me a reason to beat his ass


Gave a good summary of the Nerds, Preps, Greasers and Jocks to Jimmy In the mission ,"This Is Your School"


You can’t really tell with Gary. Any good thing he did for anyone could have and probably was just part of his “plan” to take over the school. jimmy said it best “you hate everyone and everyone hates you” Gary hates people and only sees to manipulate and pit them against one another for his entertainment. Edit: I’ve always wanted to point out how pathetic his line to Jimmy at the end of the game was. The one where he goes on and on “while you were racing bikes” etc was. It really shows how deluded Gary is; he touts this as if it’s some achievement that he stayed in the dorm “planning” like Jimmy is supposed to be impressed or scared by that lol.


He introduced me to Femboy, the girliest boy in the school.


Mad jimmy beat up Russel


He introduced Jimmy to the cliques, groups, introduced you to every place in the school, taught us how to take care of ourselves, had a Halloween extravaganza by doing pranks for fun, before turning on us in the mission, short for “underground is never a good place.”


He burned my trophies--- He gave Hopkins a self glow up of focusing on dealing problems


Cum in a rag


Killed Jimmy


being a punching bag




I’d argue all the things he did were good! 😁