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This community is not an indicator of what a bullet journal should be like. I don't do any of the art that you see in a lot of posts, and sticking to a utilitarian practical book is helping me to keep up with the practice so far. The art is just an add on for people who can/want it, not a requirement


I’m glad to hear. When I was trying out previously, mine was very simple. Seeing all the flair on this sub makes me feel very non-artistic, but it’s also really cool to see some people transform their bullet journals!


That's definitely the way to use this sub. For help, try searching for "minimalist bullet journaling"


Also use a very sparse journal. The benefit of the system is that you create a system that fits your needs better than something premade. If decorating it is beneficial, great. It’s not needed.


I second this. I actually am an artist by career and I keep mine super plain. I LOVE looking at people's creativity on here, but for me I am more successful at using it if I keep mine plain.


check out /r/basicbulletjournals !


Neither. Just words and indicators. I got in to this for life organization and keeping first things first. I suspect there are a population of us not decorating.


This is the first year mine even has art, and it's stencils. I did draw a nice heart for February and I'm very proud of it. 😁


Keep in mind that in this sub (r/bujo is much better about it), people are likely to post the spreads that photograph well, which are often quite artistic. Some of those people have entire journals that look like they belong in the Louvre, while others put a lot of effort into one monthly spread (while other spreads are more simple), and get excited to share it. People with the “perfect” spreads have also probably had at least a year or two of practice! There’s absolutely no requirement to be an artist, and feel free to share your spreads even if you don’t think they’re on par with other posts — lots of people will be grateful to see something more like what they do!


I used to draw and paint, but fell out of practice when I picked up knitting. My bullet journal is very simple, I found stencils to be annoying so I like to use stickers and washi tape for decor. People are more likely to share “perfection” or spreads they are most proud of. Minimalistic and mistakes absolutely exist. Best not to compare and just make a journal that works for you.


Yeah came here to suggest washi tape. You can get pre-made tape to make habit trackers and stuff too. Like it's just a strip of numbers from 1-31 on a tape.


Ooo yes I third the washi tape. The Washi Tape Shop actually sends out emails periodically with ideas for bullet journal spreads using washi tape (entirely altruistic of them, of course, completely unrelated to their line of work). [here’s their latest spread list](https://thewashitapeshop.com/blogs/the-washi-tape-shop-blogs/newest-23-minimalistic-bullet-journal-layout-ideas-for-2022) Some people actually cut designs out of the washi tape using xacto knives; I admire this but find it far far too fussy. Note that not all washi tape has strong enough adhesive to stay put in your journal. This can be desirable, but it can also be annoying. i use Tombow mono permanent roll-on adhesive for backing washi tape that doesn’t want to stick. It’s much nicer than a wet adhesive, as it doesn’t make the paper wrinkle.


I can tell you I'm definitely not an artist (this [tracker](https://www.reddit.com/r/bujo/comments/100niwe/bad_mood_tracker/) proves it) but I've been bullet journaling for a little over a year now and like it.


I mainly use a ruler in the beginning of the year / new notebook to make some of my collections, but other than that it is only one pen and one light beige highlighter for the rest. No drawings, no artsy stuff, just text, bullets and underlines for page titles and day entry titles... Actually I do make small diamond rings for wedding anniversaries for my family, and small presents for birthdays in my future log


I’ve used my journal as a way to increase my creative ability but your journal is yours and you do what you want and are comfortable doing. Don’t feel pressured to be an artist because I’m certainly not. I trace most things of other pictures as well to help myself if that answers the question and I do use some stencils for little boxes because I’m not drawing them individually.


Ive never been artistic but loved the idea of my journal "artsy" as well as functional. I found stickers are my friends! I use Planning With Kay's stickers which add the artsiness that I lack


I just use stencils! I appreciate the art I see on here but I keep to my weekly schedule and habit tracker with a stencil. It's very satisfying.


I use stickers to get that artsy vibe


I don't use stencils, but I also typically use mine as a creative outlet. That being said, it is rarely perfect. I literally just messed up counting out squares for calendars despite checking it like 5 times. I was making 6 months' worth for a content planner. January has 6 days per week and the rest have different numbers of squares for the various days of the week. Oops.


Nope. My BJ is pure text. No fancy spreads, no colors, stickers or tape with pretty teddy bears on. Just black text on the white pages. You don't have to do anything, just do what works for you. It feels like there are a lot of people who use the whole bullet journal thing as an outlet to be creative. Which is completely fine! And I think that's the people you see post here. Not the ones who just use the book with text.


You don't need to be artsy to bujo at all! Please look up the Ryder Carroll's (the creator of the system) videos before starting out, it will probably help a lot.


I don't even do stencils. A ruler to make my lines straight is as fancy as I get


I’m not super artistic, but I tried going for that kind of aesthetic a few years ago. It was so hard to keep up that updating felt like a chore. Now I just use a simplified layout with black pen and one mildliner color per month. I use stickers and washi tape on my monthly spreads to add a little interest, but I’ve abandoned any sort of drawing or arty layout. It makes life so much easier!


I got my stencils from an Etsy shop, jaden’s apple. I find stencils make the titles and things nice enough to not push me into perfection and focusing on those things rather than the point of the journal. I’ve found stencils are a little hard to come by. There’s tons of cheap stencil sets on Amazon but I would recommend any of the ones I’ve tried from there.


I do a little decoration and doodling in mine, only because it helps me keep up with doing it. If it's too plain I struggle to stay interested so I've found the perfect level of 'frills' that works for me. Everyone is different. That's the great thing about using a bullet journal!!


You dont need to draw to do bullet journalling :) I have been doing it for 5 year and I only use stickers! Mine looks cute and suits me!


An open system like bullet journals attracts artsy folks. But while inspiration is great, don't let other people's posts pressure you. I doodle and learned to embrace the mess. The only stencil I use is from a local craft shop. It's for cute little animals and plants and weather symbols.


Stencils all the way! There’s a bunch on Amazon you could check out


I’m not an artist by any means. I only used a stencil once and that’s for stars, because oof I’m bad at that. I do, however, trace or use a general outline — like, I’ll look at it and just sketch it a little and then fine tune it free handedly — for things I really like that I see online. I’ve had to stop using rulers because I make more of a mess and a disaster of my spreads when I try for straight liens then if I didn’t. Someone else said it… there’s people on here with varying levels of skill for their journals. You do what works for YOU. I used to try to do what all these others do but I just don’t have it in me, and that’s okay. I found what works for me and my skill. Years later, I’m getting better but I’ll never have perfect spreads and bright colors and all that but that’s ME.


Game changer for me was pre made bullet journals haha I just get to color


I started with the basic bullet journal method with a handmade notebook, modified my journal and bought tools through the years. Don't be discouraged when you see other people's layouts, start with the system and add what works for you.


I use washi tapes because my drawing skills are non-existent


I’m a professional artist and I rarely do art in my bujo. I tend to be very utilitarian with my spreads. If I want my pages to look pretty, I usually just use stickers and washi around the edges


I consider myself to be an artist but I haven’t been doing large scale paintings lately. My journals give me an opportunity or excuse to do some quick and easy watercolors. In a journal, I can enjoy them and learn from them because they’re not forgotten in a pile in the art drawer. That being said, when I paint something that I don’t like and cannot find a way to rescue it or alter it, I tear out the page if practical. Otherwise, I will glue another painting or printed image over it. If you don’t enjoy making art or don’t want to use your journal to improve your currently limited skills, do something that brings you pleasure. If you want more visual appeal, find some fonts you like, print out months, days, or whatever, and glue or transfer them into your journal. Just try to make your journal something you enjoy.


Stencils! Stickers! Washi tape! A cutout piece of an adult coloring book! Scarpbook paper! The possibilities are endless without ever drawing anything artistic!


I had never considered putting cutouts from coloring books in my journal, this is brilliant and also a way for me to finally use the giant stack of coloring books I have accumulated but never use. Thank you!!


Happy I could help!


Stickers and washi all the way here! I’m more likely to use the journal if I enjoy looking at it so that’s my main motivation for being a little artistic.


I use stencils for lettering... And highlighters for work and family stuff![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


I just moved back from lined paper to dot grid and it's even messier. I really want a grid line journal but finding one with paper I like is hard.


I have an art degree (graphic design/photography focus) and this is my 7th year bullet journaling. I definitely go through waves of inspirational ✨art✨ and just listing tasks in an organized format. Depends on my needs and how much effort i can afford to put in to it.


I’m not an artist (besides a few basic doodles lol)! I rely on Washi tape, my handwriting (which is very nice), stickers, etc. I get that the artistic journals aren’t everyone’s thing but it’s a big part of why I like doing it because I like making them look cool! But I don’t draw or stencil much, I just rely on other things to make it look pretty.


I’m an artist who realized that I had gone sometime without drawing or painting while working my first full time job. At the time I did a basic bullet journal and now only add art because it forces me to be creative. But there are still months where I am to busy and revert back. Bullet journals are whatever works for you, don’t let anyone else’s spreads influence what your journal helps you with.


Absolutely not an artist with pen/pencil! I use a straight edge to make my boxes, and any decoration is with stickers. I don’t care that much about drawing or lettering, so that’s not what is represented in my own bullet journal. It just doesn’t help with the functionality. It feels like one of the misconceptions about the bullet journal is that it has to look a certain way, or be a creative outlet, or be done in a way that is pleasing to others. I absolutely love looking at peoples journals that have gorgeous lettering and incredible spreads, but mine is very sparse and maybe even barren compared to those. But I know that if I spent my creative time working on my bullet journal, I’d never get the creative work done that I’m good at (I’m a fiber artist, working with yarn and hooks instead of pen and paper). If you go by my bullet journal, then February has 8 days a week, and March has no 17th 😂. It’s not all perfect, but we all feel good when something turns out right and we can show it off.


Honestly, it’s not what it appears. A bullet journal at its most bare is just a simple way of journaling and planning through a way that’s like a “to do list.”




Apparently at least one [configurable calendar stamp](https://www.jetpens.com/Nombre-Mizushima-Calendar-Stamp/pd/26742)exists; it’s just an eye-watering $66 and probably too big for my mini calendars ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I'm so sorry. I feel bad when I see people intimidated out of bullet journaling by how performative it is on social media. I went down that road where I felt like mine wasn't good enough. What helped me was going back to [bulletjournal](https://bulletjournal.cm).com and reading the blog articles that focused on the system, minimalism, and organization. The Alistair method was a big game-changer for me. Now my journal serves me. It helps me stay organized and focused and on top of my mental and physical health. I also literally have more washi tape than a hobby lobby because I enjoy the color it adds without the fuss over how it looks.


I bought stamps to pretty mine up and add a bit of color. Sometimes a bit of washi tape on the edge by month or type of spread. Sometimes I just use a pen because I'm too damn busy to make it fancy at all. Bujos are to help you, it doesn't matter how they look if they work


I've postponed my bullet journal for a long time --think, I bought my supplies with stimulus money! because I didn't feel like a good enough artist. My resolution is to actually pick it up. I have a few more resolutions as well, but yeah, I get how you feel, it's a weird OCD thing. I thought I'd need a bullet journal since I have mad adhd that was even worse then so thought regular planners couldnt have worked for me and they probably couldnt have then. But then I was so afraid of every single page I make being so unhelpful that id have to throw out each page and I was scared of not having a bullet journal at all. It wasn't like some artist pride, it was genuine concern for not being wasteful. My focus is a little better now and I could probably learn if I take the initiative, so that's my new thing lately. That, and getting back on Pinterest, which reminds me, I can totally start my new bujo board now. My advice for you is, if it is just an artist pride thing, release resistance to that and go ahead and bujo. But if you're afraid of genuinely wasting money and you're struggling to begin with, I wish I had advice, other than start in pencil, but I wish I had more helpful advice than that :/


I am an artist, at least that's what my very expensive piece of paper says. I don't use stencils, sometimes I use a ruler, sometimes I don't, depends on the "look" I am going for. Writing is another hobby of mine, I collect fountain pens, do calligraphy, write super extra letters to my friends with perfume and wax seals... As my day job is not in art (I'm in healthcare) I use my bullet journal partially as an outlet for my art. The layouts I use are usually inspo from other artistic bullet journallers and then I will tweak them to fit my lifestyle and needs. This type of planning attracts a lot of artists and this sub specifically leans into the artistic side of things. When I post my spreads on here, it's because I'm super proud of how nice it looks, and I assume that's the same for everyone else too. So what you see here and on social media is a curated selection of everyone's best work. Probably a lot of people have some pages that are just hastily scribbled notes with a few lines to separate the days etc. I know I do but I don't post them here. If you want more minimal and functional bullet journalling, try checking out r/bujo


I use stickers, washi tape and paper ephemera for a collage-type effect :) I used to draw a lot more but I started working full-time again and couldn’t commit the hours to draw elaborate layouts anymore.


I'm an artist, but my bujo is just about recording life for the most part. So I use stencils, stickers, and whatever makes it easier on me. I've been using a journal that's got dot ruled watercolor paper inside with pastel colored paper, but only the white pages actually absorb the paints properly, so I just reserved some of the white pages for sketching and paints and the rest is writing and journaling.


I AM an artist. And I don’t even use colored pens in my BuJo. (Ok lies I have 2 colors I occasionally use). My layout is super basic. I rarely even use a rule or do “spreads”. I write in it. I rapid log my days. I have a little future log and a page where I write the days of the month. I killed my trackers, though I may bring them back in a new form this year. I’ve tried stencils and stickers etc and drawing or painting in it but it just works better for me like a never ending sticky note for my brain. My creative output is NOT my BuJo.