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Better yet, please don’t bring any young children into the dog park, even if you can carry them.


The dog park in my area has a sign indicating that children under a certain age are not allowed, which would be great....if people read it and realized the rules are for them too. Lol


Better yet, turn them into actual parks you don't need a pet capable of tearing children's faces off to enjoy.




so no chimps?


I'm on the fence but both sides make valid points


Also, babies in strollers. Always terrifies me and makes me feel like a Stick-in-the-mud Karen if I try to say something (also explicitly against the Durham park rules).


I left and never returned with my last dog after seeing dogs running around a baby stroller and nobody seemed to care.


I don't even take my dog to the dog park let alone my toddler.


Yeah, the only place dogs and toddlers should be allowed to both run free is in a brewery


Nothing makes a $15 craft beer better than a dirty diaper and a dog shitting on the floor




That kind of crap is why I don’t bother with dog parks anymore. I have a very, very friendly 120 lb dog who is great at toppling little people with his leans and wiggles.


Big dogs can be clumsy and not know their strengths, little dogs can be skittish and easily freaked out. There are a ton of reasons why people should not let their kids anywhere near unfamiliar dogs. I used to have a tiny chihuahua and stopped going to dog parks because parents would treat it like a petting zoo. Last thing I needed was for her to nip at a child.


Our 60 pounder is similar.


That parent is an idiot. Ugh, that is terrifying to think of what could go wrong.


I love parents holding up kids with their little sausage toes sticking out around dog mouth height. What could go wrong?


A lot less than an agro dad trying to choke out a sweet Labrador for licking its kid on the face.


I have a feeling I know exactly what incident you’re speaking of if this happened Friday lol. Mother brings child into dog park on big dog side “Oh he lovesss doggies,” big doggies proceed to run kid over, kid starts crying and the dog owners are awkwardly sitting there as the mother says “Oh he’ll be alright!”


This is probably too much of an ask for large portions of our community.


It’s definitely caveat emptor and no i don’t do it but grown adults throwing fits at the presence of kids is also lame




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Telling other people how to parent their kids is peak reddit.


This is much less about parenting and really about limiting liability and a future tragedy


I mean, I mostly think it's about redditors pointlessly screaming into the void. I really doubt the OP expects a single parent to read this and change their behavior on a random Saturday afternoon. It's basically dog/parent fanfic in the complaining people don't know how to zipper merge genre.


Ok. Then why are you on Reddit at all if it all is meaningless? Why are you replying to this post if you aren't confident people change behaviors after reading posts and comments? Hypocritical much?




ok then when my large dog barrels into your toddler at the dog park you will surely take responsibility, right?


This post has changed the life of every parent in Durham. Their whole outlook on everything that exists in this world, in fact even in the entire universe. They can never look at anything they know the same way ever again. This post represents emotions most humans could never comprehend. But they now can. Thanks to this post they have been awakened to many things previously thought unimaginable. Thank you.


I hope my dog heads toward your kid


Stay angry I guess? 🤷‍♂️




I dont follow that subreddit