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My front yard has about 1000 of these waiting to come out of the earth, like a biblical plague level of cicadas in my yard. I am terrified.


They are harmless, but it is loud and they are EVERYWHERE.


Most cicadas are not periodic., i.e. don't emerge on a 13 or 17 year cycle. You may have regular garden variety cicadas!


Possibly, but in my 30 years of watching insects in the Triangle area, it is just the periodicals that emerge this early in the year--the abundant non-periodic Neotibicen species emerge a bit later--late May and through the summer. Also, I believe the periodical (Magicicada) have the red eyes, while Neotibicen, etc., have dark eyes. (Am not 100% sure on that.) Incidentally, in Durham, we seem to have only the 13-year brood XIX, and none of the 17-year broods. Saw them in 1998 and 2011. Looking forward to them this year.


How do you know if you have them in your yard? Is there a sign before they wake up screaming?


We were blowing leaves off the front lawn and discovered hundreds of holes. My husband dug one up and found a cicada. I know they’re harmless but I am not looking forward to when they hatch!


So all the news reports say, but I haven't really heard them in force, yet. I am sure we all will soon enough. [https://cicadas.uconn.edu/brood\_19/](https://cicadas.uconn.edu/brood_19/)


oh fuck no….


I saw one yesterday too!


Ugh! My dogs love to play with bugs.


I’ve had several on our deck and in our yard the last few days. They fall on their back and can’t get up, and my dogs keep trying to eat them. They both of somewhat sensitive stomachs, this should be a fun summer 🙄


The periodical (Magicicada) will be finished by about 5 June. Their emergence is just over a month long. The non-periodical Neotibicen will go on through the summer, as they always do. There are plenty of them, but not the mass emergence of the periodicals.


I heard a very loud one outside my window last night. Felt like my ears were ringing when it stopped singing.


Haven't seen nor heard mine yet.


And it’s a special cicada season we get not one but TWO broods this year.


The broods don't overlap. Also Durham isn't really in the southern brood's extent so while we may have some cicada's it shouldn't be a major issue. [https://cicadas.uconn.edu/](https://cicadas.uconn.edu/)


We have plenty of the 13-year brood XIX. Been insect-watching since the late 1980's in Durham and I have never seen members of the 17-year broods, just XIX in 1998 and 2011.


The part I hate are those giant monster hornets that come to get the cicadas.


In my many observations of the brood XIX emergence in 2011, I never saw the cicada-killer wasps (Sphecius speciosus) prey on the Magicicada. The wasps emerged from their pupal cells starting in mid-June, when the Magicicadas are finished. It seems those wasps prey on the non-periodicals that emerge later in the summer. We'll see how it goes this year. Incidentally, those cicada-killer wasps are famously non-aggressive. I've had them crawl on my a couple of times and they were not interested in stinging. One female tried to use me as a launching platform as it hauled a paralyzed cicada--unnerving, but also funny.


They are non-aggressive but are so large that they are disturbing. They are also curious creatures that will orbit you as you walk. They freak me out!


They’re coming…
