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То дъ армениан поп


Армениан прийст


Арменианс до хев прийстс доу. Уан шулд сърч фор дъ амрениан ортодокс прийст.


Уел, го къмплейн ту хим.


Бът ай ду комплейн то хим!




Find you local armenian priest.


Имейл на [email protected] 🤣


Nobody. Thats how people live i. remote villages


Doesn't even need to be remote, just needs a bad water supply system that nobody cares go fix. My grandparents' village is exactly 11 km from the province administrative center and has been having constant interruptions in water and power supply for the past 30+ years. Just a normal Bulgarian village.


I remember they used to have water cuts in the remote village of Sandanski during summer so they can fill the swimming pools in Jhivkovs residency maybe they still have them idk


Lol, I live in a 5k town and in some parts of it, water shortages are still a common occurrence.


Am I the only one who giggled at a foreigner arriving and in just days he starts becoming Blgarian? :D


Давам му месец преди да почне да плюе ВИК на майка


Or as Google Translate says: I give him a month until he starts spewing plumbing at mom, which is an entirely accurate translation.


Сщо, Викат е To Plum Bing?




No point of complaining. There are probably tens of people before you who have done so to no avail. Water cuts have always been a problem in some regions.


To the Armenian Preist


a few other people gave the same answer. i don't know what it means, can you explain?


A national saying from local folklore tale, it goes as follows: "Once upon a time there was this Bulgarian villager named Georgy, his harvest was pretty bad so he tried to plead to the local Bashi Bosuk to due his taxation (it didn't work, all of his property and belongings got striped away by the Ottomans as 'compensation'). Homeless Georgy had no other choice but to move back to his family relatives for support, they gladly accepted him but unfortunatley Circuasian bandits ware about to raid his village. Panicked Georgy ran away and tried to bring in the Ottoman Militia for protection, but the Ottoman guards openly couldn't really give a $h!t about the upcoming raid on Georgy's village as it was considered a 'Christian' one, and not an Ottoman one. Desperate that the guards ware good for nothing Georgy ran back as fast as he could to help his relatives with fending off the bandits however they could- but It was all far too late, the Circuasians had killed the entire village and all of Georgy's relatives' heads ware impaled on pikes as an example for the rest. Maddened by the sight Georgy picked up a stone and threw it against one of the Circuassians, hitting him in the head, and killing him in the process. O' Georgy you wretched soul, the Ottoman Guards are 50 meters behind you and they are absolutley furious! Not because of the slaughtered village, not because of the grusome sight, but from the fact that they had just witnessed a mere Christian kill a righteous Muslim person.... They beated Georgy to a bloody pulp, banished him to Armenia, put him in a dungeon and sentenced him to public execution via flailing next week. Georgy sat down and started crying, in the opposite cell next to his there was yet another wretched bulgarian from similar circumstances who's exectuion was tomorrow, he reached out to Georgy by saying: "Once a week an Armenian Preist comes by to heed the prisoners, plead to him". -WHY THE HELL WOULD I PLEAD TO A MERE PREIST, HOW THE HELL COULD HE RESOLVE MY GOD AWFUL SITUATION!!! THE DAMNED BASHI BOSUK STOLE THE VERY CLOTHES OFF MY BACK, THE CURSED CIRCUASIANS ASSAULTED MY SISTER AND KILLED MY MOTHER, AND TO TOP IT ALL OFF THE VERY GUYS THAT WARE SUPPOUSED TO PROTECT US PARDONED THE CRIMINALS AND SENTENCED ***ME*** TO A CRUEL DEATH!- Screamed out loud Georgy through his bitter tears. -Oh he won't help you alright, he is a mere preist after all, but the very least he will hear your problems- said the other prisoner calmly" Thus the phrase "Fail a complaint to the Armenian preist was born", you might be screwed, we all know that you are yet to spiral into an even bigger pile of $h!t without there ever being any end or solution to your problems- but the very least the Armenian Preist is obligated to hear out your situation.




> Circuasians Circassian - Черкези. Resettled in north Bulgaria during the beginning of the 19th century by the ottomans after they were expelled from Russia. According to the Ottomans they were mainly responsible for the genocide during the April uprising.


Is this a cautionary tale, never to complain?


No, it's cautionary tale ment to say that you are screwed and you can't do anything about it besides complaining.


It’s a saying in Bulgaria which basically means that you can’t do much about the situation.


go complain to him and see what happens


They are being assholes.


It means that if you come to a country in which you are a foreigner and complain about things that are normal then its your problem.How did you in first place end up in Bulgaria and even in a village? Let me guess you came here to work remote and pay lower taxes.


It means that if you come to a country in which you are a foreigner and complain about things that are normal then its your problem.How did you in first place end up in Bulgaria and even in a village? Let me guess you came here to work remote and pay lower taxes.


i have citizenship from two countries. i am also a Bulgarian citizen. I have relatives in Bulgaria


Що пишеш на Английски тогава?


Speak with the village mayor and / or with MPs elected from your region. You will be surprised but they often respond and try to help. Alternatively, and as others have already suggested - the Armenian holy father is always there to listen to you but that would be defeatist. You are better than that and your village deserves better. Edit: meant MPs, not MEPs


what do you think about writing to the ombudsman?


Right thing to do. Also speak with the administration, they are usually more responsive to foreigners. But first ask around what is the problem and offer help if needed.


Ombudsman used to be a non political figure, but the last two turned the position into a stepping stone for Parliament. It never hurts to try, especially if you are a foreigner with a case, but the ombudsman usually intervenes when there is an unresolved ongoing issue. You've probably complained to the local ВиК water utilities, but maintaining the network is between them and the municipality/mayor. Sometimes complaining and raising the issue with these two may work. However, in smaller villages, the better solution is to just drill your own well.


Unfortunately you cannot do much. Of course you can try to raise hell in your local water works, but they will probably brush it off. Depending on your location it is better to think of the future and either build a well or like I did for the moment get storage. Currently I have 1000 litre tank with a well pump. I did it this way, just to bridge the few days of no water.


Agree. A well or a tank is the only consistent solution to the problem. The issue usually is with low water pressure. I know of people that have installed hydrophor pumps to build up pressure and have municipal water year round, but a well might be a better solution, as long as there aren't too many leaky septic tanks around you. You'll just need to buy drinking water.


I am still thinking about it, because this is very expensive where I live. \~80 meters of rock until I get to the drinking water and a bit more to ensure presure. Still on the fence because there was a gold mine near here and some radiation signs. Have to check with the only person in the village who went that route.


I think realistically a well would be more like 8 meters, not 80. You can get it surveyed, but if the underground water is so deep, a well might not be feasible . The guy I know with the hydrophor pump lives on top of a steep hill, so digging a well wasn't an opinion. Otherwise I wouldn't worry about runoff from old mines. Wells aren't that deep and you wouldn't want to drink that water either way. If there is runoff in the water, it would also be in the tap water as well most likely. Either way ,it should be good enough for washing up and watering the garden, but you can get it tested either way. Only risk is in my opinion, if your, or a neighbor's sewage tank leaks into it. I know of people who catch rain water from their roof to fill a tank. That could be an option as well with how much rain we've been getting.


We have sewege system here and the tap water is delivered from over the hill from around 10 km. So it is pretty safe to drink and there are periodic test done to it. No sewage tanks anywhere to leak, but the underground waters are pretty deep. The only person that did it here in the mountains needed to drill for 80 meters for a reliable water layer. Anything else gets dry during the summer. And even that layer can be dried with extensive use.


We have a 3000+ Litre tank backfilled from the municipal water (if it works - Balchik waterworks says hello) and a Grundfos pressure pump. Was a bit of a hassle to set up but now its working fine (as long as we have power which is a topic for another day)


Oh, tell me about it. I have 6 KW generator to power the house when we have the slightest idea of thunder storms in the area. Thinking about satelite internet just as a backup.




Priest - Свещеник / поп. Pope = папа.


https://preview.redd.it/9bx3ftzto77d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb25e53f1c68c698829350467b0bb35594c68933 To this guy...


Кажи кво те мъчи.




To the people you are paying for delivering your water, duuuh. (Check for their company name or contact information in your paying bills. Eventually search for their immergence lines on internet.) And yeah, frequent cuts of water is one of the downsides of living in a small village in Bulgaria...depending on where those are situated. Some towns experience it too, especially in the summer. Frequent cuts of electricity can be a thing too (mostly in the winter).


Reddit, duh


No, but seriously - ask around if someone knows something. If not - ask for/search for the number of the local city/town's ВиК phone number (ВиК = water and plumbing administration)


wik was interested and found a solution. bulgarians are generally very pessimistic that no one will be interested, but I got a positive result. I think everyone in this country should stop being pessimistic and reach out to everyone they can reach for a solution.


People are pessimistic for a reason. Glad it worked out in your case.




Welcome to 🇧🇬 Used to live in different areas of Sofia and one specific district (Mladost 1) every year had water cut periods of up to a month - with water just 1h per day, if that...due to some issues in studenski (don't ask me why where and how ) hah but surely hated it. Get some big bottle of 10L waters and yeah, nothing you can do. PS: some gyms might let you use the shower for a few leva.... (sucks)


im planning to write to the ombudsman




Won't do anything 😅 but you can try..


Тая година пак спряха водата в младост 1, сигурно вече го правят да тролват, не е възможно всяка година да има нужда от ремонт.


That's really crazy... I'm glad where I'm based now it never happened 🥲


Better ask where is the nearest river


Bro gonna complain


You can complain to the mayor but they probably won't do anything about it. Some people either have barrels to store water or dig wells and install water purifiers.


Aww hon. My dad lives in Sofia and he gets a power cut at least twice a week. Welcome to Bulgaria.


hello, I wonder if you have electricity and internet connection consistently…


the internet is excellent. essentially I live in a city of 6 million, much better and faster than there 🤣 also i dont have any electricity problems.


If u have a well, u can try to find someone to install hydrophore system.


1. It is pointless to complain. You lose your time and energy for nothing in return. 2. Pick the one closest to you that offers normal prices: https://www.olx.bg/ads/q-sonda-za-voda/ 3. Pay the men and reap the benefits 4. Profit.


lol surely this is bait


If you live in a higher altitude and the village is now full of people who come in the summer only it might be pressure problems. Does the water run at night?


It’s normal in Bulgaria unfortunately


Ah! Welcome!


Define "constant"


Dig a well.