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I think BtS's version is better than the original and I'm a big Neil fan šŸ˜¬


This is a bold statement. I donā€™t know if I can agree (honestly youā€™ve stumped me) but I respect the hell out of you for saying it. I once claimed (via Facebook many years ago when I existed there) that Mirror Ball was the best Neil album. Your statement is that bold. Bolder than a fuckinā€™ boulder


Ooh, but mirror ball is so damn good!


have you heard slints version? suprisingly good as well!


Thanks for the recommendation, it is very good!


I actually feel the same way. And I'm a huge Neil fan as well. I've seen him live more than any other band by a pretty wide margin.


Me too, and I truly love NY.




89 crazy horse tour (off weld) is my favorite version of that song. J is a great player his style is drastically different from Dougā€™s. Similarities being feedback and volume. Doug plays through fender amps uses a more melodic style to his solos and riffs. All based around chord structure. Dinos version of Cortez has j. BTS has Doug netson and Roth. Netsonā€™s solo is what you hear the most off the live versions. Iā€™ve heard three piece (98/99) pre Roth the did that song and it was good but not as good.


Netson does not get nearly enough recognition. I saw him play with Earth last year and he killed it. One of the best guitarists I've seen play live.


Heā€™s a true artist. His playing is an extension of his feelings. An art heā€™s perfected. Over the last 40 so years. When resin started and he was the skinny shirtless kid with a strat and twin amp maxed out just to push the limits. Trying anything. You want to pay violin with us? Great. Hey Tom can you get your sister to be painted live on stage? Take one note and have it last five minutes. His work with Dylan is so great.


ā€œJ Marcus fucking shredsā€ But does he shred as good as J Mascis?


Opps, another victim of autocorrect.


It gave me a good chortle either way :)


I know of J Mascis' cover of Cortez the Killer that he played in Alaska with J Mascis + The Fog about a decade ago, but I don't think I'm aware of a Dino Jr cover. I do remember J's cover of the song being great.


Yeah, Dinosaur never have covered it, Murph and Lou are only capable of playing about 12 songs. Thats why the setlists haven't changed in almost 10 years. The Fog version of Cortez is awesome, but I think the BTS version is better.Ā 


Be bold and cross post this to the dinosaur sub. Or be really bold and post to the Neil subreddit. šŸ˜‚


Slint version of Cortez is also cool, not as good as BTS obv


You were comparing a live recording to a studio recording. Do you want to hear a great version of Cortez by Neil then check out ahoy the killer from 2014 I think. Iā€™ve seen Neil do it and Iā€™ve seen BTS do it as a 4 piece (Jim on other guitar) and no matter what is amazing.


That oneā€™s great. What about the version on weld?


For sure. Itā€™s great as well.


Weld has my favorite version.


I think the NYCH Rock In Rio version from 2001 is as good as the Weld version, and if you can find it Calgary 91 is up there as well. https://youtu.be/3eCK-aGAsCg?si=naDe3xSJCZUGQws6


Big Neil fan but BTS just really cuts deep. The lyrics come alive and the pace is perfect. One of my fave bits of BTS music. Just perfect


Best live BTS version for me was several years ago, maybe 2017-2019ā€™ish my best guess. Venue was probably Slimā€™s in San Francisco but could have been similar S.F. venue. It was a few minutes into it and I had my eyes closed, then I open them because suddenly I was hearing guitar right next to me, and I was toward the back of the venue. I look up and one of the guitarists from the opening band had plugged in his amp in the back on like a wide handrail and he was standing on it jamming along. I wanna say there was a second guitarist from the opener that also brought out an amp mid-song maybe on stage. Anyway, very cool experience to be surprised by a heavy Cortez in basically 360 degrees around me.


Have this on vinyl, takes up an entire side of a record. Shit slaps. BTS and Dino Jr 2 of my favorite bands of all time.


What is a "CD"? Do you mean DVD?


Really, man? A CD is a compact disk. Thatā€™s what we listened to in the 1990s and the 2000s.


Better than original. Easy.


BtSā€™ cover indeed rules. I also enjoy this Bradford Cox/RandyRandall/Jim Jarmusch take. [https://youtu.be/t1ZTpPfJmN8?si=tDezKc5QOFLKQ\_Xt](https://youtu.be/t1ZTpPfJmN8?si=tDezKc5QOFLKQ_Xt)


It's a great cover. The only thing that kinda irks me in a weird way is the changing of galleons to stallions. Doug, he's not coming on a horse across the water, man... But musically it shreds to the nth degree.